李 丹,沈雷鸣,刘 佳
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李 丹,沈雷鸣,刘 佳
目的 通过分析军队医院医保患者自费比例的构成,分析2011-2015年自费比例控制情况,同时与同级同类医院进行比较,拟通过控制自费比例,来控制整体医保费用。方法 通过某驻京部队医院HIS系统,以及北京医疗保险业务端组件查询系统,统计该医院2015年医保患者自费比例构成与2011-2015年自费比例增长趋势,并与同级同类医院进行横向比较。结果 导致自费比例较高的原因主要为药品、检查治疗和材料费用,2011年开始北京实行总额预付制度,2011-2015年该院将自费比例纳入绩效考核指标后,2011-2012年自费比例大幅下降,2012-2015年自费比例呈逐年平稳小幅上涨趋势,但增长幅度低于三级综合医院平均水平。结论 控制自费比例要从源头抓起,控制药品、检查治疗和材料费用的增长是重中之重,要避免重复的检查和治疗,同时更要关注材料费用的上涨,采取综合措施控制自费比例,控制整体医保费用支出,进而减轻患者经济负担。
1.1 资料来源 通过某驻京部队医院HIS系统和北京医疗保险业务端组件查询系统,统计该医院2015年医保患者自费比例构成,统计2011-2015年该院医保患者自费比例增长趋势,以及2015年驻京武警和部队各医院医保住院患者费用构成。
1.2 研究方法 统计2015年医保患者自费比例构成,2011-2015年自费比例增长趋势并与同级同类医院进行横向比较,对结果进行分析。
1.3 自费比例定义、计算方法及评价意义 医保患者自费费用是指由个人负担的非医保范围医疗服务费用即纯自费。自费比例的计算方法:所有医保患者总的自费费用/所有医保患者总的费用。考核自费比例一方面可以评价医保患者的负担程度;另一方面,自费比例也可以用来评价医疗服务提供方的行为,使用该指标在一定程度上可以用来分析医疗服务供方是否提供过度医疗服务,总体评价费用转移的严重程度,也可以作为不同定点医院之间医保费用管理比较的指标之一。
2.1 2015年医保患者自费比例构成 自费比例的主要组成部分为药品、检查治疗和材料费用,所以控制药品、检查治疗和材料费用的增长是重中之重。 要避免重复的检查和治疗,同时更要关注材料费用的上涨,见图1。
图1 2015年度北京某部队医院城镇职工医保自费比例构成图
2.2 2011-2015年驻京某部队医院自费比例趋势 2013年开始北京市实行总额预付制度,2011-2015年该院将自费比例纳入绩效考核指标后,2011-2012年自费比例大幅下降,2012-2015年自费比例呈逐年平稳小幅上涨趋势,但增长幅度低于三级综合医院平均水平。见图2。
图2 2011-2015年驻京某部队医院自费比例趋势图
2.3 2015年驻京军队医院基本医保住院患者费用构成横向比较 通过将自费比例引入绩效考核指标,实现”奖惩分明”政策,该院住院自费比例控制与同级同类医院比较处于较好水平,见图3。同时,对药费,检查治疗费以及材料费的综合控制,最终控制整体医保住院费用的上涨。
图3 2015年度部分驻京军队医院职工医保住院费用构成比较
[1] 《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划纲要》(2016-2020)(中发[2016])[Z].2016.
[2] 尹德卢,王喆,陈博文,等. 北京地区乙类大型医用设备配置管理政策效果分析[J]. 中华医院管理杂志, 2012, 28(11):860-862.
Proportion of payment-at-one′s-own-expense of the public medical service in military hospitals and cost control
Objective To analyze the composition and proportion of the payment-at-one′s-own-expense of the public medical service for those eligible people who could have medical care in military hospitals. Since the introduction of proportion of the payment-at-one′s-own-expense into the performance indexes, analyses were made on the cost control of the proportion of payment-at-one′s-own-expense from 2011 to 2015. At the same time, when it was compared with the hospitals of same level, total medical costs could be controlled through the control of the proportion of medical service with payment-at-one′s-own-expense, so that military hospitals could better serve the patients who were eligible to public medical service.Methods With the help of the Health Information System (HIS) of a certain military hospital in Beijing and the Information Query System of the Medical Insurance Business Terminal in Beijing, the proportion of the payment-at-one′s-own-expense of the public medical service in 2015 was analyzed. Then, the growing trend of the proportion of the payment-at-one′s-own-expense of the medical service system from 2011 to 2015 was statistically analyzed, and this proportion was horizontally analyzed with that of the identical hospitals of the same level.Results The main reasons for higher proportion were drugs, laboratory tests and treatment, and medical materials. With the implementation of "total sum payment system" from 2011, in Beijing, and with the introduction of the proportion of the payment-at-one′s-own-expense of the medical service system into the performance indexes from 2011 to 2015, this proportion was considerably decreased from 2011 to 2012. However, from 2012 to 2015, this proportion was gradually increased year by year, with the growth rate being lower than that of the average level of tertiary comprehensive hospitals.Conclusion The problem on the control of the proportion of the payment-at-one′s-own-expense of the public medical service should be tackled from the source, Strict control on the rising costs of drugs, laboratory tests and medical materials is the focus of all the urgent issues. Repeated laboratory tests and treatment should be avoided. At the same time, attention should be paid to the rising costs of medical materials. Therefore, comprehensive measures should be adopted to control the proportion of the payment-at-one′s-own-expense and the payment of total medical costs as well, so that economic load on patients could be relieved.
Medical insurance; Proportion of pay-at-one′s-own-expense; Medical cost; Cost control
100048 北京,海军总医院医疗保险办公室(李丹、沈雷鸣),感染控制办公室(刘佳)