新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 5 STEP BY STEP 随堂通

2017-04-18 18:59
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2017年4期



( )1. What was Henry doing at 9:00 last night? A. It was very dark.

( )2. Why didnt you answer my phone? B. He was reading a book.

( )3. What was the sky like before the storm? C. Yes, quite heavily.

( )4. When was the wind dying down? D. I was taking a bath.

( )5. Was it raining at 7:00 yesterday morning? E. At around 3:00 oclock.


1. Sometimes it rains _______ (下得大) in Wuhan in summer.

2. Its _______ (奇怪的) that she came to the party with her brother.

3. The boy _______ (突然地) fell onto the ground and cried loudly.

4. He was just falling _______ (睡着的) when there was a loud knock at the door.

5. It was raining hard those days. The river _______ (上升) two inches this morning.


( )1. —Where were you at 7:00 last night?

—I _______ to my mom at home.

A. write B. was writing C. wrote D. am writing

( )2. —There is a loud noise outside.

—Its the heavy rain _______ against the windows.

A. beating B. running C. breaking D. falling

( )3. —Can you help me _______ the keys, Jenny?

—OK. Ill put them on the desk.

A. set up B. take up C. pick up D. look up

( )4. —What were you doing _______ the rainstorm?

—I was reading a story book.

A. at the foot of B. at the corner of

C. at the time of D. on the top of

( )5. —Is the price of the houses dropping?

—No, its _______ all the time.

A. passing B. jumping C. raising D. rising


( )1. —An accident _______ at the school gate this morning.

—Were there any people hurt?

A. happened B. happened to C. took place D. took the place

( )2. —Why did Paul and his parents sit there in _______?

—Because his grandfather has just died. They are so sad.

A. surprise B. trouble C. need D. silence

( )3. —I didnt _______ that Jim was unhappy when I left.

—Thats not a big deal. But you have to explain to him later.

A. cause B. guess C. push D. realize

( )4. —To tell the _______, I didnt go to the party.

—Why not?

A. fact B. truth C. fairness D. story

( )5. —I didnt see you at the meeting yesterday. Why?

—I _______ for an important telephone call at that moment.

A. wait B. waited C. am waiting D. was waiting


Ted lived alone by himself, and he wasnt 1 because he was not healthy enough. One day he went to an insurance (保险) office to have his life insured. The manager of the office 2 him into the room very politely. Then he asked Ted several questions, 3 them was“How old were your parents when they died?”

Ted answered 4 without thinking, “Mother had a bad heart and died at the age of thirty. Father died of tuberculosis (肺結核) when he was thirty five.”

Hearing that, the 5 said, “I am very sorry. We cannot insure your life as your parents were not healthy.”

Ted was angry and 6 , and as he was leaving the office, he met a clerk, who had heard the 7 outside the door.

“You must not be so 8 and tell the truth,” said the clerk, “No office will insure you if you speak like that. Use your imagination a little.”

The man went to another 9 and was shown into the managers room.

“Well, young man, how old were your parents when they died?”

“Mother was ninety three, and she died from a 10 off her bicycle. Father was ninety eight and he died while he was playing football.”

( )1. A. worried B. interested C. lost D. married

( )2. A. led B. put C. got D. threw

( )3. A. over B. under C. against D. among

( )4. A. carefully B. quickly C. slowly D. completely

( )5. A. manager B. doctor C. visitor D. waiter

( )6. A. calm B. sad C. glad D. excited

( )7. A. secret B. conversation C. joke D. lesson

( )8 A. proud B. free C. honest D. clever

( )9. A. hospital B. house C. cinema D. office

( )10. A. fall B. drop C. ride D. show


Old Smith lived in a city. He had no job, but was rich. He was good at stealing. He had never been in prison (监狱). So none of his neighbors knew that he was a thief.

One day a friend of his came to visit him, but he was out. His son, young Smith came out to meet the visitor and asked him to have a cup of tea in the sitting room. About half an hour later, old Smith came back.

“Mr. White asked me to return five hundred pounds to you, Mr. Smith,” said his friend.

“Thank you, my friend,” said old Smith. But to his surprise, the man couldnt find his wallet in his pockets. He looked very worried. “What has happened to you, my friend?”

“My wallet is gone,” said the man, “But it was in my pocket just now.”

“Who has been here?” “Only your son.” “I see,” said old Smith, “Dont worry about it. I must give it back to you.” Old Smith went out. Before long, he came back with the wallet. His friend was happy and said, “Didnt you blame (责备) your son?”

“Dont speak so loudly,” said old Smith, “My son doesnt know I have picked the wallet from his pocket!”

( )1. Old Smith was rich because _______.

A. he had a good job B. he was good at stealing

C. he had never been in prison D. he had lots of friends

( )2. Who stole the visitors wallet?

A. Old Smith. B. Old Smiths son.

C. His neighbor. D. Its not mentioned.

( )3. What did the friend come for?

A. Returning the money to old Smiths son. B. Visiting young Smith.

C. Helping Mr. White return the money to old Smith.

D. Inviting old Smith.

( )4. How did old Smith get the money back from his son?

A. He ordered his son to take it out. B. He blamed his son.

C. He helped his son find it. D. He stole the wallet from his sons pocket.

( )5. The underlined phrase “Before long” in the passage means _______.

A. soon B. after a long time C. before dinner D. finally


( )1. —Did you see Mr. Black just now?

—Yes. He _______ his car when I met him.

A. parked B. was parking C. parks D. will park

( )2. —What were your two brothers doing when you got home?

—Eddie was sleeping _______ Millie was reading a magazine.

A. until B. while C. before D. after

( )3. —Why did you come to school late?

—Because my clock didnt _______, I got up too late this morning.

A. go on B. go out C. go up D. go off

( )4. —You look very tired today. Whats wrong?

—His sister played music so loudly last night that I couldnt fall _______.

A. sleep B. sleepy C. asleep D. sleeping

( )5. —Are you sure youve bought some vegetables for lunch?

—I remembered _______ some vegetables, but I couldnt find them now.

A. buy B. to buy C. bought D. buying

( )6. —Its bad for your eyes to read in the sun.


A. Im OK B. I dont know C. Im sorry D. I see

( )7. —There arent many tickets left for the concert. Youd better _______ to get one today.

—Ill go to the book office at once.

A. take part B. get down C. make sure D. pick up

( )8. —Mary, would you like to _______ this game?

—Id love to, but I have to finish _______ the composition first.

A. join in; to write B. attend; writing

C. join; to write D. take part in; writing

( )9. —Can I join Oxfam Trailwalker (樂施毅行者)?

—Only if you are _______ eighteen.

A. over B. on C. under D. below

( )10. —Is it _______ that he missed the bus?

—No, he didnt tell the _______. He was late because he got up late.

A. true; truth B. real; truth C. true; matter D. real; matter


1. The little boy stood _______ the wall playing his mobile phone.

2. I _______ received a letter from a long lost friend.

3. They were _______ surprised when you came to the party.

4. The horse was too tired to stand and fell onto the ground _______.

5. I was turning to leave when _______ I heard someone called me.


Once Mr. Henry went to a small town with high mountains all around it. It was a quiet and cool place and some rich people liked to go there for their 1 . A week later, before Mr. Henry left the town, he 2 thirty pounds for a parrot. When he came back, he began to teach the bird to speak. He tried his best, but it learned only one 3 , “Youre right.” He was disappointed and said to the bird angrily, “How foolish you are!”

“Youre right,” said the parrot.

The next day Mr. Henry took the bird to the 4 and wanted to sell it for eighty pounds. Before long a fat man came and looked at the parrot 5 . Then he asked, “How much is it, sir?”

Mr. Henry didnt 6 to answer and said, “Its a clever bird, you know. It can speak and sing.” Then he said to the bird, “Can you really 7 eighty pounds, my dear?”

“Youre right,” said the parrot.

The fat man liked it at once and bought it. When he 8 it home he asked it a lot of questions, but it could only say, “You are right.”

He felt very 9 for it and said to himself angrily, “Why did I spend eighty pounds on such a foolish bird? What a fool I am!”

“Youre right,” answered the parrot.

Hearing this, the man couldnt 10 laughing and set it free.

( )1. A. shows B. business C. projects D. holidays

( )2. A. used B. spent C. paid D. picked

( )3. A. sentence B. word C. language D. subject

( )4. A. market B. store C. toilet D. museum

( )5. A. casually B. politely C. carefully D. clearly

( )6. A. wait B. hurry C. want D. stand

( )7. A. make B. borrow C. lose D. cost

( )8. A. took B. sent C. left D. flew

( )9. A. strange B. good C. sorry D. moved

( )10. A. help B. enjoy C. finish D. mind


At about two oclock on a cold winter morning, a doctor drove seven miles in answer to a telephone call. As soon as he arrived, the man who had called him in said, “Doctor, I dont have a sore throat, I dont cough, I have no pain either in the side or in the back, Im not running a temperature, but still I feel that death is near.”

The doctor felt the mans pulse (脈搏), listened to his heart and lungs and examined his throat.

“Have you made your will (遗嘱)?” he asked at last.

“Why? It isnt true, is it? I cant believe it.”

“Do you have children? Send for them at once. Your father, too, should be called; also your...”

“I say, doctor, do you really think Im going to die?”

The doctor looked at him carefully.

“No, I dont,” he replied, “Theres nothing wrong with you. But I hate to be the only man youve made a fool of on a night like this.”

1. The doctor drove a _______ way to the mans home on a cold morning.

2. The doctor found _______ wrong after he checked the man.

3. The doctor asked the man to _______ his will to his father, his children, etc.

4. The man didnt _______ he was going to die.

5. The doctor thought the man played a _______ on him.


I still remember v 1 Moscow three years ago. It is the capital (首都) of Russia (俄国), the biggest c 2 in the world. I went there with my parents when I was eight years old. I l 3 and studied there for one year. I had some happy memories (回忆).

One of the most i 4 things of that city was that there were many dogs. P 5 Russians (俄国人) loved dogs very much. You can see dogs here and there. Almost each of the families had a dog. I made f 6 with many Russian children when I was there. They were all very nice. They had fair hair and fair skin. I played with them happily t 7 I could only speak a little Russian at first. They were friendly to me. The w 8 in Moscow was very cold. It snowed al most every day in winter. The ground was always covered with a lot of snow. We often made snowballs t 9 .

Now I am back in China, but I miss them so much. I will never f 10 my happy memories of this visit to Moscow.

1. v__________ 2. c__________ 3. l__________ 4. i__________ 5. P__________

6. f__________ 7. t__________ 8. w__________ 9. t__________ 10. f__________

Taking Meals(就餐)