(太原师范学院数学系,山西晋中 030619)
(太原师范学院数学系,山西晋中 030619)
不同的梁方程可以通过不同边界条件的四阶边值问题来刻画,由于梁方程的实际背景及意义,近年来对四阶边值问题的研究很活跃,尤其是对两端简单支撑与两端固定的梁方程(即边界条件为u(0)=u(1)=u″(0)=u″(1)和u(0)=u(1)=u′(0)=u′(1)=0)的研究,并且取得了丰硕的研究成果[1-11];也有不少研究者致力于对悬臂梁方程(即边界条件为u(0)=u′(0)=u″(1)=u‴(1)=0)的研究[12-13]。目前对一端固定,一端滑动支撑的梁方程(即本文所讨论情形)的讨论还比较少见。陆海霞等[14]应用锥理论和不动点指数方法研究了此类梁方程至少有1个正解的存在性问题。 受此启发,文献[15]研究了此类梁方程的特征值问题,获得了至少有1个正解存在的特征区间。但是此类问题的多解性研究尚不多见,通过对三阶边值问题多解性文献的研读发现[16-19],研究者们通常利用Guo-Krasnoselskii锥拉伸与压缩不动点定理,单调迭代技术去讨论这类问题的多解性问题。本文主要通过建立适当的锥,利用锥上的Guo-Krasnoselskii锥拉伸与压缩不动点定理,建立了特征值问题(1)至少有1个,2个及没有正解的存在的特征区间。
引理1 设
Kc={u∈K,‖u‖≤c}, ∂Kc={u∈K,‖u‖=c},
引理4 设存在c1,c2>0,且c1≠c2,使得:
定理2 若λ2<λ1,则对任意的λ∈(λ2,λ1),BVP(1)至少有1个正解。
证明 由λ∈(λ2,λ1),则存在0 需要证明a≠b。若不然,即a=b,有: 由A>B且 min{f(t,l):(t,l)∈[α,β]×[τa,a]}≤max{f(t,l)∈[0,1]×[0,a]}, 从而产生矛盾。由引理4知BVP(1)至少有1个正解u1,a≤‖u1‖≤b。 定理3 若f0=f∞=∞,则对任意的λ∈(0,λ1),BVP(1)至少有2个正解。 证明 记: (5) 另一方面,由f0=f∞=∞,存在b1,b2,0 即 这样找到了两对数对{b1,a1},{a2,b2}使得: 由引理4知BVP(1)至少有2个正解u1,u2,b1≤‖u1‖≤a1 定理4 若f0=f∞=0,则对任意的λ∈(λ2,∞),BVP(1)至少有2个正解。 证明 记: (6) 由引理4知BVP(1)至少有2个正解u1,u2,a1≤‖u1‖≤b1 设u∈K是BVP(1)的解,则有: 从而产生矛盾,得证。 设u∈K是BVP(1)的解,则有: 从而产生矛盾,得证。 例1 考虑边值问题: 例2 考虑边值问题: 经计算M=276 480,由定理6知对任意的λ∈(276 480,∞),BVP(1)不存在正解。 /References: [1] BAI Zhanbing, WANG Haiyan. On positive solutions of some nonlinear fourth-order beam equations[J].Journal of Mathematical Analysis Applications & ications, 2002, 270(2):357-368. [2] LIU Yansheng. Multiple positive solutions of nonlinear singular boundary value problem for fourth-order equations[J]. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2004, 17(7): 747-757. [3] 闫东明.一类四阶两点边值问题多个正解的存在性[J].工程数学学报,2010,27(1):133-138. YAN Dongming. 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On the basis of the relative research on the elastic beam equations with one end fixed and one end sliding support, and the multiple solutions of the elastic beam equation are researched. In this paper, through putting this problem into an integral equation, which is equivalent to an operator fixed-point problem, and combining with the properties of Green function and Guo- Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem of cone expansion and compression, the existence of positive solutions of this kind of elastic beam equations is discussed. Under various assumptions on nonlinear terms, the intervals of the parameters are established, and the existence of one positive solution, two positive solutions or nonexistence of positive solutions for this elastic beam equations are obtained. In conclusion, the intervals of eigenvalue about this problem for at least one positive solution, two positive solutions and nonexistence of positive solutions are obtained. The study of the existence of such solution can not only contribute to the stability analysis of elastic beams, but also enrich the theory of material mechanics. nonlinear functional analysis theory; elastic beam; positive solution; Guo-Krasnoselskii fixed-point theorem; material mechanics 1008-1542(2017)02-0131-06 10.7535/hbkd.2017yx02005 2016-05-16; 2016-12-28;责任编辑:张 军 国家自然科学基金(11361047) 鞠梦兰(1991—),女,重庆人,硕士研究生,主要从事非线性算子方面的研究。 王文霞教授。E-mail:wwxgg@126.com O175.8 MSC(2010)主题分类:34B05 A 鞠梦兰,王文霞,郝彩云.一类弹性梁方程正解的存在性[J].河北科技大学学报,2017,38(2):131-136. JU Menglan,WANG Wenxia,HAO Caiyun.Existence of positive solutions to a class of elastic beam equations[J].Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology,2017,38(2):131-136.3 例子