⊙ By Adam Wernick
翻译:T Boy
⊙ By Adam Wernick
翻译:T Boy
Host:When we last spoke with Ben Raines of the1)Weeks Bay Foundationin Alabama about a year ago, he told us an amazing story about an underwater woodland off the coast of Alabama. Local fisherman had discovered a mysteriously2)fishy3)patchofocean, and when divers checked it out they found a forest of ancient4)cypress5)stumpson the ocean floor. Since then, Ben has been6)collaboratingwith scientists to study the7)submergedtrees and working on a8)documentaryabout it.
So, Ben, remind us about this forest. What does it look like?
Ben:Well, there’s an ancient river9)channelthat10)meandersthrough the site, and you just see all these11)logs12)layingall over the bottom and then stumps13)projectingup off the bottom. When you get closer and start looking, you know, the logs still have14)bark. We’re actually finding trees with lightning scars on them. They’re just15)incrediblywellpreserved. And it’s just this magic16)sort ofplace you swim through realizing you’re traveling back in time 50,000 years.
Host:Now, you’ve been working with scientists who have been studying this forest over the past year. What have you learned since we last spoke?
Ben:Well, we’ve learned that some of the individual trees may have been as old as 2,000 years before they died, so these were like17)redwoods. We’ve got stumps down there that are up to 10 feet across, and, you know, you don’t see trees like that on the Gulf Coast, and you can’t really imagine them, but before we were here cutting everything down, that’s what was here. Just this forest of trees so big 10 people with their arms18)outstretchedcouldn’t fit all the way around it holding hands.
Host:So, remind me what science tells us about the age of this forest again.
1) Weeks Bay Foundation 威克斯湾基金会,成立于1990年,是一个旨在保护亚拉巴马海域环境的非营利性组织。
2) fishy [΄fɪʃɪ] adj. 可疑的,不对劲的
3) patch [pætʃ] n. 小块土地,此处指一小块海域。
4) cypress [΄saɪprəs] n. 柏树,柏树木
5) stump [stʌmp] n. 树桩,残根
6) collaborate [kə΄læbəreɪt] v. 协作,合作
7) submerged [səb΄mзːdʒd] adj. 沉没的,淹没的
8) documentary [ˌdɒkjʊ΄mentərɪ] n. 纪录片
9) channel [΄tʃæn(ə)l] n. 水沟,水槽
10) meander [mɪ΄ændə(r)] v. 蜿蜒而流
11) log [lɒɡ] n. 木头,原木
12) lay [leɪ] v. 放,置
13) project [΄prɒdʒekt] v. 突出
14) bark [bɑːk] n. 树皮
15) incredibly [ɪn΄kredɪb(ə)lɪ] adv. 不可思议的,惊人的
16) sort of 有几分地
17) redwood [΄redwʊd] n. 红杉
18) outstretched [΄aʊtstretʃt] adj. 伸出的,展开的
Ben:Well, you know, if you look just at the depth, you would think that it should be about 12-14,000 years old. But then, when we did the actual radiocarbon dating, which was done at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, they did it three times,’cause they were so puzzled they came backradiocarbon dead, which means older than 50,000 years. So, what they believe has happened is, as Louisiana has gotten heavier over the19)eonswith mud coming down the Mississippi River,20)weighing downthe delta over there, it’s caused the bottom over here to rise up like a21)bulge. Like, if you squeeze a balloon, it gets bigger in another spot.
So, the depth here doesn’t appear to be accurate as far as how old the forest is. So, now we’re having some uranium dating done of the trees, and that’s gonna be done in Taiwan, and it’s a whole new technique, so hopefully we’ll get a very accurate date for when the forest was dry land.
Host:But at this point it’s something more than 50,000 years.
Ben:Right, and that’s about as precise as we can get right now.
Host:What’s the latest theory as to how this forest got there? What was the accident in nature that preserved this whole thing?
Ben:Well, we’re still working on that a little bit, and when we get a more precise date we may be able to tie it to some sort of event like a22)meteoror something like that. The other possibility is a big hurricane. You know, sea levels were coming up and it may have just23)shifted24)sedimentsenough to bury this stuff. And so, once things get covered up, they get protected from oxygen, there’s no25)decay. So these trees were essentially26)entombed, you know, while they were living. And that’s why all the trees look like they were cut off at the same height. When you cut into them with a27)saw, they still smell fresh, like fresh28)pineytrees, and they have29)sapthat30)oozesout of the cuts.
19) eon [΄iːən] n. 无限长的时代,永世
20) weigh down 使负重,使下沉
21) bulge [bʌldʒ] n. 凸出,鼓起
22) meteor [΄miːtɪə(r)] n. [天]流星,陨石
23) shift [ʃɪft] v. 变换位置,移动
24) sediment [΄sedɪmənt] n. 沉积物,冲积物
25) decay [dɪ΄keɪ] n. 腐烂
26) entomb [ɪn΄tuːm] v. 埋葬
27) saw [sɔː] n. 锯
28) piney [΄paɪnɪ] adj. 似松的,松树般茂盛的
29) sap [sæp] n. 树液
30) ooze [uːz] v. 渗出,分泌出
◆ Gulf Coast 墨西哥湾海岸:美国以南的墨西哥湾(Gulf of Mexico)海岸。墨西哥湾是北美洲大陆东南沿海水域,大部分为美国和墨西哥环抱,通过美国的佛罗里达半岛和古巴岛之间的佛罗里达海峡与大西洋相连,并与加勒比海相通。密西西比河在此注入大西洋。在美国英语中,Gulf Coast即指美国南部与墨西哥湾相接的海岸,Gulf States则指得克萨斯州、路易斯安那州、密西西比州、亚拉巴马州和佛罗里达州。
◆ Radiocarbon Dating 放射性碳素断代法:又称碳-14年代测定法,是测定古代遗存年代的一种方法。有放射性的碳-14同位素在有机物所含碳素中占有一定比例,死亡后大约每隔5730±40年减少一半。因此,根据古代遗留下来的有机物中碳-14放射性的减少程度,便可以测知其死亡年代。现在该技术可测定约五万年以内的年代。
◆ Uranium Dating 铀系法测年法:同位素地质测定年代的方法之一,根据铀系核素的放射性比值来测定沉积物的地质年代。同位素238U和235U所产生的衰变系列中含有多种放射性同位素,在正常的地质过程中,这些铀的子体从母体中分离,按其各自的半衰期所决定的速率进行衰变,母体则衰变形成子体核素。利用辐射探测器可测定核素的放射性比值,以此推算出沉积物的年龄。
◆ Mississippi River 密西西比河:位于北美洲中南部,是美国最大的河流,也是北美洲流程最长、流域面积最广、水量最大的河流。全长约3730公里,仅次于非洲的尼罗河、南美洲的亚马孙河和中国的长江,居世界河流的第四位。密西西比河干流流经美国的10个州:明尼苏达州、威斯康星州、艾奥瓦州、伊利诺伊州、密苏里州、肯塔基州、田纳西州、阿肯色州、密西西比州、路易斯安那州。整个水系流经美国本土48州中的31个州,以及加拿大的两个州。