陈 鹏,李艳超,黄福军,张玉涛
陈 鹏1,2,李艳超2,黄福军2,张玉涛2
学者们对置障条件下的瓦斯爆炸机理、传播特性以及火焰和流场相互作用进行了深入研究[5-6]。A.R.Masri等[7]进行了障碍物孔型对火焰传播速度影响实验,指出与三角形和圆形障碍物相比,方形障碍物对火焰的加速作用更明显。R.Hall等[8]分析了障碍物数量对湍流预混火焰传播特性的影响,发现爆炸超压随障碍物数量的增加而增大,但存在上限,超过上限后,爆炸超压随障碍物数量的增加而减小。P.Chen等[9]通过改变障碍物阻塞比证明了火焰传播速度和压力增长速度随阻塞比的增大而增加,并指出火焰穿越障碍物后速度的改变是火焰和湍流相互作用的结果。障碍物能显著增强管道内流场的湍流强度,提高火焰燃烧效率[10]。C.T.Johansen等[11]利用新型的纹影技术捕捉到了障碍物后的涡旋结构,并指出火焰传播特性变化的根本原因在于火焰与涡旋的相互作用。V.D.Sarli等[12]利用粒子示踪技术得到了障碍物后的涡旋结构,实验证明了火焰与涡旋的相互作用是火焰加速及火焰形态变化的主要原因。实验手段很难得到气体爆燃过程中火焰和流场的精细结构,大涡模拟(large eddy simulation,LES)可以揭示火焰传播过程中的流动现象,有助于理解层流火焰向湍流火焰转变、燃烧不稳定性和火焰形态变化等[13]。本文中通过实验和大涡模拟对含障碍物管道内甲烷/空气预混火焰传播特性进行研究,研究置障管道内火焰传播的动力学特性,通过对比实验和模拟结果,验证大涡模拟的有效性。
图1 实验系统示意图Fig.1 Sketch of experimental system
2.1 控制方程
随着计算机性能的提高,计算流体力学在燃烧科学领域应用日益广泛[14-15]。本文中大涡模拟所采用的控制方程为滤波后的三维瞬态质量守恒方程、动量守恒方程、能量守恒方程和反应进程变量方程[3,16]。大涡模拟放弃对全尺度范围上涡结构瞬时运动的模拟,只将比网格尺度大的湍流运动通过瞬时N-S方程直接计算,而小尺度涡对大涡运动的影响则通过亚格子模型(sub-gridscale model)进行建模处理。其中,反应进程变量方程控制着甲烷/空气反应物的化学反应状态,通过控制反应进程变量捕捉火焰燃烧面,大涡模型的控制方程为[17]:
2.2 初始条件和边界条件
点火前,管道内甲烷/空气混合气保持静止,初温和初压分别为298K和0.1MPa。设反应过程变量c为量纲一化的产物质量分数,相应地,c=0对应为未燃反应物,c=1对应为已燃产物。将初始化学反应过程变量在整个流体区域设置为c=0,并通过将c设置为0.1来实现点火,点火半径为10mm。管道边界条件为无滑移、绝热边界条件。网格为结构网格,单元特征尺寸为2mm×2mm×2mm。应用ANSYS Fluent软件作为计算平台,压力速度耦合采用SIMPLE算法,对流项采用二阶逆风格式,扩散项采用中心差分格式。
3.1 火焰前锋发展的高速摄影图片
图2 置障管道内甲烷/空气预混火焰传播的高速摄影图像Fig.2 Sequences of high-speed images of premixed methane/air flame propagating in an obstructed duct
3.2 火焰前锋发展的大涡模拟
图3 甲烷/空气预混火焰传播的大涡模拟Fig.3 Large eddy simulation of premixed methane/air flame propagating in obstructed duct
3.3 流场结构
图4 置障管道内甲烷/空气预混燃烧的流场结构Fig.4 Flow field of premixed methane/air flame propagating in an obstructed duct
3.4 火焰前锋的动力学变化
图5 火焰前锋位置随时间的变化特性Fig.5 Histories of flame front surface position
图6 火焰前锋速度随时间的变化特性Fig.6 Histories of flame front surface velocity
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LES approach to premixed methane/air flame propagating in the closed duct with a square-hole obstacle
Chen Peng1,2,Li Yanchao2,Huang Fujun2,Zhang Yutao2
(1.State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safety Mining,China University of Mining &Technology,Beijing100083,China;2.School of Resource and Safety Engineering,China University of Mining &Technology,Beijing100083,China)
Aiming at revealing the characteristics of premixed methane/air flame propagating in an obstructed duct.A 4mm thick obstacle with a square hole of 50mm×50mm was equipped at 210mm from the ignition source.In the experiment,the high-speed video photography was used to study the flame shape changes and flame front speed.In the numerical simulation,the large eddy simulation(LES)was applied to investigating the flow structure.The results demonstrate that the flame-tip successively takes on a spherical,finger and mushroom-like shape,and the flame begins to propagate in the backward direction after the mushroom-like flame appears.The mushroom-like flame can be explained by the interaction of the flame with two vortexes,and the reverse flow emerged in the flow field leads to the backward motion of the premixed flame.The flame speed is accelerated significantly due to the obstacle and the flame tip speed reaches the maximum value of 17m/s when the flame passes through the square hole of the obstacle.The flame shape changes and the flow structure observed in the experiments can be well reproduced in the numerical simulations using the LES model.It is indicated that the LES model can be used to predict the premixed flame propagating in an obstructed duct.
mechanics of explosion;flame front surface;large eddy simulation;high-speed video photography;premixed methane/air flame;square-hole obstacle
(责任编辑 王易难)
陈 鹏(1971— ),男,博士,副教授,chenpeng@cumtb.edu.cn。