2017 纤维素酶和其他碳水化合物活性酶高登研究研讨会
会议名称(英文):The Gordon Research Seminar(GRS)on Cellulases&Other Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes
开始日期:2017-07-22 结束日期:2017-07-23
所在国家:美国 具体地点:Andover,NH 主办单位:Gordon Research Conference
联系人:Gordon Research Conference 联系电话:401-783-7644 传真:401-783-7644
通讯地址:512 Liberty LaneWest Kingston,RI 02892 USA
The Gordon Research Seminar on Cellulases and Other Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes is a unique forum for graduate students,post-docs,and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas.
The focus of thismeeting is on the latest developments with regards to cellulases and other carbohydrate active enzymes. This iteration of the meeting is particularly focused on those enzymes important in biofuels and nutrition,however other topics related to these enzymes arewelcome aswell.