
2017-04-07 21:35张宁刘永健李慧
建筑科学与工程学报 2017年2期




中图分类号:TU375 文献标志码:A


Abstract:In order to study the effects of PBL stiffener on the local buckling performance of rectangular concrete-filled steel tubular axial compression columns, the calculation formula for buckling coefficient of steel tube was deduced by energy method. The relative stiffness formulas of PBL and stiffener were introduced and the interactions between the two models and buckling modes were analyzed. The ultimate buckling modes and the critical buckling coefficient, the maximum relative width to thickness ratio of PBL steel tube were discussed. The results show that PBL stiffener can improve the local stability of steel tube. The buckling coefficient k increases with the increase of the stiffness of PBL rib until the ultimate buckling coefficient reaches 42.68. The PBL connector can reduce the longitudinal buckling wave length of the plate, and the effect of the stiffener rib is opposite. The maximum relative width to thickness ratio of the steel tube can reach 184 after setting PBL stiffener. The curve change trend of the plate strength with the width to thickness ratio decreases after buckling, and the strength increases gradually with the increase of PBL stiffness.

Key words:PBL stiffener rib; rectangular concrete-filled steel tube; local buckling; energy method; critical buckling coefficient