Jurij Sadar / Boštjan Vuga

2017-04-06 11:17:22朱瑞桑达波士庭维加
世界建筑导报 2017年6期

朱瑞 · 桑达 / 波士庭 · 维加

Jurij Sadar / Boštjan Vuga

朱瑞 · 桑达 / 波士庭 · 维加

简介 Biography

Boštjan Vuga是国际知名的斯洛文尼亚建筑师,毕业于卢布尔雅那大学建筑学院以及伦敦的AA建筑学院。1996年,他和Jurij Sadar一同创办SADAR+VUGA建筑事务所。

Boštjan Vuga曾任教于鹿特丹的贝尔拉格学院,加泰罗尼亚高等建筑研究院(IAAC), 卢布尔雅那大学建筑学院,柏林工业大学和明斯特大学建筑系。他是AA建筑学院,德绍包豪斯,苏黎世联邦工业大学,因斯布鲁克大学,弗莱堡建筑学院,维也纳视觉艺术学院和其他学校的访问评论家。他定期国内外的建筑学院、学术会议和专题研讨上发表演讲。同时,他发表关于当代建筑与城市规划问题方面的文章。

Boštjan Vuga 参加2014年第14届威尼斯建筑双年展,作为Montenegro 展馆的共同策展人。2014年起,他担任斯洛文尼亚MAO建筑设计博物馆理事会主席。

Boštjan Vuga is internationally acclaimed Slovenian architect,who studied at the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana and at the AA School of Architecture in London. In 1996 he founded SADAR+VUGA architectural office along with Jurij Sadar.

Boštjan Vuga has taught at the Berlage Institute Rotterdam, the IAAC Barcelona, the Faculty of Architecture Ljubljana, TU Berlin and MSA Muenster. He was a visiting critic at AA London,the Bauhaus Kolleg in Dessau, the ETH in Zürich, Leopold-Franzens-Univeristaet Innsbruck,EIA Ecole D’ingenieurs et d’architectes Fribourg, the Academy of Visual Arts Vienna among others. He regularly lectures at architectural schools, conferences, and symposia in Slovenia and abroad. He publishes articles about current issues in architecture and urban planning. He edited several publications, among them the Plecnik 2007 issue for AB Architectural Bulletin and series of publications for TU Berlin.

Boštjan Vuga participated as a co-curator at the Montenegro Pavilion, at the 14th Venice Biennale of Architecture , Venice 2014.Since 2014 he has been a president of the council of the MAO Museum of Architecture and Design of Slovenia.

Jurij Sadar是国际知名的斯洛文尼亚建筑师,毕业于卢布尔雅那大学建筑学院(1987)。毕业后到1993年期间,一直是独立建筑师。1993到1997年,他担任卢布尔雅那大学助理教授。他是SADAR+VUGA建筑事务所联合创始人之一。

他在国内外建筑学校、学术会议和专题研讨会中发表演讲,其中包括Piran Days of Architecture, 洛杉矶SCI — ARCH, 东京和墨尔本建筑新趋势,加州大学洛杉矶分校建筑与城市设计学院, 德国明斯特国际雕塑艺术展,北京清华大学, BauWelt Münich杂志, Malta设计周, Skopje建筑周,Kotor 建筑夏令营, Nancy国际建筑周 ,以及湖南大学建筑学院。

Jurij Sadar现为卢布尔雅那大学建筑学院助理教授。

Jurij Sadar is internationally acclaimed Slovenian architect,who graduated at the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana (1987), and worked as an independent architect until 1993. From 1993 to 1997 he worked as assistant professor at the same faculty. He is the cofounder of architectural office SADAR+VUGA.

He lectures at architectural schools, conferences and symposia in Slovenia and abroad, among others Piran Days of Architecture, SCI – ARCH Los Angeles, New trends of Architecture Tokyo and Melbourne, UCLA Department of Architecture and Urban Design Los Angeles, Skulptur Projekte Münster, Tsingula University Bejing, BauWelt Münich, Malta Design Week, Skopje Architecture Week, Kotor Architectural Summer School, Semaine Internationale d’architecture in Nancy and School for architecture Hunan University Changsha.

Jurij Sadar is currently associate professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana.


随着项目开展和对城市的研究,Jurij Sadar和Boštjan Vuga开始参与政治和决策过程。他们坚信建筑不应当只是设计对象,而同样应当是塑造和改变社会生活空间的方式:希望我们能以新颖的方式认识世界,并产生全新的交互方式。

Jurij Sadar和Boštjan Vuga通过不断的研究和项目实施确定了不同的建筑主题、对其进行分类并逐渐形成专属建筑语汇。Jurij Sadar和Boštjan Vuga在2006年威尼斯建筑双年展上作为斯洛文尼亚代表将这一创造性成果命名为“新卢布尔雅那公式”并向公众呈现。继引入该公式后,他们系统性开发出一整套连贯的方法,对建筑作品及其影响进行比较,并在公式的对象——即同一试验场地卢布尔雅那上呈现。

Jurij Sadar和Boštjan Vuga的设计方法需对事务所建筑作品的创造潜力进行透彻的研究分析。对建筑作品的审查内容包括:年度报告、财务规划、工作方法、宣传方案、设计草图、未实现草图,这对大多数建筑师而言属于机密性材料,但Jurij Sadar和Boštjan Vuga却将设计过程的每个环节作为一项成果,向外界(客户)介绍。

Jurij Sadar和Boštjan Vuga采用跨越式的设计方式,涵盖从城市规划到室内设计等多类作品。其项目设计灵感来源于视觉、听觉和文字信息,来源于艺术与时尚、科学与技术,设计出体验式和交互式居住环境。客户构成涵盖市政府和中央政府、私营和国有艺术机构乃至本地客户和国际开发商,反映其事务所客户群的多元化。

With the projects and urban studies the architects at SADAR+VUGA intervene in the political and decision-making processes. The architects believe that architecture should not merely function as a design object, but also be a means to shape and change social space: the architects aim to make us look at the world in a different way, so that we can also act differently in it.

However, the studio has - through studies and realisations - developed certain architectural themes, categorised them and slowly formed their own architectural vocabulary - a creative catalog - which they presented at 2006 Venice Architectural Biennaleas Slovenian representatives with an exhibition titled Formula New Ljubljana. With the introduction of formulas they systematically developed a coherent methodology which compared architectural products and their effects, and presented them with a common denominator - formulas - on a single experimental testing ground - Ljubljana.

The methodology of SADAR+VUGA architects relies on a relentless research of the creative potential of office own architectural production. The (re)view of the architectural product includes the process that goes with it: the annual reports, fi nancial plans, work methodologies,communications plans, sketches, unrealized drafts.These are things architects often keep hidden but SADAR+VUGA treats each element of the process as a product. The office communicates these elements to the wider public, clients.

The office has a forward-leaping and critical approach, covering a wide spectrum of production from urban planning to interior design. The stimulation for its projects comes from visual, audial and textual information, from art and fashion, science and technology, allowing architects to generate a sensitive and responsive environment we live in. The client base reflects the diversity of the office, ranging from municipal and central governments, private and national arts bodies, to local clients and international developers.

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