(以姓氏拼音排序/In alphabetical order)
From the Jury
(以姓氏拼音排序/In alphabetical order)
“WA 居住贡献奖”以居住品质和居住环境的提升为价值导向,其核心指向显然在于对居住作为人在现实资源条件下实现生活场所的理解,而这正是居住的基本内涵。
在申报WA居住贡献奖的几十个项目中, 有胡同民居的改造,有为灾民援建的震后居所,也有乡村建设大潮中涌现的民宿,当然,还有城市集合住宅。在那些规模较小的民宅村居项目中,无论是材料的选择、空间的营造,还是对居住者行为的引导和组织,大都体现出了建筑师的独具匠心;而在集合住宅这一居住类型中,虽然“唐山第三空间综合体”和“新青年公社”项目给人耳目一新之感,体现出建筑师寻求打破惯常平庸的平面布局、赋予居住生活空间以活力的努力,但遗憾的是,从提交的大多数集合住宅项目中,几乎看不到建筑师对这一量大面广,某种程度上可以改变、提升城市空间和居民生活品质的建筑类型,做出多少探索性的设计研究。因循旧制、平淡乏味之作占据了这一居住类型中的绝大部分。
2016年是我第一次参与WA中国建筑奖的评选工作,很好奇也很激动。WA建筑成就奖在我看来是一个真正把建筑作为时间艺术的奖项, 是个分量很重、综合性最强的奖项。在当下繁杂和快餐式的现实社会里,如果建筑真能像红酒一样逾久逾香醇,我认为,这才是建筑的永恒和魅力所在。在这些参选作品中,建筑师对于空间及其使用在更长时间维度上的思考和呈现,是我非常期待的内容。
最终深圳 “华侨城创意文化园改造”获得优胜,却是所有评委的共识。作为一个城市设计和城市更新的代表案例,项目不仅创造了城市更新和建筑改造的即时设计示范,更提供了一种长远的社区营造策略。它激发了一个自我生长和开放兼容的良性机制,使得更新成为持续的过程具有深远的社会示范意义。
连续参加了两届WA中国建筑奖的评选,感触很深。从奖项设置到评审原则,WA中国建筑奖有着鲜明的指向,它所追求和倡导的不是题材与叙事的宏大,而是立足时代与地域,围绕建筑的本质,挖掘平凡与细微中的精彩,而这些正是我们在几十年快速城市化进程中所缺失的。2016年的申报作品都很精彩,很多项目以批判性的视角与实践诠释了社会公平、人文关怀、技术进步等主题,这对于我国未来的建筑走向起到了很好的引导作用。我参加的是居住贡献奖的评选,获得优胜奖的作品是“唐山第三空间综合体”,给我留下很深的印象。该项目从形式、空间、结构与功能等层面,对居住建筑进行创新,以“定制化”的设计模式超越了传统“程式化”思维桎梏下建筑的机械与呆板,为城市增添了活力。最后,希望下一届 WA中国建筑奖能够继续呈现更多优秀的作品。
又一次有幸参加WA中国建筑奖 “技术进步奖”奖项的评选。首先我对三个获奖作品表示祝贺,其次我想谈谈三点肤浅的感受。第一,设立“技术进步奖”的宗旨是鼓励和推进“以创造性的技术手段解决现实问题”。中国当代建筑的进步是有目共睹的,但比较而言,通过建筑技术的进步促进建筑品质提升的贡献度并不是那么明显,这从中国建筑整体发展状态及参赛作品中可见一斑;第二,在参赛的大多数作品中,参赛者只是把自己的作品归入“技术进步奖”这一类型而已,较少凸显和明晰是什么技术、方法取得什么独特的进步和成果,更没有技术数据的支撑。原因可能是作品缺乏实际的技术进步的含金量,也可能是参赛者如何宣传核心价值的意识不够;第三,取得“技术的切实进步与成果”并不是一件容易的事。但随着建筑师不懈的探索与寻求真正基于当下现实的中国建筑的努力,相信会有更多根植于建筑学的基本意义之上的建筑技术进步。
BIAN Lanchun
Jury member of WA City Regeneration Award
Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua UniversityStriking features of Chinese cities today are the mobility of urban populations and the fragmentation of space. Additionally, the rise of virtual communities has enriched as well as changed urban life - the stable and friendly atmosphere of traditional urban communities and spatial organizations is slowly disappearing. In my understanding, architecture no longer gives value to cities through artistic creation but rather through decreasing urban sprawl and fragmentation, which improves the quality of (mobile) community life in the future city. This is because the realization of public life still depends on integration into the urban setting, the proximity to life, and the attractiveness of public spaces. Constructing active spaces can increase urban cohesion and bring back the "lost (public) space." The element that most impressed me in many works was thus not the creation of visualspatial relationships. Rather, I was truly impressed by the way some designers, confronting challenges of all kinds (diferent scales, diferent functions, diferent sizes of buildings and sites), struck an appropriate balance between human and artistic considerations and created practical value for future urban life.
Helen Castle
Jury member of WA Design Experiment Award & WA Social Equality Award
Editor in chief, Architectural Design; Head of Professional Programmes, Royal Institute of British Architects
The Social Equality Award is possibly the most potent category among WA Awards for Chinese Architecture; it highlights architecture's capacity to change lives. It was a daunting prospect for the jury members to ascertain the greater social value of one project over others. How might one measure the beneficial impact for a community of a new public toilet against that of a library, or the reconstruction of a mosque against a youth center? Where are the greatest collective gains to be made in an isolated rural setting or an inner city urban location?
A prolonged discussion ensued among the jury members faced with such an impressive array of projects from across China. Ultimately, the Dongjiangyuan Environmental Education Center was chosen as the winner - underlining environmental concerns as a global priority. It was notable that although many projects such as the Shadow Play Theater and Grameen Village Bank were small in scale, they were ambitious in their desire to touch and transform people's lives.
Jury member of WA Achievement Award & WA Housing Award
Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Professor, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University
The planners and designers of the winning project for the WA Architectural Achievement Award, OCT-LOFT Renovation in Shenzhen, did not follow the instinct of every architect to create something new. Instead, they focused on the relatively new, 30-year-old fields of preservation, renovation, and regeneration of industrial environments, which combine post-industrial popular arts with the brand design industry to create a series of interconnected scenarios and events. This award confirms that the long-term value of architecture lies not only in spatial design, but also in life design.
The winning project of the WA Housing Award, The Third Space, revolutionizes the conventional understanding of what a high-rise or penthouse building is and looks like by suspending a room outside the main building, thereby breaking new ground in the exploration of domestic housing design. Finalist projects and those awarded honorable mentions focus on organically upgrading urban and rural historical living environments, such as New Youth Commune, Split Courtyard House, Refurbishment of Residence in Warren of Nanluoguxiang Hutong, Lettuce House Sustainable Living Laboratory, Treehouse, and Nine House. These projects all stimulate ideas from sustainable design to cope with the renovation and regeneration of urban and rural living.
Jury member of WA Achievement Award & WA Social Equality Award
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering; Chief Architect, China Construction Technology Consulting Co. Ltd.
It is again time for the WA Architecture Awards. Compared to the last competition, this year's submissions have greatly increased in both quantity and quality. Architects have gained a better understanding of the different award categories so that their works had better correspond to the specific requirements of each category, which undoubtedly brings more difficulties to the judges because it is not easy to identify convincing diferences among these excellent works. However, this has promoted discussion among the Chinese and international jury members, prompting them to strike the balance between valuing the outward appearance and the inner concept of the works. For me, this has been an interesting and meaningful experience. Many thanks to all my colleagues who have made great eforts to make this event happen. Your work has enabled us to obtain fruitful results.
Jury member of WA City Regeneration Award
Dean, professor, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University
Driven by China's urbanization, small and big cities are beginning to spring up and sprawl, and architecture is flourishing all over the country. There is a promising future for the design industry. However, architectural works mix apples and oranges, different ideas and standards. At this moment, as the leading academic journal introducing outstanding architecture from around the globe to China, World Architecture has launched a great undertaking - to hold a biennale competition entitled WA Awards for Chinese Architecture (WAACA) and to present the architectural and design concepts of the winning projects. As a member of the Architectural Society, I have followed this competition for over ten years and witnessed how WAACA has upheld core values of architectural design, exhibited design quality, and brought excellent works closer to the public.
Since 2014, WAACA has awarded prizes in different categories for different value pursuits. I think this move is significant. In contrast to previous competitions, such an approach allows us to directly evaluate the essential inner properties of a work. This is in line with the development of architectural design in China that has shifted focus from external form to inner meaning. Thus, it is noteworthy that the WA City Regeneration Award aims to honor works' contributions to urban space (its regeneration and further development). Compared to other awards, the criteria of this award are not fully specifed, which leaves room forinterpretation by the architects. What first comes to my mind is the question of what a contribution to the city is. Compared to the popular "city design", the "city regeneration" value of an architecture is more realistic. In this category's interesting and ambiguous content, we can see a different understanding and architectural response to urban fabric in the works. In practice, cities are clusters of buildings, but a dense environment does not necessarily correspond to a good urban pattern.The catchy phrase "city regeneration" is crucial and may inspire Chinese architects in their personal development and maturity and in their pursuit of modernization and internationalization.
Jury member of WA Technological Innovation Award Founding Partner, Vector Architects
Technology is an indispensably crucial constituent of architecture. In today's design and construction industry in China, our regard and pursuit of technological progress persists but still remains deficient. This is one of the reasons for the gap between our architectural quality and the international highest one. I think this is the purpose of the WA Technological Innovation Award. However, it should be pointed out that the ultimate goal of technology is not its self display, rather, the improvement of the life and spirit of people who occupy the space.
DU Chunlan
Jury member of WA Technological Innovation Award
Dean, professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University
I frst heard about the WA Awards for Chinese Architecture (WAACA) two years ago. A teacher in our faculty won the award for a seven squaremeter residence, which stirred my interest. I began to pay attention to WAACA and its award set-up. The second time I came across the awards was in 2016, when I was invited to be the jury member of WA Technological Innovation Award. Through the evaluation process, I gained a better understanding of World Architecture, and I was especially moved by the devotion and perspective of the magazine. Whether in terms of designing awards or selecting jury members, the organization during the whole award event as well as the preciseness of work all left a deep and remaining impression on me. This award has a great reputation in the industry, and I believe and hope that it will become even more popular.
HAN Dongqing
Jury member of WA Housing Award
Dean, professor, School of Architecture, Southeast University
The WA Housing Award focuses on improvements of housing and living environments, which builds upon an understanding of the house as a living place for people according to actual conditions. This is the basic concept of residence.
Both in the projects that applied this year and the winning works, type diversity is a key. This refects the transition of Chinese residential architecture, from abstract house-type to specifc situation design with given resources that cater to different living conditions, demonstrating not only the designers' accurate understanding of the users' actual life circumstances, but also the positive trend towards a culture of living in China. High-rise compound buildings create private living zones; community living allows casual and relaxed social activities; small living spaces bring the joy of ample space. Designs that emphasize the relationship between specific environments and their inhabitants embody an appreciation for life and the poetry of living.
HUANG Juzheng
Jury member of WA Housing Award
Executive Editor-in-Chief, Architectural Journal
Among the dozens of projects that applied for the WA Housing Award are hutong residential renovations, post-earthquake aid constructions, folk houses in the age of the rural construction boom, and of course urban compound buildings. Small-scale folk house projects exhibit unique designs thanks to the architect's choice of material, space creation, and guidance and organization of movement sequences. Compound houses - TheThird Space in Tangshan and New Youth Commune in Jilin are outstanding examples - break with conventional patterns of planning and design and endeavor to endow living spaces and residential life with vibrancy. Unfortunately, in most other projects that applied in this category we can hardly see such versatility and ability to improve urban space and residential quality. Most other works are oldfashioned and mediocre.
LEI Zhendong
Jury member of WA Technological Innovation Award Executive vice dean, professor, School of Architecture, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology
It is my first time to join the WA Awards for Chinese Architecture (WAACA) as a jury member of the WA Technological Innovation Award. I am happy and excited, and I feel honored to have this opportunity to contribute to the construction and further success of this important communication platform for Chinese architects.
The selection and evaluation criteria used by the WAACA jury are very strict and uphold the fundamental principles of fairness and equality. The jury look for innovation and (the applicants' ability to use) generalization. The final award-winning works undergo rounds of voting, with the judges reaching an agreement only after careful discussion.
Any architect who aspires to win a WA award must be capable, set a goal, and be prepared. The winning works represent the ideas and state of the arts of Chinese architects; therefore, participating architects must seriously strive to find answers to the questions raised by the competition, both thematically and technologically, so as to promote the industrial infuence of WAACA.
Jury member of WA Social Equality Award
Founding Partner, OPEN Architecture
The WA Social Equality Award is a category that I have considered applying for several times, but given up every time eventually after thoughtful considerations. Although many of my public projects are related to this theme, on second thought, I still don't think they are convincing enough for this title. The same struggle appears when I get invited to be a jury this time. In reality, an example of a project in today's Chinese society that truly fts this theme, and at the same time performs a high level of design and construction, is indeed very rare. This is also reflected in the furious while interesting debates among the jury during the review. Perhaps the underlying question raised here is even more important - Can architectural design really promote social equality? Should there be a set of specifcally different academic standards when judging design for the disadvantaged communities? Perhaps a time will come, when the care for the less privilegedsocial groups and the concern for social equality become our common awareness, completely fused into architectural practice that each and every architectural project of excellence can apply for the "social equality award"; and by then we can possibly enter into a truly "equal" society?
LI Xiangning
Jury member of WA Achievement Award
Vice Dean, professor, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University
For so long, the selection of winners of architectural awards has relied on judgments of architectural drawings and pictures by professional photographers. However, the WA Achievement Award shifts the focus onto the user, because these awards only permit applications of built and proven works, which reminds me of the original intention of the AIA 25 Year Award. Several jury members visited the actual buildings and sites, and they expressed their feelings as a reference for others in the jury.The evaluation process was also impressive; we had many open discussions and even arguments, making the selection criteria all seem to be more critical. However, unfortunately, not enough architects seem to knew this award and have applied. In the future, we need to better promote the awards among Chinese architects. The awards and the whole awards event are bound to become a signifcant indicator of the building industry in contemporary China.
Doreen Heng LIU
Jury member of WA Achievement Award
Principal, founder, NODE
This was my frst time, in 2016, participating in the WA China architecture award selection - I was very curious and excited. In my opinion, the WA Architectural Achievement Award is the award that truly regards architecture as the art of the time; it is the most significant and comprehensive award. In today's complex fast-food society, the timeless charm of a building lies in its ability to improve with age like red wine. Many of the participating projects used a long-term perspective and presented space for sustainable use in the future, which I am very much looking forward to seeing.
Generally speaking, the participating projects have a wide variety of characteristics; among them are small-scale buildings that can be rapidly erected as well as prestigious large-scale urban renewal projects. The majority of works are public facility designs and art venues. Most of the latter do not stand out much in design or usage. Public facilities and art venues are set tasks that do not leave much room for maneuvering; they are defned and confined by reliable operation management, which is why they difer most in their levels of daily management, rather than in the design strength or the eforts of the architects. Small-scale architecture is experimental and original, and, although it is exciting, there was much controversy among the jury as to whether this building task could meet the Architectural Achievement Award criteria.
Eventually, the jury unanimously agreed to choose OCT-LOFT Renovation in Shenzhen as the winner. As a showcase for urban design and renewal, the project gives not only an outstanding example of good practice in urban renewal and building renovation, but also provides a long-term community-building strategy. It stimulates the benign mechanisms of self-growth and opening up, making renewal a continuous process of interaction with profound social signifcance.
LIU Xiaodu
Jury member of WA Housing Award
Co-founder, URBANUS
The WA Housing Award looks for, and rewards, the most universal type of building in the world. The best housing design requires consideration for the human occupants, good design presentation, and smart application of technology. High-rise residential towers are the primary dwelling type in China as well as the most commercialized one; this poses a great challenge for design. The impact and significance of this type of housing is also tremendous. I propose that the award should go to the Third Space in Tangshan for the architect’s compassionate and accommodating designs and his creative interpretation of space. Collective housing is a hot topic in our current industry, and the New Youth Commune provides a good example of the form. The Split Courtyard House faces the tough challenge of renovating a Beijing courtyard house, but provides novel solutions. Both works should be awarded a prize. The WA awards are one of the most infuential architecture awards in China. I am honored to be a member of the jury. I believe the Awards will become more popular by establishing its reputation, strengthening its features, and optimizing its categories and selection methods.
LIU Yichun
Jury member of WA Social Equality Award
Founding Partner, Principal Architect, Atelier Deshaus
In 2016, I had the honor to be a jury member of the WA Social Equality Award, through which I have learned a lot. This award re-discovers the architect as a person in society. Theoretically speaking, every architect should think about the social significance of his/her architecture, but the type and location of a project probably determines the specific amount of effort (or performance) that gets put into these considerations, which is all the more evident in the review process of the WA Social Equality Award. Under this premise, should we emphasize the values of the design or the social values produced by the design? This question has been at the forefront of my mind, and I hope to find a project that has both qualities. However, a few sketches and photos will not be sufficient to immediately judge design concepts and the factual effects that they produce. Nevertheless, this award serves to reconsider the social signifcance assumed by the profession of architecture.
MEI Hongyuan
Jury of WA Housing Award
Dean, professor, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology; President, Chief Architect, The Architectural Design and Research Institute of HIT
I have been invited to participate in WAACA as a jury member twice, and I am deeply impressed. From the award setting to evaluation criteria, WAACA has set a clear direction - emphasizing not only the magnificence of subject matter and narration in projects but also the brilliance embodied in a building in its everyday context and in every detail rooted in its specifc time and place. This is what we lack in the process of rapid urbanization in China today. All submissions are wonderful works; many of them take up the themes of social equality, human considerations, and technological improvement from a critical perspective and in practice. The winner of the WA Housing Award, which I recommended, is the Third Space in Tangshan. This project made a deep impression on me. The form, space, structure,and function of the architect's work innovated residential architecture and replaced conventional mechanical ("programmed") design with "custommade" design that invigorates urban life. Finally, I want to express my hope that there will be more such pioneering works in the next WAACA.
Luca Molinari
Jury member of WA Achievement Award, WA Design Experiment Award & WA Social Equality Award
Curator, Critic, Architecture historian
Associate professor, History of Architecture Faculty of Architecture, "Vanvitelli", Naples
China has been considered for more than two decades a sort of Shangri La of the most impossible and hazardous architecture. The images published in most western magazines and comments from designers who have worked in China gave me the impression of a metropolitan environment produced as an infinite series of objects outside of human scales. Vastness and consumption were the keywords that represented this historical phase, but I always had the feeling that soon a new, different generation could emerge representing a different image of contemporary Chinese society.
My recent experience as a member of three diferent juries in the last edition of the WA Awards for Chinese Architecture fully confrmed my expectations.
Most of the built projects I had the honor to evaluate showed a strong sensitivity for the existing contest, research for an innovative dialogue with local traditions, and calls for a social and environmental definition of sustainability. These projects embody a generation of Chinese architects that have the intellectual tools and methodologies necessary to face the complex and dramatic challenges represented by excessive urban growth and the dramatic ecologic scenario, and the best is yet to come.
SUN Yimin
Jury member of WA City Regeneration Award
Executive vice-dean, professor, School of Architecture, South China University of TechnologyThis was the second time I participated in the selection process of the WA Awards for Chinese Architecture. It was quite a change between last year's WA Technological Innovation Award and this year's WA City Regeneration Award, but I enjoyed both experiences. Generally speaking, the number of project submissions has increased considerably this year, but the review process was less complicated than I expected - the increased number of projects did not result in an increased workload. The applicants must still develop a more profound understanding of this award. Many submitted projects that did not fulfill the award criteria and were inconsistent with the award theme. For example, some applications did not address the context beyond the boundaries of the building, taking a provocative attitude: I am a big building, and therefore, I certainly contribute to the city! This is actually a frightening but realistic approach of Chinese architecture today - ignoring the possibility of contributing to the formation of urban space and the construction of (public) places, while still indulging in self-admiration. Without urban logic and a conceptual framework, architects pay more attention to form than the city surrounding the architecture. Therefore, I am convinced that the WA City Regeneration Award is a very signifcant award; it is of utmost importance for today's Chinese cities. I look forward to future Chinese architects who will take the initiative and focus on urban issues, design future cites, and create valuable urban spaces.
WANG Jianguo
Jury member of WA Achievement Award & WA Technological Innovation Award
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering; Professor, School of Architecture, Southeast UniversityIn recent years, Chinese architectural design has made remarkable progress in social thinking, exploring ideas hardly seen in the past 50 years and transcending the borders of architecture as an engineering and course-book teaching discipline. A diverse and pluralistic architectural landscape has emerged. The WA awards are highly specialized and divided into prize categories to better assess this new architectural landscape, set benchmarks, and give guidance for the development of architectural design. The evaluation criteria target the professional work of the architect, which stands in contrast to usual evaluation, which judges only the originality of the work ("magnificent and comprehensive"); more and more architects thus aim at applying for and even winning these awards. As a jury member for two 2016 WA award categories, I have seen innovative solutions in the field of building technology. Among them are two concrete buildings in which material and structure blend into a harmonious whole, expressing the original properties of the building; moreover, here the constructed space creates a sense of aesthetic pleasure. Another project that transformed a historical palace hall into a physical environment for displaying cultural relics also impressed me deeply. It could serve as a good example of how to protect and adapt heritage for modern usage in the future.
Jury member of WA Design Experiment Award
Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua UniversityThis year, doubled number of projects applied for the WA Design Experiment Award than in the previous years. Big projects include theaters and schools, and small projects include rest- pavilions and even installations - the buildings are diverse in type. There were more good designs this year than in previous competitions, which provided a challenge for the jury, who had to discuss projects seriously one by one. However, many innovative projects failed that also appropriately considered the situation in China today. There were more than 100 applications in this category - just a fraction of the contemporary architectural landscape - but they refect the creative atmosphere of the construction industry in recent years. I hope this Award will attract more architects and more excellent works in the future.
XIU Long
Jury member of WA Achievement Award
President, the Architectural Society of China; Chairman, China Construction Technology Consulting Co. Ltd.
It is a great honor to join the jury of the 2016 WAACA - to see many outstanding works, to feel and understand their emotions, and to feel the historical responsibility and the spirit of the time endowed to them - indeed, very inspiring.
In the past 30 years, China's urbanization has continued to accelerate. Now, after the construction boom, we reflect on "the objectives and aims of architecture." The Central Urban Work Conference proposed the guidelines for a new era, calling for "applicable, economical, green, and pleasant-looking" design to inspire us. I am delighted to find that the WAACA evaluation standards are highly consistent with these guidelines, and the submitted projects echothem. The winning works fully embody and interpret this concept. I feel deeply encouraged and relieved.
In fact, designs like these are energetic and time-tested, factors that were recognized by the experts and praised by the public. I was also glad to discuss and appreciate the works with so many experts, learning from the creative experience of the architects. Therefore, the Jury Review held by World Architecture was highly significant. The Awards determine the characteristics of the new era and will further promote and lead the architecture industry.
Jury member of WA Technological Innovation Award Dean, professor, School of Architecture, Tianjin University
The core value of the WA Technological Innovation Award lies in the "progress and achievements of technology", which demand that architects solve concrete problems with innovative techniques and technologies. These are important criteria for evaluation, and the design and construction of most applied projects embody these values.
During evaluation, the judges faced projects that impressed them both visually and emotionally. Undoubtedly an ingenious move—using a beautiful and pleasant spatial form to promote technology—which is both the reason for and the result of the "innovative technological approach". This is in fact the original intention of the award. Architectural aesthetics should correspond with technological aesthetics, combining arts with technologies.
ZHI Wenjun
Jury member of WA Technological Innovation Award Professor, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University
It is a great honor for me to take part in the review of the WA Technological Innovation Award. I would like to express my congratulations to the award-winning works, and then I would like to talk about three ideas that came to me during the selection process. First, the purpose of this Award is to encourage architects "to solve practical problems through the creative use of technology". We all know about the rapid progress of the building industry in contemporary China, but this progress outpaces the improvement of architectural quality, which can be seen in the overall development of the Chinese building industry and the submitted projects. Second, most participants simply submitted their own works to the WA Technological Innovation Award, but only a few had a clear understanding of how the methods and technologies they used could contribute to the technological progress of Chinese architecture. The majority did not even include sufcient technological data about their projects in the application material to prove their case. One reason might be that the submitted works lack inner quality; another reason might be that the designers lack awareness about how to advertise their projects' core values. Third, it is not easy to trigger "tangible advancement and technological achievement." However, Chinese architects persistently seek to create architecture that is truly based on reality and the specifc situation in present-day China. I thus believe that in the nearby future, more and better technologies will emerge that refect the signifcance of architecture.
ZHOU Chang
Jury member of WA Achievement Award & WA City Regeneration Award
Former vice president, the Architectural Society of China
I have attended the WAACA Jury Review several times, and I have sensed an upward movement over the years. WAACA has an increasingly strong influence in Chinese architecture and increasingly clear characteristics in its selection processes. The reasons are as follows:
Accurate positioning and perseverance: WAACA features a specifc theme and orientation that refects hot topics in current planning and design. WA awards slowly but steadily have developed into influential awards in the feld.
Open-mindedness, tolerance, and all embracing: WAACA neither sets frames nor provide obstacles in project selection. So long as the project meets the requirements of the invitation, scholars and researchers from (public or private) institutions as well as freelancers, projects from design institutes or other institution of higher education, and designs of any type and thought all welcome here. This openness and tolerance received a warm welcome from society, and not surprisingly, the submissions are gaining momentum.
Rigorous academic requirements, equality, and transparence: each session of WAACA will invite renowned (town and regional) planning and architecture experts from China and abroad to review the projects anonymously. There are usually lively discussions among the judges. It is a rigorous evaluation process, but also an opportunity for open academic exchange that is treasured by all members of the jury. I believe this positive energy will spark enthusiasm, interest, and debate within the architecture community.
Jury member of WA Achievement Award & WA Design Experiment Award
Dean, professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University; Director, Chief Architect, Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University
The WA Achievement Award is designed to honor architectural projects that have proved their quality in practice and revealed their long-term values. Just like the Gold Medal of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 25 Year Award, WAACA selects works that will have a lasting influence on the practice of architecture. Awarded projects are carefully prepared and elaborated through pioneering work in the choice of materials and techniques and the concept of spatial growth in the early working stages, which are then combined into a whole as part of a complete design. This is the highest requirement for design, a high standard for multi-value oriented architecture, a solemn undertaking in the current rapid urbanization of China, as well as a demonstration for sustainable environmental development..□
1 WA建筑成就奖评审会/WA Achievement Award jury meeting
2 WA设计实验奖评审会/WA Design Experiment Award jury meeting
3 WA社会公平奖评审会/WA Social Equality Award jury meeting
4 WA技术进步奖评审会/WA Technological Innovation Award jury meeting
5 WA城市贡献奖评审会/WA City Regeneration Award jury meeting
6 WA居住贡献奖评审会/WA Housing Award jury meeting