Journal of Hydrodynamics, Vol. 28 Annual Classified Catalog (2016)
Theoretical Hydrodynamics
Self-propulsion of a three-dimensional flapping flexible plate Chao TANG (唐超), Xi-yun LU (陆夕云)..........................................................2016, 28(1): 1-9
Numerical simulation of self-similar thermal convection from a spinning cone in anisotropic porous medium O. Anwar BÉG, M. J. UDDIN, T. BÉG, R. Reddy GORLA.....................................2016, 28(2): 181-194
Improved formulas for thermal behavior of oscillating nanobubbles Yu-ning ZHANG (张宇宁), Shengcai LI.................................................................2016, 28(2): 325-328
Three-dimensional steep wave impact on a vertical cylinder Ioannis K. CHATJIGEORGIOU, Alexander A. KOROBKIN, Mark J. COOKER...2016, 28(4): 523-533
Estimation of boundary-layer flow of a nanofluid past a stretching sheet: A revised model Naeema ISHFAQ, Zafar Hayat KHAN, Waqar Ahmad KHAN, Richard J. CULHAM................................................................................................2016, 28(4): 596-602
Effect of head swing motion on hydrodynamic performance of fishlike robot propulsion Dan XIA (夏丹), Wei-shan CHEN (陈维山), Jun-kao LIU (刘军考), Ze WU (吴泽)...........................................................................................................2016, 28(4): 637-647
Motion and deformation of immiscible droplet in plane Poiseuille flow at low Reynolds number Ding-yi PAN (潘定一), Yu-qing LIN (林雨青), Ling-xin ZHANG (张凌新), Xue-ming SHAO (邵雪明)......................................................................................2016, 28(4): 702-708
Effects of liquid compressibility on bubble-bubble interactions between oscillating bubbles Yu-ning ZHANG (张宇宁), Qi MIN (闵琪), Yu-ning ZHANG (张宇宁), Xiao-ze DU (杜小泽)...............................................................................................2016, 28(5): 832-839
Mixed convection flow of jeffrey nanofluid with thermal radiation and double stratification F. M. ABBASI, S. A. SHEHZAD, T. HAYAT, M. S. ALHUTHALI.......................2016, 28(5): 840-849
Effects of thermal boundary conditions on the joule heating of electrolyte in a microchannel M. Y. ABDOLLAHZADEH JAMALABADI, J. H. PARK, M. M. RASHIDI, J. M. CHEN ..................................................................................................................................2016, 28(5): 850-862
Natural convective heat transfer and nanofluid flow in a cavity with top wavy wall and corner heater Mikhail A. SHEREMET, Ioan POP, Hakan F. ÖZTOP, Nidal ABU-HAMDEH.......2016, 28(5): 873-885 Bending modes and transition criteria for a flexible fiber in viscous flows Xiufeng YANG (杨秀峰), Mou-bin LIU (刘谋斌)..............................................2016, 28(6): 1043-1048
Computational Fluid Dynamics
A numerical model for pipelaying on nonlinear soil stiffness seabed Ying-fei ZAN (昝英飞), Chi YANG, Duan-feng HAN (韩端锋), Li-hao YUAN (袁利毫), Zhi-gang LI (李志刚)...................................................................................................2016, 28(1): 10-22
Numerical simulation of flow and bed morphology in the case of dam break floods with vegetation effect Ming-liang ZHANG (张明亮), Yuan-yuan XU (许媛媛), Yang QIAO (乔洋), Heng-zhi JIANG (姜恒志), Zhong-zhe ZHANG (张钟哲), Guo-sheng ZHANG (张国胜)......................................................................................2016, 28(1): 23-32
Numerical study of spike characteristics due to the motions of a non-spherical rebounding bubble Jia-xia WANG (王加夏), Zhi ZONG (宗智), Lei SUN (孙雷), Zhang-rui LI (李章锐), Ming-zuo JIANG (姜明佐)..........................................................................................2016, 28(1): 52-65
An axisymmetric model for draft tube flow at partial load Hosein FOROUTAN, Savas YAVUZKURT.............................................................2016, 28(2): 195-205
An iterative re-weighted least-squares algorithm for the design of active absorbing wavemaker controller Hong-qi YANG (杨洪齐), Mu-guo LI (李木国), Shu-xue LIU (柳淑学), Fang-mei CHEN (陈芳梅).......................................................................................2016, 28(2): 206-218
Calculation of tip vortex cavitation flows around three-dimensional hydrofoils and propellers using a nonlineark-εturbulence model Zhi-hui LIU (刘志辉), Ben-long WANG (王本龙), Xiao-xing PENG (彭晓星), Deng-cheng LIU (刘登成).......................................................................................2016, 28(2): 227-237
Lattice Boltzmann method for Casimir invariant of two-dimensional turbulence Yu-xian XIA (夏玉显), Yue-hong QIAN (钱跃竑)..................................................2016, 28(2): 319-324
Numerical simulation of wave transformation, breaking and runup by a contravariant fully non-linear
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the open channel flow connecting two cascaded hydropower stations Chun-ze ZHANG (张春泽), Yong-guang CHENG (程永光), Jia-yang WU (吴家阳), Wei Diao (刁伟).......................................................................................................2016, 28(3): 400-410
Numerical investigation of the effect of rotation on cavitating flows over axisymmetric cavitators Ye-jun GONG (龚也君), Jie-min ZHAN (詹杰民), Tian-zeng LI (李天赠)...........2016, 28(3): 431-441
Investigation of cavitation bubble collapse near rigid boundary by lattice Boltzmann method Ming-lei SHAN (单鸣雷), Chang-ping ZHU (朱昌平), Xi ZHOU (周曦), Cheng YIN (殷澄), Qing-bang HAN (韩庆邦)........................................................................................2016, 28(3): 442-450
Numerical solution of thermo-solutal mixed convective slip flow from a radiative plate with convective boundary condition M. J. UDDIN, O. Anwar BÉG, M. N. UDDIN, A. I. Md. ISMAIL.........................2016, 28(3): 451-461
A robust WENO scheme for nonlinear waves in a moving reference frame Stavros KONTOS, Harry B. BINGHAM, Ole LINDBERG, Allan P. ENGSIG-KARUP ..................................................................................................................................2016, 28(3): 482-488
1-D coupled non-equilibrium sediment transport modeling for unsteady flows in the discontinuous Galerkin framework Farzam Safarzadeh MALEKI, Abdul A. KHAN......................................................2016, 28(4): 534-543
Numerical investigation of unsteady cavitating turbulent flows around twisted hydrofoil from the Lagrangian viewpoint Huai-yu CHENG (程怀玉), Xin-ping LONG (龙新平), Bin JI (季斌), Ye ZHU (祝叶), Jia-jian ZHOU (周加建)...........................................................................................2016, 28(4): 709-712
Sharp interface direct forcing immersed boundary methods: A summary of some algorithms and applications Jianming YANG........................................................................................................2016, 28(5): 713-730
On the modeling of viscous incompressible flows with smoothed particle hydrodynamics Mou-Bin LIU (刘谋斌), Shang-ming LI (李上明)..................................................2016, 28(5): 731-745
An hybrid RANS/LES model for simulation of complex turbulent flow Qun WEI (魏群), Hong-xun CHEN (陈红勋), Zheng MA (马峥)..........................2016, 28(5): 811-820
Numerical simulations of 2-D floating body driven by regular waves Xue-bin CHEN (陈学彬), Jie-min ZHAN (詹杰民), Qin CHEN............................2016, 28(5): 821-831
New prospects for computational hydraulics by leveraging high-performance heterogeneous computing
techniques Qiuhua LIANG, Luke SMITH, Xilin XIA...............................................................2016, 28(6): 977-985
Development of Cartesian grid method for simulation of violent ship-wave interactions Changhong HU, Cheng LIU.................................................................................2016, 28(6): 1003-1010
Experiments and Measurements in Hydrodynamics
Formation of air-entraining vortices at horizontal intakes without approach flow induced circulation Mustafa GOGUS, Mete KOKEN, Ali BAYKARA..................................................2016, 28(1): 102-113
Experimental study of water and dissolved pollutant runoffs on impervious surfaces Yang XIAO (肖洋), Tao-tao ZHANG (张涛涛), Dongfang LIANG, Jack M. CHEN ..................................................................................................................................2016, 28(1): 162-165
The experiment and analysis of transitional flow in pipe Jun WANG (王军), Guang-sheng DU (杜广生), Jing-ying WANG (王京盈), Jie GENG (耿介), Dong LI (李冬).........................................................................................................2016, 28(2): 313-318
Effects of water flow on the uptake of phosphorus by sediments: An experimental investigation Yang XIAO (肖洋), Hao-ke CHENG (成浩科), Wei-wei YU (余维维), Zhi-wei LI (李志伟).................................................................................................2016, 28(2): 329-332
Determination of frequencies of oscillations of cloud cavitation on a 2-D hydrofoil from high-speed camera observations Patrik ZIMA, Tomáš FÜRST, Milan SEDLÁŘ, Martin KOMÁREK, Rostislav HUZLÍK ..................................................................................................................................2016, 28(3): 369-378
A joint computational-experimental study of intracranial aneurysms: Importance of the aspect ratio Simon Sui-Man LAI, Abraham Yik-Sau TANG, Anderson Chun-On TSANG, Gilberto Ka-Kit LEUNG, Alfred Cheuk-Hang YU, Kwok Wing CHOW.........................................................2016, 28(3): 462-472
Oscillating-grid turbulence at large strokes: Revisiting the equation of Hopfinger and Toly Wan Hanna Melini WAN MOHTAR........................................................................2016, 28(3): 473-481
Wind tunnel simulation of pollutant dispersion inside street canyons with galleries and multi-level flat roofs Yuan-dong HUANG (黄远东), Ning-bin ZENG (曾宁斌), Ze-yu LIU (刘泽宇), Ye SONG (宋也), Xuan XU (许璇).......................................................................................................2016, 28(5): 801-810
Naval Hydrodynamics, Ocean Engineering, and Coastal Engineering
Wave force on composite bucket foundation of an offshore wind turbine Ji-jian LIAN (练继建), Tong-shun YU (于通顺), Jin-feng ZHANG (张金凤)...........2016, 28(1): 33-42
Mass transport in a thin layer of power-law fluid in an Eulerian coordinate system Jie LIU (刘洁), Yu-chuan BAI (白玉川)......................................................................2016, 28(1): 66-74
Hull form optimization of a cargo ship for reduced drag Fuxin HUANG, Chi YANG.......................................................................................2016, 28(2): 173-183
Three-dimensional unstructured modelling of wave-induced circulation over a plane and irregular beach Qiu-shun WANG (汪求顺), Hai-gui KANG (康海贵), Ke WANG (王科).............2016, 28(2): 219-226
Computation of vortical flow and flow induced noise by large eddy simulation with FW-H acoustic analogy and Powell vortex sound theory Nan ZHANG (张楠), Hua XIE (谢华), Xing WANG (王星), Bao-shan WU (吴宝山)....................................... ..................................................................................................................................2016, 28(2): 255-266
Hydrodynamic modelling of flow impact on structures under extreme flow conditions Qiuhua LIANG, Kai-cui CHEN (陈恺翠), Jingming HOU, Yan XIONG (熊焱), Gang WANG (王岗), Juan QIANG (羌娟)..............................................................2016, 28(2): 267-274
Manoeuvring prediction based on CFD generated derivatives Shi He, Paula KELLETT, Zhiming YUAN, Atilla INCECIK, Osman TURAN, Evangelous BOULOUGOURIS...............................................................................2016, 28(2): 284-292
Numerical simulation of 3-D free surface flows by overlapping MPS Zhen-yuan TANG (唐振远), You-lin ZHANG (张友林), De-cheng WAN (万德成)........................................... ..................................................................................................................................2016, 28(2): 306-312
Numerical studies of the hysteresis in locomotion of a passively pitching foil Xue-ming SHAO (邵雪明), Xiao-long ZHANG (张晓龙), Zhao-sheng YU (余钊圣)....................................... ..................................................................................................................................2016, 28(3): 359-368
Numerical simulations of viscous flow around the obliquely towed KVLCC2M model in deep and shallow water Qing-jie MENG (孟庆杰), De-cheng WAN (万德成).............................................2016, 28(3): 506-518
Scattering of gravity waves by a porous rectangular barrier on a seabed Qing-rui MENG (孟庆瑞), Dong-qiang LU (卢东强).............................................2016, 28(3): 519-522
Numerical study of roll motion of a 2-D floating structure in viscous flow Lifen CHEN, Liang SUN, Jun ZANG, A. J. HILLIS, A. R. PLUMMER................2016, 28(4): 544-563
A study of hybrid prediction method for ship parametric rolling Yao-hua ZHOU (周耀华), Ning MA (马宁), Jiang LU (鲁江), Min GU (顾民)......2016, 28(4): 617-628
Reverse motion characteristics of water-vapor mixture in supercavitating flow around a hydrofoil Xiang-bin LI (李向宾), Nan LI (李楠), Guo-yu WANG (王国玉), Min-di ZHANG (张敏弟)........................... ..................................................................................................................................2016, 28(5): 757-766
Study of fluid resonance between two side-by-side floating barges Xin LI (李欣), Liang-yu XU (徐亮瑜), Jian-min YANG (杨建民).........................2016, 28(5): 767-777
The numerical and experimental investigations of the near wake behind a modified square stay-cable Shun-cheng SHEN (沈顺成), Miao WANG (汪秒), Hong LU (卢红), Lin ZOU (邹琳)..................................... ..................................................................................................................................2016, 28(5): 897-904
The mechanism of flapping propulsion of an underwater glider Yong-cheng LI (李永成), Ding-yi PAN (潘定一), Zheng MA (马峥)....................2016, 28(5): 918-921
Theory and applications of coupled fluid-structure interactions of ships in waves and ocean acoustic environment You-sheng WU (吴有生), Ming-song ZOU (邹明松), Chao TIAN (田超), Can SIMA (司马灿), Li-bo QI (祁立波), Jun DING (丁军), Zhi-wei LI (李志伟), Ye LU (陆晔)...........2016, 28(6): 923-936
An overview of simulation-based hydrodynamic design of ship hull forms Chi YANG, Fuxin HUANG.......................................................................................2016, 28(6): 947-960
Wavy properties and analytical modeling of free-surface flows in the development of the multi-domain method Xiaobo CHEN, Hui LIANG......................................................................................2016, 28(6): 971-976
Evaluation of SIFOM-FVCOM system for high-fidelity simulation of small-scale coastal ocean flows K. QU, H. S. TANG, A. AGRAWAL, C. B. JIANG, B. DENG..............................2016, 28(6): 994-1002
Numerical study on the effects of progressive gravity waves on turbulence Anqing (Elliott) XUAN, Bingqing DENG, Tao CAO, Lian SHEN.....................2016, 28(6): 1011-1017
Energy saving by using asymmetric aftbodies for merchant ships–design methodology, numerical simulation and validation Jie DANG, Hao CHEN (陈灏).............................................................................2016, 28(6): 1022-1028
Development of an adaptive Kalman filter-based storm tide forecasting model K. M. MOK (莫启明), U. H. LAI (黎宇轩), K. I. HOI (许嘉贤)........................2016, 28(6): 1029-1036
Industrial Hydrodynamics
Numerical and experimental studies of hydraulic noise induced by surface dipole sources in a centrifugal pump Hou-lin LIU (刘厚林), Han-wei DAI (戴菡葳), Jian DING (丁剑), Ming-gao TAN (谈明高), Yong WANG (王勇), Hao-qin HUANG (黄浩钦).......................................................2016, 28(1): 43-51
Pelton turbine: Identifying the optimum number of buckets using CFD Audrius ŽIDONIS, George A. AGGIDIS.....................................................................2016, 28(1): 75-83
Flow, thermal criticality and transition of a reactive third-grade fluid in a pipe with Reynoldsʼ model viscosity Samuel S. OKOYA.......................................................................................................2016, 28(1): 84-94
Investigation of the effects of platform motion on the aerodynamics of a floating offshore wind turbine Yuanchuan LIU, Qing XIAO, Atilla INCECIK, De-cheng WAN (万德成)..............2016, 28(1): 95-101
Mixing of two different electrolyte solutions in electromagnetic rectangular mixers Meimei WEN, Chang Nyung KIM, Yue YAN..........................................................2016, 28(1): 114-124
A new biomimicry marine current turbine: Study of hydrodynamic performance and wake using software OpenFOAM Yung-Jeh CHU..........................................................................................................2016, 28(1): 125-141
Numerical simulation of the abrasive supercritical carbon dioxide jet: The flow field and the influencing factors Zhen-guo HE (贺振国), Gen-sheng LI (李根生), Hai-zhu WANG (王海柱), Zhong-hou SHEN (沈忠厚), Shou-ceng TIAN (田守嶒), Pei-qing LU (陆沛青), Bin GUO (郭斌).......................................................................................................2016, 28(2): 238-246
Turbulent heat transfer and pressure loss in a square channel with discrete broken V-rib turbulators Promthaisong PITAK, Eiamsa-ard PETPICES, Jedsadaratanachai WITHADA, Eiamsa-ard SMITH................. ..................................................................................................................................2016, 28(2): 275-283
Computational study of different venturi and orifice type hydrodynamic cavitating devices Kuldeep, Virendra Kumar SAHARAN....................................................................2016, 28(2): 293-305
A review of cavitation in hydraulic machinery Xian-wu LUO (罗先武), Bin JI (季斌), Yoshinobu TSUJIMOTO..........................2016, 28(3): 335-358
Numerical investigation of flow and heat transfer performances of horizontal spiral-coil pipes Jia-dong JI (季家东), Pei-qi GE (葛培琪), Wen-bo BI (毕文波)............................2016, 28(4): 576-584
Thermal and tilt effects on bearing characteristics of hydrostatic oil pad in rotary table Zhi-feng LIU (刘志峰), Cheng-peng ZHAN (湛承鹏), Qiang CHENG (程强), Yong-sheng ZHAO (赵永胜), Xiao-yan LI (李小燕), Yi-da WANG (王义达).......2016, 28(4): 585-595
Numerical simulation of flow characteristics for a labyrinth passage in a pressure valve Hai-min WANG (王海民), Yue ZHAO (赵越), Jian-xing WANG (汪建兴), Xiang-shuai KONG (孔祥帅), Huan LIU (刘欢), Ke-liang LI (李科良), Xi-fang WANG (王喜芳).................. ..................................................................................................................................2016, 28(4): 629-636
Prediction of oil-water flow patterns, radial distribution of volume fraction, pressure and velocity during separated flows in horizontal pipe Anand B. DESAMALA, Vinayak VIJAYAN, Anjali DASARI, Ashok Kumar DASMAHAPATRA, Tapas K. MANDAL.................................................................................................2016, 28(4): 658-668
Effect of some parameters on the performance of anchor impellers for stirring shear-thinning fluids in a cylindrical vessel Houari AMEUR........................................................................................................2016, 28(4): 669-675
Design and development of guide vane cascade for a low speed number Francis turbine Biraj Singh THAPA, Chirag TRIVEDI, Ole Gunnar DAHLHAUG........................2016, 28(4): 676-689
Investigation on lane-formation in pedestrian flow with a new cellular automaton model Yi-zhou TAO (陶亦舟), Li-yun DONG (董力耘)....................................................2016, 28(5): 794-800
Analyzing hydro abrasive erosion in Kaplan turbine: A case study from India Anant Kr. RAI, Arun KUMAR.................................................................................2016, 28(5): 863-872
Modern methods of underground hydromechanics with applications to reservoir engineering Hua XIANG, Valery V. KADET...............................................................................2016, 28(6): 937-946
On the nanoparticulate flow Jian-zhong LIN (林建忠), Ming-zhou YU (于明州), De-ming NIE (聂德明)........2016, 28(6): 961-970
Numerical analysis of cavitation cloud shedding in a submerged water jet Guoyi PENG, Congxin YANG (杨从新), Yasuyuki OGUMA, Seiji SHIMIZU......2016, 28(6): 986-993
Experimental tomographic methods for analysing flow dynamics of gas-oil-water flows in horizontal pipeline Qiang WANG, Jiri POLANSKY, Bishal KARKI, Mi WANG, Kent WEI, Changhua QIU, Asaad KENBAR, David MILLINGTON.............................................................2016, 28(6): 1018-1021
Hydrodynamic consideration in ocean current turbine design Jiahn-Horng CHEN (陈建宏), Forng-Chen CHIU (邱逢琛), Ching-Yeh HSIN (辛敬业), Jing-Fa TSAI (蔡进发).........................................................................................2016, 28(6): 1037-1042
Hydraulic Engineering and Environment Hydrodynamics
Numerical study of the flow in the Yellow River with non-monotonous banks He-fang JING (景何仿), Yi-tian LI (李义天), Chun-guang LI (李春光)................2016, 28(1): 142-152
Ski-jump trajectory based on take-off velocity Jian-hua WU (吴建华), Zhun XU (许准), Li YAO (姚莉), Fei MA (马飞)............2016, 28(1): 166-169
Study of bedload transport in backwater flow Zhong-wu JIN (金中武), Jin-you LU (卢金友), Hua-li WU (吴华莉)....................2016, 28(1): 153-161
In-situstudy on nutrient release fluxes from shallow lake sediments under wind-driven waves Yuan-jun SUN (孙远军), Shi-qiang LU (卢士强), Wei-qing LIN (林卫青), Dao-zeng WANG (王道增), Jing-yu FAN (樊靖郁), Zhu LI (李柱).......................2016, 28(2): 247-254
Experiment study of the effects of hydrodynamic disturbance on the interaction between the cyanobacterial growth and the nutrients Jian HUANG (黄健), Bei-dou XI (席北斗), Qiu-jin XU (许秋瑾), Xi-xi WANG (王喜喜), Wei-ping LI (李卫平), Lian-sheng HE (何连生), Hong-liang LIU (刘鸿亮)..........2016, 28(3): 411-422
Water quality model with multiform of N/P transport and transformation in the Yangtze River Estuary Biao WANG (王彪), Shi-qiang LU (卢士强), Wei-qing LIN (林卫青), Yi-fan YANG (杨漪帆), Dao-zeng WANG (王道增)......................................................................................2016, 28(3): 423-430
Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation of mechanical energy loss and wall resistance of steady open channel flow Shi-he LIU (刘士和), Jiao XUE (薛娇)...................................................................2016, 28(3): 489-496
A simple method for estimating bed shear stress in smooth and vegetated compound channels Yu-qi SHAN (单钰淇), Chao LIU (刘超), Mao-kang LUO (罗懋康), Ke-jun YANG (杨克君)...........................................................................................2016, 28(3): 497-505
Hydraulic characteristics of a siphon-shaped overflow tower in a long water conveyance system: CFD simulation and analysis Kang YU (余康), Yong-guang CHENG (程永光), Xiao-xi ZHANG (张晓曦)......2016, 28(4): 564-575
Heat transfer at ice-water interface under conditions of low flow velocities Nan LI (李楠), You-cai TUO (脱友才), Yun DENG (邓云), Jia LI (李嘉), Rui-feng LIANG (梁瑞峰), Rui-dong AN (安瑞冬).............................................................................................2016, 18(4): 603-609
Flow regime and head loss in a drip emitter equipped with a labyrinth channel Lin ZHANG (张林), Pu-te WU (吴普特), De-lan ZHU (朱德兰), Chao ZHENG (郑超)................................... ..................................................................................................................................2016, 28(4): 610-616
A parameter analysis of a two-phase flow model for supersaturated total dissolved gas downstream spillways Hui-xia YANG (杨慧霞), Ran LI (李然), Rui-feng LIANG (梁瑞峰), Juan WEI (魏娟), Qin ZHANG (张沁).................................................................................................2016, 28(4): 648-657
Influence of near-shore marine structures in a beach nourishment project on tidal currents in Haitan Bay, facing the Taiwan Strait Jie GU (顾杰), Yue MA (马悦), Bin-yu WANG (王彬谕), Jueyi SUI, Cui-ping KUANG (匡翠萍), Jian-hui LIU (刘建辉), Gang LEI (雷刚)................................................................2016, 28(4): 690-701
Flow characteristics of the wind-driven current with submerged and emergent flexible vegetations in shallow lakes Chao WANG (王超), Xiu-lei FAN (范秀磊), Pei-fang WANG (王沛芳), Jun HOU (侯俊), Jin QIAN (钱进).......................................................................................................2016, 28(5): 746-756
Modelling of a non-buoyant vertical jet in waves and currents Zhen-shan XU (徐振山), Yong-ping CHEN (陈永平), Jian-feng TAO (陶建峰), Yi PAN (潘毅), Chang-kuan ZHANG (张长宽), Chi-Wei LI (李志伟)............................................2016, 28(5): 778-793
The hydraulic characteristics of end-dump closure with the assistance of back- water-sill in diversion channel He LU (陆贺), Zhi-gen HU (胡志根), Quan LIU (刘全), Guo-xuan LÜ (吕国轩),
Jian-quan YE (叶建群), Jin-ming Ren (任金明).....................................................2016, 28(5): 886-896
A water quality model applied for the rivers into the Qinhuangdao coastal water in the Bohai Sea, China Jie GU (顾杰), Cheng-fei HU (胡成飞), Cui-ping KUANG (匡翠萍), Olaf KOLDITZ, Hai-bing SHAO (邵亥冰), Jia-bo ZHANG (张甲波), Hui-xin LIU (刘会欣)........2016, 28(5): 905-913
A new design of ski-jump-step spillway Jian-hua WU (吴建华), Shang-tuo QIAN (钱尚拓), Fei MA (马飞)......................2016, 28(5): 914-917
Coupling of the flow field and the purification efficiency in root system region of ecological floating bed under different hydrodynamic conditions Lei RAO (饶磊), Pei-fang WANG (王沛芳), Yang LEI (雷阳), Chao WANG (王超) ..............................................................................................................................2016, 28(6): 1049-1057
Modelling hydrodynamic processes in tidal stream energy extraction Jie LIN (林杰), Bin-liang LIN (林斌良), Jian SUN (孙健), Ya-ling CHEN (陈娅玲) ..............................................................................................................................2016, 28(6): 1058-1064