许 新 李世荣
许 新 李世荣2)
基于Euler-Bernoulli梁理论和单向耦合的热传导理论,研究了功能梯度材料(functionally graded material, FGM)微梁的热弹性阻尼(thermoelastic damping,TED).假设矩形截面微梁的材料性质沿厚度方向按幂函数连续变化,忽略了温度梯度在轴向的变化,建立了单向耦合的变系数一维热传导方程.热力耦合的横向自由振动微分方程由经典梁理论获得.采用分层均匀化方法将变系数的热传导方程简化为一系列在各分层内定义的常系数微分方程,利用上下表面的绝热边界条件和界面处的连续性条件获得了微梁温度场的分层解析解.将温度场代入微梁的运动方程,获得了包含热弹性阻尼的复频率,进而求得了代表热弹性阻尼的逆品质因子.在给定金属--陶瓷功能梯度材料后,通过数值计算结果定量分析了材料梯度指数、频率阶数、几何尺寸以及边界条件对TED的影响.结果表明:(1)若梁长固定不变,梁厚度小于某个数值时,改变陶瓷材料体积分数可以使得TED取得最小值;(2)固有频率阶数对TED的最大值没有影响,但是频率阶数越高对应的临界厚度越小;(3)不同的边界条件对应的TED的最大值相同,但是随着支座约束刚度增大对应的临界厚度减小;(4)TED的最大值和对应的临界厚度随着金属组分的增大而增大.
1.1 FGM微梁的材料性质
图1 FGM微梁的几何尺寸和坐标系Fig.1 Geometry and coordinates of an FGM micro-beam
1.2 运动方程
1.3 热传导方程
表1 镍和氮化硅的物性参数(T0=300K)Table 1 The material properties of nickel and silicon nitride(T0=300K)
表2 一阶频率下FGM微梁不同N对应的Q-1值(S-S,h=3µm,l=300µm,n=1)Table 2 Values of the quality factorQ-1with numbers of the divided layer of an FGM beam at the firs order frequency (S-S,h=3µm,l=300µm,n=1)
图2 本文所得纯陶瓷微梁的热弹性阻尼解答与文献中的解析解的比较Fig.2 A comparison of the present solution of TED for a pure ceramic micro beam with the analytical solution in the literature
图3 前三阶模态下FGM微梁的热弹性阻尼随厚度的变化曲线Fig.3 Curves of the thermoelastic damping of the FGM micro-beam versus the thickness in the firs three vibrating modes
图4 FGM简支微梁自由振动时的频移和衰减随厚度的变化的关系曲线(一阶模态)Fig.4 The frequency shift and the attenuation change with the thickness of an S-S FGM micro-beam(in the firs mode)
图6 给定不同厚度时FGM微梁的热弹性阻尼Q-1与材料梯度指数n之间的关系曲线(一阶模态)Fig.6 Thermoelastic dampingQ-1versus the material gradientnfor some specifie values of the thickness(in the firs mode)
图6 给定不同厚度时FGM微梁的热弹性阻尼Q-1与材料梯度指数n之间的关系曲线(一阶模态)(续)Fig.6 Thermoelastic dampingQ-1versus the material gradientnfor some specifie values of the thickness(in the firs mode)(continued)
表3 热弹性阻尼最大值和相应的临界厚度hcr(µm)值随材料梯度指数和边界条件的变化(一阶模态,l=300µm)Table 3 Values of the maximum TED,and the related critical thicknesshcr(µm)varying with the boundary conditions and for material gradient indexn(in the firs mode,l=300µm)
表3 热弹性阻尼最大值和相应的临界厚度hcr(µm)值随材料梯度指数和边界条件的变化(一阶模态,l=300µm)Table 3 Values of the maximum TED,and the related critical thicknesshcr(µm)varying with the boundary conditions and for material gradient indexn(in the firs mode,l=300µm)
BCsn0 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 4 10 100 100000 C-C Q-1max 1.1118 1.7682 2.3143 3.6068 5.0599 8.0746 10.0138 12.9454 13.4729hcr 3.47 4.13 4.60 5.60 6.60 8.16 8.53 8.72 8.75 C-S Q-1max 1.1118 1.7682 2.3143 3.6068 5.0599 8.0746 10.0138 12.9454 13.4729hcr 3.92 4.67 5.21 6.35 7.47 9.24 9.66 9.87 9.90 S-S Q-1max 1.1118 1.7682 2.3143 3.6068 5.0599 8.0746 10.0138 12.9454 13.4729hcr 4.55 5.42 6.05 7.36 8.67 10.73 11.20 11.45 11.49 C-F Q-1max 1.1118 1.7682 2.3143 3.6068 5.0599 8.0746 10.0138 12.9454 13.4729hcr 6.42 7.65 8.53 10.39 12.23 15.13 15.80 16.16 16.20
图7 不同边界条件下热弹性阻尼与厚度的关系曲线(一阶模态)Fig.7 Relationship curves between TED and the thickness under dif f erent boundary conditions(in the firs mode)
基于 Euler-Bernoulli梁理论和各向同性非均匀介质热力耦合的热传导理论,研究了材料性质沿厚度方向连续变化的功能梯度材料微梁的热弹性阻尼.采用分层均匀化方法将变系数的热传导方程离散为定义在有限分层上的常系数热传导方程.从而在给定边界条件和界面处的连续性条件下求得温度场的分段连续解析解.将与振幅相关的温度场代入振动微分方程,采用复频率方法获得了热弹性阻尼的解析解.在纯陶瓷均匀梁的情况下,本文所得热弹性阻尼解答与相同条件下文献中的解答完全吻合.通过大量的数值结果,研究了几何尺寸、材料梯度指数、振动模态阶数以及边界条件等对FGM微梁的热弹性阻尼的影响,得到了以下结论:(1)若梁长固定不变,梁厚度小于某个数值时,改变陶瓷材料体积分数可以使得TED取得最小值;(2)固有频率阶数对TED的最大值没有影响,但是频率阶数越高对应的临界厚度越小;(3)不同的边界条件对应的TED的最大值相同,但是随着支座约束刚度增大对应的临界厚度减小;(4)TED的最大值和对应的临界厚度随着金属组分的增加而增加;(5)在理论上可以通过材料性质梯度变化优化设计减小微梁的热弹性阻尼.
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Xu Xin Li Shirong2)
(School of Civil Science and Engineering,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou225127,Jiangsu,China)
Based on Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and the one-waycoupled heat conduction theory,thermoelastic damping (TED)of functionally graded material(FGM)micro-beams was studied.By assuming the material properties of the rectangular cross-section micro-beams to be varied continuously along the thickness direction as power law functions and ignoring the variation of the temperature gradient in the axial direction,one dimensional and one-way coupled heat conduction equation with variable coefficients was established.By using the layer wise homogenization approach,the heat conduction with variable coefficients was simplifie as a series of di ff erential equations define in each layer.The equation governing fl xural free vibration of the FGM micro beams subjected to time dependent non-uniform heating was developed on the basis of classical beam theory.By using the boundary conditions at the top and the bottom surfaces and the continuity conditions at the interfaces,analytical solution of the temperature fiel in the FGM micro-beams given layer wisely was obtained.Substituting the temperature fiel into equation of motion of the micro-beams,the complexfrequency including TED was achieved,and finall,values of the TED was extracted.Numerical results of the TED were calculated for the given values of physical and geometrical parameters of a metal-ceramic FGM beam.E ff ects of the material gradient,the geometry,frequency orders and the boundary conditions on TED were analyzed in detail.The results showed that:(1)if the beam length is fi ed,one can arrive at the minimum of the TED by changing the volume fraction of the ceramic when the beam thickness is less than a certain value;(2)the orders of the frequency have no influenc on the maximum of TED,however,the larger frequency corresponds to the smaller critical thickness(at which the TED reaches the maximum);(3)for di ff erent boundary conditions the maximums of TED are same,but the critical thickness is smaller for the stronger end constraints;(4)both the maximum of TED and the critical increase of the FGM micro beams increase along with the increment in the values of the volume fraction of the metal.
functionally graded material,micro-beams,thermoelastic damping,energy dissipation,free vibration
Xu Xin,Li Shirong.Analysis of thermoelastic damping for functionally graded material micro-beam.Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,2017,49(2):308-316