(遵义医学院第五附属珠海医院骨科,广东 珠海519100)
(遵义医学院第五附属珠海医院骨科,广东 珠海519100)
骨挫伤是由一定的暴力导致皮质下骨髓水肿、出血及骨小梁断裂,松质骨微小压缩性损伤,进而引起局部疼痛[1]。骨挫伤还有很多其他名称,比如骨小梁骨折、微骨折、隐性骨折等。由于骨挫伤在皮质骨下有水肿、出血,MRI对含水物质较敏感,故在T1加权像中呈低信号,在T2加权像中呈高信号[2]。在短时间反转回复像(STRI)中呈高信号,图像呈点状或斑片状,大片状地图样或弥漫性不规则形态。骨髓水肿在脂肪抑制像中能清晰显示。国内有学者报道运用双能量CT(DECT)扫面患膝,生成虚拟去钙(VNCa)图像,并对VNCa图像上每个分区单独评级,可明确诊断骨挫伤。该方法对不能行MRI检查者有重要意义[3]。膝关节周围骨挫伤往往伴随其他器官的损伤,如半月板、交叉韧带、侧副韧带等组织的损伤,特别与前交叉韧带(anterior cruciate ligament,ACL)损伤相关性最大[4]。
Lynch等[6]于1989年通过研究大量影像学资料后将骨挫伤分为3型。Ⅰ型:弥漫型,T1加权像呈弥散、网状的低信号位于干骺端,T2加权像表现为高信号;Ⅱ型:合并软骨与软骨下骨之间骨皮质的连续性中断信号;Ⅲ型:紧贴皮质下区的T1加权像局限性的信号减低区,而T2加权像信号无改变。Vellet等[7]于1991年对骨挫伤基于MRI影像学表现分为5型。Ⅰ型呈隐匿性网状,T1加权像干骺端骨髓呈网状图像,低信号与关节软骨面不相连,T2加权像可见高信号影;Ⅱ型为地图型,表现为信号改变与邻近的皮质或软骨下骨相连,呈地图状;Ⅲ型为线型,信号改变呈线性,宽度小于2 mm;Ⅳ型为软骨压缩型,在地图型骨挫伤且有局部软骨塌陷;V型为软骨骨折,T1加权图像上软骨骨折边缘有一些低信号,T2加权像上呈现高信号且与关节腔相通。
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Progress of study on diagnosis and treatment of bone contusion around knee joint.
YOU Bin,AN Rong-ze,LI Song-jun,ZHAO Jun-yan.Department of Orthopaedics,Zhuhai Hospital,the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University,Zhuhai 519100,Guangdong,CHINA
Bone contusion is caused by direct or indirect violence,bone marrow edema,bleeding and trabecular bone fracture,which can lead to local pain.Bone contusion can be found in all parts of the body,mostly in the knee joint. In the past,as the doctors didn't know enough about the bone contusion and did not pay enough attention to it,the bone contusion was often treated as soft tissue contusion in clinical treatment.This leads to that some patients still had painsymptoms in a long time after treatment,exerting a great impact on the patient's life and work.In recent years,due to the popularity of MRI and the doctor's attention to bone contusion,more and more researches on bone contusion were conducted.But the opinions on treatment options related to bone contusion around knee joint and the long-term impact on the joint are not yet uniform.This article focuses on the cause of bone contusion around knee joint,pathogenesis,diagnostic criteria,classification,treatment,in order to provide a reference for doctors.
Knee joint;Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI);Bone contusion;Bone marrow edema