
2017-02-08 23:37:56唐老雅
英语世界 2017年9期




接下来的问题是:怎么举例?老雅区分两类:有形的举例和无形的举例。有形的举例就是用一些for instance、for example、a case in point is这样的连接词来举例,通常显得生硬,但很明晰;无形的举例就是把例子自然地融入到上下文中,虽然没有连接词,却胜似有连接词,这样的举例就像武功高手,收放自如,举重若轻,却显得优雅、有格调。老雅先讲讲有形的举例供6分段同学参考,然后再总结高分段的举例策略。



1) Take … for example 以……为例

2) To see this more clearly, let’s take…as an illustration. 为看得更清楚,我们举……为证。

3) A (good) case in point is… 一个(恰当的)例子是……

4) Perhaps the most well-known/important/convincing/interesting example is… 也许最为人所知/重要/有说服力/有趣的例子是……

5) …is frequently quoted/cited/taken as an illustration of… 人们经常举……来证明……

6) There is abundant evidence to support… 有足够的证据支持……

7) The latest survey/studies conducted by ... indicates/reveals/shows/ that...最近由……进行的调查/研究表明……


Hard work is more important than the innate talent. For example, my friend John is a great piano player though he is not really gifted, because he practices playing piano almost every day.



One benefit machines have brought to us is that it saves us huge amount of time. In the case of making a pair of shoes, almost 70% of manufacturing time could be reduced if it were mass-produced according to some research fi ndings.



1. More significantly, living with people of different ethnic groups will enable us to become more understanding and tolerant, which is, of course, very important to a peaceful world. In my neighborhood, for example, there are people from China, India and Africa. During Chinese New Year Holidays, we invite our Indian and African friends to our house and show them how Chinese people spend their Spring Festival. Our Indian neighbors teach us how to play cricket,which is their national sports and African friends show us the beautiful dances particular to their culture. In this way, we share what we have and learn what we do not, and our neighborhood is always happy and full of joy. (“唐老雅英语写作工作室”公众号,2016年4月4日)

2. On the one hand, many people hold the opinion that healthcare should be free. They argue that, if the healthcare is free, people will not have to worry about the expensive healthcare expenses. This is particularly important for those economically under-privileged. With free healthcare, they can go to hospital whenever they find there is anything wrong with their health without worrying about money. This will, of course, enhance their sense of well-being and the entire society will become much more harmonious. My uncle is a good example.He developed T.B. when he was at his 50s. He would be dead now but for the free healthcare policy practiced in the region where he lives. Now he and his family are very much grateful to the local government and would do everything for it.(“唐老雅英语写作工作室”公众号,2016年3月20日)





策略3:一般用1句,也可用“1短句 +1长句”的组合。


Some students use websites which offer ready-made assignments. This is not a good idea, even if you ignore the fact that it is cheating, because such websites may contain factual errors or biased views. In a recent case, a student found herself in serious trouble when she submitted an essay from one of these sites only to discover that it was about Austria, not Australia, but had an error in the title.(来源:雅思官方9分范文)

这里需要论证网络上获取的信息可能不准确。怎么论证?举例。怎么举例?一位同学惹上了麻烦,为什么呢?因为她从网站上弄了一篇文章,然后提交给了老师,却发现,这文章标题弄错了,不是澳大利亚,而是奥地利。看!这个例子中内容多么丰富,多么具体。原文用in a recent case (=for example)引导出一个长例子。如果我们这样来写这个例子,各位看看差距在哪里?

For example, a student got an essay from one website and then submitted it to the professor. Then she discovered that it had an error in the title. It was about Austria, not Australia. The student found herself in serious trouble.



Sometimes the most talented person can make for(走向;成为)one of the most ineffective managers. You can see this in sports, for example, where retired superstars often find it difficult to coach or manage successfully because they are now supervising lesser mortals that weren’t blessed with the same degree of innate talent. (BBC, May 28, 2014)



Sometimes young people can do a better job than their older counterparts in leading a team forward. You can see this in IT sector, for example, where the old people often find it impossible to head a team because their past experience and expertise fall out too soon to be useful any more.



We need an authoritative voice telling people to take breaks in your days, to slow down. I remember I met once with a young person, 21 years old, who said every time she tried to study or focus she would find herself staring at the clouds and trees. Later I found she did not have any disorder; what she really needed was nothing else but a break. (Chicago Tribune, August 18, 2015)



The situation would be better if people really tried their best to save the creature. Panda is a good example. Panda is a typical endangered animal which only lives in China. The number of Panda used to be less than 200. Nevertheless,the lovely appearance of panda attract the world’s attention. It is favoured by people all over the world. Finally, though it is still endangered, the number of panda grows to 1000. According to these, it is obvious that the situation can be changed.


The situation would be better if people really tried their best to save the creature. Panda is a good example. As an endangered species found only in China,the Panda has grown in number from 200 a decade ago to 1000 today, thanks to the protection from people all over the world attracted by their lovely appearance. □

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