A Day with Jesus (I)耶 稣 的 一 天 (一)

2017-02-07 04:34:26克里斯琴乔治任东升
英语世界 2017年6期

文/克里斯琴·乔治 译/任东升

By Christian George


A Day with Jesus (I)耶 稣 的 一 天 (一)

文/克里斯琴·乔治 译/任东升

ByChristian George

The Gospel of Markchronicles a day from the beginning of Jesus’ ministry1ministry事工,即神职人员的传教。. 《马可福音》记载了耶稣传教伊始的一天。

Nearly 2,000 years ago in what is present-day northern Israel, a man walked along the shore of the Sea of Galilee2加利利海,虽然称“海”,其实是“湖”,是世界上最大的淡水湖。. His clothes reflected the common Jewish attire of His3在英文圣经译本里用来指代耶稣的主格、宾格、所有格、反身代词时均为首字母大写,表示对耶稣的尊称。本文作者遵循这一传统。time—a linen shirt underneath a tunic4tunic无袖的宽松短袍。. He wore leather sandals that offered little protection from the rocky banks. Unlike European Renaissance depictions of Jesus as a towering hulk5hulk体量高大的人。with flowing blonde hair and deep blue eyes, this Middle Eastern Jew had short, dark, tightly curled hair,a weathered face befitting a man of His outdoor profession and, according to a recent forensic anthropological6forensic anthropological法医人类学的。study,was probably no more than 5 feet 1 inch in height. His name was Yeshua7约书亚,希伯来语,意思是“耶和华是拯救”。, or as it would later be pronounced, Jesus8耶稣,是希腊语发音。.


[2] A native of Nazareth9拿撒勒(耶稣的故乡,因而有“拿撒勒人耶稣”之称谓)。, a village of only 200 to 400 people, Jesus relocated10relocate迁移。as an adult to densely populated Capernaum11Capernaum迦百农。, a polyglot12polyglot使用多种语言的。port on the banks of the Sea of Galilee, situated on the Via Maris13威亚马里斯(商道)。拉丁文,意思是“沿海之路”(the way of theea)。, the main trade route connecting Mesopotamia14Mesopotamia美索不达米亚(平原)。with the Mediterranean. Recent archaeological digs have revealed no less that 15 ports along the coast of the large freshwater lake, but none as trafficked as the one Jesus selected to be His home base for a ministry that soon would go viral15go viral 像病毒一样传播开来。.A modern-sized military garrison16garrison要塞。in Capernaum reminded the Jewish community of the consequences of rebelling against Roman occupation. In A.D. 67,the Jews did rise against the Romans,resulting in the ruthless carnage17carnage大屠杀。of 6,700 of them by Emperor Nero18尼禄(公元9—68年),罗马帝国国王(公元54—68年在位)。’s most competent general, Vespasian19维斯佩西安(公元7—79年),罗马帝国将军,后成为罗马帝国国王(公元69—79年在位)。.


[3] But 30 years prior, as Jesus walked the streets of Capernaum, the Jewish citizens were restless for revolution. Political tensions were as thick in the air as the 27 species of fish in the water. The coast of Galilee was the perfect place to pick a handful of fisherman to launch a controversial counterculture movement.

Friday, after sunrise Sea of Galilee

[4] Simon and his brother, Andrew,turned to see a stranger proposition20proposition建议。them. “Follow me” (Mark 1:17). They recognized the local Galilean dialect.He is one of us.But follow you? Follow you where? Following this stranger would mean forfeiting their catch, and mornings were the most profitable time for gathering the three types of edible species found in the Sea of Galilee —sardines, barbels and tilapis21在加利利地区罗非鱼被称为“圣彼得鱼”(St. Peter Fish)。. Next to gathering nuts, figs, olives and grapes for export, fishing drove the economy of Galilee. And not everyone could afford to own a boat. Simon and his brother were fortunate and were guaranteed steady and reliable revenue22revenue收入。as long as they kept fishing.




[5] Even though it was occupation suicide, the two men dropped their fishing nets and followed this man. Not far down the coast, Jesus encountered James and his brother, John. They, too,abandoned the morning catch and “left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him” (Mark 1:20). The decision these men made would eventually cost each of them not only a lifetime of earnings, but also their lives. According to some sources,all of Jesus’ disciples would be executed or exiled because of their affiliation23affiliation隶属;密切联系。with this newfangled24newfangled新奇的。radical.


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