The Doctor, His Wife and the Clock (Excerpt I)医生、妻子与时钟(节选一)

2017-02-07 04:34:26安娜凯瑟琳格林闻春国
英语世界 2017年6期

文/安娜·凯瑟琳·格林 译/闻春国

By Anna Katharine Green2


The Doctor, His Wife and the Clock (Excerpt I)医生、妻子与时钟(节选一)

文/安娜·凯瑟琳·格林 译/闻春国1

ByAnna Katharine Green2

There are some events which impress the human mind so deeply that their memory mingles with all afterexperiences. Though Violet had made it a rule to forget as soon as possible the tragic episodes incident to the career upon which she had embarked, there was destined to be one scene, if not more, which she has never been able to dismiss at will.

[2] This was the sight which met her eyes from the bow of the small boat in which Dr. Harry and his wife were rowed over to Jersey on the afternoon which saw the end of this most sombre drama. Though it was by no means late in the day, the sun was already sinking,and the bright red glare which filled the west and shone full upon the faces of the half dozen people before her added much to the tragic nature of the scene.



[3] The doctor sat with his wife in the stern3stern船尾。and it was upon their faces Violet’s glance was fixed. The glare shone luridly on his sightless eyeballs, and as she noticed his unwinking lids, she realized as never before what it was to be blind in the midst of sunshine. His wife’s eyes, on the contrary, were lowered,but there was a look of hopeless misery in her colorless face which made her appearance infinitely pathetic.

[4] On the seat in front of them sat an inspector and from some quarter, there came the monotonous4monotonous单调乏味的。ticking of the small clock, which was to serve as a target for the blind man’s aim. This ticking was all Violet heard, though the river was alive with traffic and large and small boats were steaming by them on every side. And I am sure it was all that Mrs. Harry heard also,as with hand pressed to her heart, and eyes fixed on the opposite shore.

[5] As the sun cast its last scarlet5scarlet猩红的,鲜红的。gleam over the water, the boat grounded, and Violet was enabled to have one passing word with Mrs. Harry. But beyond an added pang of pity for this beautiful but afflicted woman, Violet let the moment pass without giving any words, as they had already reached the ground which had been selected for this trial at arms, and the various members of the party were being placed in their several positions.




[6] The doctor, to whom light and darkness were alike, stood with his face towards the western glow, and at his side were grouped the inspector and the two physicians. Mrs. Harry stood at the other end of the opening near a tall stump6stump树桩。,upon which it had been decided that the clock should be placed when the moment came for the doctor to show his skill. She had been accorded the privilege of setting the clock on this stump, and Violet saw it shining in her hand as she paused for a moment to glance back at the circle of gentlemen who were awaiting her movements. The hands of the clock stood at five minutes to five, though Violet scarcely noted it at the time, for Mrs. Harry was passing her and had stopped to say:

“If he is not himself, he cannot be trusted. Watch him carefully and see that he does no mischief. Ask one of the inspectors to stand at his right hand, and stop him if he does not handle his pistol properly.”




[7] Violet promised, and she passed on, setting the clock upon the stump and immediately drawing back to a suitable distance at the right, where she stood, wrapped in her long dark cloak.Her face shone ghastly white, even in its environment of snow-covered boughs7bough大树枝。, and noting this, Violet wished the moment come soon.

[8] “Dr. Harry,” quoth the inspector,“we have endeavored to make this trial a perfectly fair one. You are to have a shot at a small clock which has been placed within a suitable distance, and which you are expected to hit, guided only by the sound which it will make in striking the hour of five. Are you satisfied with the arrangement?”

“Perfectly. Where is my wife?”

“On the other side of the field some ten paces from the stump upon which the clock is fixed.” He bowed, and his face showed satisfaction.

“May I expect the clock to strike soon?”

“In less than five minutes.” He answered.

“Then let me have the pistol; I wish to become acquainted with it.”

[9] We glanced at each other, then across at her. She made a gesture; it was one of acquiescence8acquiescence默许,默认。.

[10] Immediately the inspector placed the weapon in the blind man’s hand. It was at once apparent that he understood the instrument, and Violet’s hopes which had been strong up to this moment, sank at his air of confidence.

[11] “Thank God I am blind this hour and cannot see her.” fell from his lips,then, he raised his voice. “Let no one move. I must have my ears free for catching the first stroke of the clock.”And he raised the pistol before him.










[12] There was a moment of torturing suspense and deep, unbroken silence.Violet’s eyes were on him so she did not watch the clock, but she was suddenly moved by some irresistible impulse to note how Mrs. Harry was bearing herself at this critical moment, and casting a hurried glance in her direction she perceived her tall figure swaying from side to side, as if under an intolerable strain of feeling.Her eyes were on the clock, the hands of which seemed to creep with snail-like pace along the dial, when unexpectedly, and a full minute before the minute hand had reached the stroke of five, Violet caught a movement on her part, saw the flash of something round and white show for an instant against the darkness of her cloak,and was about to shriek warning to the doctor, when the shrill, quick stroke of a clock rang out on the frosty air, followed by the ping and flash of a pistol.

[13] A sound of shattered glass,followed by a suppressed cry, told the bystanders that the bullet had struck the mark, but before anyone could move,there came another sound which made their hair stand on end and sent the blood back in terror to their hearts. Another clock was striking, which they now perceived was still standing upright on the stump where Mrs. Harry had placed it.

(To be continued)





2(1846—1935),美国侦探小说的先行者,其风格直接影响了后来的著名推理小说作家范·达因(S. S. Van Dine)、埃勒里·奎因(Ellery Queen)等,被誉为“侦探小说的教母”。本文选自小说集《金色的拖鞋》(The Golden Slipper and Other Problems for Violet Strange)。

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