
2017-02-06 16:08余云飞王慎强
土壤学报 2017年6期

程 谊 黄 蓉 余云飞 王慎强†

(1 土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室(中国科学院南京土壤研究所),南京 210008)

(2 江苏省农业委员会,南京 210036)


程 谊1黄 蓉1余云飞2王慎强1†

(1 土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室(中国科学院南京土壤研究所),南京 210008)

(2 江苏省农业委员会,南京 210036)




1 控制农田土壤硝态氮浓度是关键

土壤中的氮以有机氮、铵态氮、硝态氮等不同的形态存在。铵态氮是还原态,为阳离子,在带阴离子的土壤胶体中容易被吸附;硝态氮是氧化态,为阴离子,具有更大的移动性[4]。以尿素、碳酸氢铵等铵态氮形式施入的氮肥一般在2~3周内即可通过硝化作用迅速转变为移动性较强的硝态氮[5]。在我国北方旱作土壤中这种转化更为迅速(1~2周)[6-7]。对于喜铵态氮的植物,如水稻和茶树,铵态氮迅速转变为硝态氮,不利于作物对肥料氮的吸收。即使对于玉米、小麦和蔬菜等喜硝态氮的植物,当氮肥投入超过了植物对氮的需求时,也会造成农田土壤硝态氮的大量累积。近期,对中国主要旱地土壤剖面硝酸盐累积的综合分析表明,小麦、玉米、菜地和果园0~4 m土壤剖面的硝态氮累积量分别高达453、749、1230、2 155 kg hm-2(以纯氮计),土壤剖面硝态氮累积最容易发生在降水量为400~800 mm区间的华北地区,且降水强度、氮肥用量以及盈余氮量是旱地土壤剖面硝态氮累积的驱动因子[8]。此外,我国农田还面临着严重的土壤硝态氮径流、反硝化等损失[9-11]。因此,控制农田土壤中硝态氮的产生和累积是提高氮肥利用率、减少氮素损失的关键手段之一。

2 硝化抑制剂未必是最佳的选择


3 土壤硝态氮同化过程大有可为


然而,长期以来,受微生物优先利用铵态氮这一传统观点的影响,人们普遍认为农田土壤微生物不利用硝态氮[23-28],因此,硝态氮同化作为一个具有保氮功能且环境友好的氮转化过程一直不受重视,尤其是在我国,描述土壤氮素问题和研究成果的经典专著《中国土壤氮素》[4]也未记录此过程。与铵态氮相比,微生物利用硝态氮需要消耗更多的能量,且土壤铵态氮浓度高时会抑制硝态氮的转运或硝态氮还原酶的合成[29-30]。但是,旱地耕作土壤中硝态氮浓度常常高于铵态氮,而土壤中又存在着硝化细菌和异养微生物对铵态氮的强烈竞争作用,因而,当铵态氮含量不足以满足微生物需求时,硝态氮的微生物同化作用就有可能发生[21]。此外,有效态碳(C)数量亦是限制硝态氮同化的关键因子。在森林和草地土壤中发现了显著的硝态氮同化作用[20,31]。一般而言,森林和草地土壤的有机质含量高于农业土壤,这可能意味着农业土壤所含的有效态碳数量较少,限制了微生物对硝态氮的利用。Recous等[25]发现,耕作土壤中仅加入KNO3时,微生物硝态氮同化速率忽略不计,而在相同KNO3施用量的基础上加入500 mg kg-1(以碳计,下同)的葡萄糖时立即发生硝态氮同化。Romero等[32]也发现,农业土壤中同时加入葡萄糖和硝酸钠可以明显提高硝态氮同化速率,且硝态氮同化速率随着葡萄糖加入量增加而提高,尤其当葡萄糖加入量达5 000 mg kg-1时,高达65.9%的标记硝酸钠可被微生物同化。可见,土壤中加入足够数量的纯碳源完全可以刺激硝态氮同化。但是,农业和养殖业废弃物施入对硝态氮同化速率的影响却明显不同。大量的研究表明,土壤中加入动物粪肥不能刺激硝态氮同化[26-27,33],而施用小麦秸秆可以提高硝态氮同化[34-35]。因此,有机物料能否促进土壤微生物利用硝态氮可能取决于碳源类型。与小麦秸秆相比,堆肥、菜籽饼和鸡粪的C/N较低,常常小于20,碳可利用性可能不足以支持微生物的生长需求。与此相反,高C/N有机物料的施入则会激发异养微生物吸收更多的外源氮来满足自身生长对氮的需求,致使微生物在利用铵态氮的同时也利用硝态氮。这就解释了为什么加入足够数量的高C/N的有机物料才有可能提高微生物硝态氮同化速率。


4 展 望


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Role of Microbial Assimilation of Soil NO3-in Reducing Soil NO3-Concentration

CHENG Yi1HUANG Rong1YU Yunfei2WANG Shenqiang1†
(1 State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture,Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China)
(2 Jiangsu Agriculture Commission,Nanjing 210036,China)

NO3-accumulation in the soil would trigger N losses through runoff,leaching and N2O emission. It is,therefore,of particular importance to take appropriate nitrogen(N)management strategies to reduce soil NO3-accumulation,and hence to enhance N use efficiency and reduce N losses to the environment.Application of nitrification inhibitor(NI)has been demonstrated to be effective in reducing soil NO3-concentration,NO3-leaching and N2O emission,and simultaneously increasing crop yield. However,there is an indisputable fact that NI application increases ammonia(NH3)emission and causes NI contamination.As a matter of fact,soil NO3-concentration varies with NO3-generation(nitrification)and consumption(assimilation)rates in aerobic conditions. Under the influence of the viewpoint that soil microbes prefer NH4+-N for their growth,it is commonly held that soil microbes rarely use NO3-in farmlands. Consequently,the study on processes of soil microbial NO3-assimilation has been neglected to a certain extent. The process of soil microbial NO3-assimilation is found to be unique in advantage. It turns NO3-into microbial biomass N for temporary storage before mineralization to be available to crops for a longer season or crops in the following season. There is no doubt that soil microbial NO3-immobilization is stimulated by specific extraneous C input,which deserves more attention in future studies concerning how to reduce soil NO3-accumulation. Further studies should primarily focus on the following several aspects:(1)to elucidate mechanism of the microbe driving NO3-assimilation under elevated C availability,(2)to explore how to control microbial assimilation and remineralization of NO3-to match soil N supply with crop N demand and reduce N losses,and(3)to explore how to avoid stimulating denitrification and associated N losses while enhancing microbial NO3-assimilation under the condition of sufficient C supply.

NO3-accumulation;NO3-immobilization;Nitrification inhibitor;Carbon source




* 国家自然科学基金项目(41671231,41571294)和国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFD0200106,2017YFD0800103)资助Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos. 41671231and 41571294)and the National Key Research and Development Program of China(Nos. 2017YFD0200106 and 2017YFD0800103)

† 通讯作者 Corresponding author,E-mail:sqwang@issas.ac.cn

程 谊(1983—),男,安徽绩溪人,博士,副研究员,主要从事土壤氮素循环及其农业与生态环境效应研究。E-mail:ycheng@issas.ac.cn


