
2017-01-27 15:51:44
中国学术期刊文摘 2017年4期







来源出版物:地球物理学进展, 2013, 28(2): 706-719





来源出版物:浙江大学学报(工学版), 2013, 47(5): 912-917





来源出版物:城市规划学刊, 2014, (5): 23-31





来源出版物:地震工程学报, 2014, 36(1): 12-21





来源出版物:地震地质, 2014, 41(4): 107-110





来源出版物:自然灾害学报, 2014, 23(5): 62-69





来源出版物:土木工程学报, 2015, 48(S2): 118-123





来源出版物:北京工业大学学报, 2015, 41(5): 709-717





来源出版物:防灾减灾工程学报, 2016, 36(1): 1-23





来源出版物:灾害学, 2014, 29(2): 170-174



摘要:地震风险评估需充分考虑到地震风险的时空差异,选择合理的时空间尺度进行研究,才能给政府防灾减灾规划、政策的落实和应急救援等提供具有可操作性、切实有效的信息。为此,基于辨识城市地震风险时空格局差异以及抗震救灾组织2个方面的综合考虑,本研究选择在500 m×500 m格网尺度上进行昼夜2个不同时段的地震风险评估研究,建立了昼夜人口分布与土地利用的对应关系,以及建筑物损毁与人员伤亡之间的关系,提出了昼夜地震风险精细化评估的方法。并以北京市海淀区为例,在500 m×500 m格网尺度上进行了地震风险的模拟评估,估算了海淀区总体及格网在相应的地震烈度下可能的建筑物损毁面积、房屋损失以及人员伤亡数。结果表明,海淀区年期望建筑物损毁总面积为18.5万m2,房屋总损失为3.25亿元(不包括屋内财产),白天死亡总人数3158人,受伤总人数12071人,夜晚死亡总人数2037人,受伤总人数7790人;空间上,建筑物损毁面积和房屋损失比较大的地区集中在南部城市中心区和东部产业园区,白天和夜晚伤亡人数自东南向西北呈现出显著的“城市核心区—城市边缘区—城市影响区—乡村腹地”的衰减模式,白天伤亡人口有几个显著的高值区,夜晚伤亡人口则分布相对分散。文中的分析结果识别了昼夜精细化尺度地震风险的高值区域,为进一步确定防震减灾、震后应急救援以及各种救灾物资分配的重点地区提供了决策依据。


来源出版物:地震地质, 2016, 38(1): 197-210





来源出版物:自然灾害学报, 2016, 25(4): 86-92





来源出版物:工程力学, 2016, 33(11): 49-58

来源出版物:Proceedings of the IEEE, 2014, 20: 1-15

Horizontally curved steel bridge seismic vulnerability assessment

Seo, Junwon; Linzell, Daniel G.

Abstract:Most computational research related to steel bridge seismic vulnerability has focused on statistical extrapolation of analysis results for individual straight bridges. However, there has been a steady growth in the use of horizontally curved steel bridges in highways and interchanges in large urban regions. Given the large number of curved steel bridge structures in use in the US and abroad, with some of those structures being located in seismic zones, the feasibility of examining the effects of curvature on bridge vulnerability should be investigated. In this study, the seismic performance characteristics of an existing inventory of horizontally curved, steel, I-girder bridges located in Pennsylvania, New York, and Maryland were used to generate fragility curves. Representative fragility curves for horizontally curved, steel, I-girder bridges were estimated using Response Surface Metamodels (RSMs) in conjunction with Monte Carlo simulation. The methodology was used to construct fragility curves for select bridge components (bearings, columns and abutments). The curves were generated for four different, preexisting, performance states that represented slight, moderate, extensive, and complete damage under varying levels of earthquake intensity. The generated fragility curves provided information related to seismic response of the bridge inventory that was investigated, such as radial deformations at the bearings being the most susceptible component to seismic loads.

Keywords:earthquake; vulnerability; curved; bridges;monte carlo simulation; response surface metamodels

来源出版物:Engineering Structures, 2012, 34: 21-32

Disaster chains initiated by the Wenchuan earthquake

Xu, Mengzhen; Wang, Zhaoyin; Qi, Lijian; et al.

Abstract:The Wenchuan earthquake caused numerous landslides and avalanches, which initiated causal chains of geological and ecological disasters. Field investigations and field experiments were performed in the earthquake area in 2008 and 2009 to study the disaster chains. Four types of disaster chains have been identified and seven cases have been studied. In the disaster chains, each episode was caused by the previous episode, or the causal episode. In the first chain, landslide created a quake lake, which was followed by landslide dam failure flood and very intensive fluvial process. The last episode of the chain was loss of habitats and destruction of aquatic biocommunities. The Tangjiashan and Huoshigou landslides initiated such a type of disaster chain. The second chain consisted of landslide, drainage system burying, debris flows, and development of new drainage system and intensive fluvial process. The Wenjiagou landslide initiated such a type of disaster chain. The third chain consisted of avalanches, grain erosion (unusual erosion of bare rocks due to insolation and temperature change), slope debris flows, and flying stones. Many such disaster chain events occurred on the mountains by the Minjiang River section from Yingxiu to Wenchuan. The fourth chain has only two episodes: avalanches during the earthquake occurring on elevation between 100 and 800 m from the riverbed, and rock falls or new avalanches due to increased slope angle of high mountains (400-1500 m from the riverbed). The Chediguan bridge was broken by such avalanches in July 2009, in which six were killed and more than 20 were injured. For all the disaster chains, the volume of mass movement in each episode was much less than the causal episode (previous episode). In other words, there was an attenuation along the causal chains. The attenuation factor is defined as the ratio of the volume of mass movement or affected area in one episode of a chain to the volume or affected area in the causal episode. The study concluded that the attenuation factor ranges from 0.02 to 0.3. Macro-invertebrates were used as indicator species to evaluate the ecological effect of the disaster chains. The number of species was greatly reduced by the causal chains, although the river section was not directly affected by landslides.

Keywords:Wenchuan earthquake; disaster chain; mass movement; debris flow; attenuation factor

来源出版物:Environmental Earth Sciences, 2012, 65(4): 975-985

A multi-agent optimization formulation of earthquake disaster prevention and management

Edrissi, Ali; Poorzahedy, Hossain; Nassiri, Habibollah; et al.

Abstract:Natural earthquake disasters are unprecedented incidents which take many lives as a consequence and cause major damages to lifeline infrastructures. Various agencies in a country are responsible for reducing such adverse impacts within specific budgets. These responsibilities range from before to after the incident, targeting one of the main phases of disaster management (mitigation, preparedness, and response). Use of OR in disaster management and coordination of its phases has been mostly ignored and highly recommended in former reviews. This paper presents a formulation to coordinate three main agencies and proposes a heuristic approach to solve the different introduced sub-problems. The results show an improvement of 7.5%-24% when the agencies are coordinated.

Keywords:OR in societal problem analysis; disaster management; multi-agent optimization; emergency response

来源出版物:European Journal of Operational Research, 2013, 229(1): 261-275

Response to the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and Tsunami disaster

Koshimura, Shunichi; Shuto, Nobuo

Abstract:We revisited the lessons of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake Tsunami disaster specifically on the response and impact, and discussed the paradigm shift of Japan's tsunami disaster management policies and the perspectives for reconstruction. Revisiting the modern histories of Tohoku tsunami disasters and pre-2011 tsunami countermeasures, we clarified how Japan’s coastal communities have prepared for tsunamis. The discussion mainly focuses on structural measures such as seawalls and breakwaters and non-structural measures of hazard map and evacuation. The responses to the 2011 event are discussed specifically on the tsunami warning system and efforts to identify the tsunami impacts. The nation-widepost-tsunami survey results shed light on the mechanisms of structural destruction, tsunami loads and structural vulnerability to inform structural rehabilitation measures and land-use planning. Remarkable paradigm shifts in designing coastal protection and disaster mitigation measures were introduced, leading with a new concept of potential tsunami levels: Prevention (Level 1) and Mitigation (Level 2) levels according to the level of‘protection’. The seawall is designed with reference to Level 1 tsunami scenario, while comprehensive disaster management measures should refer to Level 2 tsunami for protection of human lives and reducing potential losses and damage. Throughout the case study in Sendai city, the proposed reconstruction plan was evaluated from the tsunami engineering point of view to discuss how the post 2011 paradigm was implemented in coastal communities for future disaster mitigation. The analysis revealed that Sendai city’s multiple protection measures for Level 2 tsunami will contribute to a substantial reduction of the tsunami inundation zone and potential losses, combined with an effective tsunami evacuation plan.

Keywords:the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and Tsunami disaster; Tsunami countermeasure; disaster resilience; post-disaster recovery and reconstruction

来源出版物:Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2015, 373(2053): 20140373

Influence of seismic design criteria on blast resistance of RC framed buildings: A case study

Parisi, Fulvio; Augenti, Nicola

Abstract:In the last decades iconic and public buildings in urban habitat have been subjected to terrorist attacks and many of them are located in earthquake-prone regions. This study is aimed at assessing the influence of seismic design criteria on blast resistance of RC framed structures. Two 3D models were developed and analysed for a case-study building: one was designed for earthquake resistance according to Eurocode 8 (EC8); the other was designed only for gravity loads according to codes and practice going back to the 1970s. Several blast scenarios were considered and a two-step analysis procedure was used. Local analysis was carried out to identify columns directly failing under blast scenarios, whereas global pushdown analysis was performed on each 3D damaged model to assess robustness. Dynamic increase factors at both material and structural levels were assumed. Flexural-shear interaction and limited strength of beam-column joints were also addressed in the case of EC8-nonconforming building. Local pressure-impulse analysis was carried out in addition to simplified static and dynamic analyses; the same numbers of collapsed columns were found for the EC8-conforming building, while static analysis was too conservative for the EC8-nonconforming building. Pressure-impulse diagrams let to predict residual load-carrying capacity of adjacent columns. Seismic design criteria provided sufficient robustness only against some blast scenarios. In the case of EC8-nonconforming building, inclined beams in the staircase induced higher robustness against explosions occurring there and global ductility reduced under increasing load-bearing capacity. The latter can enhance by increasing longitudinal rebar in a way to avoid flexural-shear interaction, and/or reducing stirrup spacing.

Keywords:RC framed buildings; blast resistance; seismic design; local analysis; pushdown analysis

来源出版物:Engineering Structures, 2012, 44: 78-93

Engineering measures for debris flow hazard mitigation in the Wenchuan earthquake area

Chen, Xiaoqing; Cui, Peng; You, Yong

Abstract:Avalanches and landslides caused by the Wenchuan earthquake in the Longmen Mountains area provide abundant loose solids for debris flows, and a large number of debris flows have occurred during the period 2008-2012. The engineering measures in certain gullies failed, causing serious damage and loss of life. Judging from the debris flow characteristics in the Wenchuan earthquake area, engineering measures should be better constructed after the active period of debris flows in severely affected areas. To reduce debris flow disasters, this paper proposes a mitigation method and design principle based on the transport capacity of the main river. A series of check dams with various opening sizes was designed by investigating and analyzing existing cases. Furthermore, a new type of drainage channel with prefabricated reinforced concrete boxes is proposed. Finally, a case study of the Xiaogangjian Gully, which is a typical debris flow gully in the Wenchuan earthquake area, is presented. This system of engineering measures is based on the main river's transport capacity and consists of five check dams with various opening sizes, a drainage channel with sidewalls constructed of prefabricated reinforcedconcrete boxes, and a debris flow basin at the base of the main gully. The debris flow mitigation measures constructed in the Xiaogang, jian Gully effectively resisted a debris flow with a 50-year return period that was triggered by rainfall on July 26, 2012. Specifically, these measures effectively protected a highway and minimized debris flow damage. Thus, the layout and engineered structures involved in this new engineering technique can provide a reference design for debris flow hazard mitigation.

Keywords:debris flow; engineering measures; drainage channel; check dam; Wenchuan earthquake

来源出版物:Engineering Geology, 2014, 11(1): 30-44

Timescape of the earthquake disasters in Iran: The intricacies of earthquake time and earthquake disaster risk reduction

Ibrion, Michaela; Mokhtari, Mohammad; Parsizadeh, Farokh; et al.

Abstract:Time is a crucial coordinate for seismology, though often its ubiquity is forgotten by society as it is taken for granted and its potential is unexplored within the arena of earthquake disaster risk reduction. Earthquake disasters build up over time. An earthquake is a dramatic context that takes just tiny units of time to bring an immense tragedy of human loss, suffering and destruction. This paper targets the exploration of the timescape for four large earthquake disasters in Iran: Bam in 2003, Rudbar in 1990, Tabas in 1978 and Buyin Zahra in 1962. An investigation of the intricacies of earthquake time and earthquake disaster time is performed for these four earthquake disasters which covers a time interval of 52 years. These large earthquake disasters are considered as chronological milestones for the Iranian seismic timescape. This contributes to model seismic patterns with the aim to reduce the epistemic uncertainty and encourage better earthquake preparedness and earthquake disaster risk reduction. It is found that two perspectives, a geological perspective and earthquake disaster survivors' perspective and their associated aspects of time present a great potential for earthquake disaster risk reduction. A dramatic repetition of earthquake disaster time not only in time, but also in various places in Iran, highlights that living with earthquakes in Iran requires a better articulation of the relationship between the time of nature and the time of society and local communities. Furthermore, learning to live with earthquake time requires a long-term mitigation of the earthquake hazard and improvement of the resilience of local communities.

Keywords:time; earthquake time; earthquake disaster time; golden time; timescape; earthquake disaster risk reduction

来源出版物:Geografiska Annaler Series A-Physical Geography, 2015, 97(S1): 197-216

Developing an adaptive global exposure model to support the generation of country disaster risk profiles

Gunasekera, Rashmin; Ishizawa, Oscar; Aubrecht, Christoph; et al.

Abstract:Corresponding to increased realization of the impacts of natural hazards in recent years and the need for quantification of disaster risk, there has been increasing demand from the public sector for openly available disaster risk profiles. Probabilistic disaster risk profiles provide risk assessments and estimates of potential damage to property caused by severe natural hazards. These profiles outline a holistic view of financial risk due to natural hazards, assisting governments in long-term planning and preparedness. A Country Disaster Risk Profile (CDRP) presents a probabilistic estimate of risk aggregated at the national level. A critical component of a CDRP is the development of consistent and robust exposure model to complement existing hazard and vulnerability models. Exposure is an integral part of any risk assessment model, capturing the attributes of all exposed elements grouped by classes of vulnerability to different hazards, and analyzed in terms of value, location and relative importance (e.g. critical facilities and infrastructure). Using freely available (or available at minimum cost) datasets, we present a methodology for an exposure model to produce three independent geo-referenced databases to be used in national level disaster risk profiling for the public sector. These databases represent aggregated economic value at risk at 30 arc-second spatial resolution (approximately 1 × 1-km grid at the equator) using a top-down (or downscaling) approach. To produce these databases, the models used are: 1) a building inventory stock model which captures important attributes such as geographical location, urban/rural classification, type of occupancy (e.g. residential and non-residential), building typology (e.g. wood, concrete, masonry, etc.) and economic (replacement) value; 2) a non-building infrastructure density and value model that also corresponds to the fiscal infrastructure portion of the Gross Capital Stock (GCS) of a country; and 3) a spatially and sectorially disaggregated Gross DomesticProduct (GDP) model that relates to the production (flow) of goods and services of a country. These models can be adapted to produce-independently or cohesively-a composite exposure database. Finally, we provide an example of the model’s use in economic loss estimation for the reoccurrence of the 1882 Mw 7.8 Panama earthquake.

Keywords:Exposure model; Disaster risk assessment; Gross Domestic Product (GDP); Building inventory; Gross Capital Stock (GCS); Infrastructure; Urban; Agriculture

来源出版物:Earth-Science Reviews, 2015, 150: 594-608

Pre-Positioning Disaster Response Facilities and Relief Items

Renkli, Cigdem; Duran, Serhan; et al.

Abstract:Large-scale disasters cause enormous damage to people living in the affected areas. Providing relief quickly to the affected is a critical issue in recovering the effects of a disaster. Pre-disaster planning has an important role on reducing the arrival time of relief items to the affected areas and efficiently allocating them. In this study, a mixed integer programming model is proposed in order to pre-position warehouses throughout a potential affected area and determine the amount of relief items to be held in those warehouses. Time between the strike of the disaster and arrival of relief items at the affected areas is aimed to be minimized. In addition, using probabilistic constraints, the model ensures that relief items arrive at affected areas within a certain time window with certain reliability. Considering instable fault lines on which Istanbul is located, the proposed model is applied to the Istanbul case for pre-positioning warehouses a priori to the possible expected large-scale earthquake.

Keywords:humanitarian logistics; mixed integer programming; probabilistic constraints; disaster management

来源出版物:Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2015, 21(5): 1169-1185

Education: Can a bottom-up strategy help for earthquake disaster prevention?

Musacchio, G; Falsaperla, S; Bernhardsdottir, A. E; et al.

Abstract:To comply with the need to spread the culture of earthquake disaster reduction, we rely on strategies that involve education. Risk education is a long-term process that passes from knowledge, through understanding, to choices and actions thrusting preparedness and prevention, over recovery. We set up strategies for prevention that encompass child and adult education, as a bottom-up approach, from raising awareness to reducing potential effects of disruption of society. Analysis of compulsory school education in three European countries at high seismic risk, namely Portugal, Iceland and Italy, reveals that generally there are a few State-backed plans. The crucial aspects of risk education concerning natural hazards are starting age, incompleteness of textbooks, and lack of in-depth studies of the pupils upon completion of their compulsory education cycle. Hands-on tools, immersive environments, and learn-by-playing approaches are the most effective ways to raise interest in children, to provide memory imprint as a message towards a culture of safety. A video game, Treme-treme, was prepared to motivate, educate, train and communicate earthquake risk to players/pupils. The game focuses on do's and don'ts for earthquake shaking, and allows children to think about what might be useful in the case of evacuation. Education of the general public was addressed using audio-visual products strongly linked to the social, historical and cultural background of each country. Five videos tackled rising of awareness of seismic hazards in Lisbon, the area surrounding Reykjavik, Naples, and Catania, four urban areas prone to earthquake disasters.

Keywords:disasters prevention; risk education; risk reduction; seismic hazard

来源出版物:Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2016, 14(7): 2069-2086

Fast building damage mapping using a single post-earthquake PolSAR image: A case study of the 2010 Yushu earthquake

Zhai, Wei; Huang, Chunlin

Abstract:Earthquakes are one of the most destructive natural disasters. Efficiently and quickly acquiring building earthquake damage information can help to reduce the casualties after an earthquake. In this paper, for convenience, speed, and precision, building damage information is extracted using a single post-earthquake PolSAR image. In PolSAR images, the undamaged parallel buildings characterized by double-bounce scattering are different from the collapsed buildings characterized by volume scattering, but the undamaged oriented buildings are very similar to collapsed buildings because of their scattering mechanism ambiguity in the early traditional model-based decomposition. Therefore, the collapsed buildings are difficult to extract accurately. In this paper, the scheme of polarization orientation angle (POA)compensation is employed to enhance the double-bounce scattering power of the oriented buildings, and the difference in the relative contribution change rate of scattering components before and after POA compensation is proposed to further enhance the difference between collapsed buildings and oriented buildings, in order that the collapsed buildings can be extracted more accurately. The“4.14” Yushu earthquake, which occurred in Yushu County, Qinghai province of China, is used as the case study to test the proposed method, and an airborne high-resolution PolSAR image of the urban region of Yushu County is used in the experiment. The experimental results show that the accuracy of building damage information extraction can be improved by the use of the proposed method, compared with the traditional polarimetric classification.

Keywords:earthquake; PolSAR; collapsed buildings; damage mapping; polarization orientation angle

来源出版物:Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2016, 14(7): 2069-2086

Earthquake preparedness: The case of Eastern UAE

Yagoub, M. M.

Abstract:During the last 30 years, UAE witnessed earthquakes that ranged from minor to moderate, with maximum magnitude of 5.1 that occurred in the Masafi area (eastern UAE, on March 11, 2002). Recent earthquakes that hit Iran such as on May 11, 2013, caused tremors and mild shaking of buildings in some UAE cities. Although the tremors are small in magnitude, their sequences apparently become an important research topic and deserve more assessment from different perspectives such as geographical, geological, engineering, and social. This is because low risk does not equal no risk. This study is concerned with public perceptions of earthquake preparedness (reduction of disaster impact) that can be measured by various variables such as developing an emergency plan, preparation of disaster supply kits, and training. The methodology consists of a survey of 470 people who live around the Masafi area, near Fujairah city, UAE. GIS and GPS were used for site selection in conducting the survey, and remote sensing was used as an aid in identification of buildings’ages. Results show that around 90% of the people surveyed have water tanks that can support them up to 3 days, and 60% of them normally buy food that can support them up to 2 days. Thirty percent of the respondents were familiar with storing first-aid kits and tools such as flashlights. The findings point to a need for more research regarding public awareness about earthquakes. The findings of this study may be useful for people who are involved in the four cornerstones of disaster risk reduction: community participation, public policy actions, safer construction and urban development, and development of a culture of prevention.

Keywords:earthquake; UAE; public awareness

来源出版物:Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2016, 9(19): 721

Towards disaster resilience: A scenario-based approach to co-producing and integrating hazard and risk knowledge

Davies, Tim; Beaven, Sarah; Conradson, David; et al.

Abstract:Quantitative risk assessment and risk management processes are critically examined in the context of their applicability to the statistically infrequent and sometimes unforeseen events that trigger major disasters. While of value when applied at regional or larger scales by governments and insurance companies, these processes do not provide a rational basis for reducing the impacts of major disasters at the local (community) level because in any given locality disaster events occur too infrequently for their future occurrence in a realistic timeframe to be accurately predicted by statistics. Given that regional and national strategies for disaster reduction cannot be effective without effective local disaster reduction measures, this is a significant problem. Instead, we suggest that communities, local government officials, civil society organisations and scientists could usefully form teams to co-develop local hazard event and effects scenarios, around which the teams can then develop realistic long-term plans for building local resilience. These plans may also be of value in reducing the impacts of other disasters, and are likely to have the additional benefits of improving science development, relevance and uptake, and of enhancing communication between scientists and the public.

Keywords:disaster risk quantification; risk management; community resilience; event and effects scenarios; coproduction of knowledge

来源出版物:International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2015, 13: 242-247


Estimating building inventory for rapid seismic vulnerability assessment: Towards an integrated approach based on multi-source imaging

Wieland, M.; Pittore, M; Parolai, S; et al.

We propose an integrated approach to estimating building inventory for seismic vulnerability assessment, which can be applied to different urban environments and be efficiently scaled depending on the desired level of detail. The approach employs a novel multi-source method for evaluating structural vulnerability-related building features based on satellite remote sensing and ground-based omnidirectional imaging. It aims to provide a comparatively cost- and time-efficient way of inventory data capturing over large areas. The latest image processing algorithms and computer vision techniques are used on multiple imaging sources within the framework of an integrated sampling scheme, where each imaging source and technique is used to infer specific, scale-dependent information. Globally available low-cost data sources are preferred and the tools are being developed on an open-source basis to allow for a high degree of transferability and usability. An easily deployable omnidirectional camera-system is introduced for ground- based data-capturing. After a general description of the approach and the developed tools and techniques, preliminary results from a first application to our study area, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, are presented.来源出版物:Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2012, (36): 70-83Remote sensing and earthquake damage assessment: Experiences, limits, and perspectivesDell’Acqua, Fabio; Gamba, PaoloAbstract:In this paper, a survey of the techniques and data sets used to evaluate earthquake damages using remote sensing data is presented. After a few preliminary definitions about earthquake damage, their evaluation scale, and the difference between identification of damage“extent” and identification of damage “level,” the advantages and limits of different remote sensing data sets are presented. Furthermore, a survey of proposed algorithms for data interpretation and earthquake damage extraction is presented, and two examples of these algorithms and their results are discussed. According to the outcome of this survey, some open issues are finally presented and discussed, identifying possible research lines as well as working solutions.

damage assessment; data fusion; urban areas
