随着科学技术的进步和人类对海洋石油资源认知水平的不断提高,海洋油气勘探开发已从浅海走向深海,甚至超深海。深水油气开发已成为世界石油工业的热点和科技创新的前沿。近年来,我国海洋石油工业发展迅速,已建成投产 45个油气田,但整体技术水平与国外先进技术水平尚有很大差距。目前,世界上深水钻探最大水深为3095 m,我国为505 m;世界上已开发油气田最大水深为2192 m,我国为333 m。我国深水海域蕴藏着丰富的油气资源,但深水区域特殊的自然环境和复杂的油气储藏条件将使我国深水油气开发在钻探、开发工程、建造等方面面临诸多技术难题。针对我国海洋石油工业实际情况,兼顾引进与创新,集国内外相关技术之优势,联合攻关,使我国深水油气勘探开发技术达到或超过国外同类技术水平,是使命,更是机遇与挑战。
来源出版物:中国海上油气, 2006, 18(2): 130-133
来源出版物:岩石力学与工程学报, 2003, 22(5): 742-746
来源出版物:油田化学, 1997, 14(2): 190-196
来源出版物:石油机械, 2007, 35(9): 157-160
摘要:介绍深海油气勘探开发的现状,从工作水深、海况适应性、可变载荷、结构、材料、装备、功能等多方面分析了第五、第六代深海半潜式钻井平台的发展特点和趋势,并在现场调研的基础上对新一代半潜式钻井平台Global SantaFe Development Driller进行了技术说明。
来源出版物:船舶, 2007 (3): 6-10
来源出版物:石油与天然气地质, 2010, 31(1): 22-27
来源出版物:石油机械, 2007, 35(5): 54-58
来源出版物:石油地球物理勘探, 2010 (2): 278-281
摘要:随着人口增加,资源匮乏和环境恶化,人们越来越深刻地认识到,浩瀚的海洋是人类生命源泉、资源宝库和环境调节器。自人类有文明史以来,从“兴渔盐之利”“行舟楫之便”的传统海洋产业的开发,到今天海上运输、深海采矿、港口码头、油气开发、海洋生物技术等新兴海洋产业的兴起,人类对海洋的开发利用逐步走向深入,海洋开发的规模不断扩大,但是海洋环境又是一个腐蚀性很强的灾害环境,各种材料在海洋环境中极易发生劣化破坏,腐蚀损失包括直接损失和间接损失两大类,它是一种悄悄在进行的破坏,世界各国每年因腐蚀造成的直接经济损失约占其国民生产总值的2%~4%,其破坏力之大令其破坏力之大令人震惊!其中海洋腐蚀的损失约占总腐蚀的 1/3。美国早在1949年就曾经做过全国腐蚀调查,2001年调查结果表明,1998年美国每年因腐蚀带来的直接经济损失达2760亿美元,占国民生产总值的 3.1%,其他国家像英国、日本、德国、印度、原苏联、法国等也都做过类似的调查。2003年我国国内生产总值突破1万亿元人民币大关,以此推算,去年我国腐蚀损失约为 4000亿元人民币,其灾害性事故隐患也是严峻的。尽管如此,如果我们的防护工作做得好,其中25%~40%的损失可以得到有效避免。
来源出版物:科学与管理, 2004, 24(5): 7-8
来源出版物:应用化工, 2002, 31(1): 7-11
来源出版物:Water Resources Research, 2013, 49(2): 647-656
Shale gas development impacts on surface water quality in Pennsylvania
Olmstead, SM; Muehlenbachs, LA;Shih, JS; et al.
Abstract:Concern has been raised in the scientific literature about the environmental implications of extracting natural gas from deep shale formations, and published studies suggest that shale gas development may affect local groundwater quality. The potential for surface water quality degradation has been discussed in prior work, although no empirical analysis of this issue has been published. The potential for large-scale surface water quality degradation has affected regulatory approaches to shale gas development in some US states, despite the dearth of evidence. This paper conducts a large-scale examination of the extent to which shale gas development activities affect surface water quality. Focusing on the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania, we estimate the effect of shale gas wells and the release of treated shale gas waste by permitted treatment facilities on observed downstream concentrations of chloride (Cl−) and total suspended solids (TSS), controlling for other factors. Results suggest that (i) the treatment of shale gas waste by treatment plants in a watershed raises downstream Cl−concentrations but not TSS concentrations, and (ii) the presence of shale gas wells in a watershed raises downstream TSS concentrations but not Cl−concentrations. These results can inform future voluntary measures taken by shale gas operators and policy approaches taken by regulators to protect surface water quality as the scale of this economically important activity increases.
关键词:unconventional gas; water pollution; econometric analysis; panel data
来源出版物:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013, 110(13): 4962-4967
Toward strategic management of shale gas development: Regional, collective impacts on water resources
Rahm, BG; Riha, SJ
Abstract:Shale gas resources are relatively plentiful in the United States and in many countries and regions around the world. Development of these resources is moving ahead amidst concerns regarding environmental risks, especiallyto water resources. The complex nature of this distributed extractive industry, combined with limited impact data, makes establishing possible effects and designing appropriate regulatory responses challenging. Here we move beyond the project level impact assessment approach to use regional collective impact analysis in order to assess a subset of potential water management policy options. Specifically, we examine hypothetical water withdrawals for hydraulic fracturing and the subsequent treatment of wastewater that could be returned or produced from future active shale gas wells in the currently undeveloped Susquehanna River Basin region of New York. Our results indicate that proposed water withdrawal management strategies may not provide greater environmental protection than simpler approaches. We suggest a strategy that maximizes protectiveness while reducing regulatory complexity. For wastewater treatment, we show that the Susquehanna River Basin region of New York State has limited capacity to treat wastewater using extant municipal infrastructure. We suggest that modest private investment in industrial treatment facilities can achieve treatment goals without putting public systems at risk. We conclude that regulation of deterministic water resource impacts of shale gas extraction should be approached on a regional, collective basis, and suggest that water resource management objectives can be met by balancing the need for development with environmental considerations and regulatory constraints.
关键词:hydraulic fracturing; shale gas; water resources; regional assessment
来源出版物:Environmental Science & Policy, 2012, 17: 12-23
Toward a better understanding and quantification of methane emissions from shale gas development
Caulton, DR; Shepson, PB; Santoro, RL; et al.
Abstract:The identification and quantification of methane emissions from natural gas production has become increasingly important owing to the increase in the natural gas component of the energy sector. An instrumented aircraft platform was used to identify large sources of methane and quantify emission rates in southwestern PA in June 2012. A large regional flux, 2.0–14 g CH4s−1km−2, was quantified for a ~2800-km2area, which did not differ statistically from a bottom-up inventory, 2.3–4.6 g CH4s−1km−2. Large emissions averaging 34 g CH4/s per well were observed from seven well pads determined to be in the drilling phase, 2 to 3 orders of magnitude greater than US Environmental Protection Agency estimates for this operational phase. The emissions from these well pads, representing ~1% of the total number of wells, account for 4%–30% of the observed regional flux. More work is needed to determine all of the sources of methane emissions from natural gas production, to ascertain why these emissions occur and to evaluate their climate and atmospheric chemistry impacts.
关键词:unconventional gas; greenhouse gas; hydraulic fracturing
来源出版物:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014, 111(17): 6237-6242
Potential gas development impacts on sage grouse nest initiation and movement
Lyon, AG; Anderson, SH
Abstract:The decline of greater sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) over the last 50 years has raised concern over how natural gas development might affect sage grouse populations. We examined the effects of vehicular activity due to gas-well development near Pinedale, Wyoming, on productivity and movements of sage grouse. In 1998-1999, we captured and radiomarked 48 female sage grouse on 6 leks classified as disturbed or undisturbed, based on the presence or absence of natural gas development within 3 km. The mean distance from disturbed leks to selected nest sites was greater (P=0.019 with outliers removed, P= 0.004 with outliers included) than distance moved from undisturbed leks. Nest-initiation rate for hens from disturbed leks was 65%, while hens from undisturbed leks initiated nests 89% (P=0.07) of the time. Nest success at both disturbed and undisturbed leks was 50%. Our results suggest that light traffic disturbance (1-12 vehicles/day) during the breeding season might reduce nest-initiation rates and increase distances moved from leks during nest-site selection. We recommend further investigation concentrating on hen behavior (i.e., distance moved from lek to nest site, breeding behavior, lek attendance), reproductive effort, and nest success in relation to natural gas development as development intensifies.
关 键 词 :Centrocercus urophasianus; natural gas development; nest initiation; sage grouse; Wyoming
来源出版物:Wildlife Society Bulletin, 2003: 486-491
Arctic fox home range characteristics in an oil-development area
Eberhardt, LE; Hanson, WC; Bengtson, JL; et al.
Abstract:Spring and summer home ranges and local movements of arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) were studied from 1975 to 1977 at the Prudhoe Bay oil-development area in northern Alaska. Twenty-seven adult and 62 juvenile foxes were captured, marked, and released. Nine adults and 5 juveniles were equipped with radio collars and monitored during 1976 and 1977. Home range size was 20.8 ± 12.5 (SD) km2for 4 adult foxes and 3.7 ± 1.7 km2for 5 juveniles. Home range configuration was similar for all marked members of individual families. Adult foxes were nocturnal and territorial. Foxes used oil-development sites for feeding, resting, and denning. Use of these sites became more common late in the rearing season, as juveniles became more mobile. A major fluctuation in the availability of natural foods did not appear to alter use of developed areas by foxes. The number of juvenile foxes observed at Prudhoe Bay decreased from 1976 to 1977, but the decrease was less pronounced than in a nearby undisturbed area.
来源出版物:The Journal of Wildlife Management, 1982: 183-190
Birth outcomes and maternal residential proximity to natural gas development in rural Colorado
McKenzie, LM; Guo, RX; Witter, RZ; et al.
Abstract:Background: Birth defects are a leading cause of neonatal mortality. Natural gas development (NGD) emits several potential teratogens, and U. S. production of natural gas is expanding. Objectives: We examined associations between maternal residential proximity to NGD and birth outcomes in a retrospective cohort study of 124842 births between 1996 and 2009 in rural Colorado. Methods: We calculated inverse distance weighted natural gas well counts within a 10-mile radius of maternal residence to estimate m aternal exposure to NGD. Logistic regression, adjusted for maternal and infant covariates, was used to estimate associations with exposure tertiles for congenital heart defects (CHDs), neural tube defects (NTDs), oral clefts, preterm birth, and term low birth weight. The association with term birth weight was investigated using multiple linear regression. Results: Prevalence of CHDs increased with exposure tertile, with an odds ratio (OR) of 1.3 for the highest tertile (95% CI: 1.2, 1.5); NTD prevalence was associated with the highest tertile of exposure (OR = 2.0; 95% CI: 1.0, 3.9, based on 59 cases), compared with the absence of any gas wells within a 10-mile radius. Exposure was negatively associated with preterm birth and positively associated with fetal growth, although the magnitude of association was small. No association was found between exposure and oral clefts. Conclusions: In this large cohort, we observed an association between density and proximity of natural gas wells within a 10-mile radius of maternal residence and prevalence of CHDs and possibly NTDs. Greater specificity in exposure estimates is needed to further explore these associations.
来源出版物:Environmental Health Perspectives, 2014, 122(4): 412-417
Water resource impacts during unconventional shale gas development: The Pennsylvania experience
Brantley, SL; Yoxtheimer, D; Arjmand, S; et al.
Abstract:Improvements in horizontal drilling and hydrofracturing have revolutionized the energy landscape by allowing the development of so-called “unconventional”gas resources. The Marcellus play in the northeastern U.S.A. documents how fast this technology developed: the number of unconventional Marcellus wells in Pennsylvania (PA) increased from 8 in 2005 to ~ 7234 today. Publicly available databases in PA show only rare evidence of contamination of surface and groundwaters. This could document that incidents that impact PA waters have been relatively rare and that contaminants were quickly diluted. However, firm conclusions are hampered by i) the lack of information about location and timing of incidents; ii) the tendency to not release water quality data related to specific incidents due to liability or confidentiality agreements; iii) the sparseness of sample and sensor data for the analytes of interest; iv) the presence of pre-existingwater impairments that make it difficult to determine potential impacts from shale-gas activity; and v) the fact that sensors can malfunction or drift. Although the monitoring data available to assess contamination events in PA are limited, the state manages an online database of violations. Overall, one fifth of gas wells drilled were given at least one non-administrative notice of violation (NOV) from the PA regulator. Through March 2013, 3.4% of gas wells were issued NOVs for well construction issues and 0.24% of gas wells received NOVs related to methane migration into groundwater. Between 2008 and 2012, 161 of the ~ 1000 complaints received by the state described contamination that implicated oil or gas activity: natural gas was reported for 56% and brine salt components for 14% of the properties. Six percent of the properties were impacted by sediments, turbidity, and/or drill cuttings. Most of the sites of groundwater contamination with methane and/or salt components were in previously glaciated northern PA where fracture flow sometimes allows long distance fluid transport. No cases of subsurface transport of fracking or flowback fluids into water supplies were documented. If Marcellus-related flowback/production waters did enter surface or groundwaters, the most likely contaminants to be detected would be Na, Ca, and Cl, but those elements are already common in natural waters. The most Marcellus-specific “fingerprint” elements are Sr, Ba, and Br. For example, variable Br concentrations measured in southwestern PA streams were attributed to permitted release of wastewaters from unconventional shale gas wells into PA streams through municipal or industrial wastewater treatment plants before 2011. Discharge has now been discontinued except for brines from a few plants still permitted to discharge conventional oil/gas brines after treatment. Overall, drinking water supply problems determined by the regulator to implicate oil/gas activities peaked in frequency in 2010 while spill rates increased through 2012. Although many minor violations and temporary problems have been reported, the picture that emerges from PA is that the fast shale-gas start may have led to relatively few environmental incidents of significant impact compared to wells drilled; however, the impacts remain difficult to assess due to the lack of transparent and accessible data.
关键词:unconventional shale gas; environmental impact; hydraulic fracturing; hydrofracturing;water quality; marcellus shale
来源出版物:International Journal of Coal Geology, 2014, 126: 140-156
Wastewater management and Marcellus Shale gas development: Trends, drivers, and planning implications
Rahm, BG; Bates, JT; Bertoia, LR; et al.
Abstract:Extraction of natural gas from tight shale formations has been made possible by recent technological advances, including hydraulic fracturing with horizontal drilling. Global shale gas development is seen as a potential energy and geopolitical “game-changer”. However, widespread concern exists with respect to possible environmental consequences of this development, particularly impacts on water resources. In the United States, where the most shale gas extraction has occurred, the Marcellus Shale is now the largest natural gas producing play. To date, over 6000000 m3of wastewater has been generated in the process of extracting natural gas from this shale in the state of Pennsylvania (PA) alone. Here we examine wastewater management practices and trends for this shale play through analysis of industry-reported, publicly available data collected from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Oil and Gas Reporting Website. We also analyze the tracking and transport of shale gas liquid waste streams originating in PA using a combination of web-based and GIS approaches. From 2008 to 2011 wastewater reuse increased, POTW use decreased, and data tracking became more complete, while the average distance traveled by wastewater decreased by over 30%. Likely factors influencing these trends include state regulations and policies, along with low natural gas prices. Regional differences in wastewater management are influenced by industrial treatment capacity, as well as proximity to injection disposal capacity. Using lessons from the Marcellus Shale, we suggest that nations, states, and regulatory agencies facing new unconventional shale development recognize that pace and scale of well drilling leads to commensurate wastewater management challenges. We also suggest they implement wastewater reporting and tracking systems, articulate a policy for adapting management to evolving data and developmentpatterns, assess local and regional wastewater treatment infrastructure in terms of capacity and capability, promote well-regulated on-site treatment technologies, and review and update wastewater management regulations and policies.
关键词:marcellus; hydraulic fracturing; wastewater shale gas; energy-water nexus; natural gas;wastewater treatment
来源出版物:Journal of Environmental Management, 2013, 120: 105-113
Evaluating a groundwater supply contamination incident attributed to Marcellus Shale gas development
Llewellyn, GT; Dorman, F; Westland, JL; et al.
Abstract:High-volume hydraulic fracturing (HVHF) has revolutionized the oil and gas industry worldwide but has been accompanied by highly controversial incidents of reported water contamination. For example, groundwater contamination by stray natural gas and spillage of brine and other gas drilling-related fluids is known to occur. However, contamination of shallow potable aquifers by HVHF at depth has never been fully documented. We investigated a case where Marcellus Shale gas wells in Pennsylvania caused inundation of natural gas and foam in initially potable groundwater used by several households. With comprehensive 2D gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GCxGC-TOFMS), an unresolved complex mixture of organic compounds was identified in the aquifer. Similar signatures were also observed in flowback from Marcellus Shale gas wells. A compound identified in flowback, 2-n-Butoxyethanol, was also positively identified in one of the foaming drinking water wells at nanogram-per-liter concentrations. The most likely explanation of the incident is that stray natural gas and drilling or HF compounds were driven ~1–3 km along shallow to intermediate depth fractures to the aquifer used as a potable water source. Part of the problem may have been wastewaters from a pit leak reported at the nearest gas well pad—the only nearby pad where wells were hydraulically fractured before the contamination incident. If samples of drilling, pit, and HVHF fluids had been available, GCxGC-TOFMS might have fingerprinted the contamination source. Such evaluations would contribute significantly to better management practices as the shale gas industry expands worldwide.
关键词:high-volume hydraulic fracturing; shale gas; natural gas; water quality; Marcellus Shale
来源出版物:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015, 112(20): 6325-6330
Generation, transport, and disposal of wastewater associated with Marcellus Shale gas development
Lutz, BD; Lewis, AN; Doyle, MW
Hydraulic fracturing has made vast quantities of natural gas from shale available, reshaping the energy landscape of the United States. Extracting shale gas, however, generates large, unavoidable volumes of wastewater, which to date lacks accurate quantification. For the Marcellus shale, by far the largest shale gas resource in the United States, we quantify gas and wastewater production using data from 2189 wells located throughout Pennsylvania. Contrary to current perceptions, Marcellus wells produce significantly less wastewater per unit gas recovered (approximately 35%) compared to conventional natural gas wells. Further, well operators classified only 32.3% of wastewater from Marcellus wells as flowback from hydraulic fracturing; most wastewater was classified as brine, generated over multiple years. Despite producing less wastewater per unit gas, developing the Marcellus shale has increased the total wastewater generated in the region by approximately 570% since 2004, overwhelming current wastewater disposal infrastructure capacity.