—— 如何更好地与中国合作

2017-01-19 05:46:23文LidijaObradovic刘畅
国际人才交流 2016年3期

文Lidija Obradovic/译 刘畅

—— 如何更好地与中国合作

Serbia on the New Silk Road——Doing Business Successfully with China

文Lidija Obradovic/译 刘畅


“新丝绸之路上的塞尔维亚——如何更好地与中国合作”商贸论坛与会嘉宾人数众多,也受到了媒体和大众的热切关注。塞尔维亚政要、外交官及商业代表均出席会议,其中包括塞尔维亚副总理Zorana Mihajlovic、中国驻塞尔维亚大使李满长、塞尔维亚国家银行副行长Veselin Pjescic等。

Serbian magazine NIN (Ringier Axel Springer) and Serbian Chamber of Commerce organized a business conference held on January 18th in Belgrade, Serbia. The goal of the conference was to provide as much useful information and answers as possible to key questions∶ What does the “New Silk Road and Belt” initiative include, how will it be implemented in the Southeast European region –its compatibility with the 16+1 process, and how to establish and improve business cooperation between companies in Serbia, the region and in China.

Business forum “Serbia on the New Silk Road - Successfully Doing Business with China” was exceptionally well attended, with much media and public attention. High ranking Serbian politicians, diplomats and business representatives were present on the podium, among them Zorana Mihajlovic, deputy Prime Minister of Government of Serbia, Li Manchang, Ambassador of People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Serbia, Veselin Pjescic, deputy governor of the National Bank of Serbia and other distinguished guests.

“如果中国打喷嚏,德国将患上流感。”论坛伊始,塞尔维亚商会会长Marko Cadez如是说,描述了中国经济及金融市场在整个世界经济,特别是在欧洲的影响。他表示,当地的商人应该认识到中国经济的发展会对塞尔维亚和整个地区产生影响,特别是最近某调查机构关于风险保险的调查显示,过去的30年间,商界没有在市场上经历过比这更大的挑战了。

塞尔维亚国家银行副行长Veselin Pjescic提到,去年年底和今年年初的情况尤为值得注目。一方面是因为美联储决定提高利率,另一方面则是由于金融市场的动荡,这正是当前世界面临的挑战。“经济界的视线都聚焦于中国股市的发展,也有许多人怀疑是否真的存在货币战争,以及中国经济增长放缓是否会影响到世界其他国家。”Pjescic说道,因为中国人民币从2005年到2015年上涨了50%。“现在形势有所变化,中国央行参考一篮子货币,而不是像过去一样用美元衡量人民币的价格。中国经济的增长模式已经改变,不再依靠出口,而是内销。”塞尔维亚国家银行副行长如是说。

世界金融市场的动荡也是塞尔维亚副总理兼建设、交通和基础设施部部长Zorana Mihajlovic的发言主题。她认为在这种情况下世界各国应该加强与友好邦国的双边关系,同样中国和塞尔维亚之间也应如此。目前中塞两国的关系正处于自建交以来的最佳时期,两国正在实施或正在协商的基础建设项目总额达35亿欧元。下个月,塞尔维亚将与中国共同商定从贝尔格莱德到布达佩斯的铁路项目的出资方案,以及11号走廊——连接贝尔格莱德及邻国黑山共和国的公路其中两部分的建造工作。她也提到,中塞两国已有超过50年良好的政治经济传统友谊,并在过去的7年时间里取得了飞速发展,特别是从2009年建立战略伙伴关系以来。Zorana Mihajlovic表示,“塞尔维亚地处新丝绸之路的南端,愿能继续深化与中国的友好关系,不仅局限于已达成投资项目的实施,还包括争取签署新的合约,以引领整个区域的发展。我们计划在接下来的两个月中讨论更多项目。”她也提到中国决定在未来几年向中东欧国家投资160亿欧元。

“If China has the sniffles, Germany will get a serious flu”, these were the words of Marko Cadez, President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, used to try to depict the impact of the Chinese economy and its fnancial market in the entire world economy, and particularly the development in Europe, at the beginning of this highly visited Forum. He said that the local businessmen should not believe that the developments in the Chinese economy will not refect on Serbia and the region, especially since recent polls by Alliance for risks insurance, in 2016 shows that businessmen have not seen greater challenges in the market for last 30 years.

Veselin Pjescic, Vice Governor of the National Bank of Serbia, reminded that the end of last and the beginning of the year was marked, apart from the decision of the US Fed to increase interest rates, also by the fuctuations in the fnancial markets and that these are the challenges that the world currently faces. “All eyes of the economic public are aimed at developments in the Chinese stock markets, and many wonder whether there is, effectively a currency war and how the slowdown in economic growth in China could affect the rest of the world.” said Pjescic with the explanation that the Chinese Yuan rose by as much as 50 percent, from 2005 to 2015. “The situation has now changed, as the Chinese central bank decided to measure the value of the Yuan against a basket of currencies rather than the dollar, like it did before. The model for growth of the Chinese economy has changed, because it is no longer based on exports, but rather on the domestic consumption. “ said Vice Governor of the National Bank of Serbia.

The turbulent events in the world financial markets, was also the topic for Zorana Mihajlovic,Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia and the minister of construction, traffic and infrastructure, with the statement that in such times all countries should “look to strengthen their bilateral relations with friends, and same goes for relations between Serbia and China “. Relations between China and Serbia have been at its best since diplomatic cooperation has been established, and the value of infrastructure projects that are being implemented or negotiated between China in Serbia amounts to about 3.5 billion Euros, said the deputy prime minister. Serbia could in the next month, settle a project for fnancing the railway from Belgrade to Budapest, with China, as well as the construction of two sections of Corridor 11, a highway that connects Belgrade with the neighboring country of Montenegro, Zorana Mihajlovic announced. She added that Serbia and China have traditionally good political and economic relations for over 50 years, but they have increased in the last seven years, more precisely since 2009 when the two countries signed the Intergovernmental Agreement on strategic cooperation. “Serbia is on the southern end of the new Silk Road and wants to continue deepening good relations with China, not only through the implementation of already agreed investments, but also with new contracting, in order to be a leader in the region. We plan to discuss more projects in the next two months.“ Zorana Mihajlovic announces, recalling the decision of China to invest 16 billion Euros in the countries of central and Eastern Europe over the next several years.

“Serbian Chamber of Commerce intends to help Serbian companies not only by participating in the construction of such projects between Serbia and Chi-na, but also by working on helping local economy to establish presence on the Chinese market, not only in the placement of goods, but by entering into joint operations and arranging investments between Serbian and Chinese companies.” President of Serbian Chamber said. He expects Serbia to be the gateway for Chinese entrance in Europe, stating that there are industrial sectors such as food, chemical or automobile industry, where joint ventures between Chinese and Serbian economy could be implemented.



“从2012年中国政府及经济代表与中东欧16国的领导人及商业人士的第一次会面,到去年在北京的交流,每年的会见带来了越来越多的合作与规划,最突出的则是基础设施项目的建设。”首届中国——中东欧峰会塞尔维亚协调员Zarko Obradovic表示。他指出,虽然中国国力是中东欧16国总和的7倍,人口也是其11倍,中国已经展示出与这一地区开展亲密合作的愿望与能力。

谈到自己25年来与中国公司的合作以及中国经济的发展,采矿、管理和战略营销专家Wilhelm Schober表示,中国市场非常具有竞争力,在这里获得成功的人,在世界各地也能够成功。Schober博士曾荣获2014年中国政府“友谊奖”。“中国是块试金石,在中国取得成功的企业,同样可以在世界其他地方取得成功。在中国取得成功的关键是了解其文化。我们有很大的不同,做事方式存在差异,但我们仍可以合作。中国的经济近年来变化巨大,国家正着手扶持中产阶级——这些人聪慧努力,他们有发言权,了解自己的需求,不再是最廉价的劳动力。创业活动及中小型企业的数量迅速增长,而中国也青睐这类企业。”Schober博士说。他还称中国2014年有1.5亿企业家,其市场很有竞争力。塞尔维亚有智慧、技术过硬的劳动力,特别是在技术科学领域,应该向世界输送劳动力,与中国进行合作恰恰起到了推动作用。他还说,中塞两国的合作可以通过高层次的中欧合作实现。

论坛的最后,Lidija Obradovi,“丝路交流”项目的创始人称,“虽然塞尔维亚和中东欧地区的关注点集中于贸易和基础建设的合作,我们也应该牢记新丝绸之路同时也是文化交流与合作之路,可就科学、教育、制药、医学等领域互通有无,人民互相往来,沟通交流。还要强调Wilhelm Schober所说的,外国企业在中国市场取得成功的关键是对中国文化、传统、交流方式、企业文化及礼仪的深入了解,是它们打开了与中国伙伴长期成功合作的大门。”

Aside from the implied strategic cooperation between China and its companies HBIS and their participation in the privatization of Smederevo Steel mill, we could also hear from Li Manchang, China’s ambassador to Belgrade, about how one of the most important tasks for this year is the conclusion of an agreement on industrial parks. The plan is to concentrate high technology in these parks, since Serbia “has talented people, students, institutions and universities”. Manchang stressed that despite the slowing economic growth in China last year and expectations that GDP growth will not be higher than seven percent, China continues to deepen economic cooperation with Serbia and wants to negotiate new projects and investments. “For us, Serbian market is not enough and it is our intention to work together with Serbia on performing together in some other markets.” Chinese Ambassador to Serbia said on NIN’s panel.

塞尔维亚记者、中国问题专家Lidija Obradovic谈到在中国市场上成功的关键是了解中国文化以及中国的思维方式和企业运营方式

“Since 2012, when representatives of the Chinese state and economy met for the frst with statesmen and businessmen from 16 countries of Central and Eastern Europe up to last year’s meeting in Beijing, yearly meetings brought increasing cooperation and arrangements, and above all, the construction of infrastructure projects.” Zarko Obradovic, First Serbian coordinator for the summit of China and 16 countries in the region, said. He points out that, although seven times greater than all 16 countries combined, and 11 times more populous, China has shown that it wants and can intensively cooperate with this region. Speaking of his 25-year experience of cooperation with Chinese companies as well as the Chinese economic development, Wilhelm Schober, an expert in mining, management and strategic marketing and the winner of some of the biggest awards in China, said that Chinese market is so competitive that whoever succeeds there - may succeed anywhere in the world. Dr.Schober was the laureate of 2014 Chinese Government’s Friendship Award. “China is a test ground for a company - if you win here, you can succeed anywhere in the world. The key to succeed in China is to understanding its culture. There is huge difference between us and we do not operate in the same way, but cooperation is certainly possible. The Chinese economy has changed signifcantly in recent years, China is working on the formation of the middle class, there are intelligent and hard-working people who are no longer the cheapest labor force, who have a voice and know what they want. The number of entrepreneurial activities and small to medium enterprises is growing rapidly and China is oriented to that kind of business.“ Dr. Schober said. He said that China had as many as 150 million entrepreneurs in the year 2014, and it is a very competitive market. Serbia has a very intelligent and skilled workforce, especially in the feld of technical sciences, which should offer its services worldwide, and that can be signifcantly aided by cooperation with China, Dr. Schober said, adding that the cooperation between Serbia and China can be achieved through the cooperation of Europe and China, which must be signifcantly higher. At the end of the Forum Lidija Obradovic, the author of the “Communication on the Silk Road”, said ∶“ while the views of Serbia and the region are focused on trade and infrastructure cooperation, we should bear in mind that the New Silk Road is at the same time a road of cultural exchange and cooperation in the feld of science, education, pharmacy, medicine, exchange of people and ideas, emphasizing, as well as Dr. Wilhelm Schober that the key to success of foreign companies in the Chinese market is good knowledge of Chinese culture, tradition and communication, business culture and business etiquette - which opens the door to long-term success cooperation with Chinese partners.”

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