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Appilcation of intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography in aortic valve replacement with bovine pericardium
Objective To evaluate the appilcation value of intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography (IOTEE) in aortic valve replacement with bovine pericardium. Methods Totally 106 patients were ready to underwent the surgery of aortic valve replacement. The parameters of the aortic valves (diameter of aortic annular, aortic sinus and aortic sinus tube, effective height [eH]) were measured before cardiopulmonary by using IOTEE and during intraoperation. Results Eight cases were removed from the study due to supplemental preoperative diagnosis and modification of operative method, the rest of the 98 cases were enrolled. The coincidence rate of initial diagnosis by using IOTEE and intraoperative diagnosis was 100%; 5 cases (5/98, 5.10%) of secondary diagnosis were inconsistent with intraoperative diagnosis. The coincidence rate of the number of aortic valves with preoperative IOTEE diagnosis and intraoperative diagnosis was 100%, the aortic valves perforation fistulas was 80.00%, the aortic valves vegetation was 85.71%, the senile calcified valvular disease was 100%, and the rheumatic disease was 100%. Diameter of aortic annular, aortic sinus and aortic sinus tube, eH measured by preoperative IOTEE had good correlation with intraoperative measurement (allr>0.8, allP<0.05). Conclusion IOTEE has feasibility and guiding value in aortic valve replacement with bovine pericardium, and is also of great significance to evaluate the prognosis of surgery.
Aortic valve; Surgical operation; Echocardiography, transespohgeal
李菁(1983—),女,湖北武汉人,本科,主治医师。研究方向:主动脉瓣膜疾病。E-mail: 78334867@qq.com
马小静,武汉亚洲心脏病医院超声中心,430022。E-mail: 1256760455@qq.com