
2017-01-14 04:45贺创新
教师·上 2016年12期


人教版英语教材Go for it 文章题材广泛,涉及了人文、历史、地理、日常生活、科学技术等多个领域,但中西方文化内容比较少,大部分学生文化意识匮乏,在跨文化交际中表现不理想。因此,在新《英语课程标准》中,文化意识被作为和语言知识、语言技能、情感态度及学习策略并重的一大版块,受到了空前的重视。要培养文化意识就是要培养学生继承和发扬民族优秀文化、积极吸收各种优秀文化成果的意识,促进学生自觉地提高文化品位和审美情趣。我们欣喜地看到在2012年新版Go for it教材中丰富了文化教学的内容,包括英语国家的文化、非英语国家的文化和中国传统文化。



以八年级(下)Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains Section A为例,课文讲述的是《愚公移山》的故事,首先用三个问题辅助故事的叙述:How does the story begin? What happened next? Where would they put all the earth and stone from the mountain? 接下来通过讨论得出对愚公移山的看法:

(1)The story is trying to show us that anything is possible if we work hard.

(2)People should try to find other ways to solve a problem.

教师拓展提问:There is a brave person who never gives up. Do you know who he is?

学生:Yes,there are many great people like Yu Gong. But the Monkey King is the most popular star in your heart.He is the main character of Journey to the West.


《红楼梦》:A Dream of Red Man-

sions 。

《三国演义》: The Romance of the Three Kingdoms。

《水浒传》: Heroes of the Marshes。

《西游记》:Journey to the West。

学生接下来分组进行讨论,话题是What can you learn from the four novels? 每组学生可以选取最感兴趣的名著进行讨论,最后每组进行展示,实现思维的碰撞,学生也能更深入思考“四大名著”的现实意义,下面是一组学生对《西游记》的讨论展示成果:

(1)I want to make my dream come true like the Monkey King,though there are many challenges I'll face,I'll try my best to achieve my dream.

(2)I think teamwork is the most important in this novel. We should believe that everyone is able to do something useful for the team if possible.

(3)In my opinion,we can learn a lot from Tang Sen. He is a good leader though he is not as active as the Monkey King. He is good at managing the team and encouraging people to make great progress.

(4)I want to say everyone is special like the four characters. All we can do is to appreciate and improve ourselves in different situations.

(5)I believe it's a good idea to face the life in a positive way. Where there is a will, there is a way .So keep fighting and we'll be successful in the future.


如在进行九年级(上)Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious Section A第三课时的教学时,请学生首先翻译这篇短文的题目Full Moon,Full Feelings。 学生很积极,给出了几种各具特色的翻译:圆圆的月亮,满满的情思;月圆情更圆;圆月满深情。此法激发了学生学习课文的热情。这篇课文介绍了中国传统节日中秋节背后的传说:嫦娥和后羿的凄美的爱情故事。

学完课文后教师提问:What do you often do on the Mid-Autumn Festival? Yes ,we often miss our family and our friends. What do you want to say on this special day?



So let us wish that man will live as long as he can!Though miles apart, we'll share the beauty she displays.



The Lantern Festival.(元宵节)

Hundreds and thousands of times I searched for her in the crowd.


Suddenly I turned,and there she stood,in the dim light.

The Dragon Boat Festival.(端午节)

Long did I sigh and wipe away my tears,To see my people bowed by Grieves and Fears。



But for the ideal held dear to my heart,I'm not regret a thousand deaths to die.



在教学九年级Unit 5 Section B 2b Beauty In Common Things 时,首先请学生欣赏三种传统的民间艺术:Sky lanterns,paper cutting and Chinese clay art,让学生体会手工制作之美。然后教师就中国传统民间工艺进行词汇的头脑风暴活动:What other traditional art forms can you think up?


教师顺势提出下面的问题:What do these traditional Chinese art forms try to show?

学生得出结论:These traditional art forms usually try to show the important things in life ,such as love, beauty and family.

教师接着提问:What can you do to protect these traditional art forms?


学生达成共识:It's our duty to make the Chinese folk works step out of the country and increase popularity among world people.



强化五个意识 坚持五个履职