
2017-01-12 23:10
中国现代神经疾病杂志 2017年7期










6.关键词:论著类稿件均应标引3~5个关键词.关键词请尽量选取美国国立医学图书馆编辑的最新版Index Medicus中医学主题词表(MeSH)内所列的词.若最新版MeSH中尚无相应的词,可根据树状结构表选取最直接的上位主题词,必要时可采用习用的自由词排列于最后.关键词中的缩写词应按MeSH还原为全称.







11.数字:执行GB/T 15835⁃1995《出版物上数字用法的规定》北京:中国标准出版社,1996.公历世纪、年代、年、月、日和时刻、计数与计量均用阿拉伯数字.


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举例:[1]Gao S.Ten⁃year advance of transcranial Doppler ultrasonography.Zhongguo Xian Dai Shen Jing Ji Bing Za Zhi,2010,10:127⁃136.[高山.经颅多普勒超声十年进展.中国现代神经疾病杂志,2010,10:127⁃136.]

[2]Younger DS,Kass RM.Vasculitis and the nervous system.Neurol Clin,1997,15:737⁃740.


举例:[3]Mohr JP,Choi DW,Grotta JC.Stroke:pathophysiology,diagnosis,and management.4th ed.Philadelphia:Churchill Livingstone,2004:629⁃647.

[4]Louis DN,Ohgaki H,Wiestler OD,Cavenee WK.WHO classification of tumours of the central nervous system.4th ed.Li Q,Xu QZ,Trans.Beijing:Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology,2011:249⁃252.[Louis DN,Ohgaki H,Wiestler OD,Cavenee WK.中枢神经系统肿瘤WHO分类.4版.李青,徐庆中,译.北京:诊断病理学杂志社,2011:249⁃252.]





[7]Abood S.Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes:the ANA acts in an advisory role[J/OL].Am J Nurs,2002,102:23[2002⁃08⁃12].

[8]Foley KM,Gelband H.Improving palliative care for cancer[M/OL].Washington:National Academy Press,2001[2002⁃07⁃09].




举例:[10]World Health Organization.Factors regulating the immune response:report of WHO Scientific Group.Geneva:WHO,1970:1⁃74.





















Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery(CJCNN,ISSN 1672-6731,, the officialjournalofChinese MedicalDoctor Association,Tianjin Science and Technology Association,Tianjin Neuroscience Society and Tianjin Huanhu Hospital. CJCNN aims to facilitate international collaboration and exchange of comprehensive and cutting⁃edge information on basic,translational,and applied clinicalresearch in neurology and neurosurgery. Prevention,treatment and research relevant to China is a focus area,but submissions from all regions are welcomed. CJCNN was launched in October,2001 with an international Editorial team having a unique mix of Asian and Western participation.

CJCNN is an international multidisciplinary peer⁃reviewed monthly Chinese journal that publishes editorials,original full⁃length research articles,short communications,reviews,methodological papers,commentaries,perspectives and short reports in the broad fields ofdevelopmental,molecular,cellular,systematic,computational,behavioral,cognitive and clinical neurosciences.

CJCNN has been indexed by EMBASE/SCOPUS,Chemical Abstracts(CA),DOAJ,EBSCO-CINAHL,Global Health,Index Copernicus,HINARI,RCCSE,CBM,CNKI,Wanfang Data,etc.

Submission to the Journal

Full⁃length original research articles,review articles and editorials on clinical and basic aspects of topics represented by the fields of interest of neurology and neurosurgery are welcomed. Short communications and case reports should be focused on major new developments of general interest to the neurology and neurosurgery readership.

Manuscripts should be submitted online at

Editorial Office:Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery

No.6 Jizhao Road,Tianjin 300350,China



In a covering letter,please identify the person responsible for editorial correspondence(address,telephone and fax numbers,mobile phone and Email address). All authors should have made substantial contributions to all of the following:1)the conception and design of the study,or acquisition of data,or analysis and interpretation of data;2)drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content;3)final approval of the version to be submitted. Also include details of any previous submission.


All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship as defined above should be listed in an acknowledgement section.

Randomized controlled trials

Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery recommends that authors adopt the proposal from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors(ICMJE)which require,as a condition of consideration for publication of clinical trials,registration in a public trials registry. Trials must register at or before the onset of patient enrollment. The clinical trial registration number should be included at the end of the abstract of the article. For this purpose,a clinical trial is defined as any research project that prospectively assigns human subjects to intervention or comparison groups to study the cause⁃and⁃effect relationship between a medical intervention and a healthy outcome. Studies designed for other purposes,such as to study pharmacokinetics or major toxicity(e.g.phaseⅠtrials)would be exempt. Further information can be found at external link


Work on human beingsthatissubmitted toChineseJournalofContemporaryNeurologyand Neurosurgeryshould comply with the principles laid down in the Declaration of Helsinki(the 7th revision at the 64th World Medical Assembly Meeting on October2013 in Fortaleza,Brazil). The manuscriptshould contain a statementthatthe work hasbeen approved by the appropriate ethical committees related to the institution(s)in which it was performed and that subjects gave informed consent to the work. Studies involving experiments with animals must state that their care was in accordance with institution guidelines. Patients'and volunteers'names,initials,and hospital numbers should not be used.

Conflict of interest

At the end of the text,under a subheading"Conflict of interest statement"all authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence(bias)their work. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include employment,consultancies,stock ownership,honoraria,paid expert testimony,patent applications/registrations,and grants or other funding.

Role of the funding source

All sources of funding should be declared as an acknowledgement at the end of the text.Authors should declare the role of study sponsors,if any,in the study design,in the collection,analysis and interpretation of data;in the writing of the manuscript;and in the decision to submitthe manuscriptforpublication. Ifthe study sponsors had no such involvement,the authors should so state.

Peer⁃review policy

Only manuscripts of high relevance and suitability will enter into the peer review process,which will be conducted by at least two internationally known experts in the field,and will aim to ensure that all published manuscripts provide new scientific knowledge. Authorsmaysuggest thatspecific individualsbe ornotbeinvolved asreviewers,but thefinal decision of acceptance or rejection rests with the Editorial Board.

Editorial policies

Submission ofa manuscriptto ChineseJournalofContemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery impliesthatreadily reproducible materials described in the manuscript,including all relevant raw data,will be freely available to any scientist wishing to use them for non⁃commercial purposes. Nucleic acid sequences,protein sequences,and atomic coordinates should be deposited in an appropriate database in time for the accession number to be included in the published article.In computational studies where the sequence information is unacceptable for inclusion in databases because of lack of experimental validation,the sequences must be published as an additional file with the article.

File formats

Manuscripts should be typewritten(double spaced)with 4 cm margins,and on one side of the paper only.

The following word processor file formats are acceptable for the main manuscript document:

∗Microsoft Word(2000 and above)

∗Portable Document Format(PDF)

Structure of manuscripts

Manuscripts in general should be organized in the following order:

Title(should be clear,descriptive and not too long)

Name(s)of author(s)

Complete postal address of affiliations

Full telephone,Fax No.and Email address of the corresponding author

Present address of author(s)if applicable

Complete correspondence address and Email address to which the proofs should be sent


Material studied,area descriptions,methods,techniques




Acknowledgements,Conflict of interest statement,and Acknowledgement of the role of funding source for the study References

Tables and Figures

1.SI units should be used.

2.CJCNN reserves the privilege of returning to the author for revision accepted manuscripts and illustrations which are not in the proper form given in this guide.

Should be numbered in the order they appearwithin the manuscript;in thetext theyshould bereferred to by numbersin square bracketson the superscript. The abbreviationsofjournaltitlesshould conform to Index Medicus/MEDLINE.

Only articles and abstracts that have been published or are in press,or are available through public e⁃print/preprint servers,may be cited;unpublished abstracts,unpublished data and personal communications should not be included in the reference list,but may be included in the text. Notes/footnotes are not allowed. Obtaining permission to quote personal communications and unpublished data from the cited author(s)is the responsibility ofthe author(s).Citations in the reference list should contain all named authors,regardless of how many there are.

In the reference list,periodicals[1],single author books[2]and multi⁃author books[3]should accord with the following examples:

[1]Butts CA,Bodkin D,Middleman EL,Englund CW,Ellison D,Alam Y,Kreisman H,Graze P,Maher J,Ross HJ,Ellis PM,McNulty W,Kaplan E,Pautret V,Weber MR,Spepherd FA.Randomized phaseⅡstudy of gemcitabine plus cisplatin,with or without cetuximab,as first⁃line therapy for patients with advanced or metastatic non small⁃cell lung cancer.J Clin Oncol,2007,25:5777⁃5784.

[2]Zhang ZN.Criteria ofdiagnosisand therapeutic response in hematologic diseases.2nd ed.Beijing:Scientific Publication,1998:168⁃360.

[3]Weinsetin L,Suarty MN.Pathogenic propertiesofinvading microorganism//Sodeman WA Jr,Sodeman WA.Pathologic physiology:mechanisms of diseases.Philadelphia:W.B.Saunders,1974:457⁃472.

Figures and figure legends

Figures should be provided as separate files and should not be included in the main text of the submitted manuscript.Each figure should comprise only a single file in TIFF(preferred format for pathological images)or JPEG(preferred format for photographic and radiological images). Color images must be in RGB (red,green,blue)mode. Include the font files for any text. Figures wider than 1 column should be between 10.50 and 18.00 cm wide. Do not save figure numbers,legends,or author names as part of the image. Individual figure files should not exceed 10 MB. Images should not exceed 500 pixels per inch in width or height. Figures will be resized during publications of final full text.

The legends should be included in the main manuscript text file immediately following the references,rather than being a part of the figure file. For each figure,the following information should be provided:figure number(in sequence,using Arabic numerals,i.e.Figure 1,Figure 2,Figure 3,etc);short title of figure(maximum 15 words);detailed legend,up to 300 words.

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Tables should be numbered and cited in the text in sequence using Arabic numerals(i.e.Table 1,Table 2,etc.).Table titles(maximum 15 words)should be included above the table,and legends(maximum 300 words)should be included underneath the table.Tables less than one A4 page in length can be placed in the appropriate location within the manuscript.Tables larger than one A4 page in length can be placed at the end of the document text file.Please cite and indicate where the table should appear at the relevant location in the text file so that the table can be added in the correct place during production.Tables should not be embedded as figures or spreadsheet files,but should be formatted using"Table object"function in your word processing program.Color and shading may not be used.Commas should not be used to indicate numerical values.


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Instructions for Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery International Authors

,a structured abstract.Background or objective,Methods,Results and Conclusions

(indexing terms),a list of 3-10 key words(listed in MeSH Major Topic)must be provided with every article
