摘 要:该年度我们在863课题的支持下,研究工作持续进行,推出了可同化卫星柱浓度数据的中国碳通量/浓度联合数据同化系统Tan-Tracker,初步研制了Tan-Tracker的区域版本,完善了可同时同化地基-卫星数据的全球数据同化系统CT-China.
关键词:联合同化 中国碳同化系统 碳通量
Abstract: Supported by the 863 project,the CO2 concentration/flux joint data assimilation system (i.e.,Tan-Tracker) has been proposed,which can assimilate the satellite Xco2 observations. The regional version of Tan-Tracker has been also exploited. Furthemore,the CT-China, which can simultaneously assimilate both the in-situ and satellite observations, has been improved further in this year.
Key Words: Joint data assimilation; Chinese carbon cycle data assimilation system; Surface carbon flux