Media Watch

2016-12-20 16:09

WHAT MAKES A Happy Union? South Reviews September 6

in todays china, the factors affecting the health of a marriage have changed significantly from those in times past. the traditional model of marriage, where the husband works to support the whole family and the wife takes care of the home and children, has dwindled. in order to sustain a family these days, generally both partners need to work.

some say contemporary marriage is less about love and more about money. As an apartment has sometimes become a prerequisite for marriage, property ownership has risen to be an important factor in determining the relationship between a husband and wife, while multiple other factors also play a role, including the couples social and/or economic status, family backgrounds, and the extent to which they love each other.

A couples relationship is subtle, complex and dynamic and determines the happiness of a family. couples need to work toward a union of affection.

china at forefront of green finance shanghai daily september 14

china has shown strong climate leadership by incorporating green finance into the agenda of the G20 Summit held in hangzhou early september, a step that will further push the Paris Agreement into force, climate experts said.

china proposed the establishment of the G20 Green Finance study Group, led by the central banks of china and the uK, which developed a report on green finance for the Hangzhou Summit. The report clarifies the definition and scope of green finance and identifies challenges and options for countries to move toward a greener economy.

Ahead of the G20 summit, chinese authorities unveiled guidelines for establishing a green finance mechanism to facilitate the domestic economys transition to sustainable growth, making China the first country with a complete green finance system.

Before the G20 summit, legislative authorities in china and the United States ratified the Paris Agreement. Formally joining the agreement is in line with chinas domestic aim to clean up pollution and attain green growth. Green finance can turn environmental burdens into assets and will mobilize the funds many countries need to cut emissions, especially in times of economic hardship.

clearing obstacles for the big data industry outlook weekly august 29

Big data is becoming increasingly important. it provides a basis and technological support for formulating public policies.

in recent years, the big data industry has boomed in china, and big data trading platforms are being established in various locations. chinas big data market is estimated to be worth over 6 billion yuan ($899 million) in 2016 and more than 50 billion ($7.5 billion) by 2020.

Although china has rich big data resources, they have largely yet to be activated owing to the lack of uniform standards, sound regulatory mechanisms and a fully-fledged trading system.

Moreover, the supply of big data cannot meet the huge demand. on the one hand, government departments and public institutions are reluctant or dont know how to share the large volume of data they possess. on the other hand, information leakage and illegal trading of citizens personal information have triggered widespread concerns.

to clear the obstacles for the development of the nations big data industry, barriers between different sectors should be broken down in order to facilitate the smooth flow of data. data trading standards should be formulated in accordance with international conventions. in addition, laws and regulations governing the data industry should be drafted to provide a legal basis for its development.

Fledgling Online Financial Services China internet Week September 5

small and medium-sized enterprises in china have found it difficult to raise capital through the traditional banking sector because the investment strategies adopted by banks generally favor large companies that are considered financially safe. Small-scale capital, meanwhile, has very limited opportunities for investment and money management.

Fortunately, the fast development of the Internet-based financial services over the past few years has served to remedy some of the problems of the traditional banking sector.

in recent years, companies specializing in these services, including peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, mobile payments, crowd-funding and digital currency transactions, have thrived and injected new vitality into the financial industry. in response, many banks have also attempted to catch up with the new trend. But, their development is preconditioned on sound risk control.

tightened regulation is expected to promote their innovation. P2P lending sites, for example, should be defined as information intermediaries bridging lenders and borrowers. their operators will only serve to match projects with capital and clarify the terms and conditions of loan agreements as well as the legal liabilities of each party involved, instead of turning themselves into fund pools.