On a two-parameter Hilbert-type integral operator and its applications*

2016-12-19 11:08:42SUNWenbingLIUQiong
中国科学院大学学报 2016年6期

SUN Wenbing, LIU Qiong

(Department of Science and Information Science, Shaoyang University,Shaoyang 422000, Hunan, China) (Received 18 March 2016; Revised 11 April 2016)

Abstract In this work, by introducing two parameters λ1 and λ2 and using the method of weight function and the technique of functional analysis, a two-parameter Hilbert-type integral operator is defined and the norm of the operator is given. As applications, a few improved results and some new Hilbert-type integral inequalities with the particular kernels are obtained.

Key words two-parameter Hilbert-type integral operator; norm; weight function; the best constant factor; Hilbert-type integral inequality



where the constant factor π/sin(π/p) is the best possible. Inequalities (1) and (2) are important in analysis and its applications[1-2]. Define the Hardy-Hilbert’s integral operatorT:Lp(0,∞)→Lp(0,∞) as follows. Forf∈Lp(0,∞), corresponding to the only


by (2), we have ‖Tf‖p<π/sin(π/p)‖f‖pand ‖T‖≤π/sin(π/p). Since the constant factor in (2) is the best possible, we find that ‖T‖=π/sin(π/p)[3].

1 Definitions and lemmas

We need the following special functions[10]:







and the extendedζ-function


where Re(s)>1,ais not equal to zero or negative integer. Obviously,ζ(s,1)=ζ(s).

Ifais not equal to zero or negative integer, 0


Lemma1.1Ifs>0,ais not equal to zero or negative integer, we have the summation formula as



assuming thatkλ1,λ2(≥0) is a limited number. Settingu=xλ1yλ2, we have







ProofBy the weighted Holder’s inequality[11]and (12), we find

By Fubini’s theorem[12]and (11), we have



By (15) and (13), we obtain (14).

On the contrary, if (14) is true, fory>0, setting the function as

by (14) we obtain



By (15), we have thatIλ1,λ2<∞. IfIλ1,λ2=0, (13) is tenable naturally. If 0


So (13) and (14) are equivalent. The lemma is proved.

Then we have




ProofWe easily get

Settingu=xλ1yλ2, by Fubini’s theorem, we have




Putting (20) and (21) into (19), we get (18).

2 Main results and applications

Ifθ(x)(>0) is a measurable function,ρ≥1, the function space is set as



Hence the equivalent inequalities (13) and (14) may be rewritten in the following abstract forms



Theorem2.2As Theorem 2.1, inequalities (24) and (25) keep the strict forms, namely,



ProofIf inequality (25) keeps the form of an equality, by Lemma1.2 there exist two constantsAandBsuch that they are not all zeroes[11], and they satisfy












