赵前进,张 澜
(安徽理工大学 理学院,安徽 淮南 232001)
赵前进,张 澜
(安徽理工大学 理学院,安徽 淮南 232001)
设{(xi,fi),i=0,1,…,n}是给定的一组数据,区间[a,b]的一个划分:a=x0 其中 并且 Ui=(2αi+βi)fi+αihidi, Vi=(αi+2βi)fi+1-βihidi+1 (3) 式中di为s(x)在节点xi处的一阶导数值,αi,βi被称为形状控制参数且令αi>0,βi>0。由式(2),(3)易知,有理样条插值s(x)满足下列插值性质 s(xi)=fi,i=0,1,…,n (4) 给定的数据组在给定区间[a,b]上满足如下条件: a (5) 则有理样条插值函数s(x)在区间[x0,xn]上单调递增,节点处的导数必须满足di≥0,(i=0,1,…,n)。文献[9]中给出了保持有理样条插值函数单调性的定义及条件,故在区间[xi,xi+1]上,插值函数s(x)单调递增的充要条件是 s′(x)≥0,i=0,1,…,n-1 (6) 对式(1)中定义的插值函数s(x)求导: (7) 其中 (8) 其中Δi=(fi+1-fi)/(xi+1-xi),i=0,1,…,n-1.因为插值函数s(x)的导数s′(x)的分母恒为正,所以只要s′(x)的分子大于零即可保证s′(x)≥0,就有Dij≥0,j=0,1,2,3成立时s′(x)≥0。而当di≥0,di+1≥0时Dij≥0,j=0,3,因此插值函数s(x)单调递增的充要条件为 Dij≥0,j=1,2 (9) 对Di1,Di2进行化简后得 (10) 插值函数s(x)在区间[x0,xn]上C2-连续曲线的应变能定义如下: (11) 积分化简得 (12) 其中 为构造光顺的保形有理三次样条插值曲线,以形状控制参数αi、βi和节点处的导数di为决策变量,以插值曲线应变能最小为目标函数,以插值函数保单调以形状及控制参数αi、βi和节点处的导数di大于零做为约束条件,建立优化模型 求解此优化模型得最优参数αi、βi和di,进一步得到光顺的保形有理三次样条插值曲线。 由文献[15]知,保形有理三次样条插值函数的误差有以下结论。 定理1 设f(x)∈C2[a,b],s(x)是f(x)如式(1)所定义的有理样条插值函数,对给定的αi,βi,当x∈[xi,xi+1],i=0,1,…,n-1时有 , 此处 , 其中 定理2 对任意形状参数αi>0,βi>0,定理1中的ci是有界的,并且 . 给出一组单调递增的数据x0=0,x1=2,x2=3,x3=9,x4=11,f(x0)=0,f(x1)=4, f(x2)=7,f(x3)=9,f(x4)=13.f(x4)=13. 由本文方法建立模型求解得 i01234αi1.531941.2345681.2345681.247861βi0.869571.2345681.2345681.247861di1.5120622.8594420.9220191.1350742.432463 保形有理三次样条插值曲线图形见图1。 图1 保形有理三次样条插值曲线图 [1]Delbourgo R, Gregory J A. Shape Preserving Piecewise Rational Interpolation[J]. Siam Journal on Scientific & Statistical Computing, 1984,6(4):967-976. [2]Delbourgo R. Shape Preserving Interpolation to Convex Data by Rational Functions with Quadratic Numerator and Linear Denominator[J]. Ima J.numer.anal,1989,9(1):123-136. [3]Goodman T N T, Unsworth K. Shape-Preserving Interpolation by Parametrically DefinedCurves[J]. Siam Journal on Numerical Analysis, 1988,25(6):1453-1465. [4]Schumaker L L. On Shape Preserving Quadratic Spline Interpolation[J]. Siam Journal on Numerical Analysis, 1983,20(20):854-864. [5]Gregory J A. Shape Preserving Spline Interpolation[J]. Computer-Aided Design, 1986,18(1): 53-57. [6]王强.有理插值样条方法及其在数字图像处理中的应用研究[D].合肥:合肥工业大学(博士学位论文),2007. [7]Sarfraz M, Hussain M Z. Data Visualization Using Rational Spline Interpolation[J]. Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics, 2006,189(1-2):513-25. [8]Abbas M, Majid A A, Ali J M. Monotonicity-preserving C 2 rational cubic spline for monotone data[J]. Applied Mathematics & Computation, 2012, 219(6):2885-2895. [9]Fritsch F N, Butland J. A Method for Constructing Local Monotone Piecewise Cubic Interpolants[J]. Siam Journal on Scientific & Statistical Computing, 1984,5(2):300-304. [10]Gregory J A, Sarfraz M, Yuen P K. Interactive Curve Design Using C 2, Rational Splines[J]. Computers & Graphics, 1994,18(2):153-159. [11]M Sharivastava, J Joseph. C 2 Rational Cubic Spline Involviong Tension Parameters[J]. Math. Sci. ,2000(8):305-314. [12]Duan Q, Bao F, Du S, et al. Local Control of Interpolating Rational Cubic Spline Curves[J]. Computer-Aided Design, 2009,41(11):825-829. [13]Zhang C, Zhang P, Cheng F. Fairing Spline Curves and Surfaces by Minimizing Energy[J]. Computer-Aided Design, 2001,33(13):913-923. [14]Bao F, Sun Q, Pan J, et al. A Blending Interpolator with Value Control and Minimal Strain Energy[J]. Computers & Graphics, 2010,34(2):119-124. [15]段奇,刘爱奎,张玲,等.几种有理插值函数的逼近性质[J].高等学校计算机数学学报,2000,22(1):55-62. Shape Preserving Rational Cubic Spline Interpolation Curve of Minimum Strain Energy ZHAO Qianjin, ZHANG Lan (CollegeofScience,AnhuiUniversityofScience&Technology,Huainan232001,China) In order to obtain the most fairing shape preserving rational cubic spline interpolation curve, an optimization model is established, with the shape control parameters and the derivative of the interpolation function at the nodes being decision variables, the minimum strain energy of the interpolation curve being the objective function, and the interpolation function for monotony as well as the shape control parameters and the derivative of the node greater than zero being the constraint conditions. The shape preserving rational cubic spline interpolation curve with minimum strain energy is obtained based on the optimization model. The numerical examples are given to show that the new method can obtain fairing interpolation curve. rational cubic spline interpolation; shape preserving; strain energy; optimization 2016-06-28 国家自然科学基金(60973050);安徽省教育厅自然科学基金项目(KJ2009A50)资助。 赵前进(1967-),男,安徽凤阳人,教授,博士,硕士生导师,研究方向:有理插值与逼近、数字图像处理;张澜(1990-),女,河南南阳人,硕士研究生,研究方向:有理插值与逼近、数字图像处理。 O241 A 1009-9735(2016)05-0038-032 保单调性分析[7-11]
3 插值曲线的应变能[12,13,14]
4 应变能最小的保形有理三次样条插值曲线
5 数值例子