
2016-12-14 05:09Discriminantanalysisofantibioticresistancepatternsinfecalstreptococcimethodtodifferentiatehumanandanimalsourcesoffecalpollutioninnaturalwaters
中国学术期刊文摘 2016年22期

Discriminant analysis of antibiotic resistance patterns in fecal streptococci, a method to differentiate human and animal sources of fecal pollution in natural waters

Wiggins BA

Use of antibiotic resistance analysis to identify nonpoint sources of fecal pollution

Wiggins BA; Andrews RW; Conway RA; et al.

Classification of antibiotic resistance patterns of indicator bacteria by discriminant analysis: Use in predicting the source of fecal contamination in subtropical waters

Harwood VJ; Whitlock J; Withington V

Veterinary antibiotics in the aquatic and terrestrial environment

Kemper, Nicole








作为 20世纪最重要的医学发现之一,抗生素在控制和治疗人类感染性疾病和促进畜牧生产方面做出了突出贡献,但同时其大量使用甚至滥用也带来了一系列问题,如不断导致抗性致病菌甚至超级细菌的滋生。人畜服用的抗生素类药物大多不能被充分吸收利用而随排泄物进入污水处理系统或直接进入环境。环境中抗生素的选择压力也加速了抗生素抗性基因在同种属以及不同种属细菌之间的传播和扩散。我国是抗生素生产和使用大国,每年抗生素生产量达21万t,使用量达18.9万t,其中兽用抗生素占到使用量的一半以上。近年来,关于抗生素类污染物在水体、沉积物和土壤中被检出的国内外相关报道层出不穷,甚至在蔬菜、奶类和肉类等产品中也发现了抗生素残留。为了解决抗生素污染问题,除了减少抗生素的滥用,如何去除环境体系中残留的抗生素,特别是治理水体与土壤中抗生素污染已经成为近年来研究的热点。



截至2016年11月1日,中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science (WOS) 的数据报告显示,以“抗生素 (antibiotics)”“污染与治理(contamination and restoration)”为词条可以检索到的期刊文献分别为741条、4179条。本专题将相关数据按照:研究机构发文数、作者发文数、期刊发文数、被引用频次进行排行,结果如下。







根据中国知网(CNKI)数据报告,以“抗生素(antibiotics)”“污染与治理(contamination and restoration)”为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。


根据Web of Science统计数据,以“抗生素(antibiotics)”“污染与治理(contamination and restoration)”为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。



基于Web of Science检索结果,利用Histcite软件选取LCS(Local Citation Score,本地引用次数)TOP50文献作为节点进行分析,得到本领域推荐的经典文献如下。

来源出版物:Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 1990, 36 (12): 891-894

Discriminant analysis of antibiotic resistance patterns in fecal streptococci, a method to differentiate human and animal sources of fecal pollution in natural waters

Wiggins BA

Abstract: Discriminant analysis of patterns of antibiotic resistance in fecal streptococci was used to differentiate between human and animal sources of fecal pollution in natural waters. A total of 1435 isolates from 17 samples of cattle, poultry, human, and wild-animal wastes were obtained, and their ability to grow in the presence of four concentrations of five antibiotics (chlortetracycline, halofuginone, oxytetracycline, salinomycin, and streptomycin) was measured. When the resulting antibiotic resistance patterns were analyzed, an average of 74% of the known isolates were correctly classified into one of six possible sources (beef, chicken, dairy, human, turkey, or wild). Ninety-two percent of human isolates were correctly classified. When the isolates were pooled into four possible categories (cattle, human, poultry, and wild), the average rate of correct classification (ARCC) increased to 84%. Human versus animal isolates were correctly classified at an average rate of 95%. Human versus wild isolates had an ARCC of 98%, and cattle versus poultry isolates had an ARCC of 92%. When fecal streptococci that were isolated from surface waters receiving fecal pollution from unknown origins were analyzed, 72% of the isolates from one stream and 68% of the isolates from another were classified as cattle isolates. Because the correct classification rates of these fecal streptococci are much higher than would be expected by chance alone, the use of discriminant analysis appears to hold promise as a method to determine the sources of

fecal pollution in natural waters.

来源出版物:Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1996, 62 (11): 3997-4002

Use of antibiotic resistance analysis to identify nonpoint sources of fecal pollution

Wiggins BA; Andrews RW; Conway RA; et al.

Abstract: A study was conducted to determine the reliability and repeatability of antibiotic resistance analysis as a method of identifying the sources of fecal pollution in surface water and groundwater. Four large sets of isolates of fecal streptococci (from 2635 to 5990 isolates per set) were obtained from 236 samples of human sewage and septage, cattle and poultry feces, and pristine waters. The patterns of resistance of the isolates to each of four concentrations of up to nine antibiotics were analyzed by discriminant analysis. When isolates were classified individually, the average rate of correct classification (ARCC) into four possible types (human, cattle, poultry, and wild) ranged from 64 to 78%. When the resistance patterns of all isolates from each sample were averaged and the resulting sample level resistance patterns were classified, the ARCCs were much higher (96% to 100%). These data confirm that there are measurable and consistent differences in the antibiotic resistance patterns of fecal streptococci isolated from various sources of fecal pollution and that antibiotic resistance analysis can be used to classify and identify these sources.

来源出版物:Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1999, 65 (8): 3483-3486

Classification of antibiotic resistance patterns of indicator bacteria by discriminant analysis: Use in predicting the source of fecal contamination in subtropical waters

Harwood VJ; Whitlock J; Withington V

Abstract: The antibiotic resistance patterns of fecal streptococci and fecal coliforms isolated from domestic wastewater and animal feces were determined using a battery of antibiotics (amoxicillin, ampicillin, cephalothin, chlortetracycline? oxytetracycline, tetracycline, erythromycin, streptomycin, and vancomycin) at four concentrations each. The sources of animal feces included mild birds, cattle, chickens, dogs, pigs, and raccoons, Antibiotic resistance patterns of fecal streptococci and fecal coliforms from known sources were grouped into two separate databases, and discriminant analysis of these patterns was used to establish the relationship between the antibiotic resistance patterns and the bacterial source. The fecal streptococcus and fecal coliform databases classified isolates from known sources with similar accuracies. The average rate of correct classification for the fecal streptococcus database was 62.3%, and that for the fecal coliform database was 63.9%. The sources of fecal streptococci and fecal coliforms isolated from surface waters were identified by discriminant analysis of their antibiotic resistance patterns. Both databases identified the source of indicator bacteria isolated from surface waters directly impacted by septic tank discharges as human. At sample sites selected for relatively low anthropogenic impact, the dominant sources of indicator bacteria were identified as various animals. The antibiotic resistance analysis technique promises to be a useful tool in assessing sources of fecal contamination in subtropical waters, such as those in Florida.

来源出版物:Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2000, 66 (9): 3698-3704

Veterinary antibiotics in the aquatic and terrestrial environment

Kemper, Nicole

Abstract: The fate of antibiotics in the environment, and especially antibiotics used in animal husbandry, is subject to recent studies and the issue of this review. The assumed quantity of antibiotics excreted by animal husbandry adds up to thousands of tonnes per year. Administered medicines, their metabolites or degradation products reach the terrestrial and aquatic environment by the application of manure or slurry to areas used agriculturally, or by pasture-reared animals excreting directly on the land, followed by surface run-off, driftage or leaching in deeper layers of the earth. The scientific interest in antimicrobially active compounds in manure and soil, but also in surface and ground water, has increased during the last decade. On the one side, scientific interest has focused on the behaviour of antibiotics and their fate in the environment, on the other hand, their impact on environmental and other bacteria has become an issue of research. Analytical methods have now been developed appropriately and studies using these new techniques provide accurate data on concentrations of antimicrobial compounds and their residues in different organic matters. Some antibiotics seem to persist a long time in the environment, especially

in soil, while others degrade very fast. Not only the fate of these pharmaceuticals but their origin as well is an object of scientific interest. Besides human input via wastewater and other effluents, livestock production has been recognised as a source of contamination. One main concern with regard to the excessive use of antibiotics in livestock production is the potential promotion of resistance and the resulting disadvantages in the therapeutic use of antimicrobials. Since the beginning of antibiotic therapy, more and more resistant bacterial strains have been isolated from environmental sources showing one or multiple resistance. There have been several attempts to use antibiotic resistance patterns in different bacteria as indicators for various sources of faecal pollution. This review gives an over-view of the available data on the present use of veterinary antibiotics in agriculture, on the occurrence of antibiotic compounds and resistant bacteria in soil and water and demonstrates the need for further studies.

Keywords: agriculture; antibiotics soil; residues; resistance; water

来源出版物:Ecological Indicators, 2008, 8 (1): 1-13




随着人们生活水平的提高,各种药品和个人护理用品(PPCPs)使用越来越频繁,其对环境的污染、对生态系统及人类健康的威胁也越来越严重。近5年来,国外已开始关注 PPCPs等新型污染物对环境的污染以及对生物的毒害效应,尤其是抗生素的滥用所造成的环境污染,近年来在欧美一些国家引起了更多的关注和科研投入。


1 环境中抗生素的污染来源

自 Alexander Fleeting于 1928年发现青霉素(Penicillin)以来,大量的抗生素开始投入市场并得到广泛应用。目前使用的抗生素主要包括麻醉剂、抗酸剂、驱虫剂、类固醇类、非固醇类、抗炎药、抗菌剂、杀菌剂、防腐剂、利尿药、乳化剂、催情剂、镇静剂和促生长素等。据UCS(2001)报道,美国2000年的16200 t抗生素的消耗中,30%用于人类,而70%用于动物;1999年欧盟和瑞士消耗的13288 t抗生素中,65%为医用,29%为动物养殖兽药,6%为动物生长促进剂。由此可见,环境中的抗生素污染主要来源于医用药物和农用兽药的使用。

医用抗生素的使用主要有医源性和家庭自医两种。其中,医源性主要污染源为医院,这里病人相对集中,抗生素使用较为频繁,各种污水和排泄物中均含有抗生素,是抗生素的主要排放单位;家庭自医使用的抗生素则通过人体排泄进入生活污水。多方面的资料表明,现有水处理技术对污水中含有的相当一部分抗生素没有明显的去除效果,如抗癫痫药卡马西平(Carbamazepine)的去除率仅为8%,而降血脂药氯贝酸(Clofibric acid)的去除率几乎为 0,全部随污水处理厂出水进入受纳水体。因此,对于含有抗生素的医院污水或城市生活污水,无论是否经过处理,只要实施排放,均可以导致对地表水、地下水以及农田土壤环境的污染。

兽药抗生素(Veterinary antibiotics, Vas)主要用于预防、治疗动物疾病,在畜禽养殖业中以亚治疗剂量长期添加于动物饲料,起到刺激动物生长和促进增产的作用。目前在全球范围内几乎所有地区都采用抗生素来实现增加产量、提高经济效益的目的。然而,研究表明,抗生素药物只有 15%可被吸收利用,大约 85%未被代谢而被直接排放至环境中。例如,绵羊口服的土霉素(Oxytetracycline, OTC)中21%通过尿液排出体外,而对于幼牛17%~75%的氯四环素(Chlortetracycline,CTC)未经代谢就以母体化合物的形态被排出体外。美国动物健康研究所有关统计资料表明,美国大约有 1.04亿~1.10亿头牲畜,75亿~86亿只鸡,0.60亿~0.92亿只猪,2.752.92亿只火鸡的饲料中均添加不同程度的抗生素药品。我国畜禽饲料中抗生素的使用情况大致与美国相同。随着我国大中城市和乡镇集约化畜禽养殖业的迅速发展,含有各种抗生素的畜禽粪便的年产出量在不断增加。据估算,到2010年,全国畜禽粪便的排放量将达45亿t。如此大量的畜禽粪便排放,是构成我国抗生素面源污染的主要原因之一。


的数据表明,水产养殖业使用的抗生素仅有 20%~30%被鱼类吸收,70%~80%进入水环境中。因此,水产养殖业中抗生素的大量使用,是抗生素进入水环境的一个重要途径。抗生素通过人畜粪肥施用于农田生态系统,是其进入土壤环境的一个重要途径。进入土壤环境中的抗生素可通过淋溶、渗滤等迁移途径污染地表水、地下水和饮用水源,并通过作物吸收和积累进入食物链,对动物和人体健康构成潜在危害。

2 抗生素的环境残留和污染水平

2.1 水环境中的抗生素

绝大多数抗生素属水溶性,90%通过尿液排出体外,75%随粪便排泄。因此,抗生素对水环境的污染首当其冲。然而,直到20世纪90年代末,才开始比较系统地调查、研究水环境中抗生素的残留和污染问题。其中,在美国的废水中最早被检测到的是降血脂药氯贝酸,浓度达2.5 μg·L-1此后,在奥地利、德国、英国、意大利、西班牙、瑞士、荷兰、美国和日本等国家的水体中相继检测到 80多种抗生素药品,如一些大环内酯类药物(Macrolide),磺胺药物(Sulfonamide)和四环素类(Tetracycline)等。

目前,地表水体、饮用水以及污水中有关抗生素物质的检出和污染的报道己比较普遍。例如,美国 USGS(1999—2000)调查了30个州139条河流中的药品、植物类固醇和生物灭杀剂,结果检测到21种抗生素残留。在这些抗生素中绝大多数为动物生长激素,如泰乐菌素(Tylosin)、四环素、磺胺类药物(Sulfonamide),检出频率最高的是磺胺类药物和林肯霉氯(Lincomycin),其次是泰乐菌素。这些抗生素在水环境中的残留浓度一般小于1.0 μg·L-1。Batt等对美国一些污水处理厂受纳水体抗生素污染进行了调查,发现甲氧苄氨嘧啶(Trimethoprim)、四环素和氯洁霉素(Clindamycin)等抗生素在水环境中均有存在,其中污染水平为 0.090~6.0 μg·L-1。Zuccato等研究表明,作为一类日益普遍的水体污染物,多种抗生素药物己经在意大利水环境,尤其是北部 Lombardy州饮用水、河流水体以及沉积物中被检测出来,这些抗生素污染物主要包括螺旋霉素(Spiramycin)、红霉素(Erythromycin)、林肯霉素、泰乐菌素和竹桃霉素(Oleandomycin)等。他们认为,造成抗生素药物污染的主要原因可能是代谢排泄、不适当的污水处理或排放。Kim等研究也表明,在韩国地表水、饮用水以及污水中,均有抗生素等药物的检出,其检出率高达80%以上。Capone等研究发现,受养殖渔业的影响,海水中也存在不同程度的土霉素污染,特别是海洋沉积物中土霉素含量更高,达到500~4000 μg·L-1。

在地下水中也己检测到抗生素存在。Sarmah等对采自美国爱荷华州4个地下水样进行分析,发现有多种抗生素存在,包括氯四环素、土霉素、林肯霉素、氨嘧啶、甲嘧啶(Sulfamethazine),磺胺二甲氧基嘧啶(Sulfadimethox ine)以及抗生素的代谢产物等。地下水中的抗生素绝大多数都来源于农田灌溉和水产养殖业,除少数如磺胺类药物残留被检出外,一般检测到的含量均低于最低检出限0.02~0.05 μg·L-1。

2.2 土壤环境中的抗生素

早在1981年,Warman和Thomas就在用鸡粪施肥的土壤中发现了氯四环素。之后,相关抗生素在不同土壤以及沉积物、污泥甚至肥料中被相继检出。例如,Winckler和Grafe的调查发现,四环素类抗生素(TCs)在德国某土壤中的持久性残留浓度高达 450~900 μg·kg-1。Hamscher等在液体粪肥中检测到的四环素含量为4.0 mg·kg-1,而氯四环素为0.1 mg·kg-1;在施用粪肥后四环素和氯四环素在表层土(0~10 cm)中的平均含量为86.2 ug·kg-1,随土层深度的增加,四环素和氯四环素的平均含量随之增加,在20~30 cm的土层中,其含量增加到171.7 μg·kg-1。Hamscher等认为,四环素可生成代谢产物 4-epiTC,随着土层深度的增加,其代谢产物可由液体粪肥源源不断地向土壤深处释放,从而造成四环素含量随土层深度而不断增加。Pawelzick等在德国西北部液体粪肥施用后的沙壤中发现了四环素和磺胺甲嘧啶残留,在0~30 cm的土层中土霉素、四环素、氯四环素、磺胺甲嘧啶的含量分别达27、443、93、4.5 μg·kg-1。在14个取样点中至少有3个样点四环素类含量超过欧盟医药产品排放基准值100 μg·kg-1。

综合各方面的资料表明:土壤中抗生量相对较高,且变化范围大,在μg·kg-1~mg·kg-1之间,如磺胺二甲氧基嘧啶(Sulfadimethoxine)可达900 mg·kg-1;沉积物中抗生素含量随其结构不同有很大差异,通常在μg·kg-1~mg·kg-1之间,如在水产养殖厂的沉积物中土霉素含量可高达285 mg·kg-1。


3 抗生素的生态毒性

抗生素在药物设计时主要是针对人体和动物体内的病原性致病菌,这就使其必然也对人体和环境中其他有机体产生潜在的健康威胁。Sanderson等采用 QSARs和现有的水生生态毒理学试验数据,对226种抗生素的生态危害性进行了评价。结果表明:1/5的抗生素被预测对藻类非常毒;16%的抗生素对大型搔极毒(EC50<0.l mg·L-1),44%为非常毒(EC50<l mg·L-1);几乎 1/3的抗生素对鱼类非常毒,而超过 1/2的抗生素对鱼类有毒(EC50<10 mg·L-1)。


由于抗生素种类繁多,其生态毒性因其种类不同而有较大差异。并且,抗生素在环境系统以及在生物体内要进行代谢和转化。代谢和转化产物的差异,也可能导致生态毒性的不同。尽管目前普遍认为其代谢产物的毒性一般比母体化合物要低,但 Burhene等和 Halling-Sørensen等的研究却显示其代谢产物的毒性不能忽视。Wollenberger等对养殖业经常用于治疗和促生长的9种抗生素对大型搔生殖的影响进行了研究。

一般来讲,抗生素对微生物和藻类产生毒性效应的浓度与高营养级生物相比要低2~3个数量级。对多种植物进行的实验室研究表明,磺胺甲嘧啶在较高含量(13~2000 mg·kg-1)下可表现出生物累积作用,且在根部的积累效应明显高于茎部,然而在田间试验条件下却并未发现植物对该种抗生素的吸收作用。可见,开展实验室内抗生素生态毒理学研究要结合野外实际环境中抗生素的污染现状,否则实验室研究得出的结论可能不具有实际应用参考价值。

4 抗生素抗性基因


关于抗生素抗性问题,以前主要是生物、医学领域的研究热点。随着抗生素在全球范围内的大量使用,抗生素残留己成为日益突出的环境问题。抗生素污染己经从农场到餐桌(From farm to ork),严重威胁着人体健康。由于抗生素对耐药菌株抗性基因(Antibiotics resistance genes,ARGs)的诱导具有专一性,因此抗生素本身在环境中的迁移、转化及归趋等环境行为与其所诱导的抗生素抗性基因在环境中的传播在理论上应该具有很大的相似性和一致性。当前,由于抗生素的广泛使用使其在不同环境介质中均能进行迁移和转化,由其所诱导的抗性基因也因此具有很高的迁移性和活性,能在全球范围内进行迁移。尽管抗生素抗性基因在环境中的迁移、转化及归趋等环境行为目前尚不清楚,但己有相当多的证据证明了抗生素的使用与其抗性基因之间存在相关性。当前,分子生物学手段的发展及分子示踪技术的不断完善,在方法学上为抗生素抗性基因库的研究提供了极大的可能性。


等利用 PCR技术证明了化粪池中的土霉素可以污染地下水,同时其抗性基因可随水流传递至下游微生物体内。


Pruden等采用 PCR定量在线实时监测技术对河流沉积物、灌溉渠、牛奶加工厂的出水、污水处理厂污水回用的排污渠以及饮用水处理厂等存在的抗生素抗性基因的浓度进行了分析,发现在人为活动干扰的环境介质中抗性基因浓度明显高于未受到人类干扰地区。抗生素抗性基因在环境中的持久性残留,以及在不同环境介质中的迁移、转化往往可能比抗生素本身的环境危害更大,因此今后应加强对该类问题的科学研究。抗生素的大量使用使水环境不仅成为耐药基因的储库,也成为耐药基因扩展和演化的媒介,因此,应特别加强水环境中抗生素抗性基因的环境行为研究。






5 需要加强研究的科学问题

1990年欧盟各国己经开始了对环境中抗生素的风险评估研究,并对人用抗生素和兽用抗生素做了严格的限定。美国于 2001年也开始了水体中抗生素残留的大范围调查和研究。我国人口众多且高度密集,污水处理系统很不完善,在某些地区生活污水未经处理直接排入环境中。同时,我国的畜禽养殖业越来越发达,畜禽粪便的年产量达 25亿吨,对畜禽粪便的处理还没有系统化,其中包含的各种抗生素类随时进入周围环境。因此我国的抗生素污染可能比世界其他国家更为严重,应引起相关部门的高度重视。为全面评价抗生素污染物的生态风险及建立抗生素各种环境质量基准,对抗生素环境行为和生态毒理学方面的研究亟待加强。目前,需要加强研究的几个科学问题大致如下:












6 建议及解决对策



【作者单位:1. 南开大学环境科学与工程学院;2. 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,中国科学院陆地生态过程重点实验室】








来源出版物:生态学报, 2006, 26(1): 265-270






来源出版物:环境科学, 1997, 18(3): 83-85




摘要:采用固相萃取、液相色谱/串联质谱法调查了9种典型抗生素类药物在珠江三角洲重要水体(珠江、维多利亚港、深圳河与深圳湾)中的污染特征。结果显示,珠江广州河段(枯季)和深圳河抗生素药物污染严重,最高含量达1340 ng·L-1,河水中大部分抗生素含量明显高于美国、欧洲等发达国家河流中药物含量,红霉素(脱水)、磺胺甲噁唑等与国外污水中含量水平相当甚至更高。受深圳河污染的影响,深圳湾不同区域水体在一定程度上也受到抗生素药物污染,含量在10~100 ng·L-1水平。维多利亚港水体中,只有较低含量的喹诺酮和大环内酯类抗生素有检出。深圳湾和维多利亚港周边水产养殖废水的排放成为水体中抗生素污染的重要来源之一。


来源出版物:生态环境, 2007, 16(2): 384-388




摘要:采用高效液相色谱-串联质谱方法,对城市生活污水、养猪场和甲鱼养殖场废水进行抗生素污染检测。污水处理厂污水中检出磺胺二甲嘧啶、磺胺甲氧嘧啶和磺胺甲恶唑3种磺胺类抗生素,浓度都低于5 μg·L-1。养猪场废水中检出磺胺甲恶唑、磺胺对甲氧嘧啶、磺胺嘧啶、磺胺二甲嘧啶和磺胺氯哒嗪5种磺胺类抗生素(<5 μg·L-1),四环素类的四环素、土霉素和强力霉素(30.05~100.7 μg·L-1)。甲鱼养殖场废水检出氯霉素、甲砜霉素和氟甲砜霉素3种氯霉素抗生素,浓度低于检测下限0.1 μg·L-1。结果表明,在3种典型废水中,养猪场废水检出抗生素的种类最多,浓度也最高;磺胺类在3种废水中检出频率最高,尤其是磺胺甲恶唑、磺胺二甲嘧啶和磺胺甲氧嘧啶。说明城市生活污水、畜禽养殖场废水和水产养殖废水都是水环境潜在的抗生素污染源。


来源出版物:环境化学, 2008, 27(3): 371-374







来源出版物:环境科学学报, 2008, 28(8): 1499-1505




摘要:利用超声波提取-固相萃取-高效液相色谱紫外检测器,分析了广州、深圳等地菜地土壤中3种四环素类(TCs)和6种磺胺类(SAs)抗生素的污染特征。结果表明,四环素类单个化合物检出率为19.35%~96.77%,平均含量为9.6~44.1 μg/kg,总含量(∑TCs)在ND~242.6 μg/kg之间,平均为84.8 μg/kg,以四环素为主;磺胺类单个化合物检出率为25.81%~93.50%,平均含量为4.9~51.4 μg/kg,总含量(∑SAs)在33.3~321.4 μg/kg之间,平均为121 μg/kg,以磺胺甲噁唑、磺胺-5-甲氧嘧啶、磺胺二甲嘧啶为主。菜地土壤中抗生素的含量与国外的相当,但检出率较高。不同蔬菜基地土壤中∑TCs和∑SAs的高低次序均为养殖场菜地>无公害蔬菜基地>普通蔬菜基地>绿色蔬菜基地。同一蔬菜基地种植不同蔬菜的土壤中抗生素的种类与含量有较大差异。菜地土壤的抗生素污染问题应引起关注。


来源出版物:环境科学, 2009, 230(6): 1762-1766






来源出版物:动物医学进展, 2009, 30(3): 89-94






来源出版物:农业环境科学学报, 2008, 27(2): 407-413






来源出版物:工业水处理, 2009, 29(5): 10-14







来源出版物:哈尔滨建筑大学学报, 2002, 35(2): 44-48


Occurrence of antibiotics in the aquatic environment

Hirsch, R; Ternes, T; Haberer, K

Abstract: The recent monitoring of drug residues in the aquatic environment has gained much interest as many pharmaceutical compounds can frequently be found in sewage treatment plant (STP) effluents and river water at concentrations up to several μg/L. This article describes the analysis of various water samples for 18 antibiotic substances, from the classes of macrolid antibiotics, sulfonamides, penicillins and tetracyclines. Samples were preconcentrated via lyophilization and quantified using HPLC-electrospray-tandem-mass spectrometry. The investigated STP effluents and surface water samples showed frequent appearance of an erythromycin degradation product, roxithromycin and sulfamethoxazole with concentrations up to 6 μg/L. Neither tetracyclines nor penicillins could be detected at concentration levels above 50 and 20 ng/L, respectively. From the large number of ground water samples that were taken from agricultural areas in Germany, no contamination by antibiotics was detected except for two sites. This indicates that intake from veterinary applications to the aquatic environment is of minor importance.

Keywords: tetracyclines; macrolid antibiotics; penicillins; LC-MS/MS

来源出版物:Science of the Total Environment, 1999, 22(1-2): 109-118


Pharmaceuticals and endocrine disrupting compounds in us drinking water Benotti, Mark J; Trenholm, Rebecca A;

Vanderford, Brett J; et al.

Abstract: The drinking water for more than 28 million people was screened for a diverse group of pharmaceuticals, potential endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs), and other unregulated organic contaminants. Source water, finished drinking water, and distribution system (tap) water from 19 U.S. water utilities was analyzed for 51 compounds between 2006 and 2007. The 11 most frequently detected compounds were atenolol, atrazine, carbamazepine, estrone, gemfibrozil, meprobamate, naproxen, phenytoin, sulfamethoxazole, TCEP, and trimethoprim. Median concentrations of these compounds were less than 10 ng/L, except for sulfamethoxazole in source water (12 ng/L), TCEP in source water (120 ng/L), and atrazine in source, finished, and distribution system water (32, 49, and 49 ng/L). Atrazine was detected in source waters far removed from agricultural application where wastewater was the only known source of organic contaminants. The occurrence of compounds in finished drinking water was controlled by the type of chemical oxidation (ozone or chlorine) used at each plant. At one drinking water treatment plant, summed monthly concentrations of the detected analytes in source and finished water are reported. Atenolol, atrazine, DEET, estrone, meprobamate, and trimethoprim can serve as indicator compounds representing potential contamination from other pharmaceuticals and EDCs and can gauge the efficacy of treatment processes.

来源出版物:Environmental Science & Technology, 2009, 43(3): 597-603


Veterinary antibiotics in the aquatic and terrestrial environment

Kemper, Nicole

Abstract: The fate of antibiotics in the environment, and especially antibiotics used in animal husbandry, is subject to recent studies and the issue of this review. The assumed quantity of antibiotics excreted by animal husbandry adds up to thousands of tonnes per year. Administered medicines, their metabolites or degradation products reach the terrestrial and aquatic environment by the application of manure or slurry to areas used agriculturally, or by pasture-reared animals excreting directly on the land, followed by surface run-off, driftage or leaching in deeper layers of the earth. The scientific interest in antimicrobially active compounds in manure and soil, but also in surface and ground water, has increased during the last decade. On the one side, scientific interest has focused on the behaviour of antibiotics and their fate in the environment, on the other hand, their impact on environmental and other bacteria has become an issue of research. Analytical methods have now been developed appropriately and

studies using these new techniques provide accurate data on concentrations of antimicrobial compounds and their residues in different organic matters. Some antibiotics seem to persist a long time in the environment, especially in soil, while others degrade very fast. Not only the fate of these pharmaceuticals but their origin as well is an object of scientific interest. Besides human input via wastewater and other effluents, livestock production has been recognised as a source of contamination. One main concern with regard to the excessive use of antibiotics in livestock production is the potential promotion of resistance and the resulting disadvantages in the therapeutic use of antimicrobials. Since the beginning of antibiotic therapy, more and more resistant bacterial strains have been isolated from environmental sources showing one or multiple resistance. There have been several attempts to use antibiotic resistance patterns in different bacteria as indicators for various sources of faecal pollution. This review gives an over-view of the available data on the present use of veterinary antibiotics in agriculture, on the occurrence of antibiotic compounds and resistant bacteria in soil and water and demonstrates the need for further studies.

Keywords: agriculture; antibiotics soil; residues; resistance; water

来源出版物:Ecological Indicators, 2008, 8(1): 1-13


Environmental pollution by antibiotics and by antibiotic resistance determinants

Luis Martinez, Jose

Abstract: Antibiotics are among the most successful drugs used for human therapy. However, since they can challenge microbial populations, they must be considered as important pollutants as well. Besides being used for human therapy, antibiotics are extensively used for animal farming and for agricultural purposes. Residues from human environments and from farms may contain antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes that can contaminate natural environments. The clearest consequence of antibiotic release in natural environments is the selection of resistant bacteria. The same resistance genes found at clinical settings are currently disseminated among pristine ecosystems without any record of antibiotic contamination. Nevertheless, the effect of antibiotics on the biosphere is wider than this and can impact the structure and activity of environmental microbiota. Along the article, we review the impact that pollution by antibiotics or by antibiotic resistance genes may have for both human health and for the evolution of environmental microbial populations.

Keywords: antibiotic resistance; antibiotic pollution; aquaculture

来源出版物:Environmental Pollution, 2009, 157(11): 2893-2902


Degradation and removal methods of antibiotics from aqueous matrices: A review

Homem, Vera; Santos, Lucia

Abstract: Over the past few years, antibiotics have been considered emerging pollutants due to their continuous input and persistence in the aquatic ecosystem even at low concentrations. They have been detected worldwide in environmental matrices, indicating their ineffective removal from water and wastewater using conventional treatment methods. To prevent this contamination, several processes to degrade/remove antibiotics have been studied. This review addresses the current state of knowledge concerning the input sources, occurrence and mainly the degradation and removal processes applied to a specific class of micropollutants, the antibiotics. In this paper, different remediation techniques were evaluated and compared, such as conventional techniques (biological processes, filtration, coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation), advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), adsorption, membrane processes and combined methods. In this study, it was found that ozonation, Fenton/photo-Fenton and semiconductor photocatalysis were the most tested methodologies. Combined processes seem to be the best solution for the treatment of effluents containing antibiotics, especially those using renewable energy and by-products materials.

Keywords: antibiotics; emergent pollutants; degradation/ removal processes

来源出版物:Journal of Environmental Management, 2011, 92(10): 2304-2347


Pharmaceuticals in the river Elbe and its tributaries

Wiegel, S; Aulinger, A; Brockmeyer, R; et al.

Abstract: Medicinal drugs were found to be ubiquitous in the river Elbe, its tributary the river Saale and in other tributaries at their points of entry into the Elbe. The distribution of concentration peaks along the investigated

river stretches provides an indication that they are mainly due to the emission of treated waste water from municipal sewage treatment works. This leads to the conclusion that medicinal substances can be regarded as faecal indicators for water pollution caused by human activity. The main substances found in the Elbe in 1998 were diclofenac, ibuprofen and carbamazepine as well as various antibiotics and lipid regulators in the concentration range of <20-140 ng/L. The more thorough investigations carried out in 1999 and 2000 show that in addition to the drugs (phenazone, isopropyl-phenazone and paracetamol) metabolite concentrations contributed significantly to the total concentration of pharmaceuticals in the Elbe. The metamizole metabolites N-acetyl-4-aminoantipyrine (AAA) and N-formyl-4-aminoantipyrine (FAA) were found in concentrations from <20 to 939 ng/L. A multivariate statistical analysis revealed a high correlation in respect of the distribution of persistent substances. The metoprolol distribution throughout the Saale demonstrated that the tributaries cause either an increase (Weise Elster, Unstrut, Ilm) or a reduction (Wipper, Bode) in the concentration, depending on the respective load of waste water. Wide scale sampling in Saxony during 2002 showed the ubiquitous occurrence of carbamazepine in surface waters. The ecotoxicological effects of this contamination cannot be assessed at present. This is due to the fact that no legal framework in respect of these medicinal drugs for human consumption has been established and therefore little research and no risk assessment has been carried out. Therefore it is urgently necessary to include at least the quantitatively most significant substances in the new assessment concept of the EC White Paper.

Keywords: pharmaceuticals; sewage treatment works; river Elbe; river Saale

来源出版物:Chemosphere, 2004, 57(2):107-126


Occurrence and fate of antibiotics in the Seine River in various hydrological conditions

Tamtam, Fatima; Mercier, Fabien; Le Bot, Barbara; et al.

Abstract: Occurrence and fate of 17 antibiotics were investigated in the aqueous phase of river water under different hydrological conditions at 5 sampling locations in the Seine River inner estuary. The target analytes belonged to 4 groups: quinolones, sulfonamides, nitro-imidazoles and diaminopyrimidines. This six-month survey (from January to June 2006) showed that different compounds were occurring at individual concentrations reaching 544 ng L-1(sulfamethoxazole). All 17 compounds were detected at least once in the survey. Sulfamethoxazole was detected in every sample, and showed the highest concentrations. Norfloxacin and flumequine were found to be the most ubiquitous quinolones, with detection frequencies of 33 and 75% respectively at the most contaminated site (Poses). Investigations concerning the origins of this contamination were made by means of a longitudinal profile along the Seine River between Paris and Poses. It showed large inputs of norfloxacin, ofloxacin, trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole from wastewater treatment plants, with an increase in norfloxacin and sulfamethoxazole concentrations of 84% and 70% respectively, both reaching 155 ng·L-1in the river, downstream from a wastewater outlet. The detected compounds showed different dissipation patterns and behaviours under different hydrological conditions. Higher inputs of norfloxacin were found in low flow conditions, which were rapidly attenuated along the stream. In contrast, sulfamethoxazole inputs were increasing in high flow conditions, and dissipation of this compound was found to be slow. Similar behaviour was observed for the synergist trimethoprim. Flumequine was also frequently detected and its input increased during flood events.

Keywords: quinolones; sulfonamides; trimethoprim; fate; transport; river water

来源出版物:Science of the Total Environments, 2008, 393(1): 84-95


Evaluating the vulnerability of surface waters to antibiotic contamination from varying wastewater treatment plant discharges

Batt, Angela L; Bruce, Ian B; Aga, Diana S; et al.

Abstract: Effluents front three wastewater treatment plants with varying wastewater treatment technologies and design were analyzed for six antibiotics and caffeine on three sampling occasions. Sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, and clindamycin were detected in the effluents at concentrations rari-im, from 0.090 to 6.0 μg/L. Caffeine was detected in all effluents at concentrations ranging from 0.19 to 9.9 μg/L. These findings indicate that several conventional wastewater management practices are not effective in the complete removal of antibiotics. and their discharges have a large potential to affect the aquatic environment. To evaluate the

persistence of antibiotics coming from the wastewater discharges on the surrounding surface waters, samples were collected from the receiving streams at 10-, 20- and 100-m intervals. Ciprofloxacin. sulfamethoxazole. and clindamycin (0.043 to 0.076 μg/L) were found as far as 100 in front the discharge point, which indicates the persistence of these drugs in surface waters.

Keywords: antibiotics; wastewater; surface water; liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS)

来源出版物:Environmental Pollution, 2006, 142(2): 295-302


Wastewater treatment plants as a pathway for aquatic contamination by pharmaceuticals in the ebro river basin (northeast spain)

Gros, Meritxell; Petrovic, Mira; Barcelo, Damia; et al.

Abstract: The occurrence of 28 pharmaceuticals of major human consumption in Spain, including analgesics and anti-inflammatories, lipid regulators, psychiatric drugs, antibiotics, antihistamines, and beta-blockers, was assessed along the Ebro river basin, one of the biggest irrigated lands in that country. Target compounds were simultaneously analyzed by off-line solid-phase extraction, followed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The loads of detected pharmaceuticals and their removal rates were studied in seven wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) located in the main cities along the basin. Total loads ranged from 2 to 5 and from 0.5 to 1.5 g/d/1000 inhabitants in influent and effluent wastewaters, respectively. High removal rates (60%-90%) were achieved mainly for analgesics and anti-inflammatories. The other groups showed lower rates, ranging from 20 to 60%, and in most cases, the antiepileptic carbamazepine, macrolide antibiotics, and trimethoprim were not eliminated at all. Finally, the contribution of WWTP effluents to the presence of pharmaceuticals in receiving river waters was surveyed. In receiving surface water, the most ubiquitous compounds were the analgesics and anti-inflammatories ibuprofen, diclofenac, and naproxen; the lipid regulators bezafibrate and gemfibrozil; the antibiotics erythromycin, azithromycin, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, and less frequently, ofloxacin; the antiepileptic carbamazepine; the antihistamine ranitidine; and the beta-blockers atenolol and sotalol. Although levels found in WWTP effluents ranged from low μg/L to high ng/L, pharmaceuticals in river waters occurred at levels at least one order of magnitude lower (low ng/L range) because of dilution effect. From the results obtained, it was proved that WWTP are hot spots of aquatic contamination concerning pharmaceuticals of human consumption.

Keywords: surface/wastewater analysis; pharmaceuticals; multiresidue analytical method; pharmaceutical removal

来源出版物:Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2007, 26(8):1553-1562


Pharmaceutical contamination in residential, industrial, and agricultural waste streams: Risk to aqueous environments in Taiwan

Lin, Angela Yu-Chen; Yu, Tsung-Hsien; Lin, Cheng-Fang

Abstract: This is a comprehensive study of the occurrence of antibiotics, hormones and other pharmaceuticals in water sites that have major potential for downstream environmental contamination. These include residential (hospitals, sewage treatment plants, and regional discharges), industrial (pharmaceutical production facilities), and agricultural (animal husbandries and aquacultures) waste streams. We assayed 23 Taiwanese water sites for 97 targeted compounds, of which a significant number were detected and quantified. The most frequently detected compounds were sulfamethoxazole, caffeine, acetaminophen. and ibuprofen, followed closely by cephalexin, ofloxacin, and diclofenac, which were detected in > 91% of samples and found to have median (maximum) concentrations of 0.2 (5.8), 0.39 (24.0), 0.02 (100.4). 0.41 (14.5), 0.15 (31.4), 0.14 (13.6) and 0.083 (29.8) μg/L, respectively. Lincomycin and acetaminophen had high measured concentrations (> 100 μg/L), and 35 other pharmaceuticals occurred at the μg/L level. These incidence and concentration results correlate well with published data for other worldwide locations, as well as with Taiwanese medication usage data, suggesting a human contamination source. Many pharmaceuticals also occurred at levels exceeding predicted no-effect concentrations (PNEC), warranting further investigation of their occurrence and fate in receiving waters, as well as the overall risks they pose for local ecosystems and human residents. The information provided here will also be useful for development of strategies for regulation and remediation.

Keywords: pharmaceuticals; antibiotics; wastewaters; hospitals; aquacultures; ecoroxicity

来源出版物:Chemosphere, 2008, 74(1): 131-141




摘要:抗生素作为防治细菌性疾病的药物和生长促进剂被大量应用于水产养殖业中,然而抗生素在养殖环境中的残留可能会诱导耐药性细菌的产生、对非靶生物产生毒害和对水产品消费者造成健康威胁等。近年来,国内外关于抗生素污染特征的研究主要集中在河流、河口湾和污水处理厂等水环境中,而对水产养殖区抗生素污染的研究较少。利用固相萃取、高效液相色谱/串联质谱法调查了3种磺胺类、3种喹诺酮类、1种四环素类和2种大环内酯类抗生素在珠江口典型水产养殖区水和沉积物中的含量水平,揭示其在典型水产养殖环境中的污染现状与分布特征,以期为我国水产养殖区抗生素的环境风险评价提供科学依据。结果表明,在所有样品中磺胺类抗生素均未检出,其他3类抗生素残留浓度和检出率大小顺序为喹诺酮类抗生素>四环素类抗生素>大环内酯类抗生素。在水和沉积物中分别检出2类3种(诺氟沙星、氧氟沙星和四环素)和3类5种(诺氟沙星、氧氟沙星、恩诺沙星、四环素和脱水红霉素)抗生素残留,平均质量浓度分别在7.63~59.00 ng·L-1和0.97~85.25 ng·g-1之间。沉积物中抗生素检出率和种类均比水中的高,表明沉积物既是抗生素的储存库又是水中抗生素潜在的污染源。相同养殖模式下,养殖时间越长,抗生素的总量越高,显示出抗生素的累积效应。珠江口水产养殖区废水的排放可能是周围水环境中抗生素污染的重要来源之一。


来源出版物:生态环境学报, 2013, 22(2): 304-310





来源出版物:环境化学, 2013, 32(9): 1619-1633





来源出版物:应用生态学报, 2013, 24(10): 2993-3002






来源出版物:中国抗生素杂志, 2013, 38(6): 401-410





来源出版物:环境化学, 2014, 33(7): 1075-1083



摘要:抗生素是一类环境中新型有机污染物,其在地下水系统中的污染状况和环境行为备受关注。本文从污染来源、危害、污染现状、检测技术和迁移转化等方面综述了近年来地下水中抗生素的研究现状。抗生素主要来源于抗生素生产工业、医疗卫生业、畜牧养殖业、水产养殖业等,进入地下水中的微量抗生素不但诱导抗药性细菌的产生,更对原位微生物及人体产生危害。检测技术的进步是抗生素污染研究的重要支撑,目前已有多种抗生素污染的检测技术,其中酶联免疫技术主要用于抗生素污染初步筛查;气相色谱-质谱技术由于需要衍生化等处理过程而较少使用;毛细管电泳技术具有消耗样品量少、分析成本低等优点,但重现性差使其应用受到限制;液相色谱技术是在抗生素检测中应用较普遍的技术,特别是液相色谱-串联质谱技术具有灵敏度高、检出限低、可检测多组分污染物等优点,应用最为广泛。近年来依托于各种检测技术在国内外均有地下水中抗生素检出的报道,其检出浓度范围1~104 ng/L不等,检出种类有磺胺类、喹诺酮类、四环素类及大环内酯类抗生素。抗生素在地下水系统中的迁移转化行为包括吸附、水解、光解、生物降解等过程,其基质复杂、含量低和产物难以定性等问题给检测提出了新的挑战。优化检测方法、开发新的预处理技术、开展全面的地下水污染调查、进行代谢产物定性分析、探索抗生素治理技术等,将是今后地下水中抗生素污染研究的主要方向。


来源出版物:岩矿测试, 2014, 33(1): 1-11





来源出版物:环境化学, 2014, 33(1): 19-29




播扩散与水平基因转移(Horizontal Gene Transfer,HGT)和微生物群落结构组成有关。抗生素和抗性基因在环境中自然降解过程受基质类型、光照、温度和微生物种群等因素的影响,其中光照是影响其降解的重要因子;而在人工处理系统中,紫外消毒和生化降解对抗生素及其抗性基因有较好的去除效果,但并非全部有效。建议今后加强对特定环境中抗生素和抗生素抗性基因的扩散规律和高效降解去除等方面的机理和工艺研究,进而有效控制其环境含量,降低其污染水平。


来源出版物:应用与环境生物学报, 2015, 21(2): 181-187



摘要:世界卫生组织在 2000年的报告中将抗生素抗性列为本世纪人类在健康领域面临的最大挑战之一,有关抗药基因传播机制与控制技术的研究已经成为国际环境科学领域的一个前沿问题。本文以生产量大、使用历史长的几种发酵类和化学合成类生素为对象,以典型城市污水厂为对照系统,全面评估抗生素生产及废水处理过程中抗生素与抗药基因的排放特征;把传统的筛选培养方法与高通量测序技术及生物信息学手段有机结合,深入研究抗生素胁迫下整合子对抗性基因的重组作用及质粒介导的结合转移作用,以揭示抗药基因在抗生素压力驱动下主要的水平转移机制;构建多通道生物膜流动暴露系统进行抗生素最小选择浓度评价;研究针对抗生素生产全过程的抗生素及抗药基因控制多级屏障技术,为抗药基因的污染控制与管理提供全面系统的科学基础。


来源出版物:环境化学, 2015, 34(1): 1-8





来源出版物:农业环境科学学报, 2016, 35(2): 212-224





来源出版物:环境工程, 2016, (4): 60-63

Antibiotic resistance genes as emerging contaminants: Studies in northern Colorado

Amy Pruden; Ruoting Pei; Heather Storeboom; et al.

Abstract: This study explores antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) as emerging environmental contaminants. The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence of ARGs in various environmental compartments in northern Colorado, including Cache La Poudre (Poudre) River sediments, irrigation ditches, dairy lagoons, and the effluents of wastewater recycling and drinking water treatment plants. Additionally, ARG concentrations in the Poudre River sediments were analyzed at three time points at five sites with varying levels of urban/agricultural impact and compared with two previously published time points. It was expected that ARG concentrations would be significantly higher in environments directly impacted by urban/agricultural activity than in pristine and lesser-impacted environments. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection assays were applied to detect the presence/absence of several tetracycline and sulfonamide ARGs. Quantitative realtime PCR was used to further

quantify two tetracycline ARGs (tet(W) and tet(O)) and two sulfonamide ARGs (sul-(I) and sul(II)). The following trend was observed with respect to ARG concentrations (normalized to eubacterial 16S rRNA genes): dairy lagoon water > irrigation ditch water > urban/agriculturally impacted river sediments (P < 0.0001), except for sul(II), which was absent in ditch water. It was noted that tet(W) and tet(O) were also present in treated drinking water and recycled wastewater, suggesting that these are potential pathways for the spread of ARGs to and from humans. On the basis of this study, there is a need for environmental scientists and engineers to help address the issue of the spread of ARGs in the environment.

来源出版物:Environmenta Science & Technology, 2006, 40(23): 7445-7450

Trends in antibiotic resistance genes occurrence in the Haihe River, China

Yi Luo; Daqing Mao; Michal Rysz; et al.

Abstract: The occurrence of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) was quantified in water and sediment samples collected from a 72 km stretch of the Haihe River, China. Tetracycline resistance genes (tetW, tetQ, tetO, tetT, tetM, tetB, and tetS) were not detected by quantitative PCR in many samples. In contrast, sull and sul2 (coding for sulfonamide resistance) were present at relatively high concentrations in all (38) samples. The highest ARG concentrations detected were (7.8 ± 1.0) × 109copies/g for sull and (1.7 ± 0.2) × 1011copies/g for sul2, in sediment samples collected during the summer. The corresponding total bacterial concentration (quantified with a universal 16S-rDNA probe) was (3.3 ± 0.4) × 1012cells/g. Sull and sul2 concentrations in sediments were 120-2000 times higher than that in water, indicating that sediments are an important ARG reservoir in the Haihe River. Statistical analysis indicated a positive correlation between the relative abundance of these ARGs (i.e., sull/16S-rDNA and sul2/16SrDNA) and the total concentration of sulfamethoxazole, sulfadiazine, plus sulfachlororyridazine, suggesting that sulfonamides exerted selective pressure for these ARGs. A class 1 integron was implicated in the propagation of sull. Overall, the widespread distribution of sulfonamide ARGs underscores the need to better understand and mitigate their propagation in the environment and the associated risks to public health.

来源出版物:Environmenta Science & Technology, 2010, 44(19): 7220-7225

Occurrence and transport of tetracycline, sulfonamide, quinolone, and macrolide antibiotics in the Haihe river basin, China

Yi Luo; Lin Xu; Michal Rysz.; et al

Abstract: The occurrence and transport of 12 antibiotics (from the tetracycline, sulfonamide, quinolone, and macrolide families) was studied in a 72-km stretch of the Haihe River, China, and in six of its tributaries. Aqueous and sediment samples were analyzed byHPLC-MS/MS. Sulfonamides were detected at the highest concentrations (24-385 ng/L) and highest frequencies (76%-100%). Eight of the 12 antibiotics likely originated from veterinary applications in swine farms and fishponds, and concentrations at these sources (0.12-47 μg/L) were 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than in the effluent of local wastewater treatment plants. Sulfachloropyridazine (SCP) was detected in all swine farm and fishpond samples (maximum concentration 47 μg/L), which suggests its potential usefulness to indicate livestock source pollution in the Haihe River basin. Hydrological and chemical factors that may influence antibiotic distribution in the Haihe River were considered by multiple regression analysis. River flow rate exerted the most significant effect on the first-order attenuation coefficient (K) for sulfonamides, quinolones, and macrolides, with higher flow rates resulting in higher K, probably due to dilution. For tetracyclines, sediment total organic matter and cation exchange capacity exerted a greater impact on K than flow rate, indicating that adsorption to sediments plays an important role in attenuating tetracycline migration. Overall, the predominance of sulfonamides in the Haihe River underscores the need to consider regulating their veterinary use and improving the management and treatment of associated releases.

来源出版物:Environmenta Science & Technology, 2011, 45(5): 1827-1833

Nanoalumina promotes the horizontal transfer of multiresistance genes mediated by plasmids across genera

Zhigang Qiua; Yunmei Yua; Zhaoli Chena; et al.

Abstract: Antibiotic resistance is a worldwide public health concern. Conjugative transfer between closely

related strains or species of bacteria is an important method for the horizontal transfer of multidrug-resistance genes. The extent to which nanomaterials are able to cause an increase in antibiotic resistance by the regulation of the conjugative transfer of antibiotic-resistance genes in bacteria, especially across genera, is still unknown. Here we show that nanomaterials in water can significantly promote the horizontal conjugative transfer of multidrug-resistance genes mediated by the RP4, RK2, and pCF10 plasmids. Nanoalumina can promote the conjugative transfer of the RP4 plasmid from Escherichia coli to Salmonella spp. by up to 200-fold compared with untreated cells. We also explored the mechanisms behind this phenomenon and demonstrate that nanoalumina is able to induce oxidative stress, damage bacterial cell membranes, enhance the expression of mating pair formation genes and DNA transfer and replication genes, and depress the expression of global regulatory genes that regulate the conjugative transfer of RP4. These findings are important in assessing the risk of nanomaterials to the environment, particularly from water and wastewater treatment systems, and in the estimation of the effect of manufacture and use of nanomaterials on the environment.

来源出版物:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2012, 109(13): 4944-4949

Diverse and abundant antibiotic resistance genes in Chinese swine farms

Yong-Guan Zhua; Timothy A. Johnson; Jian-Qiang Su; et al.

Abstract: Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) are emerging contaminants posing a potential worldwide human health risk. Intensive animal husbandry is believed to be a major contributor to the increased environmental burden of ARGs. Despite the volume of antibiotics used in China, little information is available regarding the corresponding ARGs associated with animal farms. We assessed type and concentrations of ARGs at three stages of manure processing to land disposal at three large-scale (10000 animals per year) commercial swine farms in China. In-feed or therapeutic antibiotics used on these farms include all major classes of antibiotics except vancomycins. High-capacity quantitative PCR arrays detected 149 unique resistance genes among all of the farm samples, the top 63 ARGs being enriched 192-fold (median) up to 28000-fold (maximum) compared with their respective antibiotic-free manure or soil controls. Antibiotics and heavy metals used as feed supplements were elevated in the manures, suggesting the potential for coselection of resistance traits. The potential for horizontal transfer of ARGs because of transposon-specific ARGs is implicated by the enrichment of transposases-the top six alleles being enriched 189-fold (median) up to 90000-fold in manure-as well as the high correlation (r2=0.96) between ARG and transposase abundance. In addition, abundance of ARGs correlated directly with antibiotic and metal concentrations, indicating their importance in selection of resistance genes. Diverse, abundant, and potentially mobile ARGs in farm samples suggest that unmonitored use of antibiotics and metals is causing the emergence and release of ARGs to the environment.

来源出版物:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2013, 110(9): 3435-3440

Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs): A review on environmental

contamination in China Liu, Jin-Lin; Wong, Ming-Hung

Abstract: Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) which contain diverse organic groups, such as antibiotics, hormones, antimicrobial agents, synthetic musks, etc., have raised significant concerns in recently years for their persistent input and potential threat to ecological environment and human health. China is a large country with high production and consumption of PPCPs for its economic development and population growth in recent years. This may result in PPCP contamination in different environmental media of China. This review summarizes the current contamination status of different environment media, including sewage, surface water, sludge, sediments, soil, and wild animals, in China by PPCPs. The human body burden and adverse effects derived from PPCPs are also evaluated. Based on this review, it has been concluded that more contamination information of aquatic environment and wildlife as well as human body burden of PPCPs in different areas of China is urgent. Studies about their environmental behavior and control technologies need to be conducted, and acute and chronic toxicities of different PPCP groups should be investigated for assessing their potential ecological and

health risks.

Keywords: Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs); China; Contamination; Sewage; Surface water

来源出版物:Environment International, 2013, 59: 208-224

Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the aquatic environment in China: A review

Bu, Qingwei; Wang, Bin; Huang, Jun; et al.

Abstract: Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) have been detected as contaminants of emerging concern ubiquitously in the aquatic environment in China and worldwide. A clear picture of PPCP contamination in the Chinese aquatic environment is needed to gain insight for both research and regulatory needs (e.g. monitoring, control and management). The occurrence data of 112 PPCPs in waters and sediments in China has been reviewed. In most cases, the detected concentration of these PPCPs in waters and sediments were at ng/L and ng/g levels, which were lower than or comparable to those reported worldwide. A screening level risk assessment (SLERA) identified six priority PPCPs in surface waters, namely erythromycin, roxithromycin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, salicylic acid and sulfamethoxazole. The results of SLERA also revealed that the hot spots for PPCP pollution were those river waters affected by the megacities with high density of population, such as Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou and Shanghai. Limitations of current researches and implications for future research in China were discussed. Some regulatory issues were also addressed.

Keywords: PPCPs; Antibiotics; Screening level risk assessment; Surface water; Sediment

来源出版物:Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 262: 189-211

Global synthesis and critical evaluation of pharmaceutical data sets collected from river systems

Hughes, Stephen R; Kay, Paul; Brown, Lee E

Abstract: Pharmaceuticals have emerged as a major group of environmental contaminants over the past decade but relatively little is known about their occurrence in freshwaters compared to other pollutants. We present a global-scale analysis of the presence of 203 pharmaceuticals across 41 countries and show that contamination is extensive due to widespread consumption and subsequent disposal to rivers. There are clear regional biases in current understanding with little work outside North America, Europe, and China, and no work within Africa. Within individual countries, research is biased around a small number of populated provinces/states and the majority of research effort has focused upon just 14 compounds. Most research has adopted sampling techniques that are unlikely to provide reliable and representative data. This analysis highlights locations where concentrations of antibiotics, cardiovascular drugs, painkillers, contrast media, and antiepileptic drugs have been recorded well above thresholds known to cause toxic effects in aquatic biota. Studies of pharmaceutical occurrence and effects need to be seen as a global research priority due to increasing consumption, particularly among societies with aging populations. Researchers in all fields of environmental management need to work together more effectively to identify high risk compounds, improve the reliability and coverage of future monitoring studies, and develop new mitigation measures.

来源出版物:Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47(2): 661-677

Metagenomic insights into chlorination effects on microbial antibiotic resistance in drinking water

Di Shi, Peng; Jia, Shuyu; Zhang, Xu-Xiang; et al.

Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the chlorination effects on microbial antibiotic resistance in a drinking water treatment plant. Biochemical identification, 16S rRNA gene cloning and metagenomic analysis consistently indicated that Proteobacteria were the main antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARE) dominating in the drinking water and chlorine disinfection greatly affected microbial community structure. After chlorination, higher proportion of the surviving bacteria was resistant to chloramphenicol, trimethoprim and cephalothin. Quantitative real-time PCRs revealed that sulI had the highest abundance among the antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) detected in the drinking water, followed by tetA and tetG. Chlorination caused enrichment of ampC, aphA2, bla(TEM-1), tetA, tetG, ermA and ermB, but still was considerably removed (P < 0.05). Metagenomic analysis confirmed that drinking water chlorination could concentrate various ARGs, as well as of plasmids, insertion sequences and integrons involved in

horizontal transfer of the ARGs. Water pipeline transportation tended to reduce the abundance of most ARGs, but various ARB and ARGs were still present in the tap water, which deserves more public health concerns. The results highlighted prevalence of ARB and ARGs in chlorinated drinking water and this study might be technologically useful for detecting the ARGs in water environments.

Keywords: antibiotic resistance genes; chlorine disinfection; mobile genetic elements; drinking water; metagenomic analysis

来源出版物:Water Research, 2013, 47(1): 111-120

Occurrence of 95 pharmaceuticals and transformation products in urban groundwaters underlying the metropolis of Barcelona, Spain

Lopez-Serna, Rebeca; Jurado, Anna; Vazquez-Sune, Enric; et al.

Abstract: The present paper presents the occurrence of 72 pharmaceuticals and 23 transformation products (TPs) in groundwaters (GWs) underlying the city of Barcelona, Spain. Thirty-one samples were collected under different districts, and at different depths. Aquifers with different geologic features and source of recharge were included, i.e., natural bank filtration, infiltration from wastewater and water supply pipes, rainfall recharge, etc. Antibiotics were the most frequently found compounds detected at levels reaching 1000 ng L-1. Natural bank filtration from the river that receives large amounts of effluents from waste water treatment plants (WWTPs), turned out being the most influencing source of contamination, thus GW showed high range of compounds and concentrations as high as or even higher than in the river itself. In general, TPs were found at lower concentrations than the corresponding parent compounds, with some exceptions, such as 4OH propranolol and enalaprilat.

Keywords: pharmaceuticals; transformation products; metabolites; urban groundwater; field scale; barcelona

来源出版物:Environmental Pollution, 2013, 174: 305-315

Prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes and their relationship with antibiotics in the Huangpu River and the drinking water sources, Shanghai, China

Jiang, Lei; Hu, Xialin; Xu, Ting; et al.

Abstract: The prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and their relationship with antibiotics in the surface waters of the Huangpu River and the drinking water sources of Shanghai, China, were investigated. 39 ARGs, including four sulfonamide ARGs, 23 tetracycline ARGs, four chloramphenicol ARGs, five β-lactam ARGs and three penicillin ARGs were targeted in this study. Two sulfonamide ARGs (sul I and sul II), eight tetracycline ARGs (tet(A), tet(B), tet(C), tet(G), tet(M), tet(O), tet(W) and tet(X)), and one β-lactam ARG (TEM) were detected to be present in water samples by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), with the detection frequencies ranging from 42.86% to 100%. The average concentrations of the 11 ARGs ranged from 3.66 × 101copy/mL (tet(B)) to 1.62×105copy/mL (sul II), quantified by quantitative real-time PCR (QPCR). The number of detected ARGs and the ARG concentrations were generally higher in suburban sampling sites than in urban sites. Being in or near suburban rural areas, some raw drinking water sources were observed to have comparatively higher ARG contamination, drawing an urgent attention for the concern of public health. Generally consistent relations were observed between the concentrations of tet genes and the tetracycline levels and between the concentrations of sul genes and the sulfonamide levels.

Keywords: Antibiotic resistance genes; The Huangpu River; Drinking water sources; Shanghai

来源出版物:Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 485: 267-272

A new approach for the estimation of expanded uncertainty of results of an analytical method developed for determining antibiotics in seawater using solid-phase extraction disks and liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry technique

Borecka, Marta; Bialk-Bielinska, Anna; Siedlewicz, Grzegorz; et al.

Abstract: Although the uncertainty estimate should be a necessary component of an analytical result, the presentation of measurements together with their uncertainties is still a serious problem, especially in the monitoring of the presence of pharmaceuticals in the environment. Here we discuss the estimation of expanded uncertainty in analytical procedures for determining residues of twelve pharmaceuticals in seawaters using solid-phase extraction (SPE) with H2O-Philic BAKERBOND speed disks and

liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Matrix effects, extraction efficiency and absolute recovery of the developed analytical method were determined. A validation was performed to obtain the method's linearity, precision, accuracy, limits of detection (LODs) and quantification (LOQs). The expanded uncertainty of the data obtained was estimated according to the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement and ISO 17025:2005 standard. We applied our method to the analysis of drugs in seawaters samples from the coastal area of the southern Baltic Sea. As a result, a new approach (concerning the uncertainty estimation as well as the development of analytical method) to the analysis of pharmaceutical residues in environmental samples is presented. The information given here should facilitate the introduction of uncertainty estimation in chromatographic measurements on a much greater scale than is currently the case.

Keywords: expanded uncertainty; antibiotics; SPE disks; LC-MS/MS; seawaters

来源出版物:Journal of Chromatography A, 2013, 1304: 138-146

Proliferation of multidrug-resistant New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase genes in municipal wastewater treatment plants in northern China

Yi Luo; Fengxia Yang; Jacques Mathieu; et al.

Abstract: The New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase (NDM-1) increases bacterial resistance to a broad range of antibiotics, and bacteria that produce it can cause infections that are very difficult to treat, thus posing great risks to human health. This paper addresses the occurrence of NDM-1 genes through different processes in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). NDM-1 genes prevailed through several treatment units (including disinfection by chlorination) in two WWTPs in northern China. Significant NDM-1 gene levels were present in the effluent discharged from both WWTPs (from 1316 ± 232 to 1431 ± 247 copies/mL, representing from 4.4% to 93.2%, respectively, of influent levels). NDM-1 genes were present at much higher concentrations in dewatered waste sludge that is applied to soils [(4.06 ± 0.98) × 107 to (6.21 ± 2.23) × 107 copies/g of dry weight], raising the possibility of propagation to indigenous bacteria. This concern was validated by a conjugation experiment with Haihe River sediment not harboring NDM-1 genes at detectable levels, where an NDM-1-positive Achromobacter sp. isolated from a WWTP transferred the NDM-1 gene to an indigenous Comamonas sp. The discharge of NDM-1 genes in the effluent and dewatered waste sludge from WWTPs (even at rates higher than influent values) underscores the need to better understand and mitigate their proliferation and propagation from WWTPs.

来源出版物:Environmenta Science & Technology Letters, 2014, 1(1), 26-30

Wastewater as a point source of antibioticresistance genes in the sediment of a freshwater lake

Czekalski, Nadine; Diez, Elena Gascon; Buergmann, Helmut; et al.

Abstract: Antibiotic-resistance genes (ARGs) are currently discussed as emerging environmental contaminants. Hospital and municipal sewage are important sources of ARGs for the receiving freshwater bodies. We investigated the spatial distribution of different ARGs (sull, sul2, tet(B), tet(M), tet(W) and qnrA) in freshwater lake sediments in the vicinity of a point source of treated wastewater. ARG contamination of Vidy Bay, Lake Geneva, Switzerland was quantified using real-time PCR and compared with total mercury (THg), a frequently particle-bound inorganic contaminant with known natural background levels. Two-dimensional mapping of the investigated contaminants in lake sediments with geostatistical tools revealed total and relative abundance of ARGs in close proximity of the sewage discharge point were up to 200-fold above levels measured at a remote reference site (center of the lake) and decreased exponentially with distance. Similar trends were observed in the spatial distribution of different ARGs, whereas distributions of ARGs and THg were only moderately correlated, indicating differences in the transport and fate of these pollutants or additional sources of ARG contamination. The spatial pattern of ARG contamination and supporting data suggest that deposition of particle-associated wastewater bacteria rather than co-selection by, for example, heavy metals was the main cause of sediment ARG contamination.

Keywords: antibiotic-resistance genes; qPCR; transport; 2-D mapping; aquatic; environment

来源出版物:ISME Journal 2014, 8(7): 1381-1390

Analysis of selected antibiotics in surface freshwater and seawater using direct injection in liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry

Bayen, Stephane; Yi, Xinzhu; Segovia, Elvagris; et al.

Abstract: Emerging contaminants such as antibiotics have received recent attention as they have been detected in natural waters and health concerns over potential antibiotic resistance. With the purpose to investigate fast and highthroughput analysis, and eventually the continuous on-line analysis of emerging contaminants, this study presents results on the analysis of seven selected antibiotics (sulfadiazine, sulfamethazine, sulfamerazine, sulfamethoxazole, chloramphenicol, lincomycin, tylosin) in surface freshwater and seawater using direct injection of a small sample volume (20 μL) in liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS). Notably, direct injection of seawater in the LC-ESI-MS/MS was made possible on account of the post-column switch on the system, which allows diversion of salt-containing solutions flushed out of the column to the waste. Mean recoveries based on the isotope dilution method average 95 ± 14% and 96 ± 28% amongst the compounds for spiked freshwater and seawater, respectively. Linearity across six spiking levels was assessed and the response was linear (r2> 0.99) for all compounds. Direct injection concentrations were compared for real samples to those obtained with the conventional SPE-based analysis and both techniques concurs on the presence/absence and levels of the compounds in real samples. These results suggest direct injection is a reliable method to detect antibiotics in both freshwater and seawater. Method detection limits for the direct injection technique (37 pg/L to 226 ng/L in freshwater, and from 16 pg/to 26 ng/L in seawater) are sufficient for a number of environmental applications, for example the fast screening of water samples for ecological risk assessments. In the present study of real samples, this new method allowed for example the positive detection of some compounds (e.g. lincomycin) down to the sub ng/L range. The direct injection method appears to be relatively cheaper and faster, requires a smaller sample size, and is more robust to equipment cross-contamination as compared to the conventional SPE-based method.

Keywords: chemical of emerging concern; continuous monitoring; ultra-fast analysis; mass spectrometry; liquid chromatography; natural water

来源出版物: Journal of Chromatography A, 2014, 1338: 38-43

Occurrence of antibiotics in the aquatic environment of Jianghan Plain, central China

Tong, Lei; Huang, Shuangbing; Wang, Yanxin; et al.

Abstract: The occurrence of 19 antibiotics (sulfonamide, fluoroquinolone, tetracycline and macrolide) was studied in surface water and groundwater samples collected from Shahu County of Jianghan Plain, central China, in autumn (dry season) and spring (wet season). In autumn, chlorotetracycline, doxycycline and enrofloxacin were the three antibiotics with the highest concentrations and high relevance ratios in all of the water samples. The concentration of chlorotetracycline was greatest in surface water at 122.3 ng L-1and was as high as 86.6 ng L-1in groundwater, which are among the highest values reported worldwide. In spring, tetracycline was found to be more than 100 ng L-1in groundwater and surface water, which also contained high concentrations of ofloxacin (135.1 ng L-1), norfloxacin (1342 ng L-1) and erythromycin dehydrate (381.5 ng L-1). Most of the SMs were observed at higher detection frequencies in spring than in autumn, which can be ascribed to surface runoff by rain water during the wet season (spring). The average concentrations of compounds in the fluoroquinolone and tetracycline categories were far higher than those in the sulfonamide and macrolide categories, which had concentrations of less than 16 ng L-1in groundwater (except erythromycin dehydrate), while macrolides were found in all samples, except erythromycin dehydrate. The main antibiotics present in groundwater were also the dominant compounds found in surface water, with correlation coefficients of 0.93 and 0.97 in autumn and spring, respectively, indicating the potential contamination of groundwater by the infiltration of contaminated surface water.

Keywords: antibiotics; surface water; groundwater; Jianghan plain; interaction

来源出版物:Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 497: 180-187

Tackling antibiotic resistance: The environmental framework

Berendonk, Thomas U; Manaia, Celia M; Merlin, Christophe; et al.

Abstract: Antibiotic resistance is a threat to human and

animal health worldwide, and key measures are required to reduce the risks posed by antibiotic resistance genes that occur in the environment. These measures include the identification of critical points of control, the development of reliable surveillance and risk assessment procedures, and the implementation of technological solutions that can prevent environmental contamination with antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes. In this Opinion article, we discuss the main knowledge gaps, the future research needs and the policy and management options that should be prioritized to tackle antibiotic resistance in the environment.

来源出版物:Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2015, 13(5): 310-317

Occurrence of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in a sewage treatment plant and its effluent-receiving river

Xu, Jian; Xu, Yan; Wang, Hongmei; et al.

Abstract: The extensive use of antibiotics has caused the contamination of both antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in the environment. In this study, the abundance and distribution of antibiotics and ARGs from a sewage treatment plant (STP) and its effluent-receiving river in Beijing China were characterized. Three classes of antibiotics including tetracycline, sulfonamide and quinolone were quantified by LC-MS/MS. In the secondary effluent they were detected at 195, 2001 and 3866 ng L-1, respectively, which were higher than in the receiving river water. A total of 13 ARGs (6 tet genes: tetA, tetB, tetE, tetW, tetM and tetZ, 3 sulfonamide genes: sull, sul2 and sul3, and 4 quinolone genes: gryA, parC, qnrC and qnrD) were determined by quantitative PCR. For all ARGs, sulfonamide resistance genes were present at relatively high concentrations in all samples, with the highest ARG concentration above 10-1. ARGs remained relatively stable along each sewage treatment process. The abundances of detected ARGs from the STP were also higher than its receiving river. Bivariate correlation analysis showed that relative tet gene copies (tetB/16S-rRNA and tetW/16S-rRNA) were strongly correlated with the concentrations of tetracycline residues (r2>0.8, P<0.05), while no significant correlations occurred between sulfonamides and sul genes. A negative correlation between the relative abundance of quinolone resistance gene (qnrC/16S-rRNA) and the concentrations of enrofloxacin (ENR) was also determined. The difference of ARGs levels in the raw influent and secondary effluent suggested that the STP treatment process may induce to increase the abundance of resistance genes. The results showed that the sewage was an important repository of the resistance genes, which need to be effectively treated before discharge into the natural water body.

Keywords: Antibiotic resistant genes (ARGs); Antibiotics; Sewage treatment plant (STP); Receiving river

来源出版物:Chemosphere, 2015, 119: 1379-1385

Pharmaceuticals’ sorptions relative to properties of thirteen different soils

Kodesova, Radka; Grabic, Roman; Kocarek, Martin; et al.

Abstract: Transport of human and veterinary pharmaceuticals in soils and consequent ground-water contamination are influenced by many factors, including compound sorption on soil particles. Here we evaluate the sorption isotherms for 7 pharmaceuticals on 13 soils, described by Freundlich equations, and assess the impact of soil properties on various pharmaceuticals' sorption on soils. Sorption of ionizable pharmaceuticals was, in many cases, highly affected by soil pH. The sorption coefficient of sulfamethoxazole was negatively correlated to soil pH, and thus positively related to hydrolytic acidity and exchangeable acidity. Sorption coefficients for clindamycin and clarithromycin were positively related to soil pH and thus negatively related to hydrolytic acidity and exchangeable acidity, and positively related to base cation saturation. The sorption coefficients for the remaining pharmaceuticals (trimethoprim, metoprolol, atenolol, and carbamazepine) were also positively correlated with the base cation saturation and cation exchange capacity. Positive correlations between sorption coefficients and clay content were found for clindamycin, clarithromycin, atenolol, and metoprolol. Positive correlations between sorption coefficients and organic carbon content were obtained for trimethoprim and carbamazepine. Pedotransfer rules for predicting sorption coefficients of various pharmaceuticals included hydrolytic acidity (sulfamethoxazole), organic carbon content (trimethoprimand carbamazepine), base cation saturation (atenolol and metoprolol), exchangeable acidity and clay content (clindamycin), and soil active pH and clay content (clarithromycin). Pedotransfer rules, predicting the Freundlich sorption coefficients, could be applied for

prediction of pharmaceutical mobility in soils with similar soil properties. Predicted sorption coefficients together with pharmaceutical half-lives and other imputes (e.g., soil-hydraulic, geological, hydro-geological, climatic) may be used for assessing potential ground-water contamination.

Keywords: pharmaceuticals; ionizable compounds; soil properties; sorption isotherms; pedotransfer rules

来源出版物:Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 511: 435-443

Adsorptive removal of antibiotics from aqueous solution using carbon materials

Yu, Fei; Li, Yong; Han, Sheng; et al.

Abstract: Antibiotics, an important type of environmental contamination, have attracted many researchers to the study of their removal from aqueous solutions. Adsorption technology is a fast, efficient, and economical physicochemical method that is extensively used in wastewater treatment. From original activated carbon and carbon nanotubes to the latest graphene-based materials, carbon-based materials have been widely used as highly effective adsorbents for contaminant removal from aqueous solution because of their large specific surface area, high porosity, and high reaction activity. In this article, adsorption removal methods for four major types of antibiotic (tetracyclines, sulfonamides, macrolides, and quinolones) are reviewed. We also provide an overview of the application development of carbon materials as adsorbents for antibiotic removal from aqueous solution. The most promising works are discussed, and the main challenges in preparing high-performance adsorbents and the development tendency of adsorbents are also analyzed. This work provides theoretical guidance for subsequent research in the design and modification of carbon materials for applications in the adsorption removal of antibiotics from aqueous solution.

Keywords: antibiotics; adsorption; activated carbon; carbon nanotubes; graphene

来源出版物:Chemosphere, 2016, 153: 365-385

Carbocatalytic activation of persulfate for removal of antibiotics in water solutions

Kang, Jian; Duan, Xiaoguang; Zhou, Li; et al.

Abstract: Emerging pharmaceutical contaminants have raised severe challenges to remediation technologies for water treatment. In this paper, we report a facile method for preparation of nitrogen doped reduced graphene oxide (N-rGO) using urea as a nitrogen precursor. The prepared metal-free N-rGO is able to efficiently activate persulfate (PS) to produce reactive radicals for degradation of an antibiotic of sulfachloropyridazine (SCP). The effects of reaction parameters on SCP degradation were investigated. The activation processes were studied by in situ electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), which discovered the newly observed hydroxyl radicals from PS activation. This study suggests a green remediation for removal of antibiotics in wastewater without producing any heavy metal leaching as the secondary contamination.

Keywords: antibiotics; metal-free; sulfate radicals; persulfate; graphene

来源出版物:Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 288: 399-405

Adsorption and degradation of five selected antibiotics in agricultural soil

Pan, Min; Chu, L. M

Abstract: Large quantities of antibiotics are being added to agricultural fields worldwide through the application of waste-water, manures and biosolids, resulting in antibiotic contamination and elevated environmental risks in terrestrial environments. Most studies on the environmental fate of antibiotics focus on aquatic environments or wastewater treatment plants. Little is known about the behavior of antibiotics at environmentally relevant concentrations in agricultural soil. In this study we evaluated the adsorption and degradation of five different antibiotics (tetracycline, sulfamethazine, norfloxacin, erythromycin, and chloramphenicol) in sterilized and nonsterilized agricultural soils under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Adsorption was highest for tetracycline (K-d, 1093 L/kg), while that for sulfamethazine was negligible (K-d, 1.365 L/kg). All five antibioticswere susceptible to microbial degradation under aerobic conditions, with half-lives ranging from 2.9 to 43.3 d in non-sterilized soil and 40.8 to 86.6 d in sterilized soil. Degradation occurred at a higher rate under aerobic conditions but was relatively persistent under anaerobic conditions. For all the antibiotics, a higher initial concentration was found to slow down degradation and prolong persistence in soil. The degradation behavior of the antibiotics varied in relation to their physicochemical properties as well as the microbial

activities and aeration of the recipient soil. The poor adsorption and relative persistence of sulfamethazine under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions suggest that it may pose a higher risk to groundwater quality. An equation was proposed to predict the fate of antibiotics in soil under different field conditions, and assess their risks to the environment.

Keywords: antibiotics; adsorption affinity; microbial degradation; persistence; soil physicochemical properties; aerobic conditions; sterilized soil

来源出版物:Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 545: 48-56

Antibiotics in the aquatic environments: A review of the European scenario

Carvalho, Isabel T; Santos, Lucia

Abstract: The discovery of antibiotics is considered one of the most significant scientific achievements of the 20th century, revolutionizing both human and veterinary medicine. However, antibiotics have been recently recognized as an emerging class of environmental contaminants since they have been massively administrated in humans and animals and persist in the environment through a complex vicious cycle of transformation and bioaccumulation. The diffusion of antibiotics in the environment, particularly in natural water systems, contributes to the development and global dissemination of antibiotic resistance. This phenomenon is one of the most important challenges to the health care sector in the 21st century. As a result, studies on the occurrence, fate, and effects of antibiotics in European aqueous environments have increased in the last years. Nevertheless, their potential aquatic ecotoxicity and human toxicity via environmental exposure routes remain unknown. Consequently, antibiotics are not regulated through the current European environmental water quality standards, which requires evidence concerning their widespread environmental contamination and intrinsic hazard. In this context, this literature review summarizes the state of knowledge on the occurrence of antibiotics in the different aqueous environmental systems across the Europe, as reported since 2000. Relating this subject to antibiotic consumption and their dynamic behavior in the environment, the acquired insights provide an improved understanding on aquatic pollution by antibiotics to outline the European scenario. Moreover, it addresses challenges, prospects for future research, and typical topics to stimulate discussion.

Keywords: antibiotics; aquatic environment; European scenario; antibiotic resistance; aquatic ecotoxicity; multiresidue analysis

来源出版物:Environment International, 2016, 94: 736-757

Removal of antibiotics from water in the coexistence of suspended particles and natural organic matters using amino-acid-modifiedchitosan flocculants: A combined experimental and theoretical study

Jia, Shuying; Yang, Zhen; Ren, Kexin; et al.

Abstract: Contamination of trace antibiotics is widely found in surface water sources. This work delineates removal of trace antibiotics (norfioxacin (NOR), sulfadiazine (SDZ) or tylosin (TYL) from synthetic surface water by flocculation, in the coexistence of inorganic suspended particles (kaolin) and natural organic matter (humic acid, HA). To avoid extra pollution caused by petrochemical products-based modification reagents, environmental-friendly amino-acid-modified-chitosan flocculants, Ctrp and Ctyr, with different functional aromatic-rings structures were employed. Jar tests at various pHs exhibited that, Ctyr, owning phenol groups as electron donors, was favored for elimination of cationic NOR (similar to 50% removal; optimal pH: 6; optimal dosage: 4 mg/L) and TYL (similar to 60% removal; optimal pH: 7; optimal dosage: 7.5 mg/L), due to pi-pi electron donator-acceptor (EDA) effect and unconventional H-bonds. Differently, Ctrp with indole groups as electron acceptor had better removal rate (similar to 50%) of SDZ anions (electron donator). According to correlation analysis, the coexisted kaolin and HA played positive roles in antibiotics' removal. Detailed pairwise interactions in molecular level among different components were clarified by spectral analysis and theoretical calculations (density functional theory), which are important for both the structural design of new flocculants aiming at targeted contaminants and understanding the environmental behaviors of antibiotics in water.

Keywords: antibiotics; amino acid-modified-chitosan flocculant; surface water; environmental behavior; DFT calculation

来源出版物:Journal of Hazardous Materials, 20165, 317:


Exploring the correlations between antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in the wastewater treatment plants of hospitals in Xinjiang, China

Li, Chao; Lu, Jianjiang; Liu, Jiang; et al.

Abstract: Various antibiotics have been extensively used to treating infectious diseases in hospitals. In this study, the abundance and diversity of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) were observed in the wastewater samples from five hospitals in Xinjiang, China. The total concentrations of tetracyclines, sulphonamides, and quinolones in hospital influents ranged from 363.4 to 753.3 ng/L, 285.5 to 634.9 ng/L, and 1355.8 to 1922.4 ng/L, respectively. However, the removal efficiency of tetracyclines, sulphonamides, and quinolones in wastewater treatment processes ranged from 72.4% to 79.3%, 36.0 to 52.2%, and 45.1% to 55.4%, respectively. The contamination levels of the selected ARGs varied in all wastewater samples. The highest relative concentrations of sull, sul2, tetQ, and qnrS were significantly higher than those of other ARGs in this study. Significant positive correlations between the relative abundance of partial ARGs and concentrations of certain antibiotics were observed in hospital wastewaters. Results show that integrons played an important role in disseminating and distributing ARGs in microorganism systems. Furthermore, strong correlations were observed between tetQ, sulphonamide resistance genes (except sulA) and intIl. This study aimed to determine the contamination levels of antibiotics and ARGs and analyze the relationships among ARGs, and antibiotics and integron genes in hospital wastewaters.

Keywords: antibiotics; antibiotic-resistant gene; hospital; wastewater treatment

来源出版物:Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(15): 15111-15121

Occurrence of antibiotics in surface and groundwater of a drinking water catchment area in Germany

Burke, Victoria; Richter, Doreen; Greskowiak, Janek; et al.

Abstract: The contamination of the aquatic environment with organic micropollutants, such as veterinary pharmaceuticals, has become an increasingly serious problem and has aroused attention in the course of the last decades. This study presents a screening for a series of veterinary antibiotics, potentially introduced by the application of liquid manure, in ground-and surface water of a drinking water catchment in Lower Saxony, Germany. Of the 26 compounds analyzed, eight, including sulfadiazine, sulfapyridine, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, dehydrato-erythromycin, sulfadimidine, tylosin, and tetracycline were detected in surface water samples. Trimethoprim was detected in 11 out of 15 shallow groundwater samples, indicating its high environmental relevance. Column sorption experiments conducted on trimethoprim show a comparatively moderate sorption affinity to sandy aquifer material with a retardation coefficient of 5.7.

Keywords: liquid manure; sulfonamides; trimethoprim; sorption; emerging contaminants

来源出版物:Water Environment Research, 2016, 88(7): 652-659


A total of 202 Escherichia coli isolated from urban and rural water were tested with 11 antibiotics to assess the prevalence of antibiotic resistance from each source. Urban waters harbored higher percentages of resistant E. coli strains than rural waters. Antibioticresistant E. coli may offer an index of water quality related to source.

escherichia-coli; antibiotic resistance; indicator

文章题目第一作者来源出版物1 Antibiotic-Resistance indexing of escherichia-coli to identify sources of fecal contamination in water Kaspar CW Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 1990, 36 (12): 891-894 Discriminant analysis of antibiotic resistance patterns 2 in fecal streptococci, a method to differentiate human Wiggins BA Applied and Environmental Microbiology, and animal sources of fecal pollution in natural waters 1996, 62 (11): 3997-4002 3 Use of antibiotic resistance analysis to identify nonpoint Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Wiggins BA sources of fecal pollution 1999, 65 (8): 3483-3486 Classification of antibiotic resistance patterns of 4 indicator bacteria by discriminant analysis: Use in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, predicting the source of fecal contamination in Harwood VJ 2000, 66 (9): 3698-3704 subtropical waters 5 Veterinary antibiotics in the aquatic and terrestrial environment Kemper, Nicole Ecological Indicators, 2008, 8 (1): 1-13

Antibiotic-Resistance indexing of escherichia-coli to identify sources of fecal contamination in water

Kaspar CW; Burgess JL; Knight IT; et al.