李 剑 蒋 奎 张子杨 张春路
(1.中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司,266111,青岛; 2.河北轨道运输职业技术学院,050021,石家庄;3.同济大学机械与能源工程学院制冷与低温工程研究所,201804,上海∥第一作者,高级工程师)
李 剑1蒋 奎2张子杨3张春路3
(1.中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司,266111,青岛; 2.河北轨道运输职业技术学院,050021,石家庄;3.同济大学机械与能源工程学院制冷与低温工程研究所,201804,上海∥第一作者,高级工程师)
地铁列车空调机组功耗约占列车牵引动力的40%,合理有效提高列车空调机组能效比(COP)是降低地铁能耗的重要课题。提出了将椭圆管换热器应用于地铁列车空调的设想,通过建立仿真模型,对原设计采用圆管换热器的制冷系统与采用椭圆管换热器的制冷系统进行了对比。结果表明:将冷凝器和蒸发器都用椭圆管优化后,制冷系统COP提升了12.4%,制冷量提升了12.6%,可以选择小号的压缩机来进一步降低成本。此外,对φ7 mm强化管蒸发器优化的制冷系统进行了分析,结果表明,采用强化管蒸发器的制冷系统性能也有改善,略次于采用椭圆管蒸发器的制冷系统。因此,椭圆管换热器应用于地铁列车空调机组中,对制冷系统性能改善显著,对降低地铁列车能耗有重要意义。
地铁列车; 空调机组; 椭圆管换热器
First-author′s address CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co.,Ltd.,266111,Qingdao,China
图2 圆管系统换热器流路连接
压缩机模型采用压缩机厂商广泛采用的AHRI 10系数模型:
表2 模型标定
2.1 椭圆管冷凝器设计
原有的圆管冷凝器设计参数与椭圆管冷凝器设计参数(管的类型皆为螺旋槽强化管)分别如表 3、表 4[7]所示。由表3、表4可知,椭圆管冷凝器管间距减小,在保持冷凝器高度不变的情况下,每排管数可以增加至22;椭圆管冷凝器排间距变化较小,排数不变。对椭圆管冷凝器流路进行重新优化设计,各流路数下换热量对比如图3所示。可见,11流路下换热量最大,故选取11流路连接形式。
表3 原有的圆管冷凝器设计参数
表4 椭圆管冷凝器设计参数
表5 原设计和新设计的冷凝器性能参数对比
2.2 采用椭圆管冷凝器的制冷系统
表6 原设计和新设计的制冷系统性能比较一
3.1 椭圆管蒸发器设计
表7 圆管蒸发器设计参数
表8 椭圆管蒸发器设计参数
图4 椭圆管蒸发器各流路数的换热量
表9为原设计与新设计的比较。显然,椭圆管蒸发器换热量有明显提高(+37%),空气侧压降也有下降(-25%)。因此,可根据风机曲线模型对蒸发器侧风机的风量、功耗重新匹配(风量将会增大)。新设计将光管改为强化管,虽然每一流路只走6根管,少于原设计的8根管,但制冷剂侧压降仍为26.6 kPa,高于原设计的12.8 kPa。由于原设计的制冷剂侧压降不大,所以制冷剂压降升高对制冷系统的影响比较小。
3.2 采用椭圆管蒸发器的制冷系统
表9 原设计和新设计的蒸发器性能参数对比
表10 原设计和新设计的制冷系统性能比较二
表11 椭圆管换热器与圆管换热器比较
由于冷凝器和蒸发器优化后,制冷量提升了12.6%,因此可以选择小号的压缩机来降低成本。同时,由于压缩机流量减少,换热器的相对换热面积增大,换热温差减小,COP可进一步提升。原设计中压缩机型号为ZR 94 KCE-TFD,现选择小两号的ZR 84 KCE-TFD型压缩机,其性能见表12。
表12 重新选型的椭圆管换热器的压缩机性能表
表12中,小两号压缩机系统COP下降是因为在轨交空调的工况下,ZR 84 KCE-TFD的效率只有ZR 94 KCE-TFD的90%。
5.1 强化管蒸发器设计
考虑到椭圆管换热器在生产工艺上的复杂性,本文对地铁列车空调机组蒸发器的优化提出另一种方案:将原有的圆管蒸发器的光管替换为φ7 mm螺旋槽强化管。其具体结构参数如表13所示。
表13 φ7 m强化管蒸发器设计参数
图5 强化管蒸发器各流路数的换热量
将椭圆管蒸发器与φ7 mm强化管蒸发器进行比较,如表14所示。可以看出,φ7 mm强化管蒸发器换热性能与椭圆管蒸发器换热性能接近,但是空气侧压降比椭圆管蒸发器大,与原设计接近,风机风量功耗与原设计保持一致。
5.2 采用强化管蒸发器的制冷系统
将原设计中的蒸发器替换为φ7 mm强化管蒸发器,对制冷系统进行仿真。两种蒸发器优化设计方案比较如表15所示。
表14 蒸发器优化设计比较
表15 蒸发器优化的制冷系统性能比较
表16 两种换热器优化方案系统性能比较
由表16可知,蒸发器和冷凝器都换为椭圆管是最佳组合;采用椭圆管冷凝器与φ7 mm强化管蒸发器的制冷系统的COP提升也较为显著;制冷量有增长,但不足以换小一号的压缩机(若压缩机换为小一号的ZR 90 K3E-TWD,制冷量将降为19.42 kW)。
本文提出了将椭圆管换热器用于地铁列车空调的设想,通过建立仿真模型,对原设计的采用圆管换热器的制冷系统与采用椭圆管冷凝器和椭圆管蒸发器后的制冷系统进行对比。结果表明,采用椭圆管冷凝器,COP提升了6%左右;椭圆管蒸发器代替圆管蒸发器后,制冷量增加了10.3%,COP提升了7.3%;将冷凝器和蒸发器都用椭圆管后,COP提升了12.4%,制冷量提升了12.6%,可以选择小号的压缩机来进一步降低成本。考虑到椭圆管换热器在生产工艺上的复杂性,本文对φ7 mm强化管蒸发器的制冷系统也作了分析,结果表明,采用强化管蒸发器的制冷系统性能也有提高,制冷量提升4.4%,COP提升3.4%,但整体性能不如采用椭圆管蒸发器。综合以上分析,椭圆管换热器应用于地铁列车空调机组中,对制冷系统性能改善显著,对降低地铁列车能耗有重要意义。
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(Continued from Special Commentary)
“The 13thFive-Year Plan” works out a more ambitious blueprint for China′s economic and social developments. It points to comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society, achieves the first Centenary Goal, and fully reflects the five development concepts of “innovation, harmonization, green, openness and sharing”. Its main line is the structural reform of the supply front.
In the 25 special columns of “The 13thFive-Year Plan Outline”, the five aspects of technological innovation, structure upgrading, infrastructural facilities, ecological environment and improving people′s livelihood, etc. are involved. Among them, the objective set for rail transit is that within five years, China will improve and perfect the modern integrated transportation system. The main key projects constructions in the rail transport field are described as follows. The high-speed railway mileage in service will reach 30 000 km, linking more than 80% major cities. The intercity railway networks of the urban agglomerations of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the Central Plains, the Chengdu-Chongqing, and the Shandong peninsula will be basically completed. The main skeleton of intercity rail networks of other urban agglomerations will be constructed. The demonstration project of urban areas (suburbs) railways will be implemented. The rail transit networks of super cities and mega cities will be perfected and optimized. The urban rail transit networks of those cities with more than 3 million populations will be sped up to be formed. The additional urban rail transit mileage in service will reach about 3 000 km. “Four ‘Along’s (along coasts/rivers/borders/the Belt and Road) Channels”— The high-speed railways along coasts and along rivers will be basically run-through. The railways along borders, such as the railway from Hetian to Ruoqiang, the railway along the border in Northeast China and the Sichuan-Tibet railway, etc., will be constructed. Push on the constructions of cross-border passageways linking with neighboring countries around China and the passages along “The Belt and Road”. Build the logistics platform of international trains of important node cities, such as Urumqi and Lanzhou. Construct the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel (the dual-channel of highway and railway from Shenzhen to Zhongshan, its subject engineering′s being the dual-purpose bridge of highway and railway with more cost-effective). “The 13thFive-Year Plan Outline” also points out that in urbanization areas, intercity railways and urban areas (suburbs) railways should be greatly developed, and using existing railways to run intercity trains should be encouraged, so as to form backbone networks of multi-level rail transit and high-efficiently connect large- medium-small cities and towns. Thus, during the period of “the 13thFive-Year Plan”, the topic words of rail transport development are “perfection and optimization”.
The intercity rail transit constructions are of great significance for advancing the new type of urbanization, the industrial structure adjustment and the technology development of the railway industry itself. The development of the high-speed rail and railway freight will not only greatly promote “the Belt and Road Initiative” constructions, but also improve the capability of independent innovation of China′s railways. Perfecting and optimizing the rail transit networks of mega cities, and speeding up to make the urban rail transit of those cities with more than 3 million people form networks are vitally interrelated with building a harmonious and livable cities and improving the people′s livelihood. “The 13thFive-Year Plan Outline” has indicated the direction and the road for our rail transit field. Our mission is both glorious and arduous. Let us work together to produce a satisfactory answer to the motherland and the people.
(Translated by SUN Zheng)
Application of Oval Tube Heat Exchanger in Air-conditioning Units of Metro Vehicles
LI Jian, JIANG Kui, ZHANG Ziyang, ZHANG Chunlu
The power consumption of air-conditioning units installed in metro vehicles accounts for about 40% of the total traction power, it is important to improve effectively the COP (coefficient of performance) of AC (air-conditioning) units installed in metro vehicles. The application of an oval tube heat exchanger in the AC units of metro vehicles is proposed, and a simulation model is built to compare the system optimized by the oval tube exchanger with the original system. The results show that system COP will be increased by 12.4% and cooling capacity be increased by 12.6% if the oval tube is applied in both evaporator and condenser. Meanwhile, a smaller compressor can be chosen to further reduce the cost. If it maintains the same efficiency, the system COP will be about 2.80, promoted by 19.7%. The system optimized by enhanced heat exchanger tube (7 mm) is analyzed, thus the system COP will also be promoted only one step short of the system with oval tube. The application of oval tube heat exchanger in AC units of metro vehicles results in significant promotion of the system COP and plays a critical role in reducing energy consumption.
metro vehicle; air-conditioning system; oval tube heat exchanger
U 270.38+3