□ 沈华宏
□ 沈华宏
此类题主要测试同学们总结和归纳文章大意的能力。这种题型往往用下列句型进行测试:The main idea of this passage is_____;The passage is mainly about_____;What’s the best title of this passage?等。这类题目的答案往往在主题句中。演绎型文章的主题句多位于段落开头,归纳型文章的主题句一般在段落结尾,少数主题句也可在段落中间。若从主题句中找不到答案,则要经过反复阅读,进行归纳总结。
这类题目大都可在短文中直观地找到答案。其测试方式主要有:用“How many...”“Which of the following...”“How long...”等提出问题的试题,要求找出相关的时间、地点、人物、数字等;用“Which of the following state⁃ments is(not)true/mentioned/the cause?”提出问题的试题,要求判断试题中的备选答案是否符合短文中的有关事实。
Brenda faced a challenge in Sunday School,though she was a experi⁃enced teacher.She just didn’t know how to deal with it in a good way. She had never taught a child quite like Cindy!
Cindy,you see,was different.She came from a broken fam ily.And she thought she was so bad that she could not be successful.In fact, Cindy needed care,and most of all,Cindy needed love!There just had to be a way of helping her.
Then one day Brenda asked Cindy if she could p lay a role in a Christmas program the children were planning to do.Cindy’s answer was:“Don’t you think you can find someone better than me?”
“Better than you?”came Brenda’s rep ly.“What makes you think there is anyone better than you?”
“Well,I’ve never been asked to do anything before because I’m not good.I won’t get the part right and then everyone will be mad at me for messing up(弄糟)their program,”came Cindy’s answer.
“Oh,Cindy,”said Brenda in a gentle voice.“I am so sorry that you think that,but you are so wrong.Don’t you realize how valuable you are?”
“No.”came a rep ly in a low voice because Cindy was now in tears.
“But Cindy,in my eyes,you are special and you can also do some⁃thing well like others,”Brenda said.
“Really?Do you think so really?Thank you,M iss Brenda!Nobody
has believed in me like you,then I’ll have a try.”said Cindy as she re⁃ceived a hug from her teacher for the first time!
1.From the first paragraph we can infer(推断)that_____.
本题的正确答案是:Brenda found it difficult to teach Cindy.
2.The second paragraph tells us that_____.
本题的正确答案是:Cindy didn’t have a happy life.本题是对段落大意的一个归纳。我们可以从以下两个方面综合得出上述结论:A.她父母离异(she came from a broken fam ily);B.她缺乏关爱(Cindy needed care...Cindy needed love)。
3.When Brenda asked Cindy to p lay a role in a Christmas pro⁃gram,_____.
本题的正确答案是:Cindy wasn’t confident in herself.本题需要从现有的信息中做出合理的推断。当Brenda老师请Cindy出演圣诞节的一个角色的时候,Cindy的第一反应是:难道你不能找到比我好些的人吗?这句话表示Cindy很冷淡地拒绝了老师的邀请;其次当老师劝说她,并说她是一个很有价值的人的时候,Cindy也是立即表示了反对(No);而Cindy本人对于自己的看法是:我并不优秀,我从来没有被邀请做过任何事,且担心做不好被别人笑话。这些都是她不自信的表现。
4.According to the passage,we can see that_____.
本题的正确答案是:Brenda succeeded in helping Cindy.本题是对文章主旨的归纳。要求学生深刻理解全文,弄清作者的写作意图,做出全面归纳,形成正确的结论。从文章最开始Brenda老师不知道怎样帮助Cindy,到后来老师了解了Cindy的情况,积极开导她,热情地邀请她参加圣诞演出,最后Cindy同意参加(then I’ll have a try),说明老师的努力获得了成功。