彭 浩, 李 黔, 尹 虎, 唐志强
(西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院,四川成都 610500)
彭 浩, 李 黔, 尹 虎, 唐志强
(西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院,四川成都 610500)
图1 理论漏失特征曲线及实钻漏失特征曲线平移示意Fig.1 Shift sketch of theoretical and actual leakage characteristics curves
2) 采用垂直、水平平移方法寻找与实钻漏失特征曲线匹配的理论漏失特征曲线,得到与之对应的理论漏失特征曲线的无因次有限侵入值α,并反演出天然裂缝宽度。
为解决Lietard模型求解速度慢且易产生人为误差的问题,分析可知,不同α值对应的理论漏失特征曲线均有一段近似直线段,为分析近似直线段的线性相关度[20-21],分别计算了1,0.1,0.001和0.000 1等代表不同数量级α值的线性相关系数,均达到0.999,可对近似直线段进行线性处理,近似直线段斜率分别为2.165 26,1.633 76,1.382 06,1.168 45和1.116 96(见图1)。通过自适应搜索法自动设置α步长,求取不同α值所对应的理论漏失特征曲线直线段斜率。然后,取得实钻漏失特征曲线直线段数据,运用最小二乘法计算其斜率,比对二者斜率,直至其相对误差在合理范围内,确定对应斜率的理论漏失特征曲线,取其α值,反演出天然裂缝宽度。具体计算步骤为:
1) 输入基本参数Δp,rw,μp,τy和允许匹配相对误差δ;
3) 建立方程组
6) 计算相关系数
7) 设定步长α,αmax及αmin;
8) 计算不同α值对应理论漏失特征曲线近似直线段斜率k1;
10) 若δr≤δ,记录α值,反演出裂缝宽度;否则,重复步骤(7)—(9),直至δr≤δ。
图2 A井井漏数据Fig.2 The leakage data of Well A
图3 A井实钻漏失特征曲线匹配结果Fig.3 The matching results of actual leakage characteristics curve of Well A
B井在钻至垂深4 302.00 m时发生井漏,漏失速度为10.8 m3/h。井眼直径为311.1 mm,井底压差Δp为7.32 MPa,钻井液动切力τy为15 Pa,塑性黏度μp为38 mPa·s。在相对误差δ=0.001%情况下,用新求解方法计算得α=0.004 9,反演出裂缝宽度为195 μm。将实钻漏失特征曲线平移至α=0.1和α=0.004 9理论漏失特征曲线处进行匹配(见图4),实钻漏失特征曲线与α=0.004 9的理论漏失特征曲线匹配度高。
图4 B井实钻漏失特征曲线匹配结果Fig.4 The matching results of actual leakage characteristics curve of Well B
1) 分析Lietard模型漏失特征曲线可知,实钻漏失特征曲线及理论漏失特征曲线均有一段线性相关度为0.999的近似直线段,可作线性化处理,便于模型求解。
2) Lietard模型裂缝宽度求解新方法实现了计算机无盲区自动匹配理论漏失特征曲线,消除了图版法可能产生的人为误差,将匹配误差控制在0.001%内,提高了求解精度。
3) Lietard模型裂缝宽度求解新方法简化了求解过程,可以在数秒内完成模型求解,提高了求解速度。
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[编辑 滕春鸣]
A New Solution Method for the Lietard Natural Fracture Width Prediction Model
PENG Hao, LI Qian, YIN Hu, TANG Zhiqiang
(Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Institute of Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610500, China)
When the Lietard natural fracture width prediction model is solved by means of the chart method, the solving velocity is low and human errors tend to occur. In order to quickly and accurately predict the natural width with lost circulation and provide a decision-making basis for plugging operations and shield temporary plugging operations, the numerical solution method for Lietard model was studied in this paper. It was shown from the analysis on Lietard model that there was an approximate straight line section in the theoretical leakage characteristics curve obtained from Lietard model and it could be linearized. Based on the measured leakage data during the lost circulation, the calculation model for the linear parameters of approximate straight line section in the actual drilling leakage characteristics curve was established by means of the least square method. After the theoretical leakage characteristics curve which was the only one corresponding to the actual drilling leakage characteristics curve was identified by using the adaptive search method, natural fracture width could be inversed on the basis of the dimensionless finite invasion factor. Based on experimental studies, the calculation model for the linear parameters of approximate straight line section in the actual drilling leakage characteristics curve was built up and automatic matching without blind area was realized with matching error less than 0.001%. And furthermore, human errors were avoided and the Lietard mode could be solved quickly. It was shown that the solution accuracy of Lietard model was proportional to the linear correlation of approximate straight line section in the actual drilling leakage characteristics curve. And for the same correlation, new method was faster and more accurate than the chart method.
fractured leakage; fracture width; prediction model; errors; automatic matching