摘 要:近年公司以EPC模式承包的境外电站项目中,ASME钢印锅炉越来越多,土耳其、摩洛哥、巴基斯坦、泰国等地EPC项目多数招标文件均明确要求锅炉必须实施ASME钢印。本文结合摩洛哥某EPC项目锅炉ASM认证,针对无固定汽水分界线强制循环锅炉安全阀PE(Professional Engineer)认证,探讨锅炉汽水流程设计中安全阀设计认证中值得注意的问题,为同行进行类似锅炉PE认证提供参考与借鉴。
中图分类号:X933 文献标识码:A
ASME BPVC.1卷设计篇DESIGN PG-16.2 When the pressure parts of a forced‐flow steam generator with no fixed steam and waterline are designed for different pressure levels as permitted in PG-21.3, the owner shall provide or cause to be provided a boiler pressure system design diagram, certified by a Professional Engineer experienced in the mechanical design of power plants, which supplies the following information.
针对无固定汽水分界线强制循环蒸汽锅炉,明确要求锅炉的压力系统的设计流程须经过一个Professional Engineer(PE)认证,而审查范围和要点为16.2.1-2.4,锅炉压力系统流程通常是锅炉厂方案及初步设计最先要考虑的问题,所以PE认证工作能否及时完成将直接影响后续设计、甚至成本预算工作,其重要性不言而喻。
2. PE认证服务合同招投标
3. PE认证安全阀技术评审
Comment-Current design reliving capacity for all PCVs is 57.72% of MCR, which is higher than 10-30% of MCR as stated in PG-67.4.2.实际上采购合同中PCV阀排放量要求是不低于40%MCR,很明显与PE工程师这一条意见不符合。针对这一问题的解决过程中,PE一口咬定不要超过MCR的30%,厂家也是一味强调这是合同要求。为此,我们组织有关各方对ASME标准相关条款进行了多次分析讨论,ASME条款如下:
PG-67.4.1 The total combined relieving capacity of the power-actuated relieving valves shall be not less than 10% of the maximum design steaming capacity of the boiler under any operating condition as determined by the Manufacturer.
PG-67.4.2 Pressure relief valves shall be provided, having a total combined relieving capacity, including that of the power-actuated pressure-relieving capacity installed under PG-67.4.1, of not less than 100% of the maximum designed steaming capacity of the boiler, as determined by the Manufacturer, except the alternate provisions of PG-67.4.3 are satisfied. In this total, no credit in excess of 30% of the total required relieving capacity shall be allowed for the power-actuated pressure relieving valves actually installed.
Comment-The max sustained pressures are chosen exactly the same as the MAWP. As per PG 21.2, expected max sustained pressure shall be selected sufficiently in excess of any expected operating pressure to permit satisfactory boiler operation without lifting overpressure protection devices. The problem is that the set pressure for PCV 1&2 is less than max expected pressure at superheater outlet. Same issue with reheater.
Comment-It is suggested to locate PCVs upstream of PSVs. If hydraulic test valves are installed permanently, PSVs are located downstream of the test valves are not acceptable.
[1] Rules for Construction of Power Boilers, SECTION 1, 2015 ASEM BOILER and Pressure Vessel Code.