Hit on a Girl实力“撩妹”
hit on sb这个短语有挑逗的意味,口语中使用频率很高,和“撩妹”意思较为相近,所以撩妹可以是hit on a girl,撩汉子就是hit on a guy。
看看Urban Dictionary的定义:
Trying to get someone to like you by flirting②flirting v. 打情骂俏(flirt的ing形式);玩弄;摆动n. 打情骂俏adj. 调情的So next time you're in public, try meeting and flirting with different women.因此下一次你在公共场所,试试与不同的女人搭讪、调情。with them.
For example:
How do you guys deal with it when other guy shit on your girl? I am usually at a loss of what to do when this occurs at parties. 你们碰到有人撩自己的女票都怎么办?我在派对上遇到这种事总是不知道该咋办。
Dude I think she's hitting on me. Should I ask her out? 哥们儿,我觉得她在撩我呢,我要不要约她?