
2016-11-28 01:53:11DanielHoffman大黄de修介
意林(绘英语) 2016年5期

文/Daniel Hoffman 译/大黄de 绘/ 修介


文/Daniel Hoffman 译/大黄de 绘/ 修介

Do You GivE Too MucH iN FRiENDSHiP


How often do you

1.Invite her over for a sleepover,an event,or just to hang out:

1.never 2.sometimes

3.often 4.always

I do this for my friend: Score:

My friend does this for me:Score:


1.从不 2.有时 3.经常 4.总是


How often do you

1.Invite her over for a sleepover,an event,or just to hang out:

1.never 2.sometimes

3.often 4.always

I do this for my friend: Score:

My friend does this for me:Score:


1.从不 2.有时 3.经常 4.总是

2、Support her by attending her big event, like a volleyball game or dance competition:

1.never 2.sometimes

3.often 4.always

I do this for my friend:Score:

My friend does this for me:Score:


1.从不 2.有时 3.经常 4.总是

3.Stand for her when people aren't being nice.

1. never 2.sometimes

3.often 4.always

2、Support her by attending her big event, like a volleyball game or dance competition:

1.never 2.sometimes

3.often 4.always

I do this for my friend:Score:

My friend does this for me:Score:


1.从不 2.有时 3.经常 4.总是

3.Stand for her when people aren't being nice.

1. never 2.sometimes

3.often 4.always

I do this for my friend:Score:

My friend does this for me:Score:


1.从不 2.有时 3.经常 4.总是4.Help her through a tough time by listening and offering reassurance:

1.never 2.sometimes

3.often 4.always

l do this for my friend:Score:

My friend does this for me:Score:


1.从不 2.有时 3.经常 4.总是

I do this for my friend:Score:

My friend does this for me:Score:


1.从不 2.有时 3.经常 4.总是4.Help her through a tough time by listening and offering reassurance:

1.never 2.sometimes

3.often 4.always

l do this for my friend:Score:

My friend does this for me:Score:


1.从不 2.有时 3.经常 4.总是

5.Give her a meaningful present,whether it's her birthday or just for fun:

1.never 2.sometimes

3.often 4.always

I do this for my friend:Score:

My friend does this for me:Score:


1.从不 2.有时 3.经常 4.总是

6.C o m p l i m e n t h e r n e w outfit,her intelligence,her haircut...anything:

1.never 2.sometimes

3.often 4.always

I do this for my friend:Score:

My friend does this for me:Score:


1.从不 2.有时 3.经常 4.总是

7.Keep your promises to her by not cancelling plans or bailing on her at the last minute:

1.never 2.sometimes

3.often 4.always

I do this for my friend:Score:

My friend does this for me:Score:


1.从不 2.有时 3.经常 4.总是

8.Guard her secrets as carefully as you guard your own.You're like a lockbox!

1.never 2.sometimes

3.often 4.always

I do this for my friend:Score:

My friend does this for me:Score:

5.Give her a meaningful present,whether it's her birthday or just for fun:

1.never 2.sometimes

3.often 4.always

I do this for my friend:Score:

My friend does this for me:Score:


1.从不 2.有时 3.经常 4.总是

6.C o m p l i m e n t h e r n e w outfit,her intelligence,her haircut...anything:

1.never 2.sometimes

3.often 4.always

I do this for my friend:Score:

My friend does this for me:Score:


1.从不 2.有时 3.经常 4.总是

7.Keep your promises to her by not cancelling plans or bailing on her at the last minute:

1.never 2.sometimes

3.often 4.always

I do this for my friend:Score:

My friend does this for me:Score:


1.从不 2.有时 3.经常 4.总是

8.Guard her secrets as carefully as you guard your own.You're like a lockbox!

1.never 2.sometimes

3.often 4.always

I do this for my friend:Score:

My friend does this for me:Score:


1.从不 2.有时 3.经常 4.总是

Add them up!算算总分吧!

Now subtract your friend's score from your score:(it could be a negative number!)




Between+24 and+15 Points

Every friendship should be a two-way street,but this one is one way only-hers! It's time to expect more from your friend. Have a heart-to-heart to let her know you're feeling neglected.



Between+14 and+5 Points

You're letting your friend call most of the shots even though she might not deserve to. Tell her you need more—whether it's calls, encouragement or invites,whatever-so that you don't always end up disappointed.



Between+4 and-4 Points

You have the two-way street thing down! You are both caring


1.从不 2.有时 3.经常 4.总是

Add them up!算算总分吧!

Now subtract your friend's score from your score:(it could be a negative number!)




Between+24 and+15 Points

Every friendship should be a two-way street,but this one is one way only-hers! It's time to expect more from your friend. Have a heart-to-heart to let her know you're feeling neglected.



Between+14 and+5 Points

You're letting your friend call most of the shots even though she might not deserve to. Tell her you need more—whether it's calls, encouragement or invites,whatever-so that you don't always end up disappointed.



Between+4 and-4 Points

You have the two-way street thing down! You are both caring

and cared for in this friendship,which is exactly how it should be. A balanced friendship like this is truly special.so keep working hard on this relationship, and it'll be one you'll treasure forever.



Between-5 and-14 Points

Whether you mean to or not,you're letting your friend do more of the work in this friendship. Time to star t appreciating "her a bit more and making her feel treasured, too.



Between-15and-24 Points

Wake up call girlfriend:Your friend is doing most of the giving here!Just because she doesn't complain doesn't mean she hasn't noticed! If you want this friendship to last, tell her you're going to make it up to her一 and then follow through.You can fix this friendship!



and cared for in this friendship,which is exactly how it should be. A balanced friendship like this is truly special.so keep working hard on this relationship, and it'll be one you'll treasure forever.



Between-5 and-14 Points

Whether you mean to or not,you're letting your friend do more of the work in this friendship. Time to star t appreciating "her a bit more and making her feel treasured, too.



Between-15and-24 Points

Wake up call girlfriend:Your friend is doing most of the giving here!Just because she doesn't complain doesn't mean she hasn't noticed! If you want this friendship to last, tell her you're going to make it up to her一 and then follow through.You can fix this friendship!



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