Bi-super-connected digraphs

2016-11-28 10:45:27LIJingjingLIUJuan

LIJing-jing,LIU Juan

(College of Mathematics Sciences,Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830054,China)

Bi-super-connected digraphs

LIJing-jing,LIU Juan

(College of Mathematics Sciences,Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830054,China)

A simple digraph D(without loops and multiple arcs)is said to be super connected if every minimum vertex-cut is the out-neighbor set or in-neighbor set of a vertex. A super-connected digraph D is said to be bi-super-connected if there exists a minimum vertex-cut is both the out-neighbor set of a vertex and the in-neighbor set of a vertex. In this paper,we will give the necessary and sufficient conditions of line digraph is bisuper-connected,furthermore,we study the bi-super-connectivity of Cartesian product and lexicographic product of two digraphs.

combinatorial problem s;super-connected;bi-super-connected;line digraphs;Cartesian product

0 Introduction

Let D=(V(D),A(D))be a sim p le digraph.The connectivity κ(D)is the minimum cardinality of all Vertex-cuts of digraph D.It is well know that κ(D)≤δ(D),whereδ(D)=m in{δ+(D),δ-(D)}is the minimum degree of D(δ+(D)andδ-(D)are the minimum out degree and the minimum in-degree).Hence,a digraph D is said to be maximally connected ifκ(D)=δ(D).A strongly connected digraph D is said to be super-connected,or super-κfor short,if there exists a Vertex x such that U=N+(x)or N-(x)for any minimum Vertex-cut U,where N+(x)and N-(x)are out-neighbor set and in-neighbor set of a Vertex x in D.If d+(x)=d-(x)=d for each Vertex x∈V,then D isa d-regular digraph.denotes a directed cycle of length of n.denotes a complete digraph of order n.The reverse digraph of D is the digraph D(r)=(V,{(x,y)|(y,x)∈A}),D is a symmetric digraph if A=A(r).The line digraph of D,denoted by L(D),is the digraph With Vertex set V(L(D))={aij|aij=(xi,xj)∈A(D)}, and a Vertex aijis adjacent to a Vertex astin L(D)if and only if xj=xsin D.

Let D1=(V1,A1)and D2=(V2,A2)be two digraphs,where V1={x1,x2,···,xn1}and V2={y1,y2,···,yn2}.The Cartesian product D1□D2of D1and D2has Vertex set V1×V2and((x1,y1),(x2,y2))∈A(D1□D2)if and only if either(x1,x2)∈A1and y1=y2,or x1=x2and(y1,y2)∈A2.The lexicographic product D1[D2]of D1and D2has Vertex set V1×V2and ((x1,y1),(x2,y2))∈A(D1[D2])if and only if either(x1,x2)∈A1,or x1=x2and(y1,y2)∈A2. Let S1,S2,···,Sn1-1and Sn1be n1digraphs.The digraph D1[S1,S2,···,Sn1]is the digraph obtained from D1by replacing the i th Vertex of D1by a copy of the digraph Si,in such a way that for every arc(xi,xj)in D1,D1[S1,S2,···,Sn1]contains all possible arcs from V(Si)to V(Sj).In[1],the authors introduced the definition of bi-super-connected,in this paper,we study the bi-super-connectivity of line digraph,Cartesian product and lexicographic product of two digraphs.

Definition 1[1]A super-connected digraph D is said to be bi-super-connected,iƒthere exist a minimum vertex-cut U such that U=N+(x)=N-(y)ƒor x,y∈V(D).

Bi-super-connected digraphs are super-connected and super-connected symmetric digraphs are bi-super-connected.If D is a bi-super-connected digraph,thenδ+(D)=δ-(D).

The study on connectivity of the Cartesian product can be found in[2-3],where the lower bounds of the connectivity of two graphs and some sufficient conditions for it to be maximally or super-connected are giVen.In[4-6],the authors discussed the connectivity of line graphs(digraphs).Shieh[7]determined the super-connected and super-edge-connected Cartesian product of two regular graphs.Liu and Meng[8]searched the super-connected and super-arc-connected Cartesian product of digraphs.In[9],the authors studied the double-super-connected of line digraph and Cartesian product and lexicographic product of two digraphs.In this paper,we w ill giVe the necessary and sufficient conditions of line digraph is bi-super-connected,furthermore,we study the bi-super-connectivity of Cartesian product and lexicographic product of two digraphs.

1 Operations on digraphs

Firstly,we giVe the characterization of the bi-super-connected line digraphs.

Lemma 2[10]Let D be a digraph,thenλ(D)=κ(L(D)).

Theorem 3 Let D=(V,A)be a simple digraph,then L(D)is bi-super-connected iƒandonly iƒλ(D)=1 and there exists a cut-arc(xi,xj)∈A satisfies that d+(xi)=d-(xj)=1 in D.

P roof Ifλ(D)=1,thenκ(L(D))=1 by Lemma 2.There is a cut-Vertex aijin L(D), aij=(xi,xj)∈A(D)is a cut-arc in D,if it satisfies that d+(xi)=d-(xj)=1,then there exist two Vertices asi=(xs,xi),ajt=(xj,xt)∈V(L(D))such that N+(asi)=N-(ajt)={aij}in L(D).Therefore,L(D)is bi-super-connected.

On the other hand,let L(D)be bi-super-connected and there exists a minimum Vertex-cut U of L(D).Thus,there exist two Vertices asi=(xs,xi),ajt=(xj,xt)∈V(L(D))such that N+(asi)=U=N-(ajt).By the definition of line digraph,we known that there are|U|parallel arcs from xito xjin D.Since D is sim ple,we have|U|=1.Thusκ(L(D))=1.Therefore, λ(D)=1 by Lemma 2.Iffor any cut-arc(xi,xj)∈A(D),then there is no Vertex asisuch that N+(asi)={aij}or Vertex ajtsuch that N+(ajt)={aij},a contradiction.

Next,we characterize the bi-super-connected Cartesian product D1□D2of two digraphs D1and D2.In the following of this section,we w ill assume thatδ(D)=δ+(D)=δ-(D)for digraph D.For conVenience,we use the symbols ni,δi,κito denote the order,them inimum degree and the connectivity of digraph Di,for i=1,2.

By the definition of“bi-super-connected”,we known that if D1□D2is super-κ and there exists a minimum Vertex-cut U of D1□D2such that U=N+((x,y))=N-((x,y)),(x,y)∈V(D1□D2),then D1□D2is bi-super-connected.Thus,in the following theorem,we will consider that there exists a minimum Vertex-cut U of D1□D2such that U=N+((x,y))=N-((x,y)) does not hold for any Vertex(x,y)∈V(D1□D2).

The following theorem in[8]forκi=δi=1 is useful in our proof.

Theorem 4[8]Let D1and D2be two simple strongly connected digraphs and letƒor i=1,2.Iƒδi=κi,then D1□D2is super-κiƒand only iƒ,whereκ(D)=δ(D)=1,n≥2.

Therefore,ifκi=δi=1 for i=1,2,then D1□D2is super-κif and only if

Theorem 5 Let D1and D2be two strongly connected digraphs,then D1□D2is bi-superconnected iƒand only iƒtheƒollowing conditions hold:

i)κi=δi=1ƒor i=1,2,

iii)There exists a vertex x∈Viwith d+(x)=1 such that,and a vertex x∈Viwith d-(x)=1 such thatƒor i=1,2.

P roo f If i)and ii)hold,then D1□D2is super-κby Theorem 4 and there exists Vertex (x,y)∈V(D1□D2)such that U=N+((x,y))for each minimum Vertex-cut U.By i)and iii), U=N+((x,y))={(x,y1),(x1,y)}=N-((x1,y1))thus D1□D2is bi-super-connected.

On the other hand,if D1□D2is bi-super-connected,then D1□D2is super-κ.We first prove i).Without loss of generality,suppose thatδ1≥2.We assume that U is a minimum Vertex-cut of D1□D2.Since D1□D2is bi-super-connected,thus there are two Vertices(x,y)and(x′,y′)((x,y)/=(x′,y′))With N+((x,y))=U=N-((x′,y′)).Set,,then

Sinceδ1≥2 andδ2≥1,thus N+((x,y))/=N-((x′,y′)),a contradiction,i)holds.By Theorem 4,if i)holds and D1□D2is super-κ,then ii)holds.Finally,we prove iii).Without loss of generality,suppose that for any Vertex x∈V1With d+(x)=1 such thatwhereThere is a Vertex y∈V2With d+(y)=1,let,then U=N+((x,y))={(x′,y),(x,y′)}⊊N-((x′,y′))is a minimum Vertex-cut of D1□D2,and there is no(x′′,y′′)∈V(D1□D2)such that U=N-((x′′,y′′)),a contradiction.

Lemma 6[9]Let D=(V,A)be a strongly connected d-regular digraph.Iƒthere exists a vertex y∈V such thatƒor any vertex-cut,then D is a symmetric digraph.

Theorem 7 Let D1and D2be two strongly connected regular digraphs.Then D1□D2is bi-super-connected iƒ and only iƒ one oƒ the ƒollowing conditions holds:

i)D1and D2are symmetric digraphs and D1□D2is super-κ.

ii)D1and D2are directed cycles exceptƒor(k≥3),wheredenote the directed cycle oƒlength k.

P roo f If i)holds,D1□D2is super-κthen there is a Vertex(x.y)∈V(D1□D2)such that N+((x,y))=U for any minimum Vertex-cut.D1and D2are symmetric digraph, so N+((x,y))=U=N-((x,y)).Thus,D1□D2is bi-super-connected.If ii)holds,then D1□D2is bi-super-connected by Theorem 5.

On the other hand,if D1□D2is bi-super-connected,then D1□D2is super-κ,we consider two cases:

Case 1 If there exists a minimum Vertex-cut U of D1□D2such that U=N+((x,y))= N-((x,y)),(x,y)∈V(D1□D2),then there exists a Vertex x∈Visuch that U′=N+(x)= N-(x)for any Vertex-cut U′=N+(z)(or N-(z))of Difor i=1,2.By Lemma 6,D1and D2are symmetric digraphs,i)holds.

Case 2 If for any Vertex(x,y)∈V(D1□D2)such that U=N+((x,y))=N-((x,y)) for any minimum Vertex-cut U of D1□D2does not hold,thenδ1=δ2=1 by Theorem 5.Since D1and D2are strongly connected regular digraphs,we have,D1and D2are directed cycles, ii)holds.□

Finally,we characterize the bi-super-connected lexicographic product of two digraphs.

It is clear that if D1is an isolated Vertex,then D1[D2]D2,and if D2is an isolated Vertex,then D1[D2]D1.In the following,we always assume that D1and D2are strongly connected digraph With at least two Vertices.

Theorem 9[9]D1[D2]is super-κiƒand only iƒD1is a complete digraph and D2is super-κ.

Theorem 10 D1[D2]is bi-super-connected iƒand only iƒD1is a complete digraph and D2is bi-super-connected.

P roof If D1[D2]is bi-super-connected,then D1[D2]is super-κ,wehaVe D1isa com p lete digraph and D2is super-κby Theorem 9.ObVious D2is bi-super-connected.

On the other hand,if D2is bi-super-connected,then D2is super-κ.Since D1is a complete digraph,so we have D1[D2]is super-κby Theorem 9.The Vertex setis the out-neighbor and in-neighbor of,and D2is bi-super-connected,thus,D1[D2]is bi-super connected.

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