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(1辽宁医学院沈阳军区总医院研究生培养基地; 2沈阳军区总医院神经外科,辽宁 沈阳 110840)
(1辽宁医学院沈阳军区总医院研究生培养基地;2沈阳军区总医院神经外科,辽宁 沈阳 110840)
目的探讨创伤性颅骨缺损修补对认知功能及脑血管反应性(CVR)的影响, 并对其相关性进行分析。方法选择2014年4月至2015年2月在我院神经外科住院的54例颅脑损伤术后颅骨缺损且欲行颅骨修补的患者为研究对象,于术前1天及术后2周应用联合型瑞文智力测验(CRT) 评价其认知功能,屏气试验评价CVR,采用配对t检验和Pearson相关分析进行统计分析。结果颅骨修补术后,患者在CRT6个单元的评定分显著高于术前(Plt;0.05);比较修补术前、后患者患侧屏气指数(BHI)及总BHI,其差异均有统计学意义(Plt;0.05);相关分析显示,BHI与CRT6个单元评分均呈正相关(Plt;0.05)。结论颅骨修补术可明确改善患者的认知功能、CVR,并且患者的认知水平随CVR的提高而得到明显改善。
颅骨缺损; 认知功能; 屏气指数; 血管反应性
选择2014年4月至2015年2月在我院神经外科住院的54例颅脑损伤术后颅骨缺损患者为研究对象,其中男性40例,女性14例;年龄12~60岁,平均(41.30±12.55)岁;术前GOS评分3~5分,平均(4.35±0.77)分;颅骨缺损部位分别为:双侧额部、左侧颞顶部2例(3.7%),双侧额颞顶部1例(1.9%),双额颞部1例(1.9%),右侧额颞部2例(3.7%),右侧额颞顶部23例(42.6%),右额颞部、左额部1例(1.9%),左侧顶枕部2例(3.7%),左侧额颞顶部22例(40.7%)。颅脑损伤去骨瓣减压术后行修补术的时间窗最短为2个月12 d,最长为2年3个月,平均时间(113.2±28.7)d。所有患者均于入院后行三维钛网修补术。并于手术前1天完善相关检查并于术后2周复查。所有患者既往无脑血管病、精神病及认知缺陷病史,无检查不配合的患者。
二、联合型瑞文智力测验(combined raven's test,CRT)
主要用于评估患者的认知功能,共由72题组成,分为AB、A、B、C、D、E六个单元,每单元12题。题目难度逐组增加,每组内部题目也是由易到难排列。具体情况如下:AB主要测试图形比较与想象能力;A组题测验知觉辨别力;B组测验类同、比较、图形组合等;C组测验比较、推理、图形组合;D组测验系列关系、图形套合;E组测验套合、互换等抽象推理能力。前3个单元图形为彩色型,后3个图形为黑白型。计分时对照标准答案,每答对1题记1分,先将每个单元分别计分,各单元满分为12分。测验时间为20~40 min。
主要用于评价患者的脑血管反应性(cerebrovascular reactivity,CVR)。在安静舒适的环境下,患者取仰卧位,通过经颅多普勒仪器,检测大脑中动脉平静呼吸状态下的血流情况,然后平静吸气末屏气25 s再次测量,恢复平静呼吸10 min后检测对侧,分别记录双侧静息状态及屏气后的血流速度,取3次测量值的平均值,计算屏气指数(breath holding indexes,BHI)=(屏气后平均血流速度-静息状态平均血流速度)/静息状态平均血流速度×100/屏气时间。及计算总BHI=双侧BHI的平均值。
采用SPSS 13.0软件包对资料进行分析,采用配对t检验对修补术前后患侧与健侧BHI和VMCA的差异进行分析,并对修补术后BHI与认知功能进行Pearson相关分析,Plt;0.05为差异有统计学意义。
图1 颅骨缺损修补术前后CRT各单元得分分布情况
Fig 1 Distributions of the pre- and post-cranioplasty scores of each unit of the CRT
ItemnBeforecranioplastyAftercranioplasty Affectedside4966.54±20.8877.84±11.45a Un⁃affectedside4974.46±16.5978.68±16.43a TotalBHI5470.53±17.1578.26±13.17a
既往研究认为颅骨缺损造成血管受压,增加血流阻力,修补术降低舒张期血管的收缩,使脑微小血管舒张能力增加,小血管阻力降低,使脑血流量增加[13,14]。相对血流速度而言,CVR可更好地体现血管自身的收缩及舒张性,BHI作为CVR的评价指标可以更好的反映脑血管的扩张性及储备能力,而且操作简单、属无创性检查,患者也能够配合。高永哲等通过对55例阿尔茨海默病( Alzheimer's disease,AD)患者的对比研究发现AD 脑存在广泛的皮质及皮质下区域的局部脑血流量下降,同时,特征性地在前脑特别是额叶皮质表现为CVR的下降,从而证实了缺血会造成认知功能的损害[15]。本研究结果显示,修补术后患者患侧BHI及总BHI值高于术前,这说明颅骨缺损后大气压使缺损部位的皮瓣下陷,导致血管外周阻力显著增加,脑血流减少,血管的收缩能力受限,而术后有效地降低了血管外周阻力和血管壁张力,使脑血流量的代偿能力恢复,维持了的脑组织正常灌注,促进脑血流循环代谢恢复,进而改善认知功能[16];有学者认为,行颅骨修补后,受损的脑微小血管舒张能力得以恢复,可更好地发挥脑血管储备能力的功能,使脑血流量增加,减少了对局部微血管的压迫,减轻微循环障碍,从而使脑血流循环灌注改善,促进能量代谢、葡萄糖利用、蛋白合成等功能提高,使皮层对信息认识、整合等过程得以恢复、认知反应和处理能力提升,最终使认知功能得到最大程度的改善[17]。这与本研究的BHI与CRT6个单元评分正相关基本相符。
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AbstractOBJECTIVEThe authors' group recently published a novel technique for a navigation-guided frameless stereotactic approach for the placement of depth electrodes in epilepsy patients. To improve the accuracy of the trajectory and enhance the procedural workflow,the authors implemented the iSys1 miniature robotic device in the present study into this routine.METHODSAs a first step,a preclinical phantom study was performed using a human skull model,and the accuracy and timing between 5 electrodes implanted with the manual technique and 5 with the aid of the robot were compared. After this phantom study showed an increased accuracy with robot-assisted electrode placement and confirmed the robot's ability to maintain stability despite the rotational forces and the leverage effect from drilling and screwing,patients were enrolled and analyzed for robot-assisted depth electrode placement at the authors' institution from January 2014 to December 2015. All procedures were performed with the S7 Surgical Navigation System with Synergy Cranial software and the iSys1 miniature robotic device.RESULTSNinety-three electrodes were implanted in 16 patients (median age 33 years,range 3~55 years; 9 females,7 males). The authors saw a significant increase in accuracy compared with their manual technique,with a median deviation from the planned entry and target points of 1.3 mm (range 0.1~3.4 mm) and 1.5 mm (range 0.3~6.7 mm),respectively. For the last 5 patients (31 electrodes) of this series the authors modified their technique in placing a guide for implantation of depth electrodes (GIDE) on the bone and saw a significant further increase in the accuracy at the entry point to 1.18±0.5 mm (mean±SD) compared with 1.54±0.8 mm for the first 11 patients (P=0.021). The median length of the trajectories was 45.4 mm (range 19~102.6 mm). The mean duration of depth electrode placement from the start of trajectory alignment to fixation of the electrode was 15.7 minutes (range 8.5-26.6 minutes),which was significantly faster than with the manual technique. In 12 patients,depth electrode placement was combined with subdural electrode placement. The procedure was well tolerated in all patients. The authors did not encounter any case of hemorrhage or neurological deficit related to the electrode placement. In 1 patient with a psoriasis vulgaris,a superficial wound infection was encountered. Adequate physiological recordings were obtained from all electrodes. No additional electrodes had to be implanted because of misplacement.CONCLUSIONSThe iSys1 robotic device is a versatile and easy to use tool for frameless implantation of depth electrodes for the treatment ofepilepsy. It increased the accuracy of the authors' manual technique by 60% at the entry point and over 30% at the target. It further enhanced and expedited the authors' procedural workflow.
J Neurosurg. 2016 Aug 5:1-7. [Epub ahead of print]
ObjectiveThe effects of cranioplasty for traumatic skull defects on cognitive function and cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) are discussed and the correlations between them are analyzed.MethodsA total of 54 patients with skull defects after operation of traumatic brain injury who admitted to the General Hospital of Shenyang Military Command from April 2014 to February 2015 were enrolled in the study. All the subjects underwent three-dimensional (3D) titanium mesh cranioplasty following admission. The combined Raven's test (CRT) was conducted to evaluate the cognitive function of each patient at 1 d pre-operation and 2 w after operation. The breath-holding test was conducted to evaluate CVR. The statistical analysis was made by the pairedt-test and Pearson correlation analysis.ResultsThe evaluation scores of the six units of the CRT,the breath holding indexes (BHIs),and total BHIs of the patients after cranioplasty were significantly higher than those before cranioplasty (Plt;0.05). The correlation analysis showed that the BHI was positively correlated with the evaluation scores of the six units of the CRT (Plt;0.05).ConclusionCranioplasty can definitively improve the cognitive function and CVR of patients. The patients' cognitive function is dramatically improved with the increase of CVR.
Skull defects; Cognitive function; Breath holding indexes; Cerebrovascular reactivity
A novel miniature robotic device for frameless implantation of depth electrodes in refractory epilepsy
R 749.1+2