跨洋结友谊 互利促共赢

2016-11-24 01:03全国友协美大工作部
重庆与世界 2016年11期

跨洋结友谊 互利促共赢


2011 年7 月,首届中美省州长论坛在美国盐湖城召开。













2013 年10 月,在河北省与美国艾奥瓦州结好30 周年纪念活动上,中美少年演唱由全国友协集体作词的、反映中美两国人民的友好情谊的歌曲《情缘留住永恒的记忆》。




2011 年11 月,中美文化艺术论坛在北京举行。中美两国著名电影演员葛优、刘烨和梅丽尔·斯特里普出席论坛。 (CFP)











America and Oceania (hereinafter referred to as “Meida” region) covers the whole Western Hemisphere and the South Pacific region including North America and South America. There are 51 countries comprising the only superpower America, the least developed countries Haiti, Vanuatu, Tuvalu.Showing similarities in the huge differences of geographic factors and characteristics of other countries, the sister city work in “Meida” region not only have the bright side of vigorous development, but diffi cult side of challenges and opportunities interdependent.

“To us, you represent America”

Vice President Xi Jinping paid a visit to the city of Muscatine, Iowa in 2012. He talked with his old friends of America who entertained him 27 years ago when he visited America. He said with emotion: “coming back to Muscatine after 27 years’ leave, the impression of that year occurs to my mind again. I feel very cordial here to see you again. This place has left such a profound impression that none of you can feel.You are the fi rst group of Americans I saw, so the first impression of America came from you. To me, you represent America.”

Xi Jinping, who was working in Zhengding County, Hebei Province in 1985, led a delegation to Iowa. In 1992, old friends of Iowa visited China at the invitation of President Xi.Later, Brans Tad ,the governor of Iowa, and also a governor who has the longest term of office in American history, had vowed to turn Iowa into the most friendly state to China, all of which originated in 1983 when Hebei Province and Iowa became friendly provinces.

The regional exchanges of China and America including exchanges of sister cities have always been one of the important driving force for steady progress in Sino-US relations. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between two countries in 1979, after Hubei Province and Ohio, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province and Saint Louis City, Missouri State had become the fi rst pair of friendship provinces and sister cities. China and the United States has concluded 46 pairs of friendship provinces and 212 sister cities. In 37 years, with the continuous development of China's further reform and opening up and the Sino-US relations, the two sides have been drawing on the strong points of each other to make up for weak points in such areas as the economic and trade cooperation, cultural and technical exchanges and personnel training, which has brought tangible benefits to the two peoples.

In recent years, China and America have jointly implemented many important regional exchange mechanism. The exchange of sister cities of the two sides has gradually become institutionalized and standardized. For example,since the Sino-US Governors Forum organized by The Chinese People’s Association For Friendship with Foreign Countries, three forums and two dialogues have been successfully held. President Xi Jinping attended this forum and delivered important speech at the third forum when he visited America. According to incomplete statistics, there were 33 governors of the United States, 26 Chinese leaders of provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) attending the forum. They exchanged ideas on economic development, environmental protection issues such as exchanges and achieved a series of cooperation results, which was a strong impetus to the pragmatic cooperation of two sides. Sino-US Sister City Meeting has been held in 2014 and 2015 in the United States held in succession. The third China-US Sister City Meeting will be held in November 18 to November 19 this year in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. This mechanism has become an important platform for two sides to share the experience of sister city exchange and explore opportunities for cooperation

Besides, by receiving a great number of important officials of local governments paying a visit to China, including American governors, deputy governors, mayors, State Council leader, Senators, the Chinese People’s Association For Friendship withForeign Countries helps the exchanges of China-US sister cities and promotes the friendship provinces, states and cities of two sides to strengthen pragmatic cooperation in such areas as economy, trade, science and technology, education.

2014 China-America Friendship Cities Conference was held in Washington D.C. Image from: Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC)

Exchange Mechanism for Two Local Governments were Set Up in Australia and New Zealand in Three Days

In November 19 and 21, 2014, when President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Australia and New Zealand, he attended the fi rst Australia-China State/Provincial Leaders Forum and Launching Ceremony of New Zealand-China Mayoral Forum and an important speach on the exchanges of Australia- China and New Zealand-China local governments.In three days, two exchange mechanisms for two local governments had been set up and two activities in which President Xi attended had been held. Such work performance hitting the record still made the stuff in the working department of the Chinese People’s Association For Friendship with Foreign Countries excited when they recalled.

Canada and the United States have similarities in terms of size, economy and resource endowment, but since 1980 when the fi rst pair of sister cities in Canada and China, there are 13 pairs in every 10 years has been growing at a rate of about 13 per 10 years. Although the number grows slowly, the development of the sister cities of Canada and China still has great potential. In recent years, all governors of Canada has been enthusiastic about visiting to China.The present Government is also more active in developing relations with China. We will seize the opportunity to do more work and promote more sister cities in China and Canada.

The number of friendship cities of Australia and China has been growing fast. In the 1970s, there were only two pairs. From 2010 to now, the number has reached 24 pairs. If this momentum can be maintained, the number is expected to reach 40 pairs in 2020. The data properly reflects that since the reform and opening up, Sino-Australia relations have made considerable progress. In the future, when we pursue the number of sister cities, we should focus on the quality of exchanges based on the good relationship of Australia and China.

The situation in New Zealand is different. After experiencing rapid growth from the 1980s to 2010, the growth of Sino-Singapo sister cities have entered a relatively stable period. Seen from the feedback of the Annual Meeting of the New Zealand Sister Cities Association, most New Zealand cities are not satisfi ed with the general visits with our sister cities and have begun to take actions. They take attracting Chinese investment or projects as a measure of effectiveness of their sister cities.

South Pacific island countries are developing countries. The country is small and the economy is backward. China has established 16 pairs sister cities with 8 island countries that had build diplomatic relations with China. Although the South Pacifi c island is not developed, but rich in resources. The potential is very great. We will increase investment and build a community of interests and community of destiny.

In May 14 to 18, the second Oakland - Los Angeles -Guangzhou, Tripartite Economic Alliance Summit was held in New Zealand, the mayors of three metropolitan cities conducted in-depth discussion on the topic of common interest. National Friendship Association President Li Xiaolin and his delegation was invited to the spot to observe and guide.The strength of three good friends collided and sparkled. The mode of transnational sister-cities cooperation will undoubtedly promote pragmatic cooperation. This mode can be used for reference.

Very Enthusiastic but Remote

I often hear comrades who are responsible for the work in Latin America Comrades say: “ when you visited the United States and reached the United States,you already reached thedestination; when we went to the United States, we had just fi nished half of the journey.” What prevents China and the Latin American region from carrying out the work of sister cities is not remote distance, but the lack of understanding of two sides. The complementary effect is not obvious, which has become another reason to hinder the work of sister cities.

Up to now, China and Latin America have established more than 160 pairs of sister cities (provinces and states). In terms of quantity, the development space of sister cities between China and Latin American is still very broad.The two sides should strengthen the exchange of information, promote the establishment of more sister cities, make the cities of both sides benefi t their own people by using the experience accumulated in the process of development, make the rich history and culture enrich the lives of the people of both sides and share the fruits of development.

From the regional perspective, the cities of China are mainly in some economically developed provinces and regions. But the targets of friendship for in Latin America is mainly in some capital cities,major tourist and economic cities, such as Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Mexico. The development of sister cities is out of balance. There are few foreign exchange channel for China’s third-tier cities and fourth-tier cities.They lack the power and ability to go out. At the same time, small and medium-sized cities in Latin America are not strong enough. The advantages of industry and local characteristics are not obvious, so the two sides should enhance complementarity and conjunction point of cooperation fi t point and look for the suitable sister cities.

From the effect after a good cooperation, because of remote distance, the cities of both sides (provinces and states) greatly differ in comprehensive strength, population, resources, and culture. The two sides should establish a regular effective communication mechanism to promote the implementation of the cooperation in pragmatic projects.

In recent years, the National Friendship Association has done a lot of work in promoting exchanges with local governments of Latin America. It has establish a long-term cooperative relationship with Latin American state government,cities of Latin America, Regional Governments Association, Mexico National Governors Conference and Chile City Association. Through these organizations, the two sides established a communication channel among local governments, and began to build a platform for cooperation and exchanges. For example, in 2014, we held the first Forum on China- Chile Sister City. This year, the first Forum on China-Latin America Local Government Cooperation will be held in November 9th in Chongqing.

Over the Ocean, More Efforts are Needed to become More Wonderful

In order to make the work of sister city in “Meida” region better serve the strategy of going out, enhance the friendship and cooperation with the people of “Meida” region, we need to guide one area with one policy.

Intensive cultivation and innovation leading. As the first and second largest economy in the world, China and the United States each has its advantages, strong complementarity and great potential in cooperation. The United States is in the world’s leading level in terms of basic research, scientific and technological innovation, cultural creativity, aerospace, medicine and other fi elds, which is worth learning from. The future work of “Meida” sister city should not only focus on solid foundation and elimination of blank spots, but pay more attention to the content and form of innovation. We should lead the cooperation with Latin America by innovation, fully tap the potential and add positive energy to build new model of major-country relationship between the two countries.

Make progress while ensuring stability and everlasting new. We should bring New Zealand-China Mayoral Forum and Australia-China Provincial/State Leaders Forum into full play, strengthen the cooperation with Canadian Federation Council and promote the early establishment of local government cooperation platform with Canada. We should take advantage of Maritime Silk Road to get close to the development strategy of nations, provinces and cities,bring Australia Sister City Association and New Zealand Sister City Association into full play and coordinate with provinces and cities to continuously create bright spots of sister city cooperation.

Forge ahead, Spring Seeding for Autumn Harvest. With the employment of Internet technology and the development of China's aviation industry, in the near future, the distance will no longer be the obstacle for China and Latin America to communicate. In the course of Chinese economy gradually integrating into the world, the exchanges and cooperation with Latin American countries will become increasingly hot. As long as we expand our horizon and are down to earth, we will be able to open a new situation in the work of sister city and turn the potential of cooperation into mutual benefi t and win-win results.

(Provided by Working Department of The Chinese People’s Association For Friendship with Foreign Countries)

Cross the Ocean to Build Friendship Mutual Benefi t Promotes Win-win Situation
