The Pops

2016-11-19 06:48:52byJessForte
疯狂英语·初中天地 2016年4期

by Jess Forte

The Pops

by Jess Forte


The1)entire mood of the room changed. It was them. We all watched2)in awe as they took their seats at the lunch table across the room. The “Pops” had arrived like every other day. I was3)nibbling on my chicken4)nuggets while conversations5)buzzed around me. The “Pops,” the name we had given the “popular” girls in our grade, would sit in their group talking and6)giggling.7)Every so often, I would look at their table. Each one of the Pops was like a star. They were just so cool and amazing. I made a decision at lunch that day. I would become one of the Pops.

I made a lot of plans. What clothes would I wear? What should I talk about? How should I do my hair? I realized that none of the pops wore glasses, so I stopped wearing glasses when I was in the same room as one of the Pops. I only wore clothes that I felt the Pops would like—the rest of my clothes were left at the back of my8)closet.

Weeks passed and I was having no luck. None of the Pops even noticed me. I felt like my efforts were meaningless. I was never going to sit at the popular table. But then I got my chance! During music class, we were put into groups and Maggie, one of the Pops, was in mine. Somehow, we got into an9)argument about who would be doing what, and I was mad at her. A few hours later, it10)hit me. I would11)apologize to Maggie and invite her to eat lunch with me and my friends.

And that’s just what I did. I went right up to Maggie and apologized about the argument in music class. When I invited her over to our table, she surprised me by saying, “Jess, why don’t you come eat lunch at our table?” I felt like I had just won the12)lottery! This was the most unbelievable thing to ever happen in my whole life! I was going to eat lunch at the popular table!

The lunch time finally came. I grabbed a seat next to Maggie while the other girls arrived. This was going to be so13)awesome! I wondered what we would talk about? Maybe they’d even invite me again!

The rest of the girls didn’t say much to me. All of them talked about a whole14)bunch of15)stupid things, and were making loud, unpleasant noises all the time. And I realized that being at the popular table wasn’t all it was16)cracked up to be. These girls were just17)plain, mean and annoying. I kept looking over at my friends at the other table. They were all having a good time as usual. And here I was with the Pops, and I was18)miserable!

The next day, I put on my glasses and one of my “unpopular” looking shirts. When lunch time came, I walk right over to my regular table with my friends. I looked over to the popular table, where all the Pops sat acting19)dumb and being20)irritating. A huge smile came across my face. What even makes them popular anyway? It was so nice to be back at my own table instead of with them. I realized that my table, with my friends, was the real popular table.

1) entire [ɪn'taɪə] adj. 整个的,全部的

2) in awe 敬畏地

3) nibble ['nɪbəl] v. 一点一点地咬,啃

4) nugget ['nʌgɪt] n. 固体小块

5) buzz [bʌz] v. 发出嗡嗡声,叽叽喳喳地说

6) giggle ['gɪgəl] v. 咯咯地笑,哈哈地笑

7) every so often 偶尔,时常

8) closet ['klɒzɪt] n. 衣橱,壁橱

9) argument ['ɑːgjʊmənt] v. 争论,争吵

10) hit [hɪt] v. <口>被……想起

11) apologize [ə'pɒlədʒaɪz] v. 道歉

12) lottery ['lɒtərɪ] n. 彩票

13) awesome ['ɔːsəm] adj. <俚>棒极了的,非凡的

14) bunch [bʌntʃ] n. 一束,一串

15) stupid ['stjuːpɪd] adj. 愚蠢的,乏味的

16) crack up 吹捧

17) plain [pleɪn] adj. 平凡的,不漂亮的

18) miserable ['mɪzərəbəl] adj. 痛苦的,受折磨的

19) dumb [dʌm] adj. 愚笨的,傻乎乎的

20) irritating ['ɪrɪˌteɪtɪŋ] adj. 气人的,使人愤怒的










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