Trevor Glass
邓朝阳 翻译,郭 晓,郭海涛 审校
Trevor Glass1,2
邓朝阳 翻译,郭 晓,郭海涛 审校
A paramedic by definition is someone specially trained to provide emergency medical care in cases of injury or illness before and during transportation to a hospital. China currently does not have a paramedic based ambulance service. In China, doctors and nurses work on the ambulances. Countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, UK and the USA, to name a few examples, have well-established paramedic based ambulance services.
The current staffing model in China, namely doctors and nurses, relies on expensive human resources that take a long time to train in their respective disciplines. The doctors and nurses working on ambulances are then assigned to work in an environment that they have not been specifically trained to work in. There is a severe shortage of nurses in China, and the rest of the world for that matter, and having nurses working on ambulances places even further human resources demands on the hospitals that are already struggling to fulfill their own nursing requirements. The situation is very similar with doctors. Both the doctors and nurses assigned to ambulances could in fact be more effectively utilized inhospitals. Neither the doctors nor the nurses have been specifically educated to work on ambulances. However, until there is a suitable and appropriate alternative, the situation of doctors and nurses working on ambulances in China will continue. A paramedic is the ideal alternative as it places someone with a specific interest in out-of-hospital (also referred to as pre-hospital) emergency medical care, and who has been specifically educated and trained in prehospital emergency medical care, on ambulances. It will obviously take several years before paramedics could take over the role of the doctors and nurses currently working on ambulances, however, the sooner one starts the paramedic system, the sooner there will be Chinese paramedics that can enter the system and the sooner the doctors and nurses will be able to be utilized in the environment for which they have been specifically trained, i.e. hospitals, which will reduce the pressure of staffing shortages.
In countries with paramedic systems, when paramedic training was first introduced, it was conducted by attending a series of short courses, some are a few weeks long, others a few months . Each course led to a higher level of certification until the highest paramedic qualification was obtained. However, the education of paramedics has evolved significantly over the years. In many countries with highly developed paramedic systems, paramedic education is now university based. Student paramedics attend a Bachelor Degree run over 3 or 4 years (depending on the country) and then have the option to further their studies with a Master’s and ultimately a PhD.
There are several advantages to develop a paramedic based ambulance system in China, including:
· It creates a completely new academic pathway for people wanting to obtain a university degree;
· In time it will create a new academic pathway for Masters and PhD studies;
· It creates a completely new revenue stream for universities;
·It creates a completely new employment opportunity for thousands of Chinese citizens as paramedics;
·In time it will professionalize the ambulance service in China as you will have dedicated professionals employed in the service;
·In time it will reduce the human resource burden on doctors and nurses in hospitals;
·Military personnel could also be educated as paramedics and can then be utilized by the military medical units ;
·It places China the forefront of advances and developments in the education of paramedics worldwide;
·In time, it would place China in alignment with leading paramedic systems worldwide.
Obviously, paramedic education forms only one piece of a larger puzzle, as is illustrated in Figure 1. There would be no point in starting a new paramedic education pathway at universities if there were no employment opportunities for graduates. Prospective graduates would need to be enticed with the prospect of a new and exciting career option. A national register would need to be established for paramedic graduates, similar to what happens currently with doctors and nurses. Then there is also the requirement to have a registration/regulation body that would stipulate the clinical scope of practice for paramedics and ensure paramedics keep up to date with new developments in emergency care and maintain their clinical skills to the required levels.
Therefore, there is a need to make a collective agreement among the relevant stakeholders (universities, department of health, employers) that the establishment of a paramedic based ambulance system in China is worth exploring. Once there is a collective, inprinciple agreement, work could commence, in parallel with thevarious stakeholders, on establishing the various components of a China Paramedic System Framework.
图1 高级医疗救护员急救体系的基石
There will be a minimum of a 3 year time-frame (maybe four years depending on the duration of the degree) in which this framework was established as the first group of graduates would only qualify and be ready to enter into the work place after graduation. It would also be advisable to run a limited pilot program initially, and once the lessons from that program had been identified and addressed, then the role out on a larger scale could begin.
I know that this would be an extremely large undertaking, as it requires the establishment of a completely new national system. However, China has a great vision of its future many decades ahead. Therefore, I am optimistic and confident that it can be achieved and successfully implemented over time.
I am a paramedic by profession and this is a topic I am most enthusiastic and passionate about. Although it is a project that would have to run over many years, once implemented, it would greatly benefit the people of China. Similar to the Great Wall of China, those that initially had the idea and began the construction never lived to see the wall completed, but many, many generations benefited from their efforts. Due to the enormity of the project, it would need support very much from the highest governmental level.
(2015-11-08 收稿 2016-01-04 修回)(责任编辑 郭 晓)
Trevor的院前急诊医学职业生涯开始于1988年作为一名军事作战的医护兵。当他服完兵役时已具备实施高级生命支持的paramedic资格。作为一名工作在直升机上的paramedic,Trevor具有医疗救援和直升机转运服务双重平台的多年工作经验。自2000年来,Trevor参与了医疗特别行动,被部署到阿尔及利亚,伊朗,巴基斯坦,印度尼西亚和新西兰地震现场实施医学救援。在2004年12月他辞去了南非最大的私人急救服务公司的首席执行官职务,开始作为一名国际顾问为联合国(UN)国际搜索与救援资讯团(INSARAG)工作,并在2008年初至2014年2月担任INSARAG医疗工作组(Medical Working Group, MWG)的主席。Trevor起草或参与起草了一些MWG文件,并被邀请在美国医学特种行动会议上发言。目前,他拥有并管理着一家总部设在英国的公司——DART Solutions,专门提供灾难和应急管理的咨询、培训和响应服务。Trevor是一名充满热情的活跃的临床paramedic。
Establishment of paramedic based ambulance system in China: Proposal from Former Chairman of the INSARAG Medical Working Group
Trevor GLASS1,2. 1. Chairman of the INSARAG Medical Working Group from 2008-2014; 2. Managing Director, DART Solutions (a UK-based company that provides consultancy and training services for disaster and emergency management).
Trevor Glass,本科学历,E-mail:
1. 国际搜索与救援咨询团医疗工作组2008—2014主席;2. 常务董事,DART Solution 公司,一家总部设在英国的,提供灾难和应急管理咨询和培训服务的公司