1 总平面/Site plan
2 鸟瞰/Aerial view
China's contemporary urban planning in various locations currently reflects a general preference for the establishment of cultural architectural designs alongside administrative centers, in an attempt to portray a political and cultural union controlled by a central power. This often leads to such cultural architectural designs prioritizing political aesthetics. Faced with this contradiction, our design aims to retain the central architectural layout and solemn political image,while simultaneously expressing the public nature,openness, and intimacy with people that is typical of cultural architecture.
The project is comprised by two buildings -the Bengbu Museum and the Archive and Planning Exhibition Building, with a total floor area of 69,000m2. We began by allowing for popular public activities within the establishment, to infuse vigor into the politically centered plaza. The main establishment is situated on the southern side,conceding a large parcel of city greenery on the northern side. A park square is positioned between the two buildings, to accommodate large-scale folk arts, such as "flower-drum lantern" performances,and day-to-day recreational activities for the public.
The two buildings share a square-shaped layout, while also reflecting the design principle of differentiation. The architectural design of the museum mimics a cross-sectional stratified rock,which folds and intertwines. This forms a stark contrast with the glass wall, thereby emphasizing the sculptural features and a profound sense of depth. The roof of the Archive and Planning Exhibition Building is curved and tilted, with a cylindrical core space in the center, thus outlining a unique silhouette. The two buildings enhance each other's beauty by contrasting the real with the imaginary, immensity with lightness, and past with present, thereby forming a harmonious dialogic relationship.
The museum employs a homocentric squareshaped layout, which opens to the plaza to the east,inviting vitality indoors. The plaza also serves as a supplement and extension to the exhibition halls. The spaces between the main entrance and the courtyard are connected, the cross-bracing pillars supporting the 36m×36m grid-shaped trussed roof. The five-piece S-shaped gallery is drapedfrom the roof using tension bars of approximately 10m. Rocking movements are avoided by the use of diagonal members to form a statically indeterminable structure. In the empty courtyard,the hanging bridge is an open space for wandering,and also becomes another artistic spatial sculpture;the courtyard is no longer an empty visual space,but an urban living room.
3.4 博物馆外景/Exterior views of the Museum
5 博物馆二层平面/Floor 2 plan of the Museum
6 博物馆首层平面/Floor 1 plan of the Museum
Te Archive and Planning Exhibition Building is composed of a more public Planning and Exhibition House and the comparatively more private Archives House. Te design diferentiates the characteristics of the two houses based on spatial organization. Te east side of the building, which is closer to the city streets, houses the Archives, providing the public with a convenient service. The west side of the structure, which is closer to the plaza, comprises the Planning and Exhibition House. Te high public space is connected to the plaza space, enhancing the public nature of the building. Te design transforms the traditional sandbox panorama. Large, circular column grids support bronze cylinders, with the sandbox area below, such that visitors can use the gradually rising spiral ramp to view different perspectives of the city model from diferent angles.
In terms of spatial design, we were inspired by Deleuze's "Smooth Space" Teory. We aimed to break through Le Corbusier's "architectural promenade" by exploring narration in the ramps, and imparting users with greater meaning for the space through their participation. When visitors walk through the intertwining gallery in the Museum, and the gradually rising spiral ramp of the Archive and Planning Exhibition Building, the strong sense of direction transforms the linear narrative model and continuous spatial layout into a unique psychological experience and a dramatic space.
项目信息/Credits and Data
设计团队/Design Team: 孟建民, 邢立华,徐昀超,周富,李松名,曾智,刘瑞平等/MENG Jianmin, XING Lihua, XU Yunchao, ZHOU Fu, LI Songming, ZENG Zhi, LIU Ruiping, et al.
用地面积/Site Area: 95,499m2
建筑面积/Floor Area: 68,333m2
设计时间/Design Time: 2011
摄影/Photos: 张广源,周富/ZHANG Guangyuan, ZHOU Fu
7-9 博物馆内景/Interior views of the Museum
10 博物馆夜景/Night view of the Museum
11 规划馆外景/Exterior view of the Archive and Planning Exhibition Building
12 规划馆首层平面/Floor 1 plan of the Archive and Planning Exhibition Building
13 规划馆二层平面/Floor 2 plan of the Archive and Planning Exhibition Building
14-16 规划馆内景/Interior views of the Archive and Planning Exhibition Building
LIU Kecheng:
The Commemorative Decons truction
Square and round shapes are common patterns in commemorative architecture all over the world and at all times. As an important urban public building, the architect of the Bengbu Museum and Archive and Planning Exhibition Building have chosen to primarily employ square and round-shaped layouts, along with bilateral symmetry and an axial layout, which creates an environment of grandeur and a strong sense of monumental signifcance.
However, in modern society, museums as well as urban archive buildings belong in the realms of civil architecture. Openness and liberty are essential characteristics in this age, and are perhaps essential requirements for such buildings. Therefore, how can architects balance the commemorative connotations of urban planning with the openness of civil building has become one of their biggest challenges.
Te architectural design is quite intriguing. In these two square-shaped, opposing buildings, the architect places an atrium within each structure. There is a square-shaped transparent atrium within the museum, where huge asymmetrical stairs connect each floor and three hanging walkways float up high. Although the atrium is empty, it is still vibrant because people become the most marvelous exhibits in the museum,thus turning the museum itself into an interopened stereoscopic square and dissolving the commemorative elements of the building.
Te Archive and Planning Exhibition Building features a cylindrical-shaped atrium where a physical model of the urban city is showcased. Te cylinder of the atrium has been layered upwards,pointing to the sky, like an enormous opening,connecting the sky and the city. Tere is a circular ramp which rises up gradually, providing various viewing angles for audiences to view different perspectives of the city model. Although the atrium is flled with the model, it is quiet because the space possesses a strong sense of centrality creating an environment of discreteness. It seems that the city is waiting for a summoning from the sky.
The architect employed a skilled approach to create a very contemporary style, open and spacious urban planning combines both classical and modern features. (Translated by Dandan Wang)
Bengbu Museum and Archive and Planning Exhibition Building, Anhui, China, 2015