
2016-11-14 09:59:43贺国斌
胃肠病学 2016年9期

张 琴 贺国斌 刘 平 向 佳 向 霞

宣汉县人民医院消化内科1(636150) 川北医学院附属医院消化内科2



张 琴1贺国斌2*刘 平1向 佳1向 霞1

宣汉县人民医院消化内科1(636150) 川北医学院附属医院消化内科2


功能性消化不良; 焦虑; 抑郁; 躯体化

功能性消化不良(FD)是最常见的功能性胃肠疾病,分为上腹痛综合征(epigastric pain syndrome, EPS)、餐后不适综合征(postprandial distress syndrome, PDS)[1]。FD可能的病理生理机制包括胃感觉运动功能障碍、幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染、精神心理因素等[2-3],且精神心理因素和躯体化为影响FD患者生活质量和症状严重度的重要因素[4],但与FD各亚型之间的关系仍存在争议。瑞典的一项研究[5]表明焦虑而非抑郁与PDS相关,与EPS无关;台湾的一项研究[6]表明精神心理应激特别是抑郁、躯体化、恐惧与PDS相关,与EPS无关;而Fischler等[7]的研究表明精神心理因素和躯体化与EPS相关。本研究通过研究焦虑、抑郁、躯体化等危险因素与FD各亚型之间的关系,旨在为今后进一步指导FD不同亚型患者的临床治疗提供一定的依据。







结 果










讨 论



本研究所纳入的患者均来自三级医院,其中49.3%的患者为EPS与PDS症状重叠患者。Vakil等[14]的研究中症状重叠患者所占的比例为66%。以人群为基础的研究中,FD患者更易于区分为EPS和PDS,而以医院为基础的研究中,存在明显的EPS与PDS重叠患者[13],表明症状重叠患者的病情可能更严重。本研究亦发现症状重叠患者与抑郁的相关性最强,与Clauwaert等[15]和Fang等[16]的研究结果相似。病理生理的研究表明PDS患者较EPS患者存在更普遍的胃容受性受损[13],与抑郁相关的自主功能障碍可能会损伤胃的容受性从而导致PDS[17],推测PDS患者应用抗抑郁药物的效果更佳。躯体化和抑郁是影响各亚型FD患者生活质量和消化不良症状严重度的因素,与Van Oudenhove等[2,4]和Jones等[18]的研究结果相一致。然而,症状重叠患者的焦虑、抑郁、躯体化较EPS、PDS更严重的病因仍尚不清楚,需在今后的病因学研究中进一步探索。

表1 FD各亚型的人口统计学特征以及焦虑、抑郁、躯体化、生活质量和消化不良评分



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3 Moayyedi P, Deeks J, Talley NJ, et al. An update of the Cochrane systematic review ofHelicobacterpylorieradication therapy in nonulcer dyspepsia: resolving the discrepancy between systematic reviews[J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 2003, 98 (12): 2621-2626.

4 Van Oudenhove L, Vandenberghe J, Vos R, et al. Risk factors for impaired health-related quality of life in functional dyspepsia[J]. Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 2011, 33 (2): 261-274.

5 Aro P, Talley NJ, Ronkainen J, et al. Anxiety is associated with uninvestigated and functional dyspepsia (Rome Ⅲ criteria) in a Swedish population-based study[J]. Gastroenterology, 2009, 137 (1): 94-100.

6 Hsu YC, Liou JM, Liao SC, et al. Psychopathology and personality trait in subgroups of functional dyspepsia based on Rome Ⅲ criteria[J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 2009, 104 (10): 2534-2542.

7 Fischler B, Tack J, De Gucht V, et al. Heterogeneity of symptom pattern, psychosocial factors, and pathophys-iological mechanisms in severe functional dyspepsia[J]. Gastroenterology, 2003, 124 (4): 903-910.

8 Spitzer RL, Kroenke K, Williams JB, et al. A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder: the GAD-7[J]. Arch Intern Med, 2006, 166 (10): 1092-1097.

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13 Tack J, Talley NJ. Functional dyspepsia--symptoms, definitions and validity of the Rome Ⅲ criteria[J]. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2013, 10 (3): 134-141.

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Comparative Study on Psychological Factors in Subgroups of Patients with Functional Dyspepsia



HE Guobin, Email: heguob@163.com

Functional Dyspepsia; Depression; Anxiety; Somatization


*本文通信作者,Email: heguob@163.com

Background: Anxiety, depression and somatization are important influencing factors of quality of life in patients with functional dyspepsia (FD), but the relationship with subgroups of FD remains not fully clear. Aims: To explore the influence of anxiety, depression and somatization on subgroups of FD patients. Methods: Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), Patient Health Questionnaire-15 (PHQ-15), Nepean Dyspepsia Index (NDI) and Dyspepsia Symptoms Score (DSS) were used to evaluate anxiety, depression, somatization, quality of life and dyspepsia of 223 FD patients, respectively. The influences of anxiety, depression and somatization on quality of life and dyspepsia in subgroups of FD were analyzed. Results: Significant differences in score of GAD-7, PHQ-9, PHQ-15, NDI, DSS were found among EPS group, PDS group and EPS-PDS overlapping group (P<0.05). Quality of life in subgroups of FD was correlated with anxiety, depression and somatization (P<0.05), and dyspepsia was correlated with somatization (P<0.05). Depression and somatization were the determinants of quality of life in subgroups of FD patients (P<0.05), and somatization was the determinant of dyspepsia in subgroups of FD patients (P<0.05). Conclusions: Anxiety, depression and somatization in EPS-PDS overlapping patients are more severe than those in EPS and PDS patients, and the influence of these three risk factors on quality of life and dyspepsia are more severe.

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