王录文 张争春 何士军
【摘要】目的:探讨包皮环切术对包皮过长患者术前、术后性功能状况的影响。方法:通过中国早泄患者性功能评价表(CIPE)和焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)和艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)随访2012年1月至2015年1月于我院进行包皮环切术的患者术前1周内及术后第6个月的评分,并比较治疗前和治疗后的差异有无显著性。通过生物振动测试仪,分别检测患者术前1周内及术后第6个月阴茎龟头、阴茎体振动感觉阈值,并比较治疗前与治疗后的差异有无显著性。结果:包皮环切术可以有效延长早泄患者性交时间,降低龟头敏感性。患者术后性生活自我满意率和伴侣满意率较术前有显著提高。心理健康评价结果也表明患者术后焦虑抑郁症状得到明显改善。 结论:包皮环切术可以有效增加阴茎头的震动感觉阈值,并显著增加患者性爱时间和射精控制能力,增加患者和配偶双方性爱的满意度,提高患者及其性伴侣的生活质量。同时包皮环切术可以显著改善患者心理健康。
【关键词】 包皮环切术;性生活质量;影响
Preoperative and postoperative sexual function in patients receiving circumcisionWANG Luwen, ZHANG Zhengchun, HE Shijun. Department of Urology, Xian City First Hospital, Xian 710002, Shaanxi, China
【Abstract】Objectives: To investigate the effect of circumcision on the sexual function of phimosis patients. Methods: Chinese premature ejaculation sexual function evaluation form (CIPE) and Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) were used to follow up the patients received circumcision surgery in our hospital from January 2012 to January 2015, and the a-week preoperative and six-month postoperative scores were recorded and compared. By biological vibration tester, the a-week preoperative and six-month postoperative glans penis and penis vibration perception thresholds were compared. Results: Circumcision can effectively extend the sexual intercourse duration of premature ejaculation patients and reduce the sensitivity of the glans. Self-satisfaction and partners satisfaction on sexual life was improved significantly. Mental health evaluation results also suggested that the symptoms of anxiety and depression were significantly improved after surgery. Conclusions: Circumcision can effectively increase the vibration perception threshold of the penis, and significantly increase patient time for sexual intercourse and ejaculation control, patients and spouses sexual satisfaction and the quality of their sexual life. Meanwhile, circumcision can significantly improve the mental health of patients.
【Key words】Circumcision; Quality of sexual life; Impact
所有调查对象均为我院2012年1月至2015年1月于我院进行包皮环切术的126例患者,纳入标准:采用美国泌尿外科学会(American urological association, AUA)标准[2]进行早泄进行诊断:均确诊为原发性早泄并包皮过长,勃起功能正常,射精发生在个人期望之前,并导致本人和/或对方的苦恼;不是由于某种精神药物戒断引起的;双方中的一方对阴道内射精潜伏期(IELT)不满意或企图延长IELT,患者有1年以上正常性生活史,年龄≤40岁。排除标准:所有患者均排除前列腺炎、尿道炎、精囊炎等其他原因引起的早泄,排除心、肝等原发性疾病。本研究通过伦理委员会的批准,并且所有入选患者均签署知情同意书。126例患者,年龄24~32岁,平均(28.3±3.2)岁。