
2016-11-09 09:17:38byJojoMoyes
疯狂英语·初中天地 2016年9期

by Jojo Moyes



by Jojo Moyes


出演电视剧《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)让英国女演员艾米莉亚·克拉克红透了半边天,而如今她又在英国畅销小说《遇见你之前》(Me Before You,又译《我就要你好好的》)翻拍的电影里大放异彩。在下文中,《遇见你之前》的作者乔乔·莫伊斯(Jojo Moyes)以其优美的文笔娓娓叙述了她眼中的艾米莉亚·克拉克那令人惊叹的品格。

The first time I talk to Emilia Clarke is at Pinewood Studios注1, where we have just begun shooting the film of my book, Me Before You. She is a tiny,1)gorgeous presence.

Paris. Our last day of filming. Emilia has been diagnosed with a2)fractured hip, following a3)treadmill accident that resulted in weeks of intense pain. One of our final scenes involves her reading a letter in a café, weeping, then walking across Parisian4)cobbles in five-inch heels.She completes each5)take beautifully, but every time the word “cut” echoes across the Place Dauphine注2,her face6)drains of colour and the7)crew rush over with8)crutches. The pain is such, she tells me later, that it makes her want to9)throw up. By the end of the day,when we exchange gifts and tears, she can no longer stand, and receives hers sitting on a10)kerb. Hours later, she will fly off to11)promote Terminator Genisys, in which she plays the female lead. She will complete that worldwide tour on crutches,12)immaculately made up,the smile in place.

“Nothing grinds my gears like people not turning up or not being ready to work,” she says. “The show must go on. This is13)ingrained in me.” Emilia Clarke is old-school.

Louisa Clark, the heroine of Me Before You, is a14)quirky girl from a small town, who is given the job of helping care for Will Traynor, an angry,15)paralysed man, and manages to change his mind-set—and her own life—in the process. The story is romantic, funny and sad, and in16)casting the film, MGM注3wanted someone who could make an audience laugh and cry;an ordinary girl who manages to17)convey something extraordinary.

1) gorgeous ['gɔːdʒəs] adj. 美丽的,耀眼的

2) fractured ['fræktʃəd] adj. 断裂的

3) treadmill ['tredmɪl] n. 跑步机

4) cobble ['kɒbəl] n. 大鹅卵石,圆石

5) take [teɪk] n.(中途未停顿的)一个镜头

6) drain [dreɪn] v. 流干,耗尽

7) crew [kruː] n. 全体工作人员

8) crutch [krʌtʃ] n. 拐杖

9) throw up 呕吐

10) kerb [kʒːb] n.(由路缘石砌的)路缘

11) promote [prə'məJt] v. 宣传

12) immaculately [ɪ'mækjJlətlɪ] adv. 完美地,精确地

13) ingrain [ɪn'greɪn] v. 使根深蒂固

14) quirky ['kwʒːkɪ] adj. 行事古怪的

15) paralysed ['pærəlaɪzd] adj. 瘫痪的

16) cast [kɑːst] v.(为戏剧、角色)选派演员

17) convey [kən'veɪ] v. 传达



注3:全称为Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios,即米高梅电影公司,美国好莱坞的八大电影公司之一。

I had18)assumed the actress who played Daenerys in Game of Thrones注4would be too19)glacial, too20)poised, too blonde (it turns out it’s a wig). But Clarke, in person, is quite different: a21)brunette with a22)palpable warmth and a23)megawatt smile, a girl who swears like a trooper and has a keen sense of the absurd注5. She has that rare ability to look quite ordinary one moment, and24)incandescent the next. After an endless25)audition process, the studio asked me to rate my top three Louisas. I had to tell them that I only had one. I had never pictured Louisa Clark fully in my head as I wrote her, but I did now.

“Lou is definitely the character closest to me in real life,” says Clarke. “I spent my time on Game of Thrones growing into an adult,but Louisa shows my more bright-eyed and bushy-tailed side. On a personal level, it’s been really nice to allow myself to just be me, and she is a26)heightened version of that.” Later, she will joke that it’s a pleasure to finally play a part where nobody is trying to kill her.

Game of Thrones has made her famous,yet thanks to the blonde wig she wears on the show, she’s preserved an ongoing level of27)anonymity. She says she has learned to take success day by day.

“It will go away, without a shadow of a doubt. Everyone goes in peaks and troughs. The28)balance is having the confidence to go‘OK, I’m going to take that good thing, and try and believe two per cent of it and just be in that moment. Just being present, instead of looking over your shoulder.’” Emilia laughs. “For now I’m in a lovely spot.”

18) assume [ə'sjuːm] v. 想当然地认为,臆断

19) glacial ['gleɪʃəl] adj. 冷漠的,冷淡的

20) poised [pɔɪzd] adj. 泰然自若的,冷静沉着的

21) brunette [bruː'net] n. 黑色或褐色头发的女子

22) palpable ['pælpəbl] adj. 明显可知的

23) megawatt ['megəwɒt] n. 百万瓦特

24) incandescent [,ɪnkæn'desənt] adj. 光辉的,闪耀的

25) audition [ɔː'dɪʃən] n. 试演

26) heightened ['haɪtənd] adj. 夸张的,更鲜明的

27) anonymity [,ænə'nɪmɪtɪ] n. 匿名状态,默默无闻

28) balance ['bæləns] n. 镇静,沉着


格利安(Daenerys Targaryen)一角。

注5:或the Absurd,即荒诞派,或荒诞、悖理—一种从存在主义出发的文学或哲学观点,指“人生无意义”“人世无理性”等。









Emilia Clarke: From “Game of Thrones” to Modern Heroine

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