
2016-11-02 03:10段昕婷王军敏李广涛

薛 迪,吴 凤,段昕婷,张 庆,王军敏,李广涛

(1.西安石油大学 地球科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710065; 2.陕西延长石油国际勘探开发工程有限公司,陕西 西安 710075;3.陕西延长石油(集团)有限责任公司 研究院,陕西 西安 710065; 4.延长油田股份公司 下寺湾采油厂,陕西 延安 716100)


薛 迪1,2,吴 凤3,段昕婷3,张 庆3,王军敏4,李广涛3

(1.西安石油大学 地球科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710065; 2.陕西延长石油国际勘探开发工程有限公司,陕西 西安 710075;3.陕西延长石油(集团)有限责任公司 研究院,陕西 西安 710065; 4.延长油田股份公司 下寺湾采油厂,陕西 延安 716100)




XUE Di,WU Feng,DUAN Xinting,et al.Zoning characteristics of Triassic Yanchang Formation reservoir in the south of Ordos Basin[J].Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University (Natural Science Edition),2016,31(5):36-42.

引 言



图1 研究区位置Fig.1 Location of study area

1 分带依据

在前人物源研究成果[7-14]的基础上,利用锆石同位素测年对储层分布特征进行研究。此次共采集12口井的数据(平面分布见图2)。代表北物源的桦36井锆石年龄为2 800~2 900 Ma;代表南物源的上8、旬18井锆石年龄为400~500 Ma;代表混源区富南17井既有北部碎屑锆石特征,又具有秦岭造山带印支期造山事件特征(图3)。根据锆石同位素测年的平面分布特征,厘清北物源区、混源区、南物源区的范围(图2),对下一步研究工作意义重大。

图2 锆石采集样品分布及分区平面图Fig.2 Distribution of zircon samples and plane graph of zones

图3 研究区锆石U-Pb同位素定年Fig.3 U-Pb isotopic dating of zircon in the study area

2 储集层微观分布特征



表1 鄂尔多斯盆地延长探区南部延长组储层砂岩岩石骨架组分构成Tab.1 Composition of Yangchang Formation sandstone reservoir rock skeleton in the southern Yanchang exploration area in Ordos Basin




图4 各区各类岩屑占总岩屑含量Fig.4 Volume fraction of various rock debris in different provenance areas


碳酸盐岩屑是骨架颗粒中对成岩作用比较敏感的组分, 其分布与含量的高低对成岩介质、 成岩流体以及次生孔隙的分布有一定程度影响。通过分析研究,发现鄂尔多斯盆地南部延长探区碳酸盐岩屑以白云岩为主,石灰岩岩屑较少(图8)。


图5 北物源区不同层系各类岩屑含量Fig.5 Volume fraction of various rock debris in different layers of north provenance area

图6 混源区不同层系各类岩屑含量Fig.6 Volume fraction of various rock debris in different layers of mixing provenance area

图7 南物源区不同层系各类岩屑含量Fig.7 Volume fraction of various rock debris in different layers of south provenance area

图8 盆地南部不同物源区灰岩、白云岩含量分布Fig.8 Volume fraction of limestone and dolomite in different provenance areas of the south basin


图9 研究区白云岩含量分布Fig.9 Volume fraction of dolomite in different layers of different provenance areas




图10 盆地南部胶结物含量Fig.10 Volume fraction of various cements in different provenance areas of the south basin

图11 北物源区延长组储层胶结物含量Fig.11 Volume fraction of three cements in different layers of north provenance area


图12 混源区延长组储层胶结物含量Fig.12 Volume fraction of three cements in different layers of mixing provenance area

图13 南物源区延长组储层胶结物含量Fig.13 Volume fraction of three cements in different layers of sorth provenance area



表2 盆地南部延长组砂岩样品薄片鉴定的 碎屑颗粒分选性统计Tab.2 Clastic particle sorting statistics of Yanchang Formation sandstone samples in south of the basin


表3 盆地南部延长组砂岩样品薄片鉴定的 碎屑颗粒磨圆度Tab.3 Clastic particle psephicity statistics of Yanchang Formation sandstone samples in south of the basin



图14 盆地南部延长组不同物源区储集层孔隙度纵向分布Fig.14 Vertical distribution of Yanchang Formation reservoir porosity in different provenance areas

图15 盆地南部延长组不同物源区储集层渗透率纵向分布Fig.15 Vertical distribution of Yanchang Formation reservoir permeability in different provenance areas

3 结 论





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Zoning Characteristics of Triassic Yanchang Formation Reservoir in the South of Ordos Basin

XUE Di1,2,WU Feng3,DUAN Xinting3,ZHANG Qing3,WANG Junmin4,LI Guangtao3

(1.College of Earth Science and Engineering,Xi'an Shiyou University,Xi'an 710065,Shaanxi,China;2.International Exploration and Development Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum(Group)Co.,Ltd.,Xi'an 710075,Shaanxi,China;3.Research Institute,Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co.,Ltd.,Xi'an 710065,Shaanxi,China;4.Xiasiwan Oil Production Plant,Yanchang Oilfield Co.,Ltd.,Yan'an 716100,Shaanxi,China)

In order to understand the zoning characteristics of the Yanchang Formation reservoir in the south of Ordos Basin,the distribution characteristics of the reservoir are studied by zircon isotope dating and reservoir microscopic analysis.The result shows that the reservoir has obvious zoning characteristics,it can be divided three regions:the north provenance zone,the mixed provenance zone and the south provenance zone.From the north provenance zone,the mixed provenance zone to the south provenance zone,feldspar content gradually reduces,and quartz content gradually increases.In the north provenance zone,the content of cuttings and metamorphic lithic is medium;in the mixed provenance zone,the content of sedimentary cuttings is the highest,the content of metamorphic lithic is the lowest;in the south provenance zone,the content of sedimentary cuttings is the lowest,and the content of metamorphic lithic is the highest.The content of calcite cement is the highest in the north provenance and the lowest in the south provenance zone.The content of hydromica is the highest in the mixed provenance zone and the lowest in the north provenance zone.The content of chlorite is the highest in the mixed provenance zone and the lowest in the south provenance zone.The particle sorting of the north provenance zone is better than that of the south provenance zone.The particle psephicity of the mixed provenance zone is the best and that of the south provenance zone is the worst.From the north provenance zone,the mixed provenance zone to the south provenance zone,the physical property of the reservoir presents "V"-shaped distribution,that is,the reservoir physical property of the north provenance zone and the south provenance zone is good,and the reservoir physical property of the mixed provenance zone is worse.

reservoir zoning characteristic;Yanchang Formation;the south of Ordos Basin








鄂尔多斯盆地杭锦旗地区二叠系下石盒子组岩屑 发育特征及其对储层物性的影响