关于窗On the Window

2016-10-20 03:41
世界建筑 2016年8期

On the Window

青木淳 Jun Aoki青木淳建筑计划事务所主持建筑师 Principal,Jun Aoki & Associates

走在街上的时候,我喜欢看那些从窗户里朝外看的人。带有横竖窗棂的窗我觉得最好。没有窗棂的话,不过是在墙壁上挖的洞。真正的窗不仅向我们展示对面的世界,同时还要昭示那个世界与我们的世界不同,是完全不一样的世界。因此,才有了窗棂。特别是寒冷的日子,当看到对面那个温暖世界里的人生活的样子,会真切地体会到世界的丰富多彩。□(绘图:青木淳;辛梦瑶 日译中)

As I walk down the street,I love to observe people who stand at their windows,looking onto the outside world.I prefer the lattice windows,otherwise they merely resemble an opening or cavity in the wall.A true window not only can present the outside world to us,but can also showcase the difference between that world and our world - which can be completely disparate at times.Therefore,the window lattice is hugely important.

Especially on the cold day,I can really cherish the richness of the world,when I see in the other side of window where people living their life in their warm world.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

青山周平 Shuhei AoyamaB.L.U.E.建筑设计事务所主持建筑师 Principal,B.L.U.E.Architecture Studio


I would like to speak about the windows of Shōkō-ken teahouse in the Daitoku-ji temple.Although the Shōkō-ken is a very small-teahouse,having less than three tatamis,it artfully features three windows which help to reduce its sense of compactness,as well as to blend the exterior and interior of the teahouse.

The lower,minor window is provided to illuminate the teahouse owner's workspace.An upper window facing the south serves to capture natural light for the niche,while a view of the courtyard is offered by an upper window to the west.Each of these three windows function differently,especially the western window,which is composed of high-density woven bamboo squares.These squares divide the courtyard scene into a grid pattern,presenting an abstract view.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

曹晓昕 CAO Xiaoxin中国建筑设计研究院设计总院副总建筑师 Deputy Chief Architect,China Architecture Design & Research Group


Recalling far back into my memories,my kindergarten was located next to a primary school.The upbeat sound of the schoolchildren reading aloud often came through our window.It seemed to me that there was a secret world out there.Because of the Lombardy poplar trees and the dynamic world of ants,worms and birds which interested me,the seat right next to the window became my favorite spot during my time at primary school.The outside and inside realms that the window connects can be regarded as separate,reflecting each other via the window.Outside is the world for human beings and their activities,which are inviolable in the natural world.For the people who stay inside,the window is an eye to nature and all that it represents to our artificial world.Therefore,I would like to have the window opened wider if possible.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

褚冬竹 CHU Dongzhu重庆大学建筑城规学院教授 Professor,Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning,Chongqing University


If eyes are a window to the soul,then windows should be considered as eyes to a building.Windows that do not refect the soul of architecture represent eyes that are not clear.Some eyes are shining and bright,while others are dull and gloomy.Windows are likewise.Through windows,architecture has an opportunity to communicate with the world.In comparison to doors,windows are more subtle and more inexplicit,like a space-time portal which connects multiple worlds.The charm of a window is not only about the spatial relationship between the view and the window itself,but it is also about the mobility of sights that a viewer experiences,the timeliness of the changes in nature,as well as the connection between one's inner world and the external world.When external scenery approaches till meets the window,it becomes a 2D-backdrop in an old photo studio.I cut out a shape of a man and a and a window frame from cardboard,placing it 20cm in front of a sketch,an aerial view of Prague,and then I pressed the camera shutter.I hope the completed composition starts to show a sense of spirit.As a result,there is a window.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

丁垚 DING Yao天津大学建筑学院副教授 Associate Professor,School of Architecture,Tianjin University


幽燕佛殿立面,至辽一变。扩大室内空间的绝对需求,不仅吞没了古老且极具雕塑感的柱廊,同时也把隐于廊内的门窗推到面前,与檐下的斗栱一同表情。太行山间的盆地,留下了此中代表,阁院寺文殊殿纯由镂刻门窗制成的巨幅立面。各种富含宗教意味的符号被以几何的语言编织,奥义现化于耳目,正是密宗之道。超平的二维构图所描画的却是层层立体再立体的空间秩序,你若立于殿前,目眩之余,金刚杵、青莲花、三昧耶曼荼罗、法曼荼罗,在在皆是。会神凝视,梵文 ☒( ra)字,就在窗中央。□(绘图:刘翔宇)

The Use of Windows in Esoteric and Exoteric Buddhism

The facade design of the Buddhist temple in the You Yan area(northern China) was altered during the Liao dynasty.The enlargement of the interior space was an absolute necessity,which resulted in the removal of the ancient,heavily sculptured colonnades.Meanwhile,the windows and doors within the veranda were relocated to the front,which is connected to the dougong under the eaves.

There is another typical example in the basin of the Taihang Mountains; the Wenshu Hall's large facade composed of engraved windows and doors in Geyuan Temple.Varied religious symbols are formed in a geometric language,which allows their profound meanings to come to the forefront.This represents the philosophy of Esoteric Buddhism.

These flat two-dimensional images depict a three-dimensional space that presents the image of Vajra,Utpala,Samaya Mandala,and Dharma Mandala to audiences who stand in front of the hall.If a viewer concentrates his attention on the window,the Sanskrit word of ☒(ra) appears in the center of the window.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

范路 FAN Lu清华大学建筑学院讲师 Lecturer,School of Architecture,Tsinghua University



Moon River in Counter-Construction

In Cubist painting,the excessive disintegration of fgures departs from the original intention of the enhancement of cognition,leading to an abstract form.De Stijl,an inspiration for important modern architectural trends,also faces the same situation.The Counter-Construction,created by Theo van Doesburg,consists of basic geometry and forms an off-centered and open fowing space.However,the extreme disintegration of these elements not only dissolves the relationship between the fgure and the ground,but also removes the nuances of the spatial relationship.This results in the deconstruction of architecture into numerous pieces of boring components.Besides the beams,columns and foors,the basic elements of architecture are comprised of doors,windows and stairs.In a scene from Breakfast at Tiffany's,the hero and heroine are looking at one another and having a conversation.The windows connect characters and objects,activities and sceneries,spaces and stories,as well as sense and sensibilities,allowing the building to have greater meaning,beyond merely an object to become a signifcant entity.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

方晓风 FANG Xiaofeng清华大学教授 Professor,Tsinghua University




Windows are an essential architectural component for communicating between the internal and external world.As viewed from the inside looking out,the form of a window seems unimportant; however,what is of significance is the vision that it affords.Within a church,the window acts as a medium,allowing God to communicate with his faithful.Through the rays of light,the window is able to tell a captivating story.

The form of a window becomes important when it is viewed from outside looking in.I have a strong aversion to today's confguration of windows.There are no eaves at the top and no sills at the bottom,which seems as an attempt to create a clean,holistic look.However,the trails left by rain under the window displays certain untidiness.

I was once amazed by the design of wall nodes,hidden rain gutters on smooth curtain walls,such as in Tokyo Metropolitan Government designed by Kenzo Tange.Nowadays,I prefer properly-detailed design which provides a warm atmosphere.

I remember one expressionistic stained glass window in a church in Siena.A window can be defned as a medium for the constriction of light,which can create an emotive reaction in the observer's heart.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

郭屹民 GUO Yimin东南大学副教授 Associate Professor,Southeast University



The Window,a Space for Scene

Window,incredible architectural element.Whether it is for city or street,or endemic human consumption and even religion and politics,building windows are integral.On the other hand,the window is the physical,emotional,desire these lonely and isolated individuals trying to peep society the only way.There is no doubt that the window has a building other components unmatched expressive.From the one-way window Gothic and Oriental color grille window glass curtain bidirectional sweeping,window hosted by cultural and technical architecture also reflects the historical footprints.By staying with,listening to and through,the window can bring us not only exist,but experience.Window,as another space scenery!□

何崴 HE Wei中央美术学院副教授 Associate Professor,China Central Academy of Fine Arts


For architecture and its practitioners,a window often plays a symbolic role,rather than serving a functional need.Windows and their connecting walls represent a certain period and space throughout the ages,under different technical conditions and even different trends of thought.They communicate a depth of information about their buildings,architects,architectural genre and much more.As an example,French doors in the modernist period were not merely designed for functional needs,but instead designed to break from the old conventions and demonstrate the disconnection between walls and their structural components.Similar information can be decoded from windows representing the architecture of the classical period,the post-industrial era,and the information age.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

黄蔚欣 HUANG Weixin清华大学副教授 Associate Professor,Tsinghua University


The windows function as a link between the interior and exterior of a building is a fascinating one.However,it is also utilized to refer to abstract links for systems under differing circumstances.

In the research of digital architecture,I often discuss the relationship between materials,spaces and arithmetic as well as information under the theme of "connecting the virtual and the reality",and the window of digital architecture becomes appealing due to the two diverse yet inseparable worlds that it links.

In the era of "Big Data",the virtual world,due to the vast information it holds,features high dimensionality.Therefore,a very thought-provoking question is: if the intuitive thinking and imagination for three-dimensional space that architects are specialized in can help us to understand the highdimensional space in data world,or how can we design a window to help us to take a glance at the origin of the world in the sea of data.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

赖德霖 Delin Lai美国路易维尔大学美术系副教授 Associate Professor,Department of Fine Arts,University of Louisville,USA


In his works My Country and My People and The Importance of Living,the Chinese writer LIN Yutang discussed Chinese architecture from a different perspective than the contemporary architectural historians LIANG Sicheng and LIU Dunzhen.LIANG focused on structural-principle-related beams,columns,and dougong brackets,and LIU,the pioneer scholar in studying Chinese housing,paid close attention to the importance of spatial layout and corresponding forms.However,LIN emphasized spatial experiences,and thus paid more attention to Chinese gardens,ornaments,and windows.He admired such designs by the Ming writer and artist LI Yu as the fan- or plum blossom-shaped windows,and decoratively-framed windows,which would turn exterior scenes into "mounted paintings".The Chinese architect TONG Jun and his follower,the Pritzker Laureate WANG Shu,also appreciated the design of windows in traditional Chinese gardens for their "imaginativeness" and "unrestrainedness".A window helps define the way of looking.An individual with independent mind always seeks the uniqueness of the way.□

李振宇 LI Zhenyu同济大学建筑与城市规划学院院长、教授 Dean,Professor,College of Architecture and Urban Planning,Tongji University

小时候觉得,窗是建筑的眼。孙悟空变作一座庙的时候,尾巴成了旗杆,眼睛就成了窗;当年在同济建筑初步课上,赵秀恒老师总要帮同学修改窗户的比例,一时兴起之际,会顺手添上“窗楣”,那不是眼睛上的眉毛么?到了高年级,觉得窗是建筑的衣衫。那时候带形长窗盛行,许多建筑都穿了一件海魂衫,像是要去海岛站岗。再后来,窗弥漫开来,成了幕墙,成了“double skin”,从点睛的眼,变成龙身上通体的鳞片。然而最显示个性的建筑,往往不以窗示人,彷佛闭着眼歌唱的明星。我喜欢明星,喜欢龙鳞,喜欢海魂衫。我爱孙悟空。□(绘图:李振宇)

When I was a child,I deemed windows to be the eyes of a building.When the Monkey King(a character from Journey to the West) magically transformed into a temple,his tail became its fagpole and his eyes turned into its windows.In my elementary architecture course at Tongji University,Professor ZHAO Xiuheng often helped students adjust the proportion of windows on their projects.Sometimes,he would recommend window lintels,which I regarded as eyebrows if he was in a good mood.By my senior year,I thought of windows as the clothing of a structure.At the time,ribbon windows were quite popular,but these reminded me of sailor's tunics; I thought these buildings were about to report for sentry duty at the sea island.

Years later,I consider windows as curtain walls,as a double skin for buildings.It has transformed from the eyes of a dragon into its scales.However,the most characteristic architecture is designed with imperceptible windows,like a star singing with closed eyes.I like stars,dragon scales and sailor's shirts.I love the Monkey King.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

刘珩 LIU Heng南沙原创建筑设计工作室创建人、主持建筑师 Founder and Principal,NODE




The first time that I was moved by a window was on my visit of Villa Le Lac,the home of Le Corbusier's mother.Through a series of horizontal windows,the beautiful lake outside is projected completely into the interior,bringing peace and serenity inside the home.

A window is also a projection of a person's inner world.The view one sees through a window is a reflection of one's inner state,where the person and the view blend into one.

Therefore,I have designed a small apartment for myself with a window that offers the view of the outside world.Then the time passes slowly,quietly and peacefully between the view and me.

If a window projects a person's inner world,it can also be considered as a mirror.An imaginary surface fashes an imagined space-time; we become timeless and eternal.

A long time ago,I designed a library for a design competition.I imagined a scene in a book,a mixture of reality and illusion.Through this scene,I wish I had lost in the black hole of space-time.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

刘宇扬 LIU Yuyang刘宇扬建筑事务所主持建筑师 Founder and Principal,Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects


The primary function of a window is its ability to mediate light and views between the building and the outdoors.A window frame is the joint between a window and its cavity,as well as a frame crystallizing the scenery outside.The transition between the wall and window cavity aims to bring natural light inside,while leading our sight outside.

The sketch illustrates the bathroom window on the ground foor of our studio on Wuyuan Road.A 300mm square mini-window fashioned from a thick wooden frame,the extreme thickness emphasizes its presence and brings our attention to the outdoor greenery.The acute angle between the window cavity and its wall visually enlarges the window opening,which breaks the claustrophobic feeling of a small bathroom.The natural light enters into the interior with a sharp angle,bringing to the tight space a breath of air.The window sill is chamfered into the thick wall with respect to scale of the human arm,in order to ease the effort operating the window.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

鲁安东 LU Andong南京大学建筑与城市规划学院教授 Professor,Nanjing University



A Window as a Symbol

Essentially speaking,a window is not just an object,but also an unknown,a connection,and a possibility,and even more importantly in relation to the aforementioned three,it is an intervention,coordination,and presentation.Windows play a fundamental role in architecture as mediums between indoor and outdoor space.For indoor spaces,the window stabilizes and warms the natural environment,as well as comforts the building's inhabitants by facing the exterior as well as the artificial environment.Therefore,the nexus between outdoor and indoor can be regarded as creating a special "window-space".For outdoor space,the window can be regarded as a zone that promotes possibility,where indoor space can begin to infuence the outside world,emitting a sense of place and occupation.

Hence,windows have boundary crossing role,or support and imply the possibility of boundary crossing.As a result,windows are definitely symbolic,sparking the imagination of space and realizing the viewers' visualization.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

吕敬人 LYU Jingren独立书籍设计师 Freelance Book Designer


In my eyes,a window is like an aperture that captures diverse cultural landscapes.The circular oculus in the Pantheon in Rome spreads sunshine all over the sages.The open windows found in each family home in Holland offer a direct view into the backyard,a reflection of the straightforward and direct personality the Dutch are known for.Classical Japanese architecture,which does not make use of windows,instead utilizes movable screens to control the flow and direction of natural light and air.The windows and doors of the quadrangular siheyuan courtyards in Beijing present culture in all four directions,using the fve elements,the Bagua,and the nine-grid pattern.

Windows are essential facets of a building,and architects must be careful and considerate in their utilization of them.Different time periods throughout history have had different conventions for the function and placement of windows.From function to aesthetics,from material objects to immaterial minds,as well as from the individual to the public,the architect's manipulation of windows is restrained by society,the system,social conventions,and value.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

增田信吾,大坪克亘 Shingo Masuda,Katsuhisa Otsubo增田信吾+大坪克亘建筑设计事务所主持建筑师 Principal Architects,Shingo Masuda + Katsuhisa Otsubo Architects



事实上,对应客户“与外部的新连接”的要求,我们的回应是“边界之窗”。我们并非让窗洞的交接处彻底闭合,而是先使窗构件全都向外移,然后再进行错位,令视野变得更远,从而获得扩张感。就算关闭却依然保留开放感是必要的。□(绘图:增田信吾,大坪克亘;张玲 日译中)

Go Beyond Contemporary

Typically,a building is connected with the outside world through a window opening,letting in a glimpse of the outside world.However,for Boundary Window we chose not to employ a "window" approach,instead we closed up the window opening with a combination of window frames,glass doors and curtains.This approach allows us to create a sense of transparency and openness,yet retain a diverse philosophy to the design.To meet the client's requirement of "a new link to the outdoors",we designed the Boundary Window.We did not choose to seal the window cavities entirely,but on the contrary,we moved all regular window components to the exterior of the building and interlace them.This allows for broadening of the viewers' vision and creates a sense of expansion.The necessity of maintaining openness even when the window is closed is also a very important attribute.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

青锋 QING Feng清华大学建筑学院副教授 Associate Professor,School of Architecture,Tsinghua University



The Edinburgh Skylight

In Edinburgh,I worked in a loft with a glass skylight.When heavy rain dropped down onto the skylight,it made loud drumming sounds.The glass blocked the rain,yet it allowed natural light to come through and maintained the temperature inside the room.A skylight is like a cave for mankind to inhabit,and this is perhaps why "they" in Plato's Cave were unwilling to go out and experience the bright light.Illusion can sometimes be regarded as a protection.Architecture may not be able to reveal the truth,but it is good at creating illusions.Some buildings attempt to force man to accept the truth by destroying the cave,while some beckon humans to retreat back into the cave.That is the difference between a wall that is 10cm thick versus a wall that is 100cm thick.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

曼弗雷多·德·罗比兰特 Manfredo di Robilant米兰多莫斯设计学院讲师 Lecturer,Domus Academy,Milan


早在1907年,沃尔特·格罗庇乌斯就已经是一位痴迷于现代主义的青年建筑师,然而他还未成为尼古拉斯·佩夫斯纳在其1936年的著作中所描述的“现代主义运动先驱”。在一次跨西班牙的旅行中,他曾找到一幅油画或是一面镜子的边框,透过这扇想象中的窗户眺望。不久之后,在法古斯工厂(1911)和包豪斯学校(1926)的设计里,他取消了窗户的独立性,将它们融入立面中。1907年的这幅照片由此成为反向的预言,并颇具意味地阐释了窗户如何一直以来都是、且现在仍是个人主义与集体主义争夺的战场。□(制图:曼弗雷多·德·罗比兰特;徐知兰 译)

An Involuntary Manifesto for the Survival of the Window

By 1907,Walter Gropius was a young architect fascinated by modernity,but he was not quite yet a "pioneer of the modern movement",as the 1936 book by Nikolaus Pevsner had labeled him.That year,during one of his travels through Spain,he found the empty frame of a painting or mirror and was photographed looking from this imaginary window.Later,in the Fagus factory(1911) and in the Bauhaus workshops(1926) he negated the independence of the windows by blurring them into the façade.The 1907 photo thus appears as a reversed prophecy,perhaps providing some insight on how the window has been,and still represents,a battleground of individualism vs collectivism.□

菅野裕子 Yuko Sugeno横滨国立大学特别研究教员 Assistant Professor,Yokohama National University


在东京的高密度住宅区,原本用于眺望的窗也变得只能看见隔壁房子的外墙了。高桥一平的O之家中,通过大开口的窗只能看到隔壁住宅近在眼前的外墙。不过恰恰因为太近了,仿佛到那片墙之前的部分也成了室内,而且地面的颜色也被选成与外墙相近的,更加强了这种错觉。与隔壁之间仅有的缝隙不像是室外,反倒像是从高窗射入室内的一部分。而一旦打开巨大的窗,外面的空气从房间内部通过,室内也变得像室外一样了。这里的窗不是用于观景的,它扩张了建筑的边界,使内外的关系发生了变化。□(摄影:菅野裕子,高桥一平建筑事务所;辛梦瑶 日译中)

The Window to Enlarge Interior Space

In a high-density residential district in Tokyo,the windows in buildings have limited peripheral scope,which makes residents can only see their neighborhoods' outdoor walls.Ippei Takahashi's Casa O features spacious windows which offer a view of the neighboring building's outer wall.Because of the close distance between the buildings,the neighboring wall appears as an integral part of Casa O.The color of the floor matches the nearby wall,which also contributes to the illusion of extra space.The space between the two buildings doesn't look like exterior space,but rather it looks like a part of the interior,with light reflecting from a clerestory window.Once the large window is opened,fresh air fows through the small house,indoor space seems to have changed to outdoor space.The window is here not to provide scenery,but to enlarge the boundaries of space,as well as to change the relationship between the interior and exterior.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

汤桦 TANG Hua重庆大学建筑城规学院教授 汤桦建筑设计事务所有限公司总建筑师 Professor,Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning,Chongqing UniversityChief Architect,Tanghua Architect & Associates




Exeter Library is a cathedral-like building designed by Louis Kahn.Its functional keyhole-like windows are one of my favorite features.They moderate and focus natural light,serving as devices that bring different lighting effects for the areas surrounding the windows and the bottom of the building.

Windows and furniture come together to constitute a complete space,and these can be considered as an extension of the windowsill,creating a mini niche.The scene of readers leaning against the window as sunshine pours in,resembling the design approach of Pattern Language coined by architect Christopher Alexander.The sunshine enters into the silent space in a varied way.If heaven looks like a library,then the window here would be the star in heaven.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

唐克扬 TANG Keyang中国人民大学副教授 Associate Professor,Renmin University of China








Either you draw a window or depict the view that you saw through a window.You can't have your cake and eat it too.My teacher told me so when I studied architecture abroad.She said,"Don't make a picture".

At the beginning,I was self-satisfied because I could create vivid postcards.Later,I began to understand her sentiment."To draw" is a verb and can be regarded as an experience,while drawing is only picturing a world on paper.In classical Chinese art,there are paintings of window scenes that do not depict the actual window.Modern architects consider the windows in Chinese traditional gardens as examples of motionless scenery.

The transparency of windows is independent of their glass.

Although a window is an inactive door,it is greater than mere interior decoration,but together with man it forms a complete whole.

Windows have no patterns,nor do they have shapes.

They have thickness,yet are invisible.□

(Translated by Dandan Wang)

陶磊 TAO Lei陶磊(北京)建筑设计有限公司创始人、主持建筑师 Founder & Principal,TAOA



The Spatial Expression of Windows

Within architecture,a core idea or concept is the transformational relationship between a building's interior and exterior.Windows can be regarded as the most important and expressive method of highlighting this fundamental divergence.The window has the capability of acting as a bridge;blending the interior and exterior together into an integral whole,instead of dividing them.

A window should have its own space and volume.Although it divides the indoor and outdoor into two opposite worlds,a fat,unadorned,simple window,can be rather unimaginative.Therefore,it is in confict with the inherent desire of humans to blur the line between nature and their personal world.A window should be considered as an integral part of that continuum,connecting the interior and exterior,and constituting a whole,intact world.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

五十岚太郎 Taro Igarashi日本东北大学教授 Professor,Tohoku University


第一次看到增田信吾和大坪克亘设计的“边界之窗”时,我吓了一跳,因为窗比建筑还大。确切地说,建筑师把这座旧公寓改造成摄影师的周末住宅兼工作室时,一边让朝向院子的窗开得很大,一边用玻璃屏或者说玻璃幕墙作为巨大的皮肤罩在上面。上下两扇巨大的玻璃窗都能滑动,并且上下窗的交接处和楼板形成错位。同时,建筑的一侧安装了不可开启的钢窗框,立面严整,而面向道路的一侧则嵌入了窗户,形成盲窗,在住宅区格外引人注目。另外,改造没有使空间的构造发生太多变化,只是在每个面都进行了不同的关于窗的操作。这些窗使摄影工作室追求的多样空间环境更容易实现了。□(摄影:五十岚太郎;辛梦瑶 日译中)

The Window Is Bigger Than the Building

Upon first sight,I was shocked by the "Boundary Window",which was designed by Shingo Masuda and Katsuhisa Otsubo.The window is even bigger than the building.To be more specifc,the architects have converted this old apartment into a weekend getaway and studio for the use of photographers.The architects have added huge windows which face towards the courtyard; this glass screen or glass curtain wall covers the building like an enormous mask.The gigantic facade is consisted of upper sliding windows and lower sliding windows,but central line discords with articulation of floors.In addition,there are inoperable steel casements on one side of the building,which make neat impression.On the other side of the building facing the street,there are false windows,which bring an air of strangeness to the neighborhood.While,the renovation did not fundamentally change the layout of the space itself,it did however utilize windows as a conscious design feature on each side of the building.This allows the photography studio to have diverse spatial environments.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

王昀 WANG Yun北京大学副教授 方体空间工作室主持建筑师 Associate Professor,Peking University Chief Architect,Atelier Fronti


There are both physical windows in real life as well as metaphysical windows inside our consciousness.Starting from Grotte Chauvet,fire pits,casements,doors,paintings,televisions,and finally to screens of mobile devices,windows have gone through 36,000 years of evolution.As a matter of fact,the evolution is the combination of expectations and objects forecasted from the window in mind.At the 16th Venice Architecture Biennale,my artwork on the theme of Window seeks to eliminate all images reflected by windows over the past 36,000 years and which.

By extension,it will raise expectation for a whole new vision of the future projected on windows in human consciousness.

Window consists of seventeen different square screens,however nothing is displayed on the screens.This is an attempt to stimulate the observer's imagination,offering an inward-looking view into their own consciousness.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)

夏珩 XIA Heng自由研究员 Freelance Researcher





Window,囧 and OJO

On etymology aspect,the Chinese character of window,"窗",comes from "囧".It exactly traces a primitive window structured by wood frame in mud wall.Its original meaning is brightness,but now it is commonly used as an emoticon to convey distress,embarrassment,and the like.Windows would be quite 囧,suffering light,heat,sound,airfow,rain,dust,insects and even peeps day by day.

In alphabet-based writing systems,"OJO" may be the most matching word for "囧".Graphically,O looks like an eye,and J like a nose.The O-J-O combination shows the basic function of a window,"eye-see-light" and "nose-breathe-ventilation".

Nowadays,windows play as modulators of indoor environment and are becoming more sophisticated.In addition to the primary openings,"window components" and "attachments"(grille,insects screen,security mesh) have been developed.Articulation of the three creates infnite possibilities of window design.□(Translated by PENG Qiang)

周渐佳 ZHOU Jianjia冶是建筑工作室创始合伙人 Co-founder,YeArch Studio


希区柯克在1954年的电影《后窗》中所展现的并非是构造意义上的窗,而是城市意义上的窗。在这出“看”与“被看”的故事中,主人公在藏着各式偷窥工具的寓所中,透过自家的窗,观察对楼立面窗洞中闪现的种种场景,从而拼凑出一个谋杀故事。有趣的是,电影的镜头是被主人公的窗户所框定的(连窗户的比例也和当时的银幕比例一致,为 1.66:1),所有臆测罪案发生的片段同样被对楼的窗户所框定(甚至连对楼的人物也很少有近景),如同城市中所体验的那样,窗与屏幕在有意识地重合又反转,在一部电影中复制了一个城市场景,又在城市场景的窗中上演了无数部电影。□(制图:周渐佳)

Rear Window

Rear Window,directed by Alfred Hitchcock in 1954,is not the story of a window in the physical sense,but of a window in the city-sense.In this story of seeing and being seen,the protagonist lives in an apartment with various observation apparatus,from where he believes he witnesses a murder.

Interestingly,the film scene is framed by the protagonist's window - the proportion of the window follows the aspect ration(1.66:1) of the flm.The suspected crime viewed across the courtyard is framed by the window of the opposite building,thus all the characters inhabit it were taken in mid shot.In a city,windows and film screens coincide and reverse consciously; city scenes have been copied into films,then windows in city scenes present numerous movies.□(Translated by Dandan Wang)


The authors in alphabetical order

