利斯·比利亚尔瓦/Lys Villalba
利斯·比利亚尔瓦/Lys Villalba
作为一种概括性的工作方法,这一研究项目希望能够通过观察进行学习,对于记录、分析以及分类后的发现进行研究。从记录到思考,知识上的拓展反过来又强化了实践自身。(李璠 译)
The City as a Laboratory
Cities have long been focus of utopian impulses,critical thoughts and disruptive revolutions, as well as origins from where major social, technological and political changes emerge. This revolutionary condition of the urban space has not only instigated actions but also critical thoughts: as proclaimed by David Harvey's Rebel Cities[1]and Henri Lefebvre's The production of Space[2], the right to the city is indeed an active right to change the world, to transform reality.
Technologically, Japan is an architecture laboratory and Tokyo is its main experimentation room. Its extreme density-Tokyo is the most populous city on the planet, with 39,500,000 residents in the Greater Tokyo Area-and a high land price determine the heterogeneity of an urban space in continuous evolution. With an average lifespan of 30 years, Tokyo's buildings are defined by spatial configurations and functional crossovers that would be unthinkable in Europe.
Everyday Urbanism: A Research on the Margins of the Discipline
The hybrid identity of Tokyo's urban space,defined by non-standard and anonymous buildings,seemingly strange and improvised, became a focus for the world's attention with the publication of Made in Tokyo[3]by Atelier Bow-Wow, which celebrates its fifteenth anniversary this year.
As its authors Kaijima, Kuroda and Tsukamoto state, none of the 70 buildings featured in the book has been designed by a star architect. They do not fit with conventional ideas of architectural beauty, nor do they appear in any standard city guide. On the contrary,Made in Tokyo focuses on the everyday city, on the informal and immediate buildings that are usually relegated to the margins of the discipline.
Over the last fifteen years, Made in Tokyo's enormous influence on contemporary architectural debate has been twofold. First, the book enhances this anonymous and unplanned architecture that tended to be ignored, and brings new dimensions into the discipline in which architecture engages directly with the reality. Second, it introduced a new methodological paradigm: drawing became the central research tool and axonometric views a format for precise observation, analysis and representation.
Unexpected Urban Ecologies
Made in Tokyo's seventy case studies are examined as urban ecologies in themselves: a mixture of buildings,infrastructures and landscapes that are evolutionary responses to the specific needs of the different contexts of the city. These hybrid constructions give rise to unexpected cases of symbiosis, becoming singular examples of urban coherence.
The Super Car School in Kanamachi-a driving school and supermarket whose form is demarcated by adjacent train tracks, the Roller Coaster Building in Koraku-an amusement park, parking, gym and restaurant built on 150 linear metres, or the Expressway patrol Building in Roppongi-an office block with a motorway running through it. These are just some of the buildings that make up the infinite architectural typologies of Tokyo.
Incompleteness: The Evolutionary Quality of The Urban Space
As the inherent quality of the city, the buildings in Made in Tokyo can be seen as incomplete. This evolutionary capacity was one of the criteria for their selection; the building and the context are understood as part of a complex and ever-changing urban space.
The incompleteness of the city is ingrained in contemporary debate and practice: from Saskia Sassen's work on incompleteness to Stewart Brand's illustrated research How Buildings Learn[4], the adaptive capacity of our built environment should be reconsidered as a virtue.
Made in Tokyo: 15th Year Update
Made in Tokyo is a snapshot of the here and now, taken fifteen years ago by Atelier Bow-Wow. Wondering how these constructions have evolved in a city in constant flux, I developed the Made in Tokyo: 15th Year Update1)research project, taking again the pulse of Tokyo through the same 70 constructions that were examined in the book, revisiting, redrawing and re-photographing them once again, including their evolution. Using these specific examples as 70 case studies, the project analyzes how the city has evolved during the last fifteen years, generating a reflection on economical, social and technological local changes.
Double Format
Made in Tokyo: 15th Year Update incorporates two complementary formats, 70 photographs and 70 drawings, which enables two parallel research readings.The intentions, reflections and repercussions generated by each format are both different and complementary. photographs allow a hands-on research recorded in situ and transmitted in real time on the Instagram account @madeintokyoupdate, immediately reaching the general public. On the other hand, each analytical drawing overlaps a past and present state and becomes a tool for analysing and examining the evolution of these buildings, addressing a later reflection on these changes and the economic, social, political and technological realities of these contexts. A short description of each case study, and on/off and category table with the same orders analysed in Made in Tokyo are included in every drawing.
Working Methodology: A Seven-Week Cycle Journey
On my first day in Tokyo I decided to buy a bike, and maybe this could have been the main methodological decision in this hands-on research. During October and November 2015 I revisited, redrew and re-photographed the 70 buildings that were featured in the book, looking for their evolutions. Due to the fact that I cycled 20 to 30 km of Tokyo everyday,I gained an understanding of the evolutions of all these 70 buildings by learning from their surroundings and discovering the everyday life of the city.
As a general working methodology, the project aims to learn through observation, working from the findings that have been documented, analysed and catalogued. From recording to reflection, the project furthers knowledge that enhances the practice itself.
1)“东京制造:第15年”是一个独立的项目,同时也是一个名为“建筑学原型:技术、经济和社会政治学变革之下的非标准工具”的项目的一部分。该项目是一个独立的理论-实践项目,目前由利斯·比利亚尔瓦主持进行,旨在研究建筑学和设计如何成为引发生态学层面、技术层面以及社会政治层面变革的工具。/Made in Tokyo: 15th Year Update, is a project in itself but is also one chapter of the larger project Architecture prototypes: Non- Standard Tools Towards Technological, Ecological and Sociopolitical Revolutions, an independent theoretical-practical project that Lys Villalba is currently developing,a research about how architecture and design can become tools for generating ecological, technological and sociopolitical revolutions.
[1] David Harvey. Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution. Verso Books, 2012.
[2] Henri Lefebvre. The production of Space. Wiley-Blackwell, 1991.
[3] Momoyo Kaijima, Junzo Kuroda and Yoshiharu Tsukamoto. Made in Tokyo. Kajima Institute publishing Co, 2001.
[4] Stewart Brand. How Buildings Learn: What Happens After They're Built. penguin Books, 1995.
05Roller coaster building
"There is a void phobia in Tokyo. Everywhere, the desire to find and fill gaps can be seen."[3]Made in Tokyo analized "automatic scaling" architectures, situations where a program just matches the gap in terms of size and proportion, not taking into account any other condition. This roller coaster building is an example of auto-width: an amusement park was built on top of a 150meters long strip of shops. During the last 15 years, the roller coaster was dismantled, rebuilt and finally demolished, leaving the parachute alone. A new huge commercial area has been built with the same strategy on the adjacent site.
1-仅有降落伞设施还保留着/Only parachute remains
2-过山车经过更新而后又被拆除/The roller coaster was updated and afterwards demolished
3-新过山车比以前的更大/New roller coaster is much bigger than the previous one
4-新商业区已建成/A new commercial area has been built
06From neon building to backlit building
15years ago this building was wraped with neon signs, repeating lists of products rather than brands. Nowadays there are no neon signs to be found anymore, following nationwide electricity restrictions after the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami. All the facade is covered by a curved backlit board with brands. Both opposites strategies. Even if the store is owned by the same company, the products on sale now are not cameras but mobile phones. The business has been also updated.
1-霓虹灯覆盖的建筑立面/Neon signs wrapped the building facades
2-夜间作为城市照明/During the night it becomes a light for the city
3-立面为新的一体式塑料背光板/The facade is a new one piece plastic backlit board
4-曾经列出产品列表,现在只剩下品牌名称/Lists of products were listed before, nowadays only brands
新宿的这3栋建筑构成了它们自己的都市生态系统。15年前,位于中央的建筑是一家弹珠博彩店铺,而几家高利贷机构则隐藏在它周围的建筑中为博彩参与者提供借款,它们共同构成了一个无限循环的产业链。现在,那些银行仍然坐落在相同的地方。新的商业模式也在这里出现—— 一家猫咪咖啡店,在这里你可以在享用咖啡的同时与猫为伴。
07From pachinko cathedral to karaoke cathedral
These three buildings in Shinjuku are one urban ecology in themselves. 15 years ago the central building was a pachinko and shark banks were loaning money in the adjacent buildings, as a never ending economical cycle. Nowadays only banks remain in the same place. New bussines appeared, as a cat cafe, where you can pet a cat while you are having a coffee.
1-这3栋建筑与巴黎圣母院有着类似的外表,构成了一个都市生态系统/With the same appearance as Notre Dame cathedral, these 3 buildings are one urban ecology
2-弹珠博彩店在中间,高利贷机构在两侧/pachinko in the central building, shark banks in the laterals
3-弹珠博彩大楼现在是卡拉OK店/The pachinko is now a karaoke building 4-仅剩下高利贷机构/Only shark banks remain
10Expressway patrol building
The inhabitants of this building are both cars and people. Even more, you can only enter if you are driving a vehicle. There is no principal pedestrian entrance, no door, no bell. To access to the main level man depends on cars. During the last 15 years the structure of the building has been renovated according to earthquake regulations. It has also changed the skin, including housing balconies.
1-与道路超接近的商住楼/Home & office building hyper-close to streets
2-改造表皮/Updated skin
3-车辆从高速公路直接进入大楼/Vehicles access directly from the expressway to the building
4-从高速公路直接进入办公楼/Access from expressway to the office
14Golf taxi building
Run by the same owner, the golf taxi building is an unexpected case of spatial symbiosis between a golf practicing area and a taxi parking. A huge net emerges over Meguro neighbourhood. And just a net is enough to define two complementary spaces and programs. Golfers practice towards the interior net from the upper lever of the building. The same sloping net defines the ceiling of the taxi parking in the lower level. Entrances and circulations of both programs are intertwined.
1-新的露天吸烟区/New open-air smoking area
2-高尔夫练习场/Golf practicing area
3-新建处理室/New refreshing room
4-高尔夫玩家的新停车空间/New parking space for golf clients
5-网笼,出租车停车的天花板是网状的斜面/Netted cage, the ceiling of the taxi parking is a netted slope
6-出租车双层停车楼/Taxi parking in two levels
19From air-con building to ?
This building is a huge air-conditioner machine. Located closed to Haneda airport, air-con building is an equipment for cooling and heating the sorrounding buildings related to airport facilities. Because all of them have been updated with cooling units, the air-con building is not in use anymore. A new building will replace it soon but they don't have any plans yet.
1-周围建筑有了新的冷却塔,所以这栋建筑不再使用/The sorrounding buildings have new cooling towers, so the building is not in use anymore
2-巨大开敞的冷却塔/Large and open cooling towers
3-该建筑不久将被拆除,但业主并不清楚之后将此地如何安置/The building is going to be demolished soon, but the owner doesn't know which program is going to replace it yet
4-周围与机场设施相关建筑的加热与冷却设备/Facility for heating and cooling the sorrounding buildings related to airport facilities
5-与周边建筑连通的管线/pipelines that connected into the sorrounding buildings
6-管线已于2015年夏季被拆除/The pipelines have been disassembled in the summer of 2015
27From interchange court to interchange parking
Most of the expressways in Tokyo are elevated from the ground and this situation generates enormous amounts of underinfrastructure space. This cylindrical space that remains in the middle of the the loop of a expressway, that usually would be ignored by the city as an urban void, becomes here a valuable and actively utilised space of 61 meters-diameter, which has change its program in the last 15 years, from tennis courts to truck parking.
1-卡车停车场/Truck parking
2-位于高速公路坡道围院中的车辆停车场/Car parking in the courtyard enclosed by expressway ramps
3-位于高速公路坡道围院中的网球场/Tennis courts in the courtyard enclosed by expressway ramps
29Super car school
The rooftop of Kanamachi supermarket is a non-standard urban landscape: a driving school. The curved shape of this building was defined by the train tracks. However, the route changed and nowadays they are not in operation. A wild garden has naturally grown in its place, next to the parking. This situation is quite unusual in Tokyo, where streets never have parking lanes. Even more, whenever you want to buy a vehicle, a proof that you own a parking space is needed. All cars need a home.
1-超市屋顶的驾校/Driving school on top of a supermarket
2-铁道不再使用,院子中野草丛生/The railroad is not in operation, wild grass has grown
3-场地被弧形铁道围住/The site is defined by the curve of the train tracks 4-街道层的停车场/parking in the street level
33Ameyoko flying temple
Tokyo is a 3D city, and Ameyoko flying temple an evidence of that. With more than 600 years of history, this shrine is stablished on an artificial ground on top of a shopping area. Sacred places are linked to a certain site, sometimes demolished and rebuilt, but they coexit in 3D with all types of activities. In this case, shops have changed and their signs have been updated.
1-有600年历史的寺庙位于人工基地之上/With 600 years of history, the temple is located on an artificial ground
2-圣地之下是拥挤的商业区/Underneath the shrine, there is a crowded commercial area
3-店铺与招牌已经变了/Shops and signs have changed
4-商店之间的神道/Sacred path in between shops
5-从圣地可以看到山手线列车经过/From the shrine one can see Yamanote line trains passing
47From vampire park to convention hall
15years ago, in front of Akihabara station and surrounded by neon buildings, a public sports facilities and a tiny blood donation building lived together as a non-standard urban ecology. Nowadays nothing remains; a 35 storey convention hall is abruptly sited.
1-开放空间、城市体育场/Open space, urban sports areas
2-一栋突兀的35层大楼立于此处/A 35-floor building is abruptely located
3-献血站位于体育场之间/Blood donation building was located in between sports courts
4-秋叶原会议中心停车入口/Akihabara convention hall parking entrance
63pet architecture
Tokyo is full of pet architecture: "items bigger than furniture but too small to be recognized as architecture. "[3]In this tiny triangular site in Osaki, a storage&home with vending machines has been replaced by an urban garden. Because Japanese inheritance taxes are the highest in the world, sometimes families cannot afford them and decided to split their property in two. This situation causes a continous process of site subdivission in smaller and smaller lots.
1-新的3层住宅建筑/New 3-floor housing building
2-自动售货机保留/The vending machine remains
3-住宅与仓库被改造为菜园/House & storage have been replaced by a vegetable garden
4-小住宅与仓库在背面/Tiny house & storage at the back
5-自动售货机与洗衣机/Vending machines & washing machine
69From carwash terrace to luxury apartments
In the site where 15 years ago a do it yourself & machine carwash was located, now stands a huge housing building. In a facility where everything was operated automatically, Atelier Bow-Wow questioned if human skills and speed can compete with machines. Now we can state that housing market does.
1-高级公寓代代木都市阳台/Luxury apartments City Terrace Yoyogi Koen
2-住户自动停车区/Auto parking for residents
3-拓宽的山手街/Widened Yamate street
4-上层自助洗车/Upper level do-it-yourself carwash
5-下层机器洗车/Lower level machine carwash
Made in Tokyo: 15th Year Update