Hop on board the Agawa Canyon Tour Train this autumn and youll be treated to some of the most beautiful fall foliage4) on the planet. The ride sets off from Sault Ste. Marie on the Canada–USA border, covering 114 miles of unspoilt country that looks at its best as the days begin to close in5). The views here inspired Tom Thomson6) and the Group of Seven7), Canadas most prominent landscape artists, throughout the early 20th century. Youll need to be quick though, as the leaves peak for a brief period around the end of September and beginning of October.
1. dog days: 三伏天,酷暑期
2. last hurrah: (尤指职业生涯的)最后一举;最后一次努力。hurrah [h??rɑ?] n. 欢呼声;喝彩声
3. crunch [kr?nt?] vi. (踩踏、碾压时)发出嘎吱声
4. foliage [?f??li?d?] n. 叶子
5. close in: (白昼)渐短
6. Tom Thomson: 汤姆·汤姆森(1877~1917),加拿大著名风景画画家,直接影响并帮助成立了“七人画派”。
7. the Group of Seven: 七人画派,加拿大风景画画家团体,成立于20世纪早期,他们基于对加拿大北部荒野自然的爱,试图开创一种不同于欧洲传统画风、表现真实的加拿大的绘画风格。他们运用大胆、夸张的技法,以富于变化的画面再现独具特色的加拿大自然风光。
8. prosaic [pr??ze??k] adj. 平凡的
9. riot [?ra??t] n. (色彩、声音等)极度丰富,众多
10. boar [b??(r)] n. 野猪
This ancient woodland in Gloucestershire was once used as a royal hunting ground; its trees were also used to make Tudor warships. Today, its the perfect spot for the more prosaic8) sport of "leaf peeping". The mix of oak, beech and sweet chestnut provides a riot9) of yellow and gold. The Forest of Dean can be easily covered on foot or bike. Just keep an eye out for the wild boar10) that have called this place home since 2006.