I apparently need to keep you on a short leash1), because you regularly forget why you are on this earth to begin with. You have one very simple job to do—feed me and pay attention to me when I am not asleep. I fail to understand why you allow anything with a keyboard or a remote2) to take your attention away from your only job, which is me. Technology has made you its slave and I prefer it when you are my slave. Freud3) would say that I have technology-envy, but he cant really say anything because hes dead.
While Im venting4), I am concerned about your obsession with hoarding5) my excrement6). When we go outside, you always lunge7) for it with your little blue baggie so you can get it before anyone else does and then you just throw it away. Can you explain that to me? Never mind. Youre an odd duck8), but I like you most of the time. Especially when you hand out the food.
But I feel compelled to ask who you really think is taking care of whom in this house? You fetch and hand out the food, but who is guarding the food from the mice and burglars? Who has the giant canine9) teeth? And which one of us is on guard duty day and night because we dont like spending hours in front of the TV or the computer or yapping10) on the phone? Just throwing it out there for you to think about.
As for the furniture, you like to sleep on the bed, same as me. Somewhat confusing to me is why you think I should sleep on the floor. You are a nice person, but you dont think things through very well. Just saying. By the way, I like the bed, especially when youre not at home.
Now, can we talk about the cat for a moment? Such a kiss-ass11). All that rubbing up against your legs when you come home as if he has done a damned thing since you left hours earlier. Let me enlighten12) you: He slept. He yawned. He stretched13). I was on duty protecting the fat lazy cat and all of the food in the kitchen while you were gone. I was not sleeping. Except maybe on your bed for just a little bit.
Lastly, I would like to request that you not call me Sugar Pie or Honey Bun in front of that white poodle14) who lives down the street. Please. Stop. It. Youre killing me. Aside from not wanting to have my manhood doubted in front of the lady dogs, I may also need plausible15) deniability that you and I areacquainted16). Just help me out, pal. No offense.
Is it dinner yet? Can I have some food? I want some food. Now. Please. Hello? Step away from the computer and no one will get hurt. Not even the lazy cat. I promise. Hurry up!
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