I'm afraid John, I can't congratulate you.
All emotions and in particular love, stand opposed to the pure,cold reason I hold above all things.
A wedding is, in my considered opinion, nothing short of a celebration of all that is false and specious①specious英 ['spiːʃəs] 美 ['spiʃəs] adj. 似是而非的;外表美观的;华而不实的;徒有其表的and irrational②irrational英 [ɪ'ræʃ(ə)n(ə)l] 美 [ɪ'ræʃənl] adj. 不合理的;无理性的;荒谬的and sentimental in this ailing③ailing 英 ['eɪlɪŋ] 美 ['elɪŋ] adj. 生病的,身体不舒服的;体衰的v. 生病;苦恼(ail的ing形式)and morally compromised world.
To d a y w e h o n o u r t h e deathwatch beetle④beetle英 ['biːt(ə)l] vi. 急忙来回;突出vt. 用槌打n. 甲虫;大槌that is the doom of our society and in time one feels certain our entire species.
But anyway, let's talk about John.
If I burden myself with a little helpmate during my adventures,this is not out of sentiment or caprice⑤caprice英 [kə'priːs] 美 [kə'pris] n. 任性,反复无常;随想曲,怪想, it is that he has many fine qualities of his own, that he has overlooked in his obsession⑥obsession 英 [əb'seʃ(ə)n] 美 [əb'sɛʃ(ə)n] n. 痴迷;困扰;[内科][心理] 强迫观念with me.
Indeed, any reputation I have for mental acuity⑦acuity 英 [ə'kjuːɪtɪ] 美 [ə'kjuəti] n. 敏锐;尖锐;剧烈and sharpness comes in truth, from the extraordinary contrast John so selflessly provides.
It is a fact, I believe, that brides tend to favour exceptionally plain bridesmaids for their big day. There is a certain analogy there, I feel, and contrast is, after all, God's own plan to enhance the beauty of his creation. Or it would be if God were not a ludicrous⑧ludicrous英 ['luːdɪkrəs; 'ljuː-] 美 ['ludɪkrəs] adj. 滑稽的;荒唐的fantasy designed to provide a career opportunity for the family idiot.
The point I'm trying to make is that I am the most unpleasant,rude, ignorant, and all round obnoxious⑨obnoxious 英 [əb'nɒkʃəs] 美 [əb'nɑkʃəs] adj. 讨厌的;可憎的;不愉快的arsehole that anyone could possibly have misfortune to meet.
I am dismissive of the virtuous,unaware of the beautiful and uncomprehending in the face of the happy.
So if I didn't understand I was being asked to be Best Man. It is because I never expected to be anybody's best friend.
And certainly not the best friend of the bravest and kindest and wisest human being I have ever had the good fortune of knowing.
John, I am a ridiculous man. Redeemed only by the warmth andconstancy of your friendship.
But as I am apparently your best friend, I cannot congratulate you on your choice of companion. Actually, now I can.
Mary, when I say you deserve this man, it is the highest compliment of which I am capable.
John, you have endured war and injury and tragic loss, so sorry again about that last one, so know this-today you sit between the woman you have made your wife and the man you have saved.
In short, the two people who love you most in all this world,and I know I speak for Mary as well when I say, we will never let you down. And we have a lifetime ahead to prove that.
The lecturer of Zombie Studies is Arnold Blumberg. He wrote a book on zombie①zombie 英 ['zɒmbɪ] 美 ['zɑmbi] n. 行尸走肉;蛇神;木讷呆板的人movies so is quite the expert on the topic,allowing students to watch classic zombie films and read zombie comics as part of the course.
In 2000, there was a big media backlash②backlash英 ['bæklæʃ] 美 ['bæklæʃ] n. 反冲;强烈抵制 vt. 强烈反对;发生后冲to Professor Ellis Cashmore introducing a module where students could study David Beckham at Staffordshire University. Football Culture is still a module within Sport, Media and Culture and the lecturer has since defended its inclusion, pointing out that Film Studies was once an absurd concept to employers.
Known as one of the most traditional universities, Durham offers a unit in 'Harry Potter and the Age of Illusion' as part of Education Studies. Students can look at topics such as 'Muggles and magic: the escape from the treadmill③treadmill英 ['tredmɪl] 美 ['trɛdmɪl] n. 踏车,跑步机;单调的工作and the recovery of enchantment'④enchantment英 [ɪn'tʃɑːntm(ə)nt] n. 魅力;魔法;着迷;妖术and 'Gryffindor and Slytherin: prejudice and intolerance in the classroom'.
Trekkies everywhere will be beaming⑤beam 英 [biːm] 美 [bim] n. 横梁;光线;电波;船宽;[计量] 秤杆vt. 发送;以梁支撑;用…照射;流露 vi. 照射;堆满笑容at the news that Georgetown University offers a course in 'Philosophy and Star Trek'. Students can attempt to get their most pressing questions answered such as 'Is time travel possible?' and 'Could we go back and kill our grandmothers?'.
The lecturer, Tony Lawrence,said back in 2006 "I went to see Ghostbusters when I was a kid and I thought that would be a great job. Of course the reality is a bit different, but that's when I became interested. We don't tell students what to believe but we help them investigate."
Embedded within the MA in History at Nottingham University is 'The Robin Hood Studies Pathway'. Students can "learn about the tales and ballads⑥ballad英 ['bæləd] 美 ['bæləd] n. 歌谣,民谣;叙事歌谣;流行抒情歌曲of one of England's most enduring medieval⑦medieval 英 [ˌmediˈi:vl] 美 [,midɪ'ivəl] adj. 中世纪的;原始的;仿中世纪的;老式的heroes." They'll also get the chance to choose an aspect of the Robin Hood corpus to under take an extended research project.
The University of Glasgow offers students with the unique opportunity of a fully funded doctoral studentship on the 'History of Lace Knitting in Shetland'. On completion⑧completion 英 [kəm'pliːʃn] 美 [kəm'pliʃən] n. 完成,结束;实现, the student will be registered as a postgraduate at Glasgow University and will benefit from the extensive doctoral training programme provided for all research students
Sherlock's Address on Watson's Wedding Ceremony