Sino-French Center of Tongji University is located at the Southeast corner of the campus, close to the oldest existing building on campus and a Memorial Park of the 12/9 Movement on its west. Another precondition is that a group of existing metasequoias and nine other scattered trees such as deodar cedars, plane trees, Japanese pagoda trees and willows to be conserved. The goal of this project is to create a formal system to integrate the program, the site and its cultural context. Our design method thus develops a geometric diagram to control the materialization of its program and circulation, to conform to the restrictions of the site, with rich symbolic meaning of cultural exchange between the two countries. This diagram of "Hand in Hand" is introduced to organize the whole building with its inherent structure of the dualistic juxtaposition.
The program is composed of three parts: college, office and public gathering space. Two similar but different undulant volumes, occupied by college and office sector respectively, overlap and interweave each other, linked together by a public gathering space on the levels beneath and above the ground and up. Applying a zigzagged corridor to connect these units creates abundant interests throughout inside and outside space. In the meanwhile, existing trees are incorporated into the design to add more charms to this complex.
Different materials and tectonics are applied to different components of the complex. the college sector is wrapped by COR-TEN Steel sheet panels. Pre-coated cement panels are introduced into the office sector. The public gathering space is created by the combination of both COR-TEN steel panel and precoated cement panel. The vivid color and texture of COR-TEN steel panels is contracted by plain grey cement panels. This treatment indicates the symbolic meaning of this project, the juxtaposition of two different cultures.
Landscape design plays a very important role in this design. The conserved existing metasequoias, surrounded by office sector, public gathering area and XuRi Building form an entry plaza of the complex. Connected with the Memorial Park of the 12/9 Movement, this space will become a very important outdoor space to serve the entire campus. The connection between the two parts of the building formed a roof pool and a sunken garden, as an intermediate between the city and the campus. A relatively private garden, created by college and office sector, gives a peaceful place for studying and relaxing.□
项目信息/Credits and Data
设计团队/Project Team: 庄昇,陆均,王佳绮,谢菁/ ZHUANG Sheng, LU Jun, WANG Jia Qi, XIE Jing
建筑面积/Gross Floor Area: 13,575m2
设计时间/Design Period: 2004.03–2006.10
建造时间/Construction Period: 2004.12–2006.10
摄影/Photos: 张嗣烨/ZHANG Siye
Sino-French Center of Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 2006
Architects: ZHOU Wei, ZHANG Bin/Atelier Z+
1 总平面/Site plan
2 功能布局/Function
3 交通流线/Circulation
4 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
5 外景/Exterior view
6 教学单元室内局部/Interior view of College Sector
7 下沉庭院/Sunken garden