切沟是黄土高原常见的地貌形态,是流域产沙的主要来源,而植被常被看作抑制切沟发育的关键因子,为探究退耕还林(草)工程以来切沟发育速率的特征,本研究使用吴起研究区间隔6年的2期同时相QuickBird影像和分辨率为5 m的DEM,应用GIS技术分析研究区内的切沟发育速率及其影响因子。结果表明:2007—2013年研究区内小流域的年均切沟面积变化比例均<0.5%,其中无淤地坝小流域的年均切沟面积变化比例为0.13%,淤地坝小流域的年均切沟面积变化比例为0.12%;相关分析表明:在该研究区内沟间地的植被覆盖度是影响切沟发育的最主要影响因子;通过对30个无淤地坝小流域的年均切沟面积变化比例和植被覆盖度做非线性回归(R2=0.713)可得,当植被覆盖度>0.6时,其抑制切沟发育的效果最明显;方差分析表明:其他影响因子值(植被覆盖度和地貌因子)相近的条件下,有无淤地坝的6组小流域切沟发育速率无显著差异。总之,沟间地植被覆盖度是影响切沟发育的主要影响因子,而淤地坝对发育在沟缘线上的切沟无显著影响,促进植被恢复有利于抑制切沟发育。
黄土地区; 切沟发育速率; 植被覆盖度; 淤地坝; GIS; QuickBird影像
切沟是黄土高原常见的地貌形态,以不能横过妨碍耕作为主要特征[1],是流域产沙的主要来源[2]。切沟侵蚀被看作一种临界现象[3-4],影响其发生、发展的因素包括气候、植被、地形、地质以及人类活动等[1],而其中植被和土地利用常被看作比气候更重要的影响因子[4-5]。Li Zhen等[6]则将植被因子引入地貌临界模型中来预测切沟面积增长率;在晋西黄土区李镇等[7]通过回归分析得到覆盖度大于60%的植被在抑制切沟发育上效果显著;Li Yong等[8]和Li Zhen等[6]在黄土高原地区的研究均表明,流域沟间地的土地利用类型中林草地面积比例增加能够抑制切沟的发育;切沟的形成和发育与坡面侵蚀高度相关,通过人为方式对坡面进行综合治理能够有效地抑制切沟的发育[9],张岩等[10]基于陕北地区QuickBird影像,通过对比不同土地利用类型小流域的切沟面积变化,得出坡面水平条带整地措施可以有效地抑制切沟的发育。
切沟侵蚀定量研究始于20世纪70年代[1],随着科技的进步,切沟监测手段从传统的卷尺、插钎等实地测量方法发展到使用GPS、高精度遥感影像等[11-17]。分辨率为0.61 m的QuickBird影像为在大中时空尺度中研究小型切沟提供了可能性[18],A.Vrieling等[19]用多光谱QuickBird影像和实地调查数据验证ASTER影像(分辨率15 m)提取切沟的可行性;秦伟等[20]在黄土丘陵沟壑区基于QucikBird影像和数字高程模型(DEM),成功提取坡面浅沟及其地形参数;李镇等[7]利用QuickBird影像估算出晋西黄土丘陵沟壑区切沟侵蚀速率。
研究区位于延安市西北部的吴起县境内,地理位置为E 108°8′7″~108°16′20″,N 36°48′6″~36°58′3″,总面积98.8 km2,海拔1 245~1 585 m。境内山川梁峁多,属于典型的黄土高原梁状丘陵沟壑区。年均降雨量478.3 mm,且主要集中在7—9月,年均温7.8 ℃,无霜期96~146 d,多年平均陆面蒸发量为400~450 mm,属于典型半干旱地区[23]。2000—2009年,退耕还林(草)工程的实施,境内林草覆盖面积明显增长,植被盖度低于15%的面积比例从89.18%剧减到0.01%,植被类型以落叶阔叶和灌木草丛为主[21]。本研究在研究区内随机选取30个无淤地坝的小流域和6个有淤地坝的小流域(图1),基本信息见表1。
图1 小流域在研究区内的分布Fig.1 Distribution of small catchments in the study area
注:AS2为切沟上坡来水的动能,其中A为切沟的上坡汇水面积,S为切沟发育的临界坡度。Note:AS2means the kinetic energy of flowing water from the inter-valley,while A means the area of inter-valley,S means the threshold slope of gully development.
应用2007年6月30号和2013年7月5号2期分辨率为0.61 m的QuickBird影像,计算研究区内的植被覆盖度,通过目视解译划分土地利用类型并提取沟缘线。根据研究区1∶10 000地形图,建立分辨率为5 m的数字高程模型DEM(Digital Elevation Model),应用Arcgis10.1获取影像切沟发育的局部坡度以及辅助影像提取沟缘线,所有图层数据均采用高斯克吕格投影和WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_49N坐标系。
2.2.1沟缘线及其局部坡度的提取沟缘线是流域内沟间地和沟谷区的分界线,以上为沟间地,以下为沟谷区。李镇等[18]用三维激光扫描全站仪实地测得的切沟DEM(分辨率0.15 m)验证基于QuickBird影像提取切沟参数的精确度,结果证明基于QuickBird影像提取切沟参数具有较高可信度。本研究首先对2期同时相影像进行配准,采用目视解译方法提取2007年沟缘线,再以2007年沟缘线为基础提取2013年沟缘线,最后将小流域分割获得沟间地和沟谷区。基于分辨率为5 m的DEM,以10 m(2个像元)为半径做缓冲区,提取沟缘线以上10 m区域的坡度为局部坡度。
2.2.3植被覆盖度提取归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)是植被恢复的指示因子[24],其公式为
式中:NIR(Near Infrared)为近红外波段(0.7~1.1 μm)的反射率;R(Red)为红色波段(0.4~0.7 μm)的反射率。应用Erdas软件计算植被归一化指数,再根据所得NDVI值计算植被盖度。植被覆盖度与NDVI 的关系公式[25]为
fc=(NDVI-NDVIsoil)/( NDVIveg-NDVIsoil)。
表2 土地利用分类
图2 年均切沟面积变化比例频率统计Fig.2 Frequency statistic for annual average change proportion of gully area
注:**表示显著性水平为0.01,*表示显著性水平为0.05。Note:**indicates significance level of 0.01,*indicates significance level of 0.05.
图3 年均切沟面积变化比例与植被覆盖度的非线性回归Fig.3 Non-linear regression between annual average change proportion of gully area and vegetation coverage
高精度遥感影像为小型切沟形态参数分析提供了可能性。本研究基于2期同时相QuickBird影像,利用GIS技术得到研究区内无淤地坝流域和有淤地坝流域的年均切沟面积变化比例,并对影响切沟发育的因子进行分析。研究发现该研究区内影响切沟发育的主导因子是沟间地的植被覆盖度,说明植被恢复能够有效地抑制切沟的发育;通过对比有无淤地坝小流域可得淤地坝对发育在沟缘线上的切沟发育速率无显著影响。笔者估算的切沟发育速率小于张岩等[10]在陕西绥德的结果,但是大于李镇等[7]在晋西北估算结果,可见,黄土高原不同地区的切沟发育速率是有差异的。该研究区内各个小流域之间的距离均在9.8 km以内,流域之间的地质、气候等因素的空间差异很小;因此忽略其对切沟发育的影响。在今后的研究中,应根据不同黄土地区的降水、土壤性质、植被覆盖度、地貌特征以及土地利用类型等因素综合分析不同黄土地区切沟发育的特征。笔者所选取的切沟是发育在沟缘线上的切沟,其发育主要取决于上坡来水的动能,而处在沟谷区的淤地坝无法对上坡来水造成影响,淤地坝的减蚀作用通过淤积物进入沟道抬高侵蚀基准面,削弱重力侵蚀,淤地坝是否对沟谷区内的切沟具有显著影响还有待进一步研究。
表4 2类流域比较
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Effects of vegetation restoration on gully development rates in Northern Shaanxi
Yang Song,Zhang Yan,Anikezi·Rouzi,Li Hongjun,Liu Yan
(Key Laboratory of Soil & Water Conservation and Desertification Combating,Ministry of Education, Beijing Forestry University,100083,Beijing,China)
[Background] Gully erosion is one of the major forms of soil erosion threatening land resources on the Loess Plateau.Gully development is a threshold-dependent process controlled by a wide range /of factors and vegetation is frequently considered as one of the key factors to control gully erosion.[Methods] In order to give great insight to gully development characteristics since the project of returning cropland to forest (grass) in 1999,30 small catchments without check dam and 6 catchments with check-dams were selected in Wuqi County of northern Shaanxi province,which is in the second sub-zone of loess hilly region with active gully erosion.Based on two same time phases QuickBird images of 0.61 m-resolution with a 6-year interval and digital elevation model (DEM) with pixel size of 5 m,valley shoulder lines in the studied small catchments were extracted by visual interpretation and the rates of gully area change were estimated with GIS technology.Average vegetation coverage,local slope,upslope drainage area,land uses,and the change rates of gully area from 2007 to 2013 were calculated to assess the factors influencing gully growth.[Results] 1) Annual average growth rate of gully area in all 36 studied catchments was less than 0.5%,with averagely 0.13% in the catchments without check dam and 0.12% in the catchments with check dams.2) Pearson’s correlation analysis among gully growth rates and the factors influencing gully erosion showed that vegetation coverage on inter-valley was of the most importance with r=0.619 at significance level of 0.01,followed by proportion of shrub land.The geomorphologic factor (AS2,where S is local slope gradient and A is drainage area),which was considered the predictor of gully initiation,was not related significantly to gully area growth rates owing to high vegetation coverage.3) The vegetation coverage increased by 28.7% and the proportion of woodland and grassland area increased to 94.5% from 2007 to 2013 in the studied area.Non-linear regression curve between growth rates of gully area and vegetation coverage in 30 catchments without check dam,with R2was 0.713,indicated that vegetation coverage larger than 60% in inter-valley significantly inhibited the gully erosion.4) Analysis of variation showed that there was no significant difference of the gully area growth rate between 6 pairs of catchments with and without check dams (with the similar vegetation coverage and geomorphology),indicating that check dam in the area of gully presented no significant effect on the gully development on valley shoulder line.[Conculsions] This study indicates that vegetation restoration owing to the project of returning cropland to forest or grassland reduced gully growth rate significantly,which could provide reference for understanding gully development mechanism and help to select the effective ecological measures to control gully erosion.
the Loess Plateau; gully erosion rate; vegetation coverage; check dam; GIS; QuickBird imagery
项目名称:国家自然科学基金“黄土丘陵区退耕还林对切沟发育和侵蚀过程的影响机制”( 41271301)
简介:张岩(1970—),女,副教授,硕士生导师。 主要研究方向:土壤侵蚀和水土保持。E-mail:zhangyan9@bjfu.edu.cn